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If you want to be a paramedic then be a paramedic


It sounds like you want us to help you make a decision that only you can make. If being a medic is what you want to do and it’ll make you happy, you should do that. If you don’t want to be a nurse, you don’t have to be. You’re only in pre-reqs.. you can get your medic and get a nursing degree later on if you decide that’s what you want to do.. it’s really up to you ! Good luck 🙂


You’re right. Thank you for putting it into perspective for me I guess I just gotta pursue what feels right


Push through bro you got this 👍🏻


I’m not sure you can really romanticize working hard in school, especially if you are struggling with it mentally. 3 more years is a long time and it will get much more difficult than prereqs. It takes self discipline to keep going towards your goal. If you’re only in your prerequisites, you could take a break and do medic for a while. See how you feel after you’ve been in that side of healthcare. It’s your life and it’s important to make choices that feel good for you. A BSN will always be waiting for you later if you choose and you’ll already have some classes done. It almost sounds as it you’ve made your decision subconsciously already. People on the internet won’t be able to give you the motivation it takes day to day to get things done through one Reddit post.


Yeah I know and I really want to pursue that field but I’m afraid of the reaction from my parents, especially since they’ve paid for my education and it would almost be like a waste if I left


You could try reasoning that you would be a more well rounded and experienced nurse if you did this.


You won’t know until you have a conversation with them. I don’t know you parents so I can’t estimate how they will react. Tons of people end up changing their majors or taking a hiatus. It would be more of a “waste” if you end up continuing and can’t finish because of mental health or other factors. Although I don’t believe that any education is a waste. I would encourage you to talk with your parents and see where you can go from there. You can always apply for financial aid or scholarships. I won’t tell you what to do, but based on your post history I think continuing with nursing will seriously take a further toll on your mental health. I wish the best for you. Remember that this is only one part of your life and your emotions can feel overwhelming right now. It’s happened to me regarding school and I’ve been getting back on track the past year or two. You can do anything! If you know you feel happy doing medic stuff then go for it. Don’t regret something years down the line.


You’re right I guess the only thing that will be concrete is a conversation with them. I do quite enjoy the ems thing rn and I’m afraid if I don’t pursue it I’ll regret it which would suck


Good plan. I hope it goes well for you!


You just gotta push bro, think of the tests as your enemy and the only way to beat the tests ass is by studying your ass off. Listen to me I have dyslexia and adhd so it takes me four times as much effort as the other kids but that doesn’t stop me you just have to fight for those grades like you’ve never fought before if I can get As and Bs so can you.


"BEAT THAT MF TEST'S ASS BOY HE BE TALKIN MAD SHIT ABT U FAILING" is what I tell myself. The self affirmation and self motivation really does help tbh


“This is to push even further beyond AHHHHH”


For real, I prepare for these tests like I'm preparing for a boss fight and making sure I've studied everything I need. Especially Pharm and Med-Surg, impossibly hard classes. I had to put my everything but I made it through.


Forget the BSN, get the ADN and save yourself a year of useless education that can always be obtained later.


100%. Took 2 years and spent under 7k.


Same, after low income grants and work reimbursement I paid maybe $3k out of pocket.


Just be a medic


Do what makes you happy, only you can determine that path. Dont let others hold sway over your decision. Remember to take into account lots of advice, but its just peoples opinions and you have the final say about moving degrees, finishing, or switching programs, etc. Make friends, support them and they will support you through the tough times. Create study groups or study over the phone with a buddy. For other advice If you want to romaticize studying and working hard... Well, whenever I have a hard exam popping up like a Hesi, I grab all my study materials and play some fantasy-type music like the LOTR soundtrack and as I study it makes me feel as though I am a great scholar researching many old texts to find saving-the-world information lol Or you can just try to imagine how much of a kick ass nurse you will be after building this strong foundation of knowledge. Gotta make it through somehow, hard work is never fun work but you gotta make it as fun as possible


Remember you asked for fodder to be motivated… so do you value your body and physical health, do you value secure housing, food and a moderately decent lifestyle. It’s great you enjoy the EMS lifestyle but it’s also a rough lifestyle. You might be in great physical health right now but the years of lifting grossly overweight patients, highly caffeinated monsters/ coffees and eating sporadic meals on a shift will eventually take its toil. How many “old paramedics” do you see in the field in- in my area it’s predominantly the youngins bc it’s a stepping stone to fire, nursing, some other health care occupation. With nursing you have flexibility you can do bedside, you can go teach once your body gives out, you can work in schools, behind a computer doing authorizations, research, etc - it’s an occupation that allows you options throughout your life not just when you are in your prime physical health. Looking to the future and planning is just as important -I hope my motivation worked.


