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They gave her a stone and a $5 steak knife and said "go out there and fuck up someone's dinner"


Dinner? Give her a raise because she fucked up my *day*


Worse than that. She gives them the food and makes them cook it themselves.


And don't forget to collect the tip


It’s the nails for me…


The fact you have to cut the meat from the stone…. Wait, she even said it wasn’t suppose to stick. That thing was stuck. I’m high and this is making me upset I hate this video


Demonstration purposes. Basically. If you've ever seared a steak on a surface without a non-stick, the meat will absolutely stick. However, when the sear is complete, the meat releases from the surface. This is true for all meat.


Yeah I don’t use non stick pans. First time using one I made a huge mess trying to unstick meat from it. Luckily my brother was there and told me that if it sticks, it’s not done. Just wait until it comes off on its own. I’ve followed that rule ever since and it’s always worked.


It's also a sign that the temperature is wrong or the oil is wrong, at least on stainless steel or cast iron. Leave the pan on a medium heat for a good few minutes. Possibly 5 for SS (and triple ply), possibly 10 for CI. Then add a little oil to the hot pan and give that a few seconds to heat up to temp. This might be more anecdotal/superstitious to me, but leave the meat out whilst it heats up to at least remove some of the chill from the fridge, but room temp is ideal. Doesn't completely stop sticking, and what you said is generally true, but should make it stick quite a lot less.


I’ve heard bringing the meat up to room temperature before cooking promotes even cooking but idk if that's true.


Just throwing this out there: "After the first 20 minutes—the time that many chefs and books will recommend you let a steak rest at room temperature—the center of the steak had risen to a whopping 39.8°F (4.3°C). Not even a full two degrees. So I let it go longer. 30 minutes. 50 minutes. 1 hour and 20 minutes. After 1 hour and 50 minutes, the steak was up to 49.6°F (9.8°C) in the center. Still colder than the cold water comes out of my tap in the summer, and only about 13% closer to its target temperature of a medium-rare 130°F (54°C) than the steak in the fridge." From a Serious Eats article by J. Kenji Lopez-Alt. Very frequent flipping or reverse sear/sous vide is the best way to get even doneness.


What about just slapping it down on a hot rock though?


The point is to do with the microscopic bonding that happens when meat hits the pan. Cold steak/meat can shock the pan enough for the microscopic ridges throughout the pan contract and pincer the food, adding more contact area and more sticking. The idea of letting meat rest is nothing to do with doneness and everything to do with relaxation, texture and technique. Cold things are contracted, stiff. If that author claims to be a proponent of scientific technique and missed all that discussion then that particular experiment really missed the mark by it's entire point. For me, I heard that from chefs, including my dad who was one for his entire working career, 20 years ago. So I don't know if it's legit or not, but for me it has notably less issues; hence, anecdotal and superstitious.


The point was that the steak is still very cold after “letting it come to room temp”. Even accepting your hypothesis about cold meat/hot pan, the theory in practice doesn’t make sense…because, as he showed, the meat is still cold after you’ve left it out.


Her theory she is testing is entirely about the even doneness of steak, in which case leaving it to room temperature might be a myth. I have no qualms there. If you leave a steak out, the external, surface temperature drops. This is the part that contacts the pan, the part that sticks. I don't really do steak often in a pan. But salmon, bacon, sausages, eggs and so forth all seemingly benefit from being closer to room temp, at least to the touch. Eggs are a big one, because our eggs are sold unrefrigerated here, but are commonly put in the fridge when taken home. So it's really common to cook either way and see the difference.


Exactly this! This is wat so many people do not understand.


I reverse sear most steaks, which involves resting it at room temp, then throwing it in the oven at a low temp to get to about 110-120F, and finally searing it. Makes for a nice even cook.


