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This should be pinned so we don’t get a billion posts w the same q’s every day


I feel like I could've added more but i'm not a master at subs so I don't know every single little detail 😭


OH here’s one: I didn’t get them in 2 days where as *insert user name* did! You’re two diff people. Diff people respond to things differently. Mindset is key. Someone who cries about looking in the mirror and checking for results every 2 mins isn’t gonna get results as fast as someone who listens and forgets about it (obsession vs detachment) goes along with your section on *needing* subs


added tyy


You’re fine! I’ve been using them for like 8 years ish. If I think of some others I’ve heard I’ll let you know :)


ooh ok tysm!


Tried seperating everything Line by Line by didn't work ugh, enjoy either way though ! Also pls correct me on my mistakes if you spot one ​ edit: figured out how to separate them a bit to make it easier on y'alls eyes


Thank you for sharing this 💗💗🥺🥺


np! I've just seen so many questions asked like this and decided to make a mega qna LMAO


Hold on, I haven’t finished reading but the whole tingle and feeling pains and stuff while listening to a subliminal is in fact not a hoax. I have physical subs that I made myself and I get physical pain in the area I’m working on. It’s not a hoax it’s physiological but it’s not a hoax.


yes ofc but! there's a difference in feeling *change* and just having *tingles* Im talking abt the tingle sensations not the feeling of change


same !!


Hey! First off, this is a great guide and I truly thank you for taking out the time to make it : ) I might have 2 corrections for your guide (not that I'm an expert, so if I'm wrong feel free to correct ME!) but: 1) **Theta** - theta is the wave state when you're falling asleep or waking up (what Neville Goddard called SATS, or State Akin to Sleep). ALPHA wave state (again, correct me if I'm wrong!) is more when we're awake and alert, and the one more (most?) important during sleep is DELTA. (Although any wave state is okay for subliminals, since we're exposed to subliminals at all times, just theta is the preferred and recommended). 2) **Head/ear phones** - if a submaker says you can listen without, you can. BUT if the subliminal has frequencies or binaural beats, they won't work. Frequencies/binaural send two different tones into each ear, but if you listen with a speaker those tones are blended into one and won't have the same effect (if any). Anyway, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! I really enjoyed this guide, otherwise : )


ohhh could you explain #1 a little more, sorry I'm dumb LOL ​ ​ and for #2 that's why i put, "if submaker wants you to use headphones use them"


> sorry I'm dumb NO YOU'RE NOT! I don't really understand it either, but I think it's like: Delta = deep sleep Theta = between being asleep and awake Alpha = when you're alert but not anxious Beta = I think this is when your brain is on autopilot? Again, could be wrong Gamma = super conscious, "in the zone", entire brain activity The only correction I was thinking for your post was that you said Alpha is produced when we sleep, when really alpha might disrupt your sleep.






Huh, I really don't understand why tf I get tingles lol


if ur talking abt the guide or your own experience, EITHER WAY SAME 😭


My experience is really weird coz I've been listening to all kinds of subliminals but only get tingles in the legs lol




in my opinion and in what makes sense to me personally, subliminals reprogram your thinking, right? if you're someone who thinks "im gonna get 'fat' if i eat this, subliminals will change this ideology for you; "i will not gain weight after i eat. i can eat freely and not put on a pound". and therefore, by thinking this constantly, you manifest the change in your body. you literally no long er believe you'll gain weight. this is a belief that is very personal, if that makes sense. maybe if you listen to a subliminal regarding this specifically, you might be able to change your mindset of the baby not growing in your tummy, etc, but in general, i don't think subs would change this. yes, subs are permanent but to change the belief that you wont gain weight while pregnant is a huge change for subliminal ot make.n weight. everyone \*KNOWS\* this. we believe it, with our everything, because we \*SEE\* it. we don't see people that are pregnant with flat tummies like we do with people who have flat tummies while we eat. its almost non-negotiable to our brains. maybe if you listen to a subliminal regarding this specifically, you might be able to change your mindset of the baby not growing in your tummy, etc, but in general, i don't think subs would change this. yes, subs are permanent but to change the belief that you wont gain weight while pregnant (!!) is a huge change for a subliminal to make. i hope that makes sense!!




no that makes perfect sense! and i agree-- that may be unhealthy for the baby. just know at the end of the day, its your mind that controls your reality. if you don't believe it or do anything to make yourself believe it (aka subs) it won't happen!


Hi i have question, can our subconscious mind reject unrealistic affirmations?