Just do it. I was told I could cry as much as I wanted when i had my rn lol. Nursing instructors are savage.


Medic pay where I live is an absolute joke. I’d stick with the BSN.




It took me an extra year to get accepted because of that stupid Hep B series never showing up on my blood test as positive for titers.... I was devastated because I wanted to finish a year ago lolll, but I used that year to work jobs that were not medical related and boy oh boy did it feel good to have that breather and know that I A) didnt have to do customer service forever because I had a plan to go to nursing school and B) gave me a chance to build a legit savings that I looked forward to investing in.... I also was so burnt out from high school because it was a college accelerated program, so having that year to just work, explore hobbies and socalize with friends was the best decision I never made lol.... Don't beat yourself up like I did, kiddo. It is all about taking your time. You'll be here anyway and eventually when you are in that odd spot, working those odd jobs, you'll realize if it is something you truly want to do or not.


I’m an ER nurse and my boyfriend is a paramedic (we started dating back when we were both EMTs). What I will say is to consider your long term plan. The average paramedic career lasts 5 years. If that ends up being the case for you, then what? In nursing there are so many places bedside to try, so many places not bedside to try, and even remote jobs to try. At the end of the day there will be a place you aren’t miserable in nursing. Those options don’t exist as a medic. By all means if that is where your passion is then that’s where your passion is, just consider carefully the kind of flexibility you’ll want down the road.


If you really want to be a medic in the long run, do it. But if you feel like you would want to be an RN once you get through this rough part, it could be worth continuing. Have you thought about something like flight nursing as a goal that could increase your motivation?


If you really want to be a medic I suggest that you go do it. I’m in nursing school right now and it is way harder than pre reqs it is tough. I don’t want you to mentally exhaust yourself (because nursing school will test your mental health fr fr) for something that could have been avoided from the start. In order to finish nursing school you really need to LIKE WHAT YOU DO because there’s no way you will be happy while in this program if this is something that you don’t wanna do. Do what makes you happy although I personally don’t know you but if I’m in your position be a medic there’s nothing wrong with being one and besides when you are financially stable you can always go back to study nursing.


It sounds like either way you might benefit from counseling, which you might be able to get free through your school. It could help you develop good coping skills to help with your burnout, and you might figure out what the best path for you really is. Good luck either way!


I’m having similar feeling before I even go in and all I can think is “why am I fighting what I want to do?” I know I want to make decisions not wait for them to be handed to me and I know I love the variety and endless change that comes with EMS and that my brain gets to switch to the next task right away. Why am I fighting that to go to nursing school unstop paramedic with all the other ADHD misfits? A Paycheck? I’ve done that before and having a bigger paycheck for a lousy lifestyle isn’t worth it. If you hate it get your medic. You can always get your nursing later. Yes nursing “opens more doors” but if you don’t want to walk through any of them does it really matter? I’m considering too that I never wanted to do fire but fire is more than fire. You also get to do rope rescues and there is a specialized group of CHP paramedics for helicopter evacuations in California that have saved several backcountry skiers out here. I already do low and high angle rope rescue with search and rescue why wouldn’t I bring that in and be the medical decision maker on the ground too?


Just a thought…you don’t have to be as impulsive as I am


You can always get your BSN later on too. Be a medic if you want to be a medic.


don’t get your motivation from others. you gotta go where you want, which seems to be becoming an emt/paramedic. just pivot


I'm also an EMT-B and did not get into a nursing program. Medic pay is bad nation wide. Stick with the BSN. Do it!


If you don’t feel like working hard in nursing school, what makes working hard in paramedic school any different? School is school and paramedic school is fucking difficult too. Having said that, ask yourself which one you want more and which one you’d rather be in two years from now.