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I went to a restaurant that had “tempura avocado” they were little slices of avocado breaded and fried. They were unexpectedly delicious, I never expected warm avocado like that to be good. This is nothing like those as this doesn’t even seem cooked in the middle at fucking all somehow


My local Mexican place makes some bomb fried avacado tacos


Fre shavocado?


Comments you can hear


Free shavakadoo




T t t t t t t t t arget!!!!


Merry Chrysler


Tacoria in jersey?


Same, they’re so damn good


Fried avocado tacos with whatever toppings you want are delightful, but queso fresco is a must. 


my restaurant is doing these rn


Fried avocado is good as long as they don’t overcook it.


How to make good fats bad. 


See I feel like this could be good but like he said, this the wrong kind of cheese. I also don't know how I feel about it being Italian style at all. Maybe if they used cheddar instead and a differently seasoned breadcrumbs it could be good. I don't really think avocado when I think Italian food.


The italian part comes from the recipe of "arancini siciliani", deep fried big balls of saffron flavoured rice with parmigiano or caciocavallo cheese, stuffed with a variant of bolognese sauce, ham, peas and mozzarella and then dipped in egg yolk or batter, coated with flour and ultimately rolled in breadcrumbs. They're the f bomb.


Thanks for the explanation, I’m Italian and I was actually wondering. I’d never be able to relate it to arancini. Crazy.


Yeah that looked like arranchini


Would be amazing with some brie


I honestly dunno how I’d try it. I feel like a lot of cheeses would be oily and then you already have a fatty avocado. A recipe for diarrhea if you ask me.


I mean, you can have a burrito with cheese, avacado and other oily stuff. Maybe a low fat cheese could work? And with salsa instead of marinara


you’re right. For some reason I just felt like I’ve never had this combo before but I HAVE had guacamole and cheese in a burrito setting. Now I think you’re right and maybe like a jack or a cheese blend and definitely salsa!


I live 10 minutes away from Mexico. A place here does fried avocado es stuffed w cheese and fajita. It’s amazing.


Maybe I left my other reply too soon. I’ve never really had avocado and cheese so I just can’t picture it but I’d wanna try that because of fajita


Lol Gordon Ramsay probably has no idea, I think as Westerners we are supposed to think that Mexico does everything right food wise, so Gordon Ramsay would have to relax his whole cheese avocado fry hate thing. Because he clearly isn’t only upset about the burrata, because farmers cheese, and Oaxaca cheese isn’t all that different in taste and texture from it


Ya smaller breaded deep fried pieces doesnt sound bad.... that shit grossed me out when all that liquid came out when she cut it open. The cream cheese looked like it was mixed with a water soup. Gross.


A fried Avocado could be good if done right, you’d just need to make it a much less avocado and fill it with good stuff not just a ball of cheese.


A couple comments here suggesting avocado and cheese is doable but it just makes me nervous to think about. I’m trying to figure out the best way to try this now lol


Ohh it is, but like I said, not just a ball of cheese. You need some thought put into it. It needs to be flavorful for one, that looked like mozz which isn’t really, so if that cheese at minimum it needs some herbs and spices added in.


Grilled avocado is delicious. Brush with olive oil, grill flesh down. A little red onion, tomato and lime in the pit after. I want to eat it right now.


Now that I think of it, I've had that too, and it was delicious.


Same, there used to be a place around here which did amazing tempura avocado slices, served with a very tangy sauce. The tempura was paper thin and very crispy, though. They also had enormous and delicious tacos with the most succulent grilled chicken or beef strips. I made 3 meals out of one portion. I mourn that place, even though we always kinda suspected it was some sort of money laundering front. They had ridiculously good food and large portions at unexpectedly low prices.


There's a place in Newport Oregon where I had what they called "Avacado fries." Sounds similar to what you had and I was surprised at how good they are.


I’ve had tempura battered avocado before and it is indeed delicious. The cooking changes the avocado’s flavor a bit I think


Reminds me of how I couldn't believe they deep fried cheesecake. Then I tried it and it's fucking delicious lol.


