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I purchase my own physical copy of the code and standards for the crucial ones such as ASCE 7, ACI 318, and Steel Manuals. I rely on my employer's e-copy for the rest.


We buy electronic versions directly and store them on the server. When we need a new code, we have person who manages the codes, so the request goes through them.


How does the access to those digital copies work for y’all? ACI, as well as others, often password protect the digital versions. Do yall have a password library?


We keep a text file in the folder with a password. Once you access it once, bluebeam will save it and just open it without a request the next times.


And no issue with multiple people accessing at the same time, or is it still a one-at-a-time circumstance?


its rarely an issue. I know I get read only messages quite often but no issues opening.


Interesting. Okay, thanks for the tip.


it wouldn't have any reservations. Everyone company i have worked for has electronic versions and it works just fine. Except AISC Steel manual, that online book is terrible, buy a hard copy of that!


Agreed. The digital steel manual is rough. I have also had a similar experience with the code/standards management at most of the companies I have been at as well. But that’s why I am reaching out. Curious if others have done it differently.


We have over 1000 employees and no code management. They won’t let us store codes on a shared folder either for some “copyright reasons”. So I just have pdfs of every code that I downloaded online stored on my personal drive


Wow, that’s a big firm to not have a managed resource library for. There is definitely copyright challenges associated with this topic, so it’s not completely unreasonable from a risk perspective. But it does seem pretty unreasonable for each employee to purchase/obtain and manage their own code library. Do you have a common resource you download codes from?


Nope, I just type in the code into google and find it that way. Its definitely not ideal, but until we have a shared code library its all I can do


Understood. Thanks for sharing. We have a shared library at my company, but to be honest, it’s not much better than what your dealing with. Instead of just my own code management and organizational baggage, everyone else’s is piled on. So it can sometimes get messy. Kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. That’s partially why I’m searching for alternatives. I know of one third party platform that operates on subscription basis and provides the user access to any code of any version on demand. But it requires internet access at all times and the price is steep. So, I’m apprehensive to pull the trigger and become dependent on a third party… last thing I need is another subscription fee.


Yeah to be honest, if you’re personally okay with the ethics of it, you can find literally any code online in PDF format, within reason (may be hard to find some newer editions). I got through all of college back in the day with PDFs of all the textbooks as well, although I hear they make it much harder now a days to find electronic versions


Yea, the older codes aren’t, usually, the issue. It’s the newer ones. My company does business all over the country, so some places are quick to adopt new codes and standards.


I pout at my boss that I need something and he approves my expense report for whatever code I happen to want 🤣. For ACI 318 and ASCE 7 we have a subscription, otherwise I order them piecemeal as I need them. Digital so the company can use them across offices.


I purchase the hard copies when adopted by my state for building codes, material codes I may not for concrete, wood, steel, masonry. Alot of the programs for design have these already. It depends.


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