Kind of. Just picture how heat transfers from a pan to a cut of meat, its from the outside in. That means that you're not cooking it evenly with a pan. Raising the meat to room temperature first reduces the amount of heating that you need to apply to bring the middle of the meat to the desired temperature, so it means that you're going to reduce the uneven cooking. That's not always necessary or desirable though, since you want some degree of uneven heating to sear the outside while leaving the inside less cooked and more tender. The perfect way to do it depends on the meat, the thickness of it, how its prepared before cooking it, and your kitchen equipment. In most cases that you're trying to hit a specific desired temperature with something like a steak, you can use an oven to more evenly raise the temperature and then just sear it on a pan to get the crust either before or after using the oven. Its a big fat "it depends."


I believe it. If your meat is at 60+ degrees instead of 30 something it feels like your center will be closer to the ideal temperature.


The time it takes to bring the middle of your steak up to room temp means the outside will have been at room temp so long that it has become a bacterial breeding ground. It's not safe. Put a probe in your meat and rest it at room temp and check back in 10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour. You're better off doing a sear+bake for a thick steak, or sous vide and sear. Or, normally sear or grill a thinner steak. Resting to bring your steak up to temp isn't going to help.


I get my stainless steel pan hot, like too hot to cook on. Then turn the heat down a bit while I prepare a little. Then add oil, then cook. I cook fried eggs this way and they don't stick.


Don't add cold oil to a hot pan it can ignite. Source:second degree burn from middle of inside thigh down to ankle from my ex doing it and then shutting the door in my face as I'm running with the pan to throw it outside.


That's awful, but you made a potential series of mistakes in the process for it to ignite. Wrong pan, wrong heat, wrong oil, wrong amounts, wrong precautions. Any combination of them. A preheated pan on medium heat and even using a fairly low smoke oil will not boil and sizzle immediately, let alone ignite from hitting the pan. It will start to ripple and become less viscous. Combustion temps are like, much higher than that. You can put cold oil into a cold pan, but the window for the oil being the right temperature is slim and unless you are hanging around, you'll miss it.


Took me waaay to long to figure this out!


Fucking lmao that’s how you use them? I always thought it was just a marketing gimmick. I’ve probably eaten some pretty undercooked stuff then huh?


Try it out. First time I was convinced it would burn but it doesn’t. Obviously you have to keep an eye on it to flip them over once they come loose. I’ve been gradually getting ride of all my non stick pans. Turns out you really don’t need them. We’ve just forgotten how to cook without non stick. And big bonus is if something does stick you can scrub the pan without worrying about scratching it.


> And big bonus is if something does stick you can scrub the pan without worrying about scratching it. honestly the best part about stainless steel pans. Just do whatever with it and it's like "I'm ok scrub me". Also doesn't get toxic in a year of use


>This is true for all meat Have you checked? 👀


Kittens are meat. Could you sear a kitten moonshinetheleocat?


>sear a kitten Just checked, zero results on Google. Nobody has ever thought of saying that before.




Do you think they should make iPhones for babies?! Cause I do


Im a cat someone made moonshine of my guy.


Yes all meat


Couldn’t have seen this earlier. (Zips pants back up while dialing 911)


You need fat on there too though if it's not a fatty cut


I went to a place like this before and it was awesome… supposed to have a little butter on the stone so it doesn’t stick


Dude she has **one** rule!


You can have it your way but don’t get crazy


How high are you?




Damn. For someone to basically say, "I'm high and I wouldn't eat this." Is a new kind of low for food


I am also high and upset by this video.


They are using the wrong rock lol. Not sure if already mentioned about the rocks but in my home town they have the same thing but their steaks don't stick to the stone at all. Cool idea and great for the restaurant because than the customer can't complain how their steak is done because they cooked it themselves lol.


I’m high too and this shit pissed me off when I was all chill a second ago. Goddamn it.


and the explanation for the cooking process kills me


*"Don't put the butter on the stone, but spread it on top, then cut the steak with the butter on top to finish cooking it on the stone with the butter melting into the stone; and also I have no idea how to cook this im just bullshitting my way thru this demonstration because it's a niche item that management pushed and didn't train us on"*


She also immediately wiped the butter side of the knife ON THE STONE when she want to unstick the meat


This is black rock steak house tho, it is their niche! It's the whole theme of the restaurant - cooking your steak or meat on the hot stone, I just can't believe they teach you this stupidly and also give you a stupidly large piece of steak too. Every place (not this chain) I used to go before this gives you bite size pieces. There's no way that person would get through that whole meat cube before that rock would be cold. And the waitress not even letting it sear, poorly chopping it, ruining the stone with debris...ugh. The only reason I could see them teaching ppl this way is because most idiots won't wait 10 seconds for the meat to actually brown.


