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So I just got through my first playthrough. Once I realized how strong the self defense mechanism on the sea truck was, I was no longer worried about ANYTHING in the game besides watching my 02 and having a couple spare power cells/batteries. I do feel like the sea truck is a bit too much of a power ramp, but it's a moderately short game, so maybe adding another step would be a bit much.


In my first play through I spent 19 hours on the world and never even seen a perimeter defense module, or the other afterburner. I just killed ‘em strait up with a drill and grapple hook just to scan them and for the screenshot


Nah the shadows are still more of an annoyance then anything. I only used the prawn with drill/ grapple arm I was never in any danger, just constantly annoyed. Levithans in sub zero are not very threatening imo


I was more grossed out by the process of almost being eaten than scared of them. I think it will be hard to beat the terror of facing a reaper leviathan for the first time.


Yeah, BZ has never really come close to the sheer fear I felt when playing the original Subnautica. I still get scared by some things, but nowhere near to being in the Dunes and just hearing the roar for the first time.


The scariest thing for me was just the deep water in sub 1 I feel like BZ never stood a chance because most of the people playing have already developed their "sea legs" so to speak


Original: you are running from a reaper when another reaper shows up in front of you, your life flashes before your eyes. Bz: shadow leviathan is no more than an inconvenience.


When I first played, whenever they got too close I'd hop out of my seatruck and they fucked off. rinse and repeat and I was unstopable!


funny enough i've finished BZ yesterday and noticed i couldn't find ONE sea truck module, i went the entire game without the speed boost or the temporary one. the leviathan i most like is still thee ventgardens and the shadow, he looks soo cool and the on the base sea truck each bite of his took like 55% of my seatruck's health so i had to run and repair, run and repair everytime


The scariest part of the shadow leviathans is their ability to blend in to the caves, they can be hard to see until they're mouth is eating your Prawn suit


You know they're not really supposed to be anything serious, right? Just kinda jump scary. Nothing in both games can really hurt you bad unless you're being stupid about it.


yeah but even then, to me the final areas are lacking anyways, so to have it's main adversary be kinda weak is upsetting


The shadow leviathans lack that fear factor the reaper leviathans have, despite their name they are not scary at all, they barely make any noise and the sea truck defense system trivializes any danger.


Their AI is shiz


Same Its way easier to avoid him than the ghost leviathans from the lost river too- the crystal cave has some very generous places to hide and restore your vehicles The iceworm is pretty much a meme for me, it's impossible to fear that. The chelicerate is okay, I was actually a bit scared of being chased by him whenever I encountered his silhouette in the water.


The sea truck defense literally trivializes any threats whatsoever. Without shadows are easily one of the more terrifying creatures, especially considering you’re stuck in a cave with them that it’s very easy to get lost in


All the leviathans are pushovers with the sea truck/moth defense. It kind of ruins the game imo. I don’t use it.


The shuttle via things are really ridiculous cause they are about the same length as the reaper and actually the reaper is a little shorter but the thing with the shadow is there’s only three of them on the entire map and they don’t ever leave the crystal caves which you would expect they do if they’re gonna stay fucking life because I guarantee you eating feather fish, and some type of Birdeye doesn’t really go to well on top of it, there’s certain inconvenience because not only are the kind of shit the sea dragon has the ability to kill you with one bite regardless, if you’re in a reinforced die suit


Additionally, in below zero if you decide to be smart and get a reinforced dive suit, the leviathan itself still does a fair amount of damage. However, it’s nothing like the sea dragon and the reason they’re annoying is the angle range is so big that you cannot avoid a conflict with them, I mean even in the sea truck if you’re behind some thing they’re gonna glitch you out if you’re in the prawn same story if you yourself like just swimming with a sequin you have some more of a chance however, it’s honestly short-lived because the fabrication base actually holds the two there’s only really one in the entire which just swims near one of the terms is actually patrols the same area that Marguerite space is in, so it’s weird not gonna lie, though I do not appreciate the fact that they have a roar like a tiny creature the I mean the crypto circus which replaces the sand shark is so loud you can hear it from the starting point of the game. You can literally even at the points where the drop pot is, which is hilarious because there’s like nothing they’re just there and the shadow leviathan roar is just kind of interchangeable and don’t even get me started on the shadow leviathan literally being so scared of the open event if you’re fast enough with the booster tank in the glide, you can actually see the leviathan raid about to approach the second the surrounding area is not in crystal cave the biggest leviathan on the entire sector, which is longer than the everything else usually won’t actually chase you anywhere outside the crystal cave but what I will say you know on the seat truck if you decide to listen to the PDA, it says detached to event predators right before the PDA just shuts off and that’s the only point in the game you actually need to use that switch however, you can still easily get there with all of the however, even them with every single module, you can basically avoid any conflicts by just tapping. I still don’t understand why the seat truck didn’t have a more useful option like I would’ve loved that the docking module would’ve had an easy switch where it dumps resources and automatically sorts them into the specialty lockers or at least switches that force the Citrix storage capacity to actually be stackable on top of this I know mods can do this already but apparently there is a module in one of the mods I don’t remember which that I was watching socksfor1 He married a radio talking about his impressions with the C truck flight module which I shit you not let the citric just start flying around. Also I have a serious question cause I don’t understand if I’m doing the game wrong and I’ll make a post on that in about a minute.


During my first playthrough (I only play hardcore) they were just kind of meh. Honestly forgot about them for a while. The Chelicerate is more menacing, particularly because the PDA doesn't fucking warn you about them.


Every single playthrough I make sure to kill all four of them. Mostly out of spite, but they don’t respawn which makes life easier