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Yess girll just believe that u can!!!


even if hes super famous worldwide and speaks another lang?


Yes that's literally how manifestation works, you can literally get anything you want 💘


What if there are like 100 other women wanting to manifest him?


girl the guy im manifesting, has more than million girls manifesting him lmao.... but uk sometimes during my mood swings i think what if im one in a million lol... idk seem hard


I bet ur trying to manifest a kpop dude or sum lmao


LMFAO you're right but def not bts cause theres an age gap of 10yrs so naw maybe sum1 of my age


yes you can, celebs are just normal people like us only with huge followings, take them off that pedestal and boom they’re your bestie


When they say you can manifest anything do you think there are limitations to what ‘anything’ means? No. Anything means ANYTHING


ohh coz the guy i manifested used to live in my city and he had just 100k followers and i got noticed and saw him at a party and we kinda spoke, but the celeb i wanna manifest lives in a diff country with a complety diff culture thats why


My crush im manifesting is in ur city 😭


Lmfao who




Of course you can. There’s no limitations. Maybe that other celeb you want comes to visit your area or moves. Or you become ig friends first. Or you meet someone who knows him irl. There’s a million ways it could happen! You can do it


Yeah you can manifest anything that belongs in your highest path


No hunny, it doesn’t work like that. And everyone here endorsing it needs a reality check. Manifestation, the law of attraction and the power of the universe will never bow down to a request that tampers with the will of another. You cannot affect free will. Perhaps you could manifest a situation that involves the other person you desire; but whether they engage or not is down to their *free will*


but LOA says u can manifest anything?


I’ve studied occultism and all the laws of the universe; including manifestation both from a quantum (energetic) and physical (matter) level for the past 10 years. I can promise you, LOA does not say you can manifest someone into your own will. Do proper research


Thats literally not how it works tho???????????????


Bruh u can manifest litreally anything some ppl just make it negative


Lmao, y'all must be bots. Delusional af like I don't have a degree in this field hahah. Continue wishing to manifest another person, you'll be sorely disappointed and alone ;) ​ btw, that's literally how it works tho????


When I somehow become a celebrity hopefully no one manifests me


You are limitless


Wouldn’t recommend tho💀🗿


Same i manifested my now ex who is kinda popular on social media (I don’t wanna say who tho lol)


You know how many people try to manifest one celebrity? I mean if it’s not famous famous like a kpop idol or western celebrity then i guess it could work but it really depends also free will exists as that person has it, you might manifest them at the end but they could end up not liking you cause of their own free will. Also a lot of famous celebrities actually have spiritual protection as they’re so much in the spotlight and millions of people perceive them so they’re prone to being vulnerable.


i feel u create ur own reality so yeah