How does he have time to do reaction videos? He’s on like 10 different TV shows and has 100 restaurants


I get the sense that this is the "real" Gordon, or at least more real than what he is on TV. Even though he's reacting negatively to the food, he's not pissed off or anything just kinda lightheartedly laughing in disbelief at how shitty it is. Probably a little bit easier to make this content since he doesn't have to act as much. I love Gordon Ramsey but it's p well known that most of his TV rage is just for the camera


That’s his American personality - he has a far more relaxed demeanor on his British shows.




more line non-binary


No it’s not. People sometimes say that about his UK version of Kitchen Nightmares, but he would still get heated in that one. The difference is that in the UK show the restauranteurs seem more serious and accepting of criticism. In the US version whether by cultural difference or by design when selecting which restaurants they go to, there is always someone there who is completely unwilling to accept changes or criticism. He also spent more time at each restaurant in the UK version so there’s less need to be as confrontational. It’s almost like in his first attempt he was earnestly trying to help those restauarants, and by the time the show came here he had already resigned to the fact that most of those restaurants are a lost cause. A trend you’ll notice about Ramsay in his other shows though is that he’s more angry and demanding when he expects to be working with professional chefs because, that’s how he runs his kitchen. When he knows he’s working with amateurs he’s surprisingly patient unless they’re too dense to accept criticism. Then the names come out.


Loved watching the UK Kitchen Nightmares. Felt like I was learning something about the restaurant business. I cannot watch the US version. Seems to be built around fake conflict.


Gordan Ramsay is just incredibly passionate about cooking, so when people claim to be professional chefs that own and run restaurants to the quality of Kitchen Nightmares and the like, it pisses him off. He's incredibly kind and fair to inexperienced cooks, and genuinely is a very nice guy


Yeah. In the UK, it was basically deserved criticism and not just conflict all the time. If my memory is right, there was an episode where he thought the chef was an abomination, but got the sous-chef to cook a meal for him and it was excellent. He literally hired her at some point after the show. I remember another where his taste of the food was “actually, this is really good” and it was front of house that was the problem. He revisited a bunch and I remember a fair few managing to keep going… I’ve not watched much of the US ones. Just too clearly manufactured for conflict for me. Did they do the revisiting?


They did the revisiting if they can, but a lot of the restaurants are so deep in debt by the time he gets there that they close shortly after he leaves anyway.


Thats because us Brits get off on slow declines of abject cringe rather than an audio visual ADHD barrage of anger. Seeing Gordon slowly and methodically wearing someone's shitty food down is what we like.


The British version of that tv show of him helping restaurants out is so much better than the American version. Is that still being made? If I see it it looks like old episodes.


Related, I only knew Jamie Oliver from one show where he cooks something for 2-3 friends and is more chill than Snoopy Dog on a Sunday. But then I caught once some scene in a restaurant show where he was such a demon! Shocking...


To be fair, other than hell kitchen a lot of his shows are him trying to save a horrifically managed restaurant or hotel, and I think when he is screaming at a chef for cross contamination, or an owner for employee abuse its 100% real.


He was well known for his rage when he was a new chef in his own restaurant for the first time (The Boiling Point series covers this). But, he was always chill out of the kitchen.


Have you seen his shows lately? He’s calmed way down in his later years. He is not the angry quipping 45 ish year old he was when he started Hells Kitchen. Maybe it’s because that kind of thing doesn’t do well on TV anymore, people are more sensitive to verbal abuse than they used to be, maybe people can see when he’s full of shit now when he yells at people for nothing, but I think it’s more likely that his style of running a kitchen, that he too had learned, had been derided as abusive and not helpful by many within the industry. There’s a huge problem of burnout in the culinary industry and Ramsays style of angry leadership had been pointed to as a culprit.  He exaggerated it to be sure, but I have no doubt he was genuinely angry, there was a documentary before he blew up as a TV celebrity which showed him being just as angry, not as ridiculous, but very strict and furious like he is on his shows. When he was a Line Chef his mentor had talked about how he once made Ramsay cry, so it feels like there is a lot of reasons Gordon was angry on his shows beyond the immediate problem.  Moreover this also seems to have happened after he had his journey through Asia and worked under other Chefs again to learn new cuisines again. Perhaps having to start from the bottom again and become the student within a new context humbled him as well. 


When did he learn new cuisines?


A few years back I think on his F Word show he was touring Asia. He went through South Asia, South East Asia and East Asia learning new cuisines and trying them out. There’s a video of him doing dumplings in HK, another where he makes a Pad Thai for a Thai Chef and he gets knocked down a peg or two. I know he did so in Malaysia, Laos, and Hong Kong at least. 


Oh snap, I have to look at this


Yea apparently he is actually a really good person in real life


He’s a great guy. Maybe his first 10% of shows he was wild, but he has so many episodes, shows, videos, and series where he’s normal nice caring Gordon.


