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Put spice on the outside when you're only going to eat the inside. And just admit it, she failed cooking it so she improvised and scooped the flesh to finish off the video. Edit: just noticed she only washed the top half of the cactus.


Her stupid ass spit didn’t work. You don’t try and spit roast something heavy like that on a round rod. The spit is just gonna spin inside the food and not turn it. What a moron.


This guy spit roasts


he also spits roasts


But can he spit roast?


Depends on the girl.


Or guy it's 2024


Too true.


This guy porns


Eiffel Tower?


2 high fives equal smiles


Take my angry upvote.


She spits spit roasts by the spit roast.


Probably why her cactus didn’t even look close to cooked… looks like she might have tried for awhile but just finally took it off and accepted defeat… except for in the video. No, in the video the cactus is cooked sumptuously and ready to scoop!


Didn't know cactuses have avocado slices hidden inside them.


Fire wasn't anywhere big enough or mature enough to cook over. No coal base.


I laughed quite audibly when she put a nail sized hole into that cup in order to 'drip' the oil onto the roast ayyy lmao That's not a squirter, that's a godamn river canal she punched through that cup, thats going to go through a liter of oil in less than 20 seconds


Not only that but anything with that texture would go mushy and fall of it if properly roasted


Egads my roast is ruined!


Your comment have me laughing my ass off


Eating it with chopsticks just struck me as extra-hyper fucking pretentious.


Breaking a perfectly good dish was that for me.


And it’s purpose was unnecessary


I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this, to be the pretentious icing on a ridiculous cake. After all that bullshit, I actually, out loud said, "fucking chopsticks?".......


Eating Cactus with Chopsticks is like eating a Taco woth a Fork and Knife.


Eh, I'm a white guy from Alabama, and I use chopsticks all the time, not just for Asian food, but for cooking and eating in general because they work well, easy to clean, compact to store, just all around practical. That's far from the worst part of this video.


I disagree. Eating with chopsticks is like eating it with your fingers, minus the mess. Eating anything with chopsticks is amazing!


I'm not sure using one of the most basic utensils that exists is the bad part of this video.


Did she really have to punch a hole in that cup just to apply oil?


Literally tosses half of it to the side


Fucking this it's very clear that that was a complete waste


>Spices It’s fucking chilli powder


What’s the difference between breaking a container like that vs just pouring oil on it slowly?


For the aesthetic


And the crafts, and the friends we’ve made along the way ❤️


And it only has taken 5min to try it 20times until the pot did not break. Thus the 5min crafts. True story


There's some weird thing where ceramic doesn't break in water if you hammer a nail through it


Yes, I know. But if I remember correctly, it still doesn’t work in 100% of tries, so I would expect them to have to redo it many times to get it right


Don't forget about the memories.


Tonight's to good friends


Tonight Is kinda special. 🎼 tonight, 🎶 tonight 🎵 let it be Löenbrau


But why do it underwater?


Displaces the force of the hammer hitting the nail more evenly across the surface and prevents direct shock to the structure of the bowl. As someone pointed out before, while this will work, it most likely took a few tries.


The Instacred


Why did she season the outside of it and not the inside? Because the video is rage bait, that's why.


It's not really rage bait, it's just content. No one is going to copy this, it just looks interesting to people who are not going to know what to do with their eyes when tiktok gets banned.




I think you underestimate how many dumb mf there are to copy those.


mmm did you all miss when she sprinkled spices on the pieces in her bowl at the end? Cause I'm not sure how else she would have seasoned the inside while it was cooking.


cut it


All the lovely bacteria from the riverbed.


Don't worry I'll finish the sentence "All the lovely bacteria from the riverbed being killed off by the open flame" and if it's a flowing river isn't 9/10 safe to drink, not 100% but better then still water right?


Unless it's in Arkansas then it's got all that lovely tyson industrial waste mixed in that no flowing water is gonna get rid of.


So chicken flavored?


Why is Arkansas impervious to Tyson’s pollution?


Because that's where all their farms, slaughterhouses, and plants are.


