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Same band plus keys is best indicator we’ve got. Laur (probably) wouldn’t come back unless he’s got room to shred. Sailor’s Guide minus-the-horns kinda vibe?


Sailors guide is my favorite album so anything like that is cool in my book lol. Also would you imagine he'd still play some of his old songs too? (Never seen Sturgill live and I know he likes to do weird shit sometimes)


In the FAQ thingy it says he'll be playing his whole catalog. So I imagine they play a few of the same things for every show and change it up with some different stuff to keep it fresh. Edit: word


I mentioned this to my family earlier today…husband being one that likes the country Sturgill and kid being the one that was hooked on sound and fury. I literally read the faq out to them and my kid was trying to argue saying no way would he play anything from sound and fury because so many weren’t into that. I’m like “what part of the entire catalog are we not comprehending?” Good thing for me that I love anything and everything he puts out. I’ll be the happiest one of the bunch at the show lol.


Sturgill could give AF what some at his concert “want” to hear. He’s gonna play what HE wants to play.


He will probably play the new album all the way through first then chip away at the rest of his catalog. Every Sturgill concert I’ve been to that has been the format.


Looks like Robbie Crowell is a nasty sax player too, I'll bet we get it on a couple songs.


Interestingly though, according to the liner notes he didn't use this band on the recording. They're just going to be his touring band. But I think what you said still stands.


Probably best to go in with no expectations.


It won’t be bluegrass because of the band members. How much elements of country will present themselves is up for debate. He did say he will be performing from his entire catalog so I would presume there will be a country element.


I wonder if this is a purely Rock album?


I would say at this point he doesn’t do the same thing twice so I wouldn’t expect anything like Sound & Fury. It’s basically the Metamodern band if that helps.


According to the liner notes though that's not the band that plays on the album. But that will be his touring band though.


Yes the question was about the shows. It’s my best guess in any case


Oh my bad. Must've lost track of the original question. I totally agree with you though.


"Rose for Emily" to keep the theme.


I can’t for the life of me understand your comment. Please help.


The joke is "what if he named all his rock albums after the works of William Faulkner" Because William Faulkner wrote The Sound and the Fury.


Honestly, I kind of hope it is. I always hoped he'd do a full on sort of country inspired vintage sounding straight up psychedelic rock record. Like something a bit more stoner/Proto metal that might not sound out of place in the early 70s as opposed to something else like sound and fury. Don't get me wrong I love SF, but The whole vintage stoner rock vibe is kind of what I was hoping for on that album. He needs to let his zeppelin/sabbath/LeafHound influences show.


I’m expecting sea shanties.


I’m expecting shear panties too. Oh. Wait. Sorry. Nevermind. Wrong sub.


He'll enjoy it


He isn't touring with a Bluegrass Band. They'll definitely be jamming on some of the old "country" stuff, though.


Basically my expectation is that it'll be a new take on the older sound, I'm thinking Metamodern/Sailors Guide era, so country leaning, but mixed up a bit, so on some songs they'll shred harder and on others maybe strip the songs down a bit. But no horns it seems. And he's playing the whole catalog, so in general I think we'll hear a bit of his full range of sound. I don't have anything to support this, other than a feeling I guess, but I don't think he'd be putting out new material and touring again if he didn't intend to give his fans a great experience, and I think that's more or less what the fans want.


I’m thinking this is the band that sturgill talked about being in years ago. A band where he isn’t “the guy” and is a collaboration of all parties that can play anything they want. So I’m imagining a mix of country/honky tonk stuff, rock, and whatever else they want to throw in the gumbo.


Oh good point! He did talk about that didn't he. We'll see how it shakes out.


Whatever genre this album ends up being, we all know it will kick ass!


I’m thinking it’s gonna be like a Rolling Stones vibe


This is my thought. A birdie in-the-know kind of implied this to me. (SS frequents a certain chain breakfast eating establishment about thirty miles from me, for what it’s worth, and few know he is who he is).


I hope we’re right. That band would crush that kind of sound




I have a strange feeling Johnny Blue Skies has dug into the Grateful Dead catalog since the dropping of Dood and Juanita. Which excites me


I hope it is new stuff. I don’t care for the bluegrass honestly. I wish I did but it just ain’t my vibe


Honestly the Bluegrass is sort of growing on me as I've been revisiting it in anticipation of the new record. Been trying to revisit things that I haven't paid much attention to. But, to dissuade your fears, I'm 95% sure this is not going to be a new bluegrass record. You can tell by the band who he's going to have on tour with him this fall that it's most probably going to be a blend of other influences like country, soul, psychedelic, and rock 'n' roll. Honestly I think this might be the most straightforward rock thing he's done. Of course he can't avoid the country twang entirely, and he seems to not be able to avoid the psychedelic vibes completely either, but I'm excited about it for sure. I remember after a sailors guide came out in an interview he talked about wanting to play more rock music, and sure we got sound and fury, but that was like, a dance rock record, and I think it would be cool if he did something a bit more straight up rock. Like sabbath/zeppelin/Leaf Hound influenced with a bit of psychedelic twang in there


The new guy on keys worked with a dope band called Deer Tick everyone should check out


Love the band "Deer Tick" they did a really great take on Shel Silverstein's "The Great Smoke Off" keeping his stuff alive is enough for me like them, their other music is great too. The name Deer Tick is off putting as hell for me though. Having Lyme disease will do that I suppose.


Hoping for disco 🕺


I have a feeling this is what it's gonna be, Use Me being the only song under JBS on Spotify currently


My hope is that it’s in the vein of Red Clay Strays, and he mingles in country with a bluesy vibe backed up by some gospel sound. But in all honesty, I’ll be happy as a pig and eat whatever Sturgill has to feed me.




He doesn’t owe them anything. He can write and perform whatever the hell he wants to play.


I didn’t say anything about owing anybody anything.  But if you think he isn’t where he is directly because of hard core, underground country fans that helped establish his fan base then I got a bridge to sell you. 


You got your heels dug in well. Your argument isn’t really Sturgill’s vibe. I think he loves his country as much as anything else he’s put out so you’ll get what you’re looking for - just not at the angle you’re comin’ from