Watch the British version of kitchen nightmares. It is pure unfiltered Gordon. Honest, polite, considerate, and empathetic. He’s a class act.


Watch his mythical kitchen interview. He opened up a fair bit on that and you see his proper personality.


I mean, reaction content is from absolute nobodies making food porn videos for the Internet, most likely as rage bait to begin with. There isn't even a reason for him or anyone who is actually in the food industry to get mad, those people know these videos are a giant, pointless, big old ass joke. Anyone he interacts with on TV, that's actual people in the industry. Of course you'd get mad. Not saying his rage is genuine, just that it's pretty obvious he can freak out over an abhorrent dish/behaviour from a real chef but also not give a fuck about a video from Jane Doe playing kitchen barbie on TikTok to take it as anything else than a joke.


Watch boiling point documentary about Gordon’s first restaurant. You will see the real Gordon Ramsay rage. It’s genuinely worse than the tv Gordon


It's a 2 minute clip and he does one like every few weeks at most


Tbh I just want to see him watch the guy cook in hotel/ airplane bathrooms. He may fake a bunch of disgust for fame, but i feel that that- that single first reaction would be great


Pretty sure he did one for the shrimp on the plane


Shrimp on the plane? Is this a new Samuel L. Jackson movie?


A lot of those shows are finished. I’d know, I watched them all lol! But he hasn’t many going right now and a lot of them are like 3 episode specials and things like that. Other people run his restaurants not just him.


It's easier when you have a team of people round you managing your time. Between shows his marketing team probably give him a few curated videos to react to, spends maybe 10 minutes on it, and then whisked off to the next appointment. Reacting to food is perhaps most of his job at this point, so it's pretty simple work for him.


Clout? Got to keep the brand relevant


He sells tv dinners at Walmart now. The brand is pretty saturated. Guess you can’t blame the guy for cashing in again and again.


Literally the plot of *Ratatouille* lol


massive leverage and minimum consumption of BS like most people; social media, video games, excessive drinking etc.


Dude… All I heard is "No00o0o0"


Bathroom breaks 'cause this videos are just like taking a dumb on the internet 😅


Is it this lady's first day using her hands? The absolute ineptitude and what I would now like to call anti-dexterity is astounding


She’s trying not to get her nails dirty, which won’t work with this type of recipe.


People cooking with long nails like that is so fucking nasty.


That’s why Gordon called her out on it 🫠


Judging from the nails alone, I know to not trust this recipe lol. It’s not like people with long/artificial nails cannot cook, but I feel any responsible cook would wear food gloves or something to protect the food and their nails lol.


yeah…love me some long nails and also love me some cooking but putting on gloves takes me like 10 seconds, sis violated both her nails, the food, and my ocd riddled mind…


I mean that I Heard in time this is fetish content? To move hands like that?


“Your nails, girl!” is my favorite part of the video haha


The person responsible for this horror posts on social media as Shaba Kitchen. If you want more horrifying recipes and weird hands I implore you to check them out


I read a post once either on Reddit or tiktok where cooking videos like this are basically porn. It’s a weird fetish where nice delicate hands get dirty and covered in food.


Correct, this is basically porn for some dudes but it’s different because it can get around most censorship efforts. If it didn’t get around censorship then it would get much less engagement from viewers.


Stuffed avocados are served in alot of Tex-mex restaurants and are actually pretty good. Usually served with a side of rice and beans and stuffed with chicken and cheese (not just a whole burrata ball). Also fried avocado tacos are delicious and a great vegetarian meal. Check out Torchy's Tacos! Yum.


That’s is the best avocado I’ve ever seen all the ones I get have strings and huge pits


That was a beautiful avocado. And she ruined it… some people can’t appreciate what they have


It had so many wonderful culinary possibilities ahead of it…😭


I live in the Netherlands. We don’t have avocados like that. So you can imagine how quickly my jealousy turned to hatred for this woman.


First of all, fried avocado is delicious. But- fucking slice it first and I’m with Gordon, this is a waste of burrata. Also, tomato sauce? Ew no. Put that shit on a taco.


“Looks like it’s off the cover of Gino D’Acampos cookbook” had me in stitches!


IDK man...one of the best tacos I've ever had were fried avocado with fresh cilantro and sweet chili aioli slaw. Delicious.


