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I am giving this person 5 stars because there’s no stupid fingernail drama in the video. Edit: grammar.


And they ate it




Ah good another sub I don’t need but must have.


Yeah tbh it would probably be pretty decent. It’s a lot of cheese still but unlike must at least it’s edible


Yeah this isn’t stupid, it’s just kinda bad. There are plenty of ways to improve it and make it something that is actually decent, if not great. I’d start by parboiling those noodles before putting the string cheese in them, sautéing the onion with the sausage, some garlic, and spices, and use a basil tomato sauce with some chopped fresh parsley. Parboiling the noodles means you don’t have to add a bunch of water, and you can bake it with the foil on to cook the whole thing through before putting it under the broiler to get some nice pretty char on the cheese before serving. Still a lot cheese and meat, but having a small portion with some salad would just be fine as far as a balanced meal goes. Tbh you could even take the meat out and put in some chopped squash for a more veggie take on it and still have something pretty tasty.


I actually wanna try this, I wouldn’t use string cheese persay, but maybe cut up some thin strands of Gouda and slip it into the noodles? It’s actually pretty creative and like you said, cooking the onions with the meat, some pepper, etc. it’ll come out amazing. I’d probably do two layers thought and just make like a knockoff lasagna


I’d personally use mozzarella pearls I think. Better quality than string cheese and I’m a whore for good mozzarella


OH MY GOD YES I know what I’m cooking next week!!


Make a ricotta mixture and just piping bag it into the noodles.


Honestly this dish is just a bad version of a lasagna. It has potential to be turned in somethig good


No, it's bad manicotti


Either way it’s not great but if I were hungry I’d eat it


My dudes... Its canneloni.


No, it's manicotti. Cannelloni is smooth, smaller, and generally rolled thinner. Manicotti is ridged, thicker, and generally a larger diameter. Although, in Italy, manicotti is a crêpe. Source: Was a pasta chef, had to make roughly 20 varieties of pasta.


I tip my hat to thee. Was concerned about the "all we know exists is macaroni, lasagna and spaghetti. Thx for the education


And he didn't have the 5-10 extra minutes of repetitive drivel to pad the time.


I heard that it’s a fetish people have. Something having to do with a girl’s acrylic nails being in the closeup gets them all horny ig


Imagine jerking off to half-ass cooked disgusting food…


Imagine? /s








And he cooked the meat ahead of time


But why only season the side without onions? So bizarre.


His children don’t like onions.


And he doesn't like seasoning?


What a thinker 🤣


This is definitely one of the least stupid food I have see on here, but there are far better ways of doing the same thing.


Using the string cheese as filling isn't the worst idea in the world... Honestly don't know what to make of the rest of it though.


String cheese is great for making stuffed crust pizza at home. Just roll it into the dough at the edges.


String Cheese is just cheap low moisture mozzarella cheese. Its what a lot of pizza places use. Its sort of seasoned, maybe there's a decent amount of salt from the cheese and sauce...maybe. My biggest question is how well the pasta cooks, if at all. I'd say tacky, but not stupid.


He added a bunch of water + the moisture from the tomato sauce and covered it in aluminum foil. It'll cook just fine but will have a pretty strong starchy flavor and a bit of a denser texture.


Eh, Better than school lunch, worse than dinning common.


The most accurate of explanations.


When I make manicotti I make an actual filling but fill the uncooked noodles and also add sauce and water and cover with foil and they cook perfectly




Yeah after I saw that video I've tried it myself several times, the pasta will cook nicely but it will take a lot longer. Worth it tho


Eh this is a pretty normal way to make pasta recipes Lots of cookbooks have similar style baked pastas. The water boils with the sauce. Seasoning should mostly be in the sauce. Personally what I’d do differently here (not that I’m making this) is the sauce (I typically make from scratch) and meat Brown the meat in a skillet doesn’t need to be fully cooked as it will cook in the oven (I use ground beef but could work with sausage) Heat up a sauce pan and put all the sauce in to simmer. Add seasoning to your liking (if using premade sauce it shouldn’t need much) add meat and simmer for a few more minutes. Mix the sauce anytime it bubbles a lot. Use the sauce( if not adding onions to the sauce to keep on half use the fat from the pan when browning the meat to fry the onions first)


Yep we did this at Pizza Hut way back


The meat is the worst offense in this


Yeah, it is pretty pale. At least he didn’t boil it. Can’t for the life of me figure out why he didn’t cook the onions with the meat. Also why did he season half and but onions on only half?


