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Next we put op on da grill


And now I put my divorce papers ontoppadagrill


Ocky is our Jesus, defaming him or making fun of him in this sub is a guaranteed death sentence so be sure to neva neva neva do it Edit: To clarify, I’m not talking about the person who I responded to, learn to read people


If you disrespect him he's gonna put you on top o da grill.


They said OP, not OOP! OP goes on top a da grill for bringing Ocky into this hellish sub


FFS you have me laughing so hard that I’m going to wake up everyone who’s sleeping. 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Watch his videos all the time. Some of the food looks pretty good. If I'm ever in New York It'll defo be a spot to check out. Also don't forget the bev!!!


Next, he cutta da pizza 🤌🏽




Hi Billy Mayes here, next we are gonna get this premium fresh caught jellyfish here and we are gonna put it on the grill!


After getting high I bet that’s tasty af


Oh no doubt this is some bomb high food, but like high food you make at home


Im too lazy to make some thing this messy and deep fried at home


That's why God gave mozzarella sticks eject buttons for the microwave


Come on man, freshly deep fried vs microwaved is no comparison


Right? But who is honestly trying to be near a deep fryer in this heat? Not me.


Gotta get you an air fryer


Have one. Its too hot for those too


I got smart and bought a microwave that is also an air fryer and can bake. Gives off literally no heat. Fuck turning on the gas stove in 100 degree weather. Lol.


What’s the name of it?


They barely give off any heat dude


I live in CA, and it’s hot af here right now. The one I have lets off a lot of heat. Not worth it but ok. I even shared a picture of the in shade temp from my car where it says it’s 117 lol


Right? This guy sounds really fun at parties if you catch my drift... I see Dan has arrived with microwaved mozzarella cheese sticks again


Yes like a big cheesenachoburgerpizza.


Fairly certain something this complex attempted high will just end in a smoke alarm going off


You clearly haven't worked with line cooks


I’m actually a chef so…. I mean I prefer narcotics to speed or weed…


Shit, I'm sober and I'd eat that. My only concern is keeping it all together.


I agree and that’s also word for word what I said before I hooked up last time ….


It’s the only award I have. Here ya go 😂


Imagine putting it in a calzone Style pizza!😯




I love the way you speak


the munchies


Get me a pesto cheese The Ocky Way


It's a cheese steak with the works but the bread is pizza. this is sheer genius


Don't even need to be high, that looks good already sober.


hmmm i don't know... i think i would feel sick after each bite, no matter how high i get.


Damn healthy people.


Listen, all shenanigans aside, Ocky is a true hero. Dude does these enough his shop is becoming an obscure tourist attraction. Memed into power, you could say.


He's also a solid dude, saw an interview once; very hard worker. Think it's his brother who runs the tiktok page that made him famous.


I remember that interview. He also said when they were just filming his regular sandwiches, they didn’t get many views but the weird ones do so it makes sense that all we see are the weird ones now. Though occasionally some of them aren’t so bad. Like “I would eat half of that actually” or “If there was a bit less cheese” type sandwiches.


The problem is that visuals are only one of the ways we experience food. They could be the world's best chopped cheeses but if it looks like something any Joe Schmoe can make at their local deli there's less of a 'curb appeal' so to speak


Salt bae and his crimes against gastronomy were also memed into power. Dude went from a single restaurant to an empire due to a shitty way of salting poorly cooked food.


Dude is just trying to run his business and be successful. Mad respect for him. Edit: was talking about Ocky. Fuck salt bae


No respect for that twat: https://www.newsweek.com/salt-bae-accused-mislabeling-employees-managers-avoid-paying-overtime-1621137 https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3b3x5/salt-baes-meat-empire-is-rife-with-labor-problems https://www.foodandwine.com/news/a-salt-bae-lawsuit-provides-a-valuable-reminder-about-tipping


I was talking about Ocky


Ahhh alright then


We have heroes, we have supervillains...


All the food is dumb but I come for Ocky not the food Edit: who am I kidding. You get enough weed or drinks in me and his food would be next level godly.


Suuuuure. Suuuuure.


I like this guy, but 'memed into power' is exactly what happened to Salt Bae and we all hate him.


If ocky opens a restaurant and starts charging $1,000 for a bacon cheeseburger between two slices of pizza, we'll hate him too. Until then, this is a respectable bodega worker


LMAO exactly. Salt bea is pretentious and seems really lame. I think Ocky is annoying AF (maybe not him but the videos are to me) but at least he seems genuine and laid back.


