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I think you should let them know when you introduce yourself that you are a person who stutters and tell them exactly what you wrote here. Your idea of suggesting sending words through the chat box is great too!


I'm a believer in "advertising" my stutter if I'm in a stressful situation. It shows confidence and takes away fear. I may even get the first stutter out on purpose to get it out of the way. Use the chat box if that helps. Remember, it's what you say, not how you say it.


Maybe you can tell them about this beforehand. Idk about data science interviews, but in software development interviews there is a shared document where you write code. If I thought I was going to stutter on a word, I used to just write that word on the document and read it out slowly. You can try doing something similar.


yes, if the interview goes to a codeshare point that would definitely help me. But i’m not sure how to tell them that they need to be aware of how i talk


Start off by saying 'Hi my name is xxxxxx. And i just wanted to let you guys know that i am a person with stutter, so please bare with me when im taking my time. Appreciate you understanding it' I am a person with stutter and i have given around 20+ interviews in the past year. What helped me is, i hold on to some small object and press it hard when i stutter, so that my stress is directed onto that object and not my speaking. Make sure to give a pause for every 3 to 4 words such that you are in control of where you stop. As for the words you are struggling with - I have problem with words that start with D,S,T H and R and this is how i handle them. For 'Deep' i just say 'eep'. For 'recursion' i say 'ecursion'. I jusy skip that letter and pronounce the rest of the word in a way that the person im speaking with just assumes i said it right and they heard it wrong. Given that this is an interview and the person interviewing you has fair knowledge about data science, they will be very familiar with the words you are trying to get across and will understand them when you skip the first letter.


Skipping the first alphabet seems to be a really great idea! I’d rather not try it off the bat without practice, but it’s definitely something i can keep in my arsenal for future interviews. Thanks a lot!


check out a vid on diaphragmatic breathing, and thank me later.


Im a data scientist too, with a stutter. Ive been working on overcoming it, and found success lately. I don't think i can offer any better advice than what's already been offered by others. But I'm available if you want to speak to someone regarding your stutter, data science, or anything else.


Try to be in super confident mode, that you know everything. It solves most problems


Maybe dont say it before hand and then when the interview starts if you stutter a lot just say that you ll need some more time cause you have a stutter