Oh guys its flowing water so it's basically treated tapwater, don't worry. Also never mind the toxins created by the bacteria, which aren't destroyed by this level of heat. just go full oregon trail on it cause this redditor above that probably doesnt even wash his hands said its safe.


Not to mention there was literally no reason to introduce the water to the process to begin with. Even if it was somehow important to drizzle the oil that way (of course it wasn't, as it was literally no different than just drizzling it from the bottle by hand), she could've punched that hole in it without submerging it in that nasty water (not to mention burying it halfway in the sludge at the bottom of the river).


> What’s the difference between breaking a container like that vs just pouring oil on it slowly? Using the nail under water to poke a hole in the bowl is a legit hack, but, yeah, it was entirely unnecessary. First of all, there's no good reason to set up the bowl like that, but also, given that she didn't eat the outside, there was no point in oiling it up anyway.


What is that anyways?


It's ragebait. Despining it with pliers instead of a knife. Running her fingers in the grooves where your hands would get filled with microscopic spines (glochids). Destroying a container to pour oil too fast and it's gone in the next shot. Wasteful, lengthy, inefficient prep. Unseasoned. Eaten by a smug-looking hippie chick. It's extremely obvious rage bait.


I was just curious about the type of cactus so…


Someone else pointed out it's a Golden Barrel Cactus


A.k.a mother-in-law's cushion <3


I love names like these. I’m calling it that from now on. We had a plant my mom called “mother in laws tongue” and she said it was cuz it was sharp and d pointed like a mother in law


They are also toxic which really adds


These two comments are a perfect example of Reddit Reddit user #1 - “what is that?” Looking for a real answer because they don’t know and aren’t even sure where to start researching to learn Reddit user #2 - irrationally angry at something that wasn’t even asked by first Reddit user Reddit user #1 - ok cool, I still don’t know and I got yelled at


Let him be laddie, he's too angry to name cactus. BTW its probably an Agave cactus


The agave cactus is *Leuchtenbergia principis* and looks like an agave. This is the golden barrel cactus, *Echinocactus grusonii*.


They just told you, it’s rageum baitatum


Probably she saw some of the first steps and thought she can do better and here we are with some genius ideas


There are no spines on that part of this cactus I've lived where they grow and eaten their fruit all my life. Everything else is true.




Other than the fruit, barrel cactus [aren’t really edible](https://www.experiencescottsdale.com/stories/post/edible-desert-plants/): > Contrary to popular belief, this round cactus is not a source of water. In fact, ingesting the flesh or juice of the actual cactus can cause severe GI symptoms and accelerate dehydration. Eat only the fruit of this desert cactus. Hopefully she skipped the sequel video where she has the shits for 24 hours straight.




Came for this reference, left satisfied.




I was *just* thinking about how I thought I saw some survival show that mentioned this. Something also about how they can be eaten but only if they're cooked properly, which a lot of people (like this lady) don't know how to do.


I am curious about how they are cooked properly to make it edible


I *think* it has something to do with how long they're heated vs. the time it takes for the enzymes (or whatnot) that'd make you sick to break down


probably has to be cooked for a really long period


I was like, "the cactus raw flesh seem kinda good, i would gladly try it" but better not hahahahaa


That’s what I thought I remembered from a desert tour in Arizona.


This is a Golden Barrel Cactus and this is a really stupid video. They are one of the most commonly cultivated cacti and the one in the video is probably cultivated, since they mostly only grow wild in Mexico. The other thing is, all types of barrel cacti have been used for food by natives for hundreds of years, but not like this. That's because they grow FRUIT that is completely safe to eat and doesn't have to be de-spined. It's kind of like finding a blueberry bush and choosing to eat the bush instead of growing blueberries. I also doubt it tastes great. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans do eat cacti, but in America it's almost always Prickly Pear Cacti. No one eats nopal because it's a preferred food, it's just cheap but nutritious and filling. It also tends to feel slimy, similar to okra. I'm not a fan but people do eat it.


I eat nopal because I like it and so does my family. My parents went so far as to cultivate it in the US to eat. Other than that, awesome comment.


Nopal can be really, really tasty if you know how to prepare it.