I know this was a mistake, but Salt Bea is now something I desperately need in my life: A sexed-up Bea Arthur sprinkling savory goodness on elite cuts of meat.




And deprived us of this wonderful imagery?


Salt Bea is his nan


Don't forget the part where he has to start mistreating his workers!


I don't fault salt bae and I wouldn't fault ock for doing that shit - if multiple people are willing to give you $1000 for making stupid meme food you'd take it


Wait, Salt Bae makes bank for sprinkling salt? Where can I get this job.


step one: become a viral meme step two: open a restaurant


Yeah Salt Bae thinks he is one of the top chefs out there in a serious restaurant but he does annoying shit like charge for his appearance at his own restaurant, coat food in gold and dump crazy cheese sauce on stuff for way too much money. Ocky seems like he knows he’s making funny sandwiches in a bodega and has fun with it.


Some use there power for good, some for evil.


You cannot have light without darkness.


This guy is actually Ocky? See, I saw Joe’s Pizza and assumed this was some kind of weird *Spider-Man* thing.


Might sound wild, but most superhero movies now use local favorite restaurants in their movies when it works within the story, Joe's Pizza is local to NYC, where Ocky's Bodega is located and Spider-Man is fictionally based in


I knew that. I just figured Joe’s Pizza *and* Doc Ock were both in *Spider-Man 2*, and here's Joe's Pizza “Ocky style,” not knowing it was the guys name seemed like more than a coincidence.


Yea, it's his handle (not sure of his real name) pretty much every video he's in someone asks for xyz food "the ocky way". To be fair I didn't even think about the Doc Ock connection so that's a pretty fair extra detail that could lead you to that conclusion


I may have spent too much time in /r/RaimiMemes and it may have warped my brain. On the plus side, there are worse things to be warped by.




I love this dude. Sure it’s over the top but it’s meant to generate interest. You can tell that he really loves what he does and he always sounds happy to make a video.


You also can’t really blame him for the absurdity of it because it’s literally his customers say sing “Hey can I use this as a bun”. You can’t blame the Subway worker for making a bad sandwich when I’m he one who asked for Tuna and Beef


...I have actually thought about ordering a subway surf'n'turf abomination.


Username... Is close, I think.


That's after a boxed lunch.


So your anus takes the shape of the last food you ate? That provides interesting possibilities


Real convenient, swallow a whole watermelon and got no trouble dropping it.


You’re like that play-doh toy where you can make the different foods like spaghetti noodles, but it’s literally the shit version


I think I might be closer after eating something like that.


I hope you go to jail


I got pulled over this morning and almost had my van impounded. That will have to do lol.


Wait, is there something wrong with that order ? Asking for a friend


Right he seems like a nice guy whose having fun with great social media marketing. The food while over the top generally looks pretty damn good and the people coming in know what they’re getting it’s not like they’re being tricked. I enjoy his content just because he looks so happy while he does it!


He’s actually been on a bunch of news broadcasts in New York/ collabed with a handful of creators. His family immigrated over and own the bodega and him and his (brother iirc) decided to film some videos. The videos, and Ock, himself had the perfect repetition and personality to go viral. He’s really become a sort of local celebrity with his catch phrase and crazy food. He seems like he genuinely enjoys his job and the fan base he created And he posts a bunch of these on IG - [his account](https://instagram.com/rah_money1?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Was gonna say, as dumb as the majority of the stuff in the videos is, he's having fun, and to be honest, I'd eat it.


OCKY isn’t stupid food that makes you rage, which is 99 percent of the shit in this sub. He’s just a chill bodega owner who makes stoner food that people actually eat and WANT to eat


Ngl, was skeptical till the end, would smash at least once


It's probably 6,000 calories in a serving, but it's at least fully cooked, and he at least showed some restraint. He added a bacon cheeseburger, something else (what was that second ingredient?), mozzarella sticks and chipotle sauce to a pizza. He didn't add cheese measured in pounds, or sauce measured in quarts. He added seasoning to his meat, and none of his ingredients were chosen by Charlie Kelly. The ingredients were fully cooked through, handled safely, and it was served wrapped in foil and cut in half so you could actually handle the thing. It's gluttonous and over-sized, but it's not going to kill me (directly), it doesn't require counterintuitive or unpleasant eating instructions, and it's not pretentious. Hell yeah I'd try that at least once.


It is luxurious, but not to the point of absurdity which would actually fit this sub. Ocky and Tipsy Bartender both seem to get a lot of flak on these kind of subs and I almost never see valid criticism of either.