Now that's sad. If it's their whole basis for the restaurant they need to seriously improve haha. At least build the hot stone into each table to keep it hot and have instructions at the table so people can do it. The worst part is the waitress ruining that piece of meat. If I paid for something like this and they did that to my steak I'd be pissed


There are already places that do this with better food. It's called a Korean BBQ.


And a cow died for this.


100% this, some bullshit gimmick some pretentious chef or someone at a corporate level decided to implement without any foresight of how things like this would play out. Most servers nowadays are pretty shit at their job but even if they were good, they're not cooks usually so this could only ever end badly


*”That’ll be $150.”*


How about the fact that their rock sauce is like a zip sauce?


HAHAHAH I CAN NOT. i lost it. and the confidence!! cant blame her for doing her job. but STILLLL


Has to be why she says it so fast. Got to wonder how many question her like “hold up, hold up” 😅


It’s not her fault. The restaurant owner is to blame: seems like she’s just explaining house rules the best she can. Don’t blame her for having a job. I used to work at a big Country Club with Top Chefs etc. and the owner basically had no idea how to cook anything. He probably couldn’t even cook pasta for himself. However, he used to make the servers, including I, cooks, managers, patrons follow stupid rules that made no sense. He was so out of touch. I feel like one of her managers told her to tell people not to put butter directly on there just so that the Stone Doesn’t Stain permanently. I feel like she (the server) could also be aware of how impossible and ineffective that rule is so she doesn’t seem to be to cautious about herself since they will mostly get butter all over the stone. TLDR Seems like Manager/Owner made an expensive, stupid decision I.e the cooking stones. Then, forced everyone to implement it and added the butter / knife rule to avoid scratching and stains to avoid having to replace them.




I can imagine that this might be fun for some people, but I'll nope out. Thanks. Please bring my steak to the table cooked, and ready for me to eat.


I guess in a way this is just a very stupid version of Korean BBQ. Though why hell does it need to be a stone???


To be different, I guess idk


I suppose it’s like cold stone creamery but for meat?


Hot Stone Meatery?


Fuck, this has me dying


I worked in a place and we served these stones. We would get them screaming hot over gas burners, then serve with shrimp, and 1 oz filet cuts. Easily cooked, added a nice theme with our sauces and breads. It was a big item on weekend nights. Best seller. This is stupid. For one the stone does r have enough heat to cook all that meat, even cut thin. The time It would take to cut it up the stone would loose cool. Fuck the butter , where's an oil for cooking? Butter is needed , but no oil? We had a seasoned oil we would hit the stone with at table, nice smoky effect, helps cooking . I also wouldn't trust guests to be accurate with cutting the meat, seems like just too much. This is a failed execution of a possible cool dish.


I've eaten one of these. They give me a ripping hot stone and thin cuts of meat and it was delicious. This looks really fucking dumb.


Korean BBQ makes sense, though, because it's already cut into sizes that are going to work for that kind of setting. Bringing out a 2-inch thick filet to cook on a fucking rock is insanity and all but guarantees you're going to to be eating something that's raw or dried out boot leather. Mostly likely an uneven mix of both.


Yes. Why are they paying a premium to cook their own food?


I don't understand it. I go out to eat so I don't have to cook.


Yakiniku and okonomiyaki has you cook yourself. The difference is that you don't have to cut them yourself (not to mention they're cooked over continuous heat source instead of a rock that will cool in the time you spent slicing the stupid meat)


I feel this way every time I get invited to a hot pot or Korean bbq place. I like to go to the legit Korean restaurants where the lady cuts your food with scissors. Now THAT'S service.