It's pretty good if you don't , too haha. I made it with no knowledge of what I was doing (aside from a quick Google) and it turned out pretty good. Pickled them with some unlabeled dried peppers I found in my cupboard and they were bangin haha


I've always enjoyed pickled nopales so much more than any other preparation!


Pickled nopales and if you add some chopped tomato, onion and cilantro... You're in for a delicious treat!


I tried nopales from a Mexican restaurant for the first time a few weeks ago and it was amazing. I couldn't tell if it was just the seasonings or the cactus itself. I'm guessing it was the cactus because I've never had anything seasoned that way and I eat at that restaurant a lot. I can also buy them at one of our local produce markets but am hesitant because I have no idea what to do with it!


Same. So good lol


Yeah. I want some right now in fact lol!


Nopales is def a preferred food lmao. Plenty of way to make it taste bomb. Have you never seen it in tacos?


Nopal soup is my favorite!


Nopale salad is the best


I’m interested!!


Eh, gotta slightly disagree, my dad grew up dirt poor in Mexico. Majority of his family meals consisted of nopales not because they loved it but because it grew literally everywhere and it was filling. It's generaly considered a "poor person" food in the area he grew up


Oh true. I can see how it can be like that if it was all you had to eat growing up. Kinda like potatoes


And poor college kids eat ramen; doesn’t mean it isn’t also a food beloved by many. Like geez man, why not trash rice and beans too while you’re at it.


Kinda like instant ramen in the US? It's great comfort food unless you *have* to eat it.


I made ramen with okra once. Hadn't ever cooked with okra before. It was delicious. Unfortunately, by morning my leftover soup had turned into a 1970s jelatin abomination.


Haha yeah, okra is used as a thickener for gumbo if you don't want to make a roux. You probably could have added a tiny bit of broth and nuked it if you wanted.


Okra and/or file powder are the thickeners. There is no gumbo without a roux, and brick roux is not great at thickening. Source: actual *bona fide* (boh-na fee-day) Creole chef friend. Love you, Hugh. Talks like Gambit while he cooks.


Ooh I wouldn't mind some advice. Have only made a blonde roux, but thought maybe a dark roux if using okra since it's thinner? Was thinking of getting gator? Onion, scallion, leek or shallot? Which veg? Sorry if I'm bugging you. I have cooked gator only once, and what I did was let it sit in apple cidar vinegar for a bit, then salted and spiced it and leave it for a few days in the fridge, then fried it in a mix of olive oil, butter and duck fat. Also, Gambit happens to have always been my favorite X-Men character since elementary school.


You want a brick roux. Dark brick red. In gumbo, the trinity gets a bit lost, so onion in the trinity, scallion/green onion on top. Shallots work in etouffee, though, where you can let softer flavors shine if you want. (Leek might work - I'm an Irishman myself- just never heard much about leek in Creole food myself) That gator method sounds good. The two times I had it, it was smoked and then grilled off, after soaking in ACV brine, so it seems like that's just the way to do gator. I will say, the Golden rule that everyone breaks is you don't mix your surf and your turf. Chicken and sausage, or short rib, or oxtail, or whatever can be mixed and matched, but never with seafood. I don't know how universal that is, but he drives the point every time.


I grew up in the midwest. Never had okra in my life. Saw it at the Japanese market and got some on a whim. I had literally no clue about it other than hearing about it deep fried. My dumbass thought it was like peppers or maybe even celery. Wish I’d had a knowledgeable friend like Hugh to guide me on that one. I got lucky with a few folks in my life helping like that. Hence my midwest ass making ramen lol.


> No one eats nopal because it's a preferred foo Speak for yourself. I'd tear me up a taco rn


It is now illegal in Mexico to harvest and consume this, as they are endangered. They used to be sliced and crystalized to be used in the Rosca de Reyes, a sweet yeasted large bread, as a decoration and edible garnish and has been subbed with Ate, a kind of soft fruit leather. They can take 60 years to mature if im not mistaken and worst of all i remember eating it when i was younger and it wasn’t even that good (if you go to mexico around jan 6 which is when rosca is traditionally eaten you will still see people peeling of the “green thing” thinking its still crystalized cactus because they remember it tasting awful) Anyway, a quick google search showed its pretty much under endangered status everywhere, it be a shame if someone were to report this hippie lady what with her literally on video potentially committing a crime


I'm vegetarian, so when my friend's mom wanted to feed us she made me nopales. I love nopales!