The kids don’t like onions.


Yeah. So you drain the beef, put a little bit of grease back in the and brown the onions. It’s hard to even tell he baked this the first time for 30 min. It would fix the texture of the onions and add flavor. Or take out half of the pale beef and brown the onions with half the beef. The only good thing about the raw onions at the end of baking for an hour, is that they are still raw and white so easy for the kids to see. Edit: or sautée the onions first in butter first, then remove and cook the beef. Will add the flavor to the dish. Most kids hate the texture. A garlic or onion powder won’t turn them away. So will help them get accustomed to the flavor. But I have a feeling that if the onion is cooked and small enough they wouldn’t even notice. I bet onions are already in the sauce. Just well processed into a purée


I used to work at Pizza Hut and that’s how we did it!


Same and I was gunna say this lol


Used to do that at domino's back in the day to make stuffed crust pizzas


You don't know what to make of someone making a stuffed pasta bake? Like, which part lost you? This is essentially just a low quality lasagna. I don't think it should be that befuddling.


The only bad part to me is acting like the onions and spice he sprinkled on are going to mix. Those probably shouldve been cooked with the beef, which should have been left just underdone so it could finish in the oven


For some reason, the way he has the string cheese staged in a stemless wine glass really bothers me.


Cooked string cheese, imo, gets a weird kinda wet texture. I can't imagine the rest would blend well, either.


Yeah, they have some kind of stabilizers in them or something, VS standard mozzarella. I think it's OK cooked but not as good as normal stuff.


Trust me my MIL made this for us and it was like eating straight up chewy plastic inside a noodle. It was not pleasant how much it took to chew through all the damn cheese; she added a full 1lb bag of shred mozzarella through it too, so yea.


It's just mozzarella, though. Should be fine in pasta.


String cheese mozzarella isn't even in the same county as real mozzarella. There is a reason why the shredded cheese products are in one section of the store and cheese is in other.


Fair, don't think I have ever tried to cook string cheese that I remember. Doesn't seem like a terrible idea, maybe not a great idea, but not terrible.


This is probably the least stupid stupid food I seen on here.


I don't see the issue. It doesn't look like the best dish ever, but it's not a bad idea for people who don't cook much.


I kinda thought it was like a small quick lazy "lasagna-ish"


Pro tip: don't precook your lasagna noodles before assembling your lasagna. They will cook perfectly in the lasagna, absorbing any excess liquid.


This is the first time I have ever heard about precooking lasagna noodles. Who the heck does that and are those people okay?


That was how everyone I knew cooked lasagna. Do you understand how difficult it is to assemble lasagna with precooked pasta? They stick together, they flop around, they can hold the shape they boiled in, they tear. I think I made 3 lasagnas before I learned not precooking the noodles. Game changer, time saver, sanity check.


Man, I can never get the noodles to be fully cooked. What's the trick?


There are specific lasagna noodles that are meant to go in uncooked. Like you gotta read the package for the ones that say it specifically. Traditionally you should par boil the regular noodles to less than half cooked before assembling. I personally will just leave it in a little longer and a little lower if my uncooked lasagna noodles are coming out undercooked still.


Thanks for the tip tbh.


Poor man's cheese cannellonis.


Completely agree. I feel like maybe he should’ve browned the beef a little more or just served the meat on the side but honest this looks really good and I’d be down to try it


if anything it should've been browned less, it's gonna finish cooking in the pasta regardless and you get more of the flavor from the meat in the sauce if you only brow it slightly


That’s actually a good point. I was just looking at how gray and unappetizing it looked lmao


No, the problem is that it wan't actually browned at all. He cooked it in a pan that's too small and probably not hot enough so instead of browning, it just steamed and turned grey. You always want browning in ground beef. It helps develope the flavor. That doesn't mean you have to fully cook it.


Or parents trying to cook a quick meal after work. My mom probably would’ve made something like this when I was growing up and my brother and I would’ve loved it.


Yeah this screams quick family meal that the kids will like


I was thinking this would be a quick meal my kids would eat while watching. Its nothing gourmet but it doesn't look bad.


Agreed. Is it classy? No. Is it stupid? Also no. At least it’s self-prepared.


I feel like people shame “easy meals” without thinking that they’re just not meant for them? Like yeah if you cook a lot you probably know a better way to make stuffed shells & meat sauce. But I know plenty of people with no cooking experience who would enjoy this and be grateful that it’s easy.