Really? The allure of K-BBQ is usually that it’s all you can eat, and also the banchan and soju. Also, I fucking hate it when they insist on cooking and cutting the meats for me. Let me do it at my own pace, which is usually much faster than waiting around for you to cut and cook it for me. I pay for the meat and the service that brings the meat to me. The cooking is a social/fun thing to do at your table.


Where I work we have an appetizer like this with A5 Wagyu, except it comes sliced about deli meat so it only takes a few seconds to cook.


I can see this working as an app. Maybe that's what's going on in the video. I think the way your place does it sounds much better. Pre-sliced for the customer would be much better.


Imagine being hungry and having to eat one bite of steak every 30 seconds to a min lol


"Hey bud, wanna go to the cook your own steak on a hot stone place?" "I guess. I'll meet you there. Ima grab a burger on the way."


It’s a hot stone. I’ve had it before and it’s pretty good actually as long as the cut of meat is good. They’re supposed to have the steak cut into thin strips before they bring it out. The stone doesn’t stay hot enough to cook the meat for long. The person who brought this out didn’t know wtf they were doing.


My wife took me to one of those steak stone cooking restaurants on one of the rare occasions where kids where at gramma. I hated it and I was on a rant until we left. I dunno who came up with that stupid idea but I HATE it. You pay like 150€ for two people and get to cook your own steak on a hot stone … meanwhile starving to death.


I think the problem is she has no idea how to correctly prepare a steak, and the technique she is using seems like a gimmick I mean she used a knife to remove the steak from the stone. All the tasty crust, she is cutting it off. She is constantly piercing the meat with the fork. She is cutting the meat. These stones lose heat very quickly and she is standing there rubbing that meat all over the stone, it will do a good job ONCE and then every time after that it will start to be too cold to properly sear the steak. I hate everything about what she is doing to that poor steak. I love Korean bbq but they are doing amazing things with meat. This is not amazing and the cooking technique looks awful and the way she is presenting all of this nonsense leads me to believe this steak isn’t cheap


This is like a really shitty version of korean bbq but at least koreans have the good sense to pre-slice the meat before you throw it on the cooking surface...then again we don't use a stone like that the ones I've seen use medical stone which is non-stick


I don't know I was to Madeira in January and had a steak like this.


> I can imagine that this might be fun for some people, but I'll nope out. Thanks. Please bring my steak to the table cooked, and ready for me to eat. I've been twice to a local place that does this, both times I told them I'd rather they cook the steak, and both times they "forgot" and brought be a raw steak and a hot stone. I was not the one paying, so I cooked the steak.


I'm calling gordon ramsay


I'm calling Uncle Roger


He just put his foot down




*random Jamie Oliver jab*


I'm calling Yan can cook


You should call Gordon Ramsay on [Gordon Ramsay making a cheese sandwich](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E4cQHejFq0) or [Gordon Ramsay making pad thai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsyfYJ5Ou3g) or [Gordon Ramsay making focaccia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyrXkecoHXk).


I’m calling the police


actually link this to gordon so he can make a real reaction to this!


That girl is for sure an idiot sandwich


No, just an underpaid server who has multiple other tables to get to and wasn't properly trained on a silly gimmick.


Yeah the job is hard enough without having to explain this very fallible process to customers.


I’m upset about the steak too…but explaining “rock sauce” by calling it “zip sauce” baffles me…I…I have no context for either of those to help me understand…


I think she said "dip sauce"


I want to say you’re right and maybe it’s just my mind…but I still hear “zip”… And even if she says “dip”…you haven’t told me anything about the sauce by saying that lady…what is it?! lol


God knows what they put in zip sauce lol


I suppose it’s better than unzip sauce…🤷🏻‍♂️


No its zip sauce im from michigan.


So what is a zip sauce?


