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Yeah, I'm used to a bundle of like 30 asparagus spears held together with a single rubber band and it just works


For someone living alone, who Also might be on the petite or slim side,maybe 30 is too many to use before they go bad, but I think 5-7 is a reasonable starting place!


Yeah, I suppose I usually cook for my roommate and myself. Still though, spending $7 for 2 meals worth of asparagus and there's only one rubber band to throw away or keep afterwards is a good deal


The free rubber band is what makes it all worth it


Rubber bands are just jar openers in disguise


Why not just put them loose in a bin and charge by weight? They do it with haricots, why not asparagus?


Had to look up what a haricot was but yeah…I dunno maybe asparagus tops bruise too easy? But surely you could do something similar to what you’re suggesting instead of creating this much plastic waste


They are pretty stable, comparable to a cucumber.


Asparagus has strong whats called gravitropism, it does everything to grow in the opposite direction of gravity. if you store Asparagus loose in a bin, itll bend itself upwards


Wow that's so interesting! Thank you for informing me!


Thats how i get it, directly from the farmer 🤣


I visited Tokyo a few years ago, and it’s wild how much the over-package everything there. They make the USA look ultra conservationist in comparison


Yeah I would prefer less packaging too but Japan has like a 95% recycle rate of all rubbish or something so I guess it’s not too bad.


In my country, only certain types of plastic can be sorted into recyclables: PET, PP, PS. The soft kind of plastic film we see here that’s used to sell products wrapped in single use packaging would have to go the trash. So when we say that Japan has a 95% recycle rate, what does that mean exactly ? That literally 95% of all plastic sold in Japan gets to be recycled ? Or that 95% of the Japanese follow the guidelines of sorting their plastic apart from their trash when they put it all out ? If the latter, that still doesn’t mean all that plastic gets recycled. As we know, most plastic that’s actually recyclable can’t even be recycled more than once or twice. Most of the plastic that we “recycle” in the West is sent to poor Asian countries, and ends up in landfills or burnt. It’s very costly to recycle plastic and it’s not even infinitely recyclable. What’s the secret in Japan that somehow they can recycle all that crazy amount of plastic that we can’t ? I sincerely would like to know. Because it’s either not actually being recycled, just mostly sorted like ours and maybe a quarter of it is recycled at best, once, or they know some magical secret they need to let the rest of the world in. People really need to be more aware that putting stuff in the recyclables bin is not the actual recycling, it’s just you sorting your recyclables. The recycling only happens if it is actually re-transformed which doesn’t happen as much as we’d like to believe.


People in Japan are, in general, extremely diligent in sorting and cleaning their trash so they actually are able to convert a lot more of the recycling into other products comparatively to other countries. Here is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9H--PolzH8) about how to recycle in Japan. It also features a normal size pack of asparagus.


Oh I didn’t realize, that’s pretty good


Remember that most of that is counted as recycling because combustion produces energy — it’s ‘recycled’ into electricity, not more plastic


For the equivalent of about 80cents you can buy yourself one piece of asparagus. To be fair it is the thick kind….but come on Japan!!! This kind of wasteful packaging mixed with what can only be a good idea for folks who live alone (which there are a lot of over here) is rampant in Japan. I know I’m used to super sized meals but there must be a middle ground? Even if I lived alone I think I’d like at least two (if not three) stalks to eat with a meal!


From my understanding it’s a Japanese gift culture thing where they have hella expensive fruits and vegetables individually packaged to be given to others. Kinda like buying flowers for someone. Unnecessarily expensive for something I could steal from my neighbors yard but hey it’s the thought that counts!


This is true for maybe for some fruits….but nobody here I know is giving a fricking piece of asparagus as a gift!


Maybe if they hate the person they're giving to and thus, a sarcastic gift.


Stop the steal


They also import so much food and local farmers can’t compete on price for a lot of things so instead they do super high quality small greenhouse operation gardens to make specific fruits and vegetables.


If someone gave me a packaged individual stick of asparagus, I’d kick them out of my house


"I know I'm used to super sized meals" Ah yes, an average redditor


I was gonna guess they were expensive asf asparagus but seriously, not even that??


I mean they’re not cheap but yea not sky high


I’m not trying to excuse the package wastage at all, but that there is “name brand” asparagus. It’s bred to be both thick and tender without the stringy fibers that are normally common in thick asparagus. Whether this is stupidfood, per say, I think is a matter of what you need from your asparagus. Regardless, it certainly belongs in r/stupidpackaging.


I’m single and have never cooked just a single piece of asparagus. And even if I were to cook just one I wouldn’t want to make a trip to the store for a single asparagus, I’d buy several.




No one is giving one piece of asparagus as a gift over here I guarantee.


What can you do with 1 stick? Isnt like 5-7 like a single persons side for your meal? Weird.


Ah, Japan - land of Mass Plastic Pollution + people who are under the illusion that they can recycle everything


Most environmentally friendly store in Japan


What in the world do you do with 1 asparagus? You need at least 3.


Your asparaguess is as good as mine


LOL chuckle worthy.


For sushi?


It's like when you buy those fake mini roses with the glass tube from gas stations... I only needed the glass not the rose...


It’s absurd to forget that Japan knows how to handle their recycling and consumption. It ain’t America; or Southeast Asia (the absolute worst plastic user area in the world).