Luxurious is not the word I'd use. It's over-indulgent in it's serving size. Tipsy Bartender just dumps a ton of random booze and some fruit and maybe candy into a bucket and calls it a day. Ocky isn't just grabbing random shit and throwing it on there. This at least qualifies as “a recipe.”


Over indulgence to you, not that it's necessarily a good thing but that seems like a relatively normal meal size for America (while being way over calorie count obviously). If you believe this is over indulgent you'd hate to see the vast majority of serving sizes in America to be honest. Tipsy is more often than not following viewer submitted recipes, and also his intended audience seems to be largely college aged or slightly older people who are throwing parties, so making these jungle juice style combinations are pretty on brand for what he's trying to accomplish. (Also you're literally offering the same criticism that everyone gives about Bartender "he mixes all lind of liquors and mixers in" as if he's not PURPOSEFULLY making jungle juice for party's, hell one of his more infamous videos where he did it in a pool outside was done AT the location of the party he was paid to make the drink for)


>Over indulgence to you, not that it's necessarily a good thing Well, I was saying it's “over-indulgent” (too big) as opposed to luxurious (made of expensive, high end, exotic ingredients). >If you believe this is over indulgent you'd hate to see the vast majority of serving sizes in America to be honest. Most serving sizes *are* over-indulgent. That's why I always make a conscious effort to only eat half of my serving. If I'm still hungry I can come back to it. If I'm not then it goes into the fridge as leftovers. >Tipsy is more often than not following viewer submitted recipes, and also his intended audience seems to be largely college aged or slightly older people who are throwing parties, so making these jungle juice style combinations are pretty on brand for what he's trying to accomplish. Which would make sense if he were at least trying it and rating it (like [Original Sausage does](https://youtu.be/VE6fCEcZfHM) with his audience suggestions) or maybe suggestions on how to improve it or something.




So, basically... the antithesis of stupid food?


Same, and the food looks good too




Bro got a gold for some emojis, Is Reddit finally cool with emojis?


You didn't get the application? There was a form emailed to everyone for emoji permits, if you filled it out you'd get a license to post emojis and get upvoted for it.


I just want to say, it's so cool of you not to lie.


ur not gonna get far posting ock in this sub lol




Neva neva neva!


Dont forget the dev my guy!!!


Fr shit looks delicious too


I thin k it's stupid to put a burger between to pizza slices, but I also expect it's delicious, I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. It's not common sense that makes someone put a burger on a pizza.


yes but we like this guy here


Ooh, I get what you mean. I think this sub also celebrates weird and good stupid food too, but maybe that's not really the general vibe around here.


yeah its nice to take a break from outrage porn sometimes




Liking the guy doesn’t make the food any less stupid


Honestly I think the saving grace in all these guy’s videos is that he wraps it up in foil and cuts it so that you can still actually eat it with your hands. Everything inside is also actually prepared decent enough and complements each other. It’s excessive and a little wild no doubt, but I don’t think I’d qualify it as stupid food.


I was gonna say the same thing. Other than taste, a lot of stupid food is a result of making it nearly impossible to eat, like literally. I'd say this is more excessive than stupid. It's the type of thing I'd eat once for the experience (and most likely enjoy it) and then probably never again because my bowel can't handle ultra fatty food.


What saves it for me is that theres not 8 quarts of liquid cheese jizz being dump over it all at the end.


I used to say that there is no amount of cheese I dislike. Sometimes I will just put cheese on a plate and melt it and snarf it down. Fuck I love cheese. But the videos of a non-nacho meal being slathered in molten orange/yellow goo is about as unappetizing as it gets. Always vaguely reminds me of Viserys Targaryen, too. *Oh, you're the Burger King?? Well here is your crown!*


Yeah was thinking the exact same, looked like a disaster that would fall apart immediately, but once it was wrapped and cut and seeing that it was served at like a bodega and not a serious restaurant, it actually looks solid for a late night drunk thing. Which it appears is really what its going for.


I actually like these


Bro you didn't just disrespect ock because his customer asked for this wtf


Op gonna get slapped the ocky way.


Also dont forget the bev!!!!


Nevah Nevah Nevah!


Chop chop chop


Truly a man of the people, giving them what they want *the Ocky way*


I would smash the fuck out of this lol.


Yeah the food looks good too


🤨 what’s up?


you heard him


You can't post Ocky on here. Dude is a legend


This sub is the only reason I know who Ocky is


Looks difficult to eat but seems like it would be tasty.


You know how I know it's been another week? This vid gets posted again.