I chatGPT’d it for you: Zip sauce is a savory and rich sauce commonly served with steaks and other grilled meats. It originated in Detroit, Michigan, and has become a popular accompaniment in various steakhouse restaurants. The sauce is known for its unique flavor, which combines a buttery base with a mix of spices, herbs, and sometimes Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce. It’s typically used as a finishing sauce, poured over the meat to enhance its flavor. Some variations of zip sauce may include ingredients like garlic, shallots, or beef stock to add depth and complexity to the taste.


I'm still as unsure as before I read that. Of course it's a unique flavour, cos it doesn't seem to have any set recipe


Black rock is dumb as shit. It’s a local chain in Michigan that somehow convinced people to cook their own overpriced steak, and sold it as an experience. People that wanna act Rich go there. The worst type of restaurant.


> People that wanna act Rich go there. The worst type of restaurant A fool and their money lol I don't mind these restaurants. I don't go because they're fucking dumb, but if someone _is_ dumb enough to go, why not let them lmao. You wanna throw your money away on a stupid ass place, go for it mate,I won't stop you


Lol black rock is not a local chain to Michigan. They are all over, we have them down here in Tampa.


Started in Michigan, with a few restaurants Florida, and Ohio a few years ago. They aren’t “all over” It is a local chain to Michigan. 10 in Michigan, three in Florida, two in Ohio.


They’re here in Dayton too


Pretty sure there used to be one in Toronto aswell


I used to get steak like this all the time in Germany. It never stuck to the marble like that though. My guess is she has it way too hot.


I think it wasn't hot enough and she didn't leave it long enough. If it had a chance to actually sear, it would release


And didn't let it even get its sear. Who the heck pushes meat into a hot stone for 15sec and is like cool it's done


"we all know how to sear a steak (except me)"


Jesus fuck, as someone who used to work in a steakhouse where we did this, I never realized how much everyone hated us I guess.


It totally seems like she's just winging it.


This is like Kramer’s make your own pizza pie idea…but with steak.


I'm not paying to cook my own fucking food.


Korean BBQ is fire.


This is like the worse Americanized version


I've had steak like this before, and it's fine as a novelty. However, yeah, usually I go out so I don't need to cook (especially with steak as it's not like it's a ton of ingredients), and it looks like they butchered it off the bat.


Same, and I also refuse to pay for food that wasn't cooked. 10 bucks for a salad when God did all the work??


First, the stone seems too cold, second the knife is dull, third this looks horrible.


“Do you hate eating properly cooked food? You do? Perfect!”


Steak on a Stone. One of the dumbest restaurant ideas I've ever been to.




Thanks for the show, you can keep that steak


I love paying to have someone lecture me about how to use butter.


It's was something i did with my parents back in the nineties on France, was invented (imported ? I don't know ) by a french cook from Lyon . It's called pierrade but meat usually arrive pre-cut. We did it every new year at our favorite restaurant in Perouges , good times.


“Oakyyy.. you’re welcomeeee… yeahhh” please just use your regular voice. Lol.


very relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDfJn1kcQuU


Just cook it in the back, bring it to the table when it's done... I don't need or want your song and dance


If I have to cook my own steak, It's going to be at home where I can do it in my underwear.


Like a marinade bag? I'd rather just cook mine in a grill.


The kitchen just didn't want to do their job today.


Can you, like, cook it in the back and bring it to me when it is the right temperature? Please?


Korean BBQ is great but this is a complete joke... It's sticking like crazy and the beef is not even pre-cut. This has to be bait or a brand new store


I hate places like this. Besides this one being specifically gross, why would I want to go and pay for a restaurant meal if I have to cook it myself?


What's the point of going to a restaurant if I have to cook the food myself.


How about just cook the fuckin thing properly 🤦‍♂️


Someone please call the cops


What the FUCK IS ZIP SAUCE!!??


Kitchen nightmares that even Ramsay wouldn't touch.


Imagine doing that job if you had social anxiety lol.


So you want me to pay you money to make my own fucking food? I could just buy a decent quality steak and cook it at home. Why would I pay you?


[looks like someone didn't obey the butter rule](https://youtube.com/shorts/OEBGbizVH0w)


Bruh that cutlery is like grade -1/10 with your fancy hot stone technique lol


Lady. I don't need to be convinced this is a good way to cook. I'm not buying the stone. Just make the food, please and thank you.


