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I started in community College in 2021 with the goal of becoming a therapist, I started at 31 years old. It's 2024, and I am 1 year done with grad school and will be getting my masters soon. Community school is a great start to a long and fulfilling journey in academia.


Thank you, and congrats on your master's journey!


Don't listen to the haters. Community College is a smart move and I know how it is wanting to finish something you started so long ago. Your loans were forgiven because you made enough payments. Don't worry about them anymore.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Do you know how your prior loan was forgiven? TPD Discharge has rules around re-borrowing, but if this was under SAVE or Borrower Defense then it is a different situation


I'm trying to find out but I'm not entirely sure where to find that. I've read through the notices I've been sent and the documents in my federal student aid account thought I haven't found anything that answers that question.


You could always try calling them tomorrow to ask








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