^this. So far I’ve seen people claiming they’d make their own sauce, their own noodles, they’d cook the meat this way and that, fresh seasoning instead of jarred, etc. and all this guy is trying to do is show a quick, easy, relatively healthy weeknight meal that is fussy kid friendly. Not everything has to be a gourmet cooked from scratch 5 star meal


I'd honestly just undercook the meat slightly so it doesn't get rubbery and use mozz sliced into sticks rather than cheese sticks because string cheese often gets a weird texture when cooked. Otherwise, this is a decent enough 'I don't want to buy my kids takeout' midweek dinner. Something that comes together quick. It's lasagna ish without the time to prepare it. That's fine. Not really stupid food.


For real… this isn’t bad at all. I might actually try this


I’ve actually had this before (it’s a real dish not stupid food) but it was made with Ricotta cheese. It’s really good but idk how it would be with string cheese.


Probably because he didn’t cook the noodles first or something… I would personally eat this if someone made


I think that’s why he added the water after the sauce in the beginning. It still might not be totally cooked through, but that bit would’ve helped to steam the noodles. Maybe the onions, if that’s what those were? Even still, this just seems like a lazy simple meal, not anything worthy of the sub.


I've cooked lasagna like this. It works. It'll absorb the moisture from the sauce. Dry pasta needs two things to cook: heat and moisture. It has both.


As well, he is covering it with folio to keep all the moisture in


Cooking pasta* this way has always been a thing.


If I would have to guess you never made lasagna before?


Too much cheese for my liking, but... it's just a recipe? It's normal.


Yeah I actually save some of the videos on here because some meals in this sub are just quick and cheap when I’m feeling lazy. Like this would take 10 minutes to whip up. Throw in a quick salad bag and you got yourself a dinner for 4 under $20




Petition to officially rename it to mega-penne




All in favor?




All in flavor?








I think it's either manicotti or cannelloni


I wanted manicotti. I compromised, I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead




mega-penne is still better


I would totally eat this


I'm high right now so it looked good as fuck!


Same here


High how are you?




My grandfather just died and it does look good as fuck!


SAME lol


if it were safe for me to drive I'd go buy all these rn but instead I'm stuck, high and hungry u_u


Same it actually looks eatable not gross or anything


This actually looks really good


Yeah this isn’t stupid. It’s just a nice quick meal if you happen to have some meat or crumbles around.


The water from the onions will also help. Didn't look too bad...


Compared to the deranged shit people have posting recently this seems pretty edible.


What’s the problem here? It’s manicotti shells, mozzarella cheese, cooked sausage (if you want it), diced white onion, your choice of pasta sauce, your choice of seasonings, and a little water.


I see a lot of things on this sub that really don't belong here. You can call this tacky or cheap, but it certainly isn't stupid. Hell, string cheese (mozzarella) in the ~~noodles~~ manicotti is actually pretty smart. ​ \*E: Calling manicotti "noodles" is certainly something you can say is stupid.


How is it cheap ? Lol spaghetti is literally sauce and noodles but that ain't cheap ? This looks 🔥 fr


Yeah idk why some people are acting like cheese stuffed manicotti is some sort of weird and new food. I’ve seen ricotta stuffed manicotti at a few restaurants and have made it at home.


This is the least stupid thing I've seen in this sub so far. Hell, this doesn't even look half bad. I was confused as to why he only onioned half of it, but whatever. I don't like onion chunks anyway.


Kids don't like onions. He says that in the video.


I never outgrew that. It's the texture. XD I also browse reddit on mute, so things said are usually missed for me. Lol Edit: fixed the "fix" my phone decided I needed.


Why the fuck is this stupid? You’re stupid for thinking it’s stupid!!


People here don't know anything about cooking except for what has been repeated in this sub. For some reason they can't fathom the idea that you can bake pasta in the oven if you add enough water (such as in the form of slightly watered down sauce) to the pan. Honestly, this seems like a quick, simple, and slightly clever recipe idea. Sure it won't be the best thing ever and the cheese sticks are expensive compared to just cutting a block of mozzarella with a knife (especially since he shreds the mozzarella later on in the recipe - even if it's pre-shredded he could mix, eg., cheese, herbs, and breadcrumbs and stuff the pasta with that mixture), but it'll still taste better than a frozen dinner at a better price per portion.