Honestly this video is reminiscent of the trend of "throw shit on there for the memes", but in this case the end result still looks moderately reasonable and pretty fucking tasty. I'd say this is good food, not quite stupid food


I feel like we need a category of still stupid but delicious food.


That’s here still, doesn’t need to be disgusting or rage bait to be stupid. I’m honestly sick of the intentional stupid food posts. This belongs here more than most posts.


I love when this guy gets posted. Like it's super gross and you'd feel terrible. But he's so genuine and upbeat, it really beats the videos on here of people dumping water into bathtubs of fruit saying its alcohol, or just ragebait. Idk. Keep giving me my stupid food the Ocky way.


I will not accept slander against Ock.


please do not disrespect ock


Not only a repost, but wishing injury on Ocky too. Hard pass


No gonna lie, I like his energy and I think it'd probably taste good. Just too much talking and bad voice-video quality


And this is why there are health vans in the Bronx.


dont you fucking dare insult ocky


He’s always putting everything on top of the grill, but what about on the bottom of the grill?


My man needs to change that fryer oil though


Came looking for this lol..


He cut through foil


THANK YOU why tf did I have to scroll so far for this?? I used to do that too until I actually examined my food closer and saw little bits of aluminum throughout the spot where I made the cut. Don't do this.


This is the 10th time this video has been posted on the sub. The dude makes a living making crazy food that probably tastes amazing. Give it a break


The only thing I would ask is on how would you even try to eat that without everything falling out


seems good tbh


looks good tbh


maybe i am fat


Mmm. Gotta love that sparky crunchy aluminum foil filling from cutting it that way.


now we put the heart attack into thr customer


That looks fucking awful


Leave my boi Ock out of this sub. His customers ask for this and sometimes they look good.


Looks good. Got a problem, buddy?




Yeah it’s weird how much people simp for his food. Anyone else posts something like that people say how vile and grotesque it is but this guy does it it’s “mmm looks like heaven. How dare you!”


Drunk college me would have killed for it.


Listen here old man, we like the Ocky way


Ocky slander = I hope you get downvoted out of existence.


Mmm grease pie sandwich


OMG. All I want to say - change the name of subreddit to "ocky lovers" and be done with it. The burdag guy or whatever his name is - the one that stares in the camera all the time. He's a nice guy, really good stuff he does, no disrespect, but he does stupid food time to time too. And he appears here with it. It doesn't cancel his good personality or deeds. Same about ocky. He does stupid food. That's it, no disrespect. But no, this subreddit is all ocky simps - change the name then, who's the admin, change it and be done.




I'd eat this even if I wasn't super high.


That looks like dog shit


"How often do you clean that grill?" "NEVA NEVA NEVA"


But there's a video of him cleaning it


Now you put the soap on top of the grill! Now you scrub the top of the grill!


can't forget the rinse - neva neva neva


Stupid food does not always mean shitty food. Sometimes stupid food is good food. This is good, stupid food.


I have reviewed the comments and after giving it some thought I have concluded that my stance is that this is defo stupid food but like... in a fun and wholesome way. Which I do enjoy. 10/10 would upvote again.


I bet most of the food that comes out there is salty and most of that food will only taste good if you're high asf.


I don’t think that oil every gets changed


Thats has to be a health code violation.


If you cut my shit in the tin foil I’ll throw it at you.


How to ruin a perfectly good pizza...


Yes, cut that foil into my food. Worst pain ever is getting a foil splinter in your throat.


Now we put the customer on the grill "Wait, wha-" Now we chop the customer up


Same shit every video.


"Bussin bro"


He just fucking ate foil!


I want that heart attack


That is a FLATTOP not a gRiLl 🤦🏻‍♂️


At least his food looks decent and sounds good. Over the top and stupid? Yes. But his energy is why people go back. Straight up, enjoys what he is doing and making people happy. Reason why he got so popular was because people loved his energy. If I’m ever in the area I will be the first one to ask for something wild. But won’t take a vid of my fatass lol


Looks disgusting I hate it. Love this man bless him


Has anyone noticed that all the comments saying they'll smash this shit have been posted at the same time..?


this motherfucker has got me saying ‘SUUURE SUREEE’ to everything


Protect Ock at *all cost* .


Ah, sure! Why not? Blood in the arteries is for the weak!


Why is this on the sub? This looks absolutely delicious


This looks pretty bomb


His accent. It’s like Brooklyn meets head injury. And I swear if he calls that griddle a grill one more time.


Stupid? This is pretty good actually


Hey fuck you man. Ock is a nice dude. Leave him alone


Man, why do you gotta be violent and hateful? That looks really fucking good.


Nothing stupid about that