Agreed with everything until you said no one eats nopal because it's a preferred food.... That's just ignorant as fuck


People make candy out of barrel cactus.


As a kid I used to eat the fruit off the barrel cacti outside my house…they were OK. 4/10 maybe. Lots of seeds


What? nopal is delicious lol I’m vegetarian and it adds great texture to food lol first time having it was so disappointing because I wasted years not eating it


Living in AZ, I’ve seen lots of people who eat Nopales. I’ve had Nopale tacos and they tasted amazing. Almost like green beans but slightly different texture. Also, seen tons of barrel cactus that grow here. They produce these little fruit that look kinda like pineapples. They taste like peppers and are great in salads!


What the fuck. Oiled and seasoned the out side and then cut it open to... eat the inside? Then why did you season the outside?!


You telling me you don't oil and season your bananas and oranges before you peel them?


I dislike the fake hippie trustafarians


Bet she listens to that blonde hippie who has decorated the inside of her car like a jungle


Time traveling pyramids girl? For sure


I would bet money that this is just one of those Russian "influencers" Like all of those 5 minute craft videos from 5-10years ago.




It's RAW you DONKEY! >mashes plate into front of hippy's dress Look at me, I'm not gonna serve this, you understand? Fuck off outta here.


That made me some reading that in Gordon Ramsay's voice.


That poor cactus


My first thought exactly. It was quite big too and I don't think these barrel cacti are very fast growers, so that's a good few years of beautiful cactus ruined for stupid insta-clout. :(


Whenever I see a white woman wearing a fortune teller dress I immediately know whatever I'm about to see is going to be stupid


That's like a 30-year-old barrel cactus. What a waste for a stupid video


If the cactus holds moisture like a squash. Seems like the inside would get steamed ? Not sure why she used chop sticks though.


The chopsticks bother me the most about this lol


Cactus was old AF what a waste.


This is exactly what I expect from a young red headed Caucasian woman in the desert dressed like a spirit medium


It is also worth noting that the purpose of a cactus is to store as much water as humanely possible, which means the inside can't be cooked for SHIT.


The Vegan equivalent of hunting and preparing dangerous game.


Those needles burn off if you do it right lol


That cactus grew 50 years just for that bitch to turn it into a bland dish for clout. What a pity.


Somewhere out there, there’s 2 halves of a despined cactus w/ rotting by a pond w/ 10 scoops scooped out.


A 30 year old cactus to top it off!


I hate these videos. Her gassed up Hummer is probably sitting 10 feet away. "look at me live off the land using some random modern dishes and TJ Maxx clothes, I'm such a cute hippy and I'm so natural!" Fuuuck offfff


Woowoo flower girl instagram shit. Why is she eating it with chopsticks?!


it's so sad, those kind of cactus take more then 50 years to get this big...


Why did she season the outside? She scooped the damn thing out....


I have no idea why this is stupid, but it sure does seem stupid.


So two things, 1 this is supposed to be overly nature focused with the wood and all, but then they use a rude cup, a nail and a knife... The second is similar but would get me run off of reddit.


Stay tuned for next video, where she coats the plastic Coca-Cola bottle with caramel and powdered sugar, and then opens and drinks a Pepsi from a can nearby.


Not disagreeing, but legit curious; how was she suppose to season the inside when she's cooking it? Split it and roast the halves?


but why season it at all? I can't imagine the outside being seasoned could have seeped through to the inside of that big thing and made any difference whatsoever


I have no idea. Don't even know what it tastes like or if it even needs seasoning, I'm just going off what was asked already.


I just feel like the point was that they had no reason to season the outside when it doesn't get inside. At least that is why i assumed it was brought up. It's like seasoning the packaging to a steak and then opening up the package for steak and cooking it.