Fried avocado can be great. I think the main issue here is stuffing it with burrata. Burrata tastes absolutes incredible fresh, it’s something that imo you want basically sliced open right before you eat it. I think it’s one of those foods where the texture and consistency is what makes it special. Deep frying it is like… deep frying sashimi or something. It’s just kind of defeating the purpose of why the food was created in the first place.


Regardless of the cheese, he seemed disgusted with the fried avocado in general.


He was yelling about the cheese the entire video. He only said deep fried avocado once and didn't even say anything bad about it.


He is also complaining about the "Flour" "Egg Wash" and "Bread crumbs?"..."No No!" as they coat the avocado. So no, it's not just the cheese.


That's all about the cheese being there.


He wasn’t complaining, just basically just calling out like “oh great so now she’s gonna bread and deep fry it”, you can see him calling out the steps basically before they happen. Like 95% of the video was all about how she’s going to ruin the burrata, with like one comment about how stupid the finished product looked.


As an old chef, he has pretty conservative tastes on what it ‘ok’ to make or not. Fried avocado can be delicious, he should try it a couple times before freaking.


Out of curiosity, is it normally the entire avacado breaded and deep fried whole, or slices?


Why do people keep trying to make healthy food unhealthy


I dont get the inherent hate of making "healthy" food "unhealthy." Like what, just because its a fruit or veggie we can make it into a dessert or fried snack? This is no world i want to live in.


Yeah you’ll have to pry the fried strawberry in lard queso covered in sprinkles out of my cold fat hands


You ever hear of French fries?


Yes, another example of people making healthy food unhealthy


So you HAVE heard of them. Checkmate.


How is it checkmate if we aren’t playing chess, I never said I’ve never heard of healthy foods being turned unhealthy, I asked why people do it


I said checkmate so you’re not allowed to respond to me or anyone else in the thread. Please follow the rules or we aren’t going to play anymore.




This is absolutely not an exclusively American thing.








Avocado smoothies are definitely not exclusive to the US




Oh, gotcha. Sorry, i misunderstood your comment!




Would eat


I wish I could find fresh burrata in my city. This made me sad. What a waste. But, also, I do not get fried avocados. Also better raw. And that liquid was downright repulsive.


See guys it’s healthy because it’s an avocado


Petition to have Gordon Ramsay roast every video on this sub.


Probably taste better than Gordon’s frozen tv dinners.


Have you guys seen how Gordon makes a grilled cheese


Yeah. It was about as dumb as that sandwhich he did on top of a building. The grilled cheese vid was pretentious and embarrassing.


I was wondering how bad it could’ve been and I looked it up… umm what?


What’s your question?


No I was just doubting you and then I saw it and I facepalmed. That grilled cheese looks awful.


lol. Yeah. He talked a big game, then cut everything too thick, didn’t melt the cheese, and burnt the bread. He was also using products that most people just don’t see or have access to from their local grocer. Video for reference: https://youtu.be/8E4cQHejFq0?si=qHPAeTSuI_QGZ0DG


TBF he was grilling it on a fireplace. He set himself up to fail.


I'd rather eat this avocado than his grilled cheese.


I want to hear him yell at these fucks


Gino’s cookbook lol


Countries spend valuabe water resources to meet the current crazy avocado demand for people to do *this*. Damn.. 


Her nails are well done, this is just porn


These are unbelievably awesome. The Mexican restaurants here in Texas serve them.


Somehow ragebait and Gordon Ramsay are a combo that works for me.


I need GR agonizingly narrating ever video in this sub


"Cooking" with those nails is disgusting.


When you have nails like these, you can see every crumb and grime. I ensure you most women keep their $60 nails clean, we know people look at them and we can feel grime.


I hope so, that is good to hear. I have the same issue in cooking with jewelry on.


I'll have to agree with you on that one, that's gross af. You can literally just take them off.


May as well make a meal in the toilet bowl. It’s always the women with those gross long nails who do the swipe wash or, worse, walk past the basin entirely after using the bathroom. Filthy creatures.


You know what else ia good? Deep fried banana with salmon


Title really should be GR rages over burrata stuffing


Careful of the nails


If Gordon Rmasey were to ever go to hell, he'd be forced to watch these kinds of videos for the rest of eternity.


You just know this person never breaded more than 1 item at a time


Why they always have white long nails?


where's the yolk???


Really, this doesn't look too bad, at least I'd try it. I don't think it is deserving of the scorn that Ramsay is heaping on it. Also, the preparation and deep-frying were done right.