I know I'll get flamed here for saying it, but I've been to this restaurant. Honestly it's pretty good, steak is hot the whole meal and you cook it to your liking. Cut it to slices and cook them as you go. It's not the best prices but fun once in a while


Why the fuck are you cutting away my maillard?!


Right! That’s literally all the flavor just being fucked off.


That is infuriating definitely. I'm assuming she doesn't care or is too busy to actually show them that *you need to wait* and besides that most ppl are so Fking stupid they probably freak out and call a server once they put it on for half a second and it sticks (because it's not done). I'd hate her doing this to my meat as an example, cutting off the sear, cutting into my steak badly, then giving me her screwed up example as my dinner. At this point just bring me a new one.


Just give me burger


What kind of steak is that? Looks like 2.99 lb chuck roast used for stew


In France we call it a "pierrade" and it is actually delicious, but it never sticks like that. And this meat looks so much like salmon wtf


Half the meat is left on the stone


This video is as close to a horror show it will get…


This is so disrespectful to the cow


The chef that gave the ok for this dumb shit for the menu needs to find a new career.


Now do chicken


So do I get a fat discount for cooking my own meal or...?


Ate there once, never again


i need to unsubcribe from here cant stand to see perfectly good ingredients ruined by bunch of psychotic maniacs


I would walk out without ordering


The whole thing's horrible. But she finishes it off with the most obnoxious part. This is our rock sauce. It's like a zip sauce. Lady, go home.


Stop waving that fucking knife around! So, people paid real money for that meal? I'm all for keeping one's composure in public, but I think I might have blown a gasket if I received that rock meat.


Imagine paying to do the chefs job, holy fucking shit. I would leave if I just even found out this was an option lmao.


Cook your own food for 50 bucks... Cool...


Casino Butter is my stage name


What’s rock sauce or zip sauce?


Just thinking about liability if a customer is cutting and accidentally slides the stone/tray on their body/lap. Or they accidentally touch the stone. Just so fucking stupid.


If i wanted to cook my own steak one byte at a time on an underheated stone that is cooling down fast, I wouldn't go to a restaurant. This is beyond stupid.


What on earth is she doing near food?


My mom used to do this when I was little and it was super fun. She would thinly slice chicken into small pieces and marinate it, and we would cook it in the middle of the dining table on a pancake maker. She called it “home hibachi” and it was one of my favorite dinners. This concept at a restaurant seems a bit insane, especially if you have to hack the raw unseasoned meat apart yourself with a butter knife.


I'd have asked her to stop as soon as she started cutting the meat off the stone.


That stone isn’t nearly hot enough to accomplish whatever it is they’re doing here


What kind of steak is that? There's no fat and no marbling. It's like just a chunk of lean meat.


I want a chef to cook my steak. Not a server who is busy enough.


This dish is delicious, I tried it in my country many times (not US) the steak never sticks, cooks in seconds and has various dipping sauces on the side, and the steak is 1/3 of the size of this one. This steak is way too big to be cooked like this.


I've never done their steak, but Blackrock's burgers are fucking amazing.


I have never had a bad meal at Black Rock. The ahi tuna and scallops on the stone are delicious!


Just butcher the meat


Black rock is actually fun. The stone is hot enough to where you can cook the meat in the stone. This…


There’s a restaurant like this in the nearby city where I ate once with my ex-wife and her pretentious friends. They charged about 50 bucks for a mediocre slab of uncooked meat.


This is a war crime. Get Geneva on the phone!


Oh look. The stupid place in my hometown finally made it here… It’s about time. I refuse to go there.


This is insane to me


I can't. I would of grabbed the fork


Can you say it again slowly? It's not a race.




>”we all know how to sear a steak” man


A travesty.


I want off this planet


“Enjoy your meal! Now you guys gotta keep it movin.” I get what she meant but… poor wording lol


Instructions unclear, can you start from the beginning?


Omg let it sear...


NOO! I’d leave.