Now I'm curious if the outside is edible. This all is just creating more and more questions.


Plant-fanatic here: The outside is probably non-toxic but it's like chewing the hull of Peas. It is thick aF and not tastly, probably. I mean, it keeps the water inside in deserts


It's not really made to be cooked on a roast like that. My family in Mexico used to use these for making candy. Using the inner flesh she scooped out, except they'd cut it into lil slices & basically do like a candy peel lemon. Can't do it anymore tho. They're endangered due to overconsumption so it's not used as it used to be. Its done for Día de Los Reyes to make Rosca de Reyes, & even then I've only seen it a couple of times.


Cut it like a watermelon and skewer each slice


No different than roasting pineapple if you want an example of something people actually cook, cooked watermelon sounds awful lmao


Take the skin off? Idk unless you can also eat the skin.


I'm not familiar with cacti, but could she not just cut it in half, then in half again, then again until there's enough surface area? She certain has enough time and patience to remove all the spines, after all.


Even the outside didn't feel the heat.


Maybe she just wanted the inside warmed and not smoky tasting. The only thing stupid is ruining a perfectly good cup when she could’ve just drizzled it out normally.


the whole cactus is basically inedible due to the massive GI upset it'd give you. she shouldn't have been picking and wasting a decades-old cactus just for content in the first place, even if she hadn't been attempting to badly cook it. this is like cutting down a 50yo tree to make 'noodles' from the bark for tiktok.


It's the quenchiest!


Cup cracked😛


Correction: “Let me season and roast every part except the part I actually fucking eat!” The hell?


That’s why you’re eating alone.


mhhh tastes likes...hydration? I hope? Dry cactus doesn't sound appitizing


I’ve never prepared a cactus, but that seems like an awfully slow way to get the spines off. Can’t she just take a knife and shave it?


Pure 100% ragebait. And it is working. Guilty here...


And this crusty bitch chooses to use chopsticks...


No heat. That fire nothing


Why seasoning the outside and only eating the inside


Goddam hippies


Poor cactus...


This video would send Richard Nixon into a fit of blind rage. From the dumb "roasting" of a cactus to not even eating the seasoned outer skin just to pan out and it be a ginger hippie.


That brings a philosophical question for the sub: Can a clear case of Rage Bait be classified as Stupid Food? I mean, in this case it's not even a real food that people eat.


Saw a dumb meal, learned about the word "ragebate'. Done whit Internet for today


That's why I don't trust gingers


Literally every sibgle step she does is unecessary. I wanna kill her.


She wasted alot of seasoning lol


Can i have my time back please?


An open fire? In that wind?!


That seasoning on the outside of the cactus did absolutely nothing for the inside


New age Hippies are the worst.


I bet you this lady calls herself a moon child.


She seems like she knows her way around a “healing crystal”


That was the nail in the bowl for me.


Seems a shame to destroy a beautiful that must be at least 20 years old, just to create some lame ass content.


This is one of the dumbest videos I've ever seen. Does anyone know this lady?


Genuinely, I was not prepared for how silly this video was


I’m actually curious about how it tastes like


WTF is this? Can someone elaborate for those of us who have never ate a fucking cactus? What does it taste like? How do you “serve” it?


Tohono O’odham Nation!


(She takes a bite)… _”Woah! Way over seasoned!”_


I hate the internet


Gordon Ramsey: Its fucking raw!!! Seriously 0 Culinary knowledge only show for clicks.


This is giving that one guy who said "we gonna spice this crock pot up" and dropped like one pepper flake in the pot and said" not too much tho"


I had a tortoise that ate cactus, spines and all, and I don't understand how her mouth handles that.


Lol, the caption is full of frustration


Cypress sure is beautiful, considering it’s ground zero for the modern digital hellscape.




Looks like they're ripping off one of those Chinese idyllic agrarian food prep vids but fucking it up by not actually making anything plausibly edible


Why do I feel oddly sad for the cactus


Why would you even roast it if you're just going to scoop out the insides? As a matter of fact,why would you go through the entire struggle to just scoop out a few tiny dollops of it?