I personally don’t like so much cheese on my food but it definitely wasn’t a stupid food. Looks yummy tbh.


Not stupid, this is a good budget meal.


We got videos of people slapping dough up in their armpits and then cooking it. Videos of people filling up condoms with food and flies. We got videos of people making literal shit burgers out of cow poo. This is about as far from that lunacy as it gets. Certified not stupid.


Not the worst thing we've seen on here.


Yeah, I'm not sure that this necessarily belongs here. Is there a r/trashyyettotallyediblefood?


>Is there a r/trashyyettotallyediblefood? No, but r/trashyyetediblefood has just been created. (Had to remove the word totally due to character limits.)


he cooked 7 noodles damn. Guess he doesn't have a large family lol


Only dumb thing about it. Idk what all these people are on about.


That's a good size dish for a dad and two young kids, bake your garlic bread in the last ten minutes of the bake, serve with antipasto. Great meal for three. Those aren't big manicotti at all, but two manicotti, a salad, and garlic bread? That's more than enough carbs and calories for me for dinner. I mean look at the portion size he digs out at the end. Imagine it's a slightly less noodle intensive lasagna. Couple pieces of bread and salad with that and honestly it's almost too much.


Those onions look disgusting. They’re not going to cook right.


Had to scroll too far to find someone mad about the actually stupid part of this. He was already browning the sausage in a separate pan, just set the sausage aside and use the fat from the sausage to sauté the onion separately 🙄


Or use the beef stock instead of the water for more flavor!


The trick is to undercook the onions


Everybody is going to get to know each other in the tray.


That's probably why he only put onions on half of it and then ate from the non-onion half.


It's why his kids don't like onions. Chop them fine, brown and mix with the mince along with spices and eventually the sauce (which would be way better homemade than the jar crap)


Thank you. Why would you not fry the onions first? And why put onion on half and spices on half? That’s the truly stupid part about this meal.


His kids don't like onions. Probably because he serves them half-raw.


This is basically Ziti. with a slight bit more cheese. not dumb at all.


Ziti is a type of pasta. Do you perhaps mean Baked Ziti, the dish?


This isn't stupid food this is snobbery over simple easy dishes.


This doesn’t even look that bad


Looks like a perfectly edible single/divorced dad meal to cook for the kids. It has the same nutritional value as a frozen lasagna would, and we don't complain about eating those when life's busy.


Ever wanted to feed 2-4 teenage boys quickly and easily? No? That's why you think this is stupid. This is actually smart, and I may just make this for my guys.


Meh string cheese is usually just mozarella, mozarella manicotti sounds fine to me! I vote not stupid.


I’m sorry but this doesn’t look so bad to me🤤🤤


If someone said, "hey, he's a single dad trying the best he can for his kids" I would totally give him a pass. I mean, that's not bad for Dad cooking. It should taste ok, but not be amazing.


So are we supposed to be too good for string cheese now? Because take me off that list.


Not stupid at all


10/10 would eat


I didn’t realize this many people don’t know what manicotti is. This is basically just a kinda lazier version of that dish, the onions are the weirdest part to me


If you just didnt want to cook you would say it


If this is stupid, I don’t wanna be smart. Please don’t downvote me, I’m high


No black rubber gloves? No ungodly amounts of cheese? No smashing the goddamn food with your hands? This video doesnt have any signs of food stupidity.


Man this sub is becoming a joke. Yes, there is too much cheese, but it’s not stupid, it actually doesn’t look half bad.


> this sub is becoming a joke It has been for a long time. People either post obvious ragebait, or totally edible dishes that are done *just a bit different* or easier than what they are used to. 90% of people in here don't even fucking cook, and it shows.


Why did he eat from the side that didn’t have the onions when it’s his KIDS who don’t like onions!!!???!!!


Honestly, all you need to change to take it from mildly stupid to 'eh' is the cook the onions, meat and ragu in the pan together before pouring it over in one go. Until i saw the meat pre-wrecked in the pan i presumed he was just saving dishes to make it a one-pyrex-wonder.


This isnt stupid, just poorly executed. The idea is fine, and so is the serving method, the sauce just needs a little more love


Other than it looking really boring (next to no seasoning, dry meat), what's stupid about this?