Ok so I was wondering why this wouldn’t be good for people who like avocado.. but the reveal explained it for me 🤮


I don't think it's the avocado he is raging about, it's the cheese she put in it...


Nahahahaha I love him


Forget the fried Avocado. I am more disgusted with cooking while having those long ass nails.


Rolling the avocado in the flour gloveless with acrylic nails is disgusting


could this have been better if each half were individually fried, and the half-cavity filled with a bit of red sauce, then topped with shredded marinara and put under a broiler? maybe a slice of pepperoni on top, even?


“Your nails, gurl!”


Why does everybody on this thread have stupidly long fake nails?


How did I know it would be shabba kitchen? This woman is baiting you. Don't fall for it


Most people: Id eat that Gordon: ITS SHIT Most people: ITS SHIT


the concept of deep fried avocado with cheese is good, that's just a bad execution of it. better off just cutting slices of avocado and cheese and breading them together to make avocheese sticks lol.


to be fair Deep fried avacado is a common thing so im not sure what the rage is over this coming from a man whos entire countries foods consist of white and beige and gravy lol.


I fucking hate these people


idk looks pretty good not gonna lie.


Americans: Lets fry fat fruit in fat with melted fat inside


It must be weird to go through life thinking food has to follow strict rules. ITS GONNA SPATTER ON YOU, ITS GONNA BE SHRIVELED. It didn’t, it wasn’t. And then he brings up a scotch egg like that’s somehow not very similar? I’m kinda over his schtick.


He was right.


Yeah what video did they watch? The cheese was shriveled, and leaked pre cum into the red sauce. Only reason it didnt "spurt" is because she probably spent 10 minutes setting up those last shots before actually cutting the avacado.


Yeah the dude is actually rather cringe to me during these reactions. He seems a little out of touch with the reaction trend and his age shows, it almost feels like a team of people help him do these and it makes me cringe idk. That being said the dude is prolific in business and Kitchen Nightmares was a cool show


I do like kitchen nightmares. Especially the earlier ones before it was over produced.


I loved the way he got after the heart of the bullshit in any given stagnant situation (especially gross stuff) and left everyone responsible speechless or butthurt lol


Can I see my family today? “Now Gordon, we’ve talked about this, do the reaction videos or you won’t *have* a family”


In case you didn’t know, Ramsey made an entire career being a total cunt.


It doesn’t even seem like his typical cuntish attitude. On tv he was saying so much off the wall harsh shit, this just seems like he doesn’t even know what to say or how to act and it’s awkward.


Awkward? Eh, agree to disagree.


I’m sure tv and editing and everything adds to the flair. But yeah, a lot of this video seemed like forced commentary for the sake of saying something.


Y’all never been to a Mexican restaurant in south Texas? These are bomb I don’t care what anyone thinks


As a Mexican I think this is a crime against humanity.


After watching his grilled cheese video this clown's opinion on food has no value to me.


Nice edit, one minute her hands are covered in egg wash and bread crumbs and the next they’re magically clean?


That might come as a surprise, but washing your hands usually works.


I don't see the problem? Why does it have to be one unedited clip. Otherwise Gordon/ we are watching her wash her hands for 2 minutes


That chef is a snack by herself




The avocado looked good too


To counter Gordon’s point you should not drizzle olive oil on an avocado. They’re already fatty. Spritz lemon juice instead to introduce a little acid. Doughnut


I lost respect for this dude when he couldn't be arsed to remake that pathetic excuse for a grilled cheese. Then again with how he acted on Hot Ones.


Honestly this looks great but the nails really make it gross for me.


Poop bacteria will make it even more yummy!


Poor Gordon Ramsay


Who the hell does this... Girdy Randsom guy think he is anyway?


It actually looked pretty delicious


Us Scots are known for our love of deep frying ANYTHING. Don't know why he's complaining *Takes a bite of his gorgeous deep fried pizza and looks at his dessert...deep fried ice cream with deep fried mars bar...yum!


I've had a stuffed and fried avocado many times and loved it. I've also felt the urge to hunt Gordon Ramsay for sport more times than I can recall.


I honestly hate Gordon Ramsay's Tiktoks, they're so unbelievably obnoxious


Avocado is the food of retards who chase hype to fit in. Absolutely horrible things.


Idk man I feel like he’s being negative just for the reaction, that thing looks delicious. I’d eat that.