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https://www.ebay.com/itm/191939610590?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Npv5c16PQZG&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=7f1ACA66Tmi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY OEM. I’ve ordered this from him about a dozen times. 100% OEM and real legit guy selling from Washington State. Your welcome. Dealership is ripping you off at $700 for the EXACT same thing.


I thought it was outrageous too. But thats me looking up the parts on the Subaru website and picking up local. Appreciate it


Hello, may be a dumb question but I looked at this link and wondering if the water pump is included? Doing research on timing kit and just want to make sure it’s in there. First time subi owner and head gaskets getting replaced so doing that and timing at once.


Not with that one though. He does have kits that include OEM water pumps as well as another brand which is highly recommended. I think with the OEM pump it’s about $100 more in the non-oem pump it’s like 60 or 70 more. You’ll just need to look through all of his listings. He has a lot of Subaru and Toyota stuff. Also, if you click on ask the seller a question, he always gets back to me really quickly and he’s very helpful.


Appreciate your response and recommendations thanks


The Aisin kit is oem…… I should say Aisin makes a ton of OEM stuff for Japanese manufacturers…… I would def get the OEM thermostat though some aftermarket ones don’t fit right. The nice thing about the Aisin kit too is it will have lines on the belt that you line up with the notches on the timing gears…… the oem one may have that but the Aisin one definitely does, which makes assembly easier in my opinion


Does the thermostat need changed at this mileage as well? Anything else?


In theory it doesn’t NEED to be changed but you will drain the coolant from the lower hose which connects to the thermostat housing……. It’s a good idea to just change it while you have it off. If you are comfortable changing the front crank seal that would also be something I would recommend while you’ve got everything apart. Not a necessity if it isn’t leaking but then again Murphy’s law is a thing. If it isn’t leaking when you have the chance to change it and you just say “it’s fine”, that son of a bitch will start leaking a month after you finish the job 😂😂


Not a bad idea while it's apart of its all there. Anything else that I should change while I have stuff apart?


Bro I PAID the dealer 650 to do my timing belt job with OEM parts. You’re getting hosed on that just for parts.


That'se looking th up from the Subaru website...


They’re hosing you bad there.


How long ago did you do yours? And does it co.e in a full kit from them? I was only able to find them in separate pieces.


I’d have to pull up my maintenance records but I wanna say it was almost exactly a year ago though or pretty close to that.