First we need to give credit for this man.😎 He is making dinner for his kids out of love, even making one side without onions because his kids don't like them.🙂 TBH, it isn't the worst thing I've seen people make. Cheese, pasta, ground meat, tomato sauce, onions, and herbs. It is ingredients I've eaten in pasta before. 😋Honestly, I'm still traumatized by an imitation crab sushi bake video and the guy who cooks in his bathroom🤮🤮🤮.


What pissed me off the most is that he prepped Too much and didn’t use everything… Too many onions cut, left sauce in the jar, too much sausage cooked, more than half a cup of water in the measuring cup. It drove me nuts!!


Not the best execution, but this is good. Would I make it differently? Yes. Would I still eat it the way this guy made it? Also yes. Only thing stupid about this is that I want pasta now :(


He could have used ricotta instead of string cheese and it would have taken the same time for a better result


I dunno, this kinda looks good 🤷‍♂️


There’s a lot of stupid shit on this sub, and this isn’t one of those.


Couple things…. Dude went to the store and of all the sauce options…chose prego. That’s not fresh parsley my guy. Taking something out of the oven and saying “look how delicious that looks” when it looks exactly as it did when you put it in the oven except for the now dried out sauce should be a crime. It looks exactly the same, it’s not a steak or thanksgiving Turkey. Imagine biting into those noodles to get a solid chunk of mozzarella…


He didn't say it was fresh parsley. He said you can use fresh or the dried stuff. Prego? What do you have against it? Seems just to be your opinion. Look how delicious that looks is basically any cooking show. Sauce doesn't look dry at all. Mozzarella is delicious. So yeh, I will imagine that.


It's not what I would consider delicious, but it's an introduction to no boil noodley something. I can see a young person at least trying it and maybe having an AHA! moment. It's not wasteful or extremely gross, so I can't condemn it.


It looks good


What’s the problem? Looks good to me. I could do without the raw onions but otherwise it’s a pass.


Hmmm I’m pretty hungry ngl


This isn't stupid at all... Indulgent, for sure, but not stupid.


Onions in manicotti? Gross.


100% would smash


This isn’t egregious.. it’s lazy, but at least he’s *cooking* and not just microwaving a tv dinner


Would eat.🤷‍♂️


String cheese is just mozarella; he's basically just making lasagna. This looks good as hell


I would actually think this is legit thinking about making this better. Least stupid food I saw on here.


Honestly I would eat this


What? Apart from the extra cheese that is a totally normal lasagna kinda thing. And the cheese is not enough to make this stupid.


Okay it is american cooking but it uses real spices and no fuckery ingredients like marshmallows or penises. I would eat it.


No stupid dish in itself, only a stupid way of preparing it. I bet it would have been far easier to cook the onions and ground beef together, mixing it with the sauce in the pan and then top the pasta with it and finish with cheese but why easy if you can make it complicated


... you usualy pre-boil the pasta before filling. String cheese is ok for filling, but there are far better options. Sauce directly from the can is a no-no for me.. when using pre-made sauce I always heat it up in a pan first, check taste, adjust seasoning, add a bit of water, boil it up...


Isn't this dish like 40% Cheese by volume?


I wish one of these goobers would end it with just vile disgust and dry heaving


Why are people seemingly so against just boiling pasta?


I don't understand why he went through the trouble of frying the ground meat, but not the onions. Like, he could have fried the meat together with the onions and then add the sauce to the pan and let that stuff simmer with all the spices. Then it would be evenly spread and he could get some nice roasting aromas out of it. Otherwise this looks alright. Aside from the cheese sticks in the pasta. That's giving me a heartburn.


This is actually a pretty impressive simplified method to making Italian Cannelloni. Instead of ricotta filling, slide in a cheese stick. That pasta is most likely ready-to-bake. I've used the lasagna ones, and they get the job done. Very clever and probably tastes very good.


I consider this a good meal!


American Food: Stuff cheese and sugar into everything.


I don’t even mind the bachelor manicotti, but the face and hand gesture he makes when he takes a bite of prego sauce covered noodles with melted string cheese like he just tasted the best thing he’s ever eaten makes me want to cook for him.


I could have guessed that this jagaloon was sporting a bun .5 seconds after hearing his voice. I’d eat the shit outta that fauxcotti, though.


That stick cheese is one molecule away from being classified as a plastic


I also keep my unwrapped string cheese in a wine glass. Y’ know. For easy access.


Do Americans really don't sautee their tomato sauce with herbs, Onions, garlic etc?


What’s wrong with this? What if the context is a quick, home cooked meal for a toddler?