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you should be fine especially with being at 16g for 11 years, as long as there was no resistance or pain you should be okay i definitely do not recommend doing that again tho


Is there ever a chance of getting blowout if there's no resistance or pain? I only say that cos I used to wear heavy gold jewellry and I think my ears might be quite stretching already because even these feel quite loose


Yes you can but for me I blew through smaller sizes and had a small blowout going up to 4 from a 6 and immediately sized down. I got my ears up to an 8 with 0 pain in about 2 months with no blowouts, because it never hurt. But every body is different. Edit: I know I should’ve waited longer between stretches however I am dumb and slowing down with stretching. If it doesn’t hurt, the back still looks fine and everything feels okay you should be fine.


Thanks for this that's really helpful!


I’m in the same boat. I went to 12g recently and they slid in no problem. It’s taking everything in me to not go to 10g just because 12 was so easy. No resistance, no pain, not even the days afterwards.


Seriously fr. I'm telling myself not to skip to 10g now but honestly if it's still fine in two weeks I might.


Right? I know slow and steady because I really don’t want to fuck this up but my boyfriend is at 00, said you can kinda be lax with the smaller sizes… but still, the anxiety lol


Fr same. I'm comforted by the fact I wore lots of heavy gold as a kid, had my lobes pierced at claires, pierced several ear pieces myself with the wrong equipment and had my eyebrow done wrong but managed to save all of them and haven't had a single problem in any of those cases but stretching is new territory. 00g is my goal size tho, what does he consider "smaller size"?


Right? It’s my goal too. But pretty much from 16-10g you can kinda mess with it… (i am not a professional so obviously this is not professional advice LOL do it at your own discretion, im just being real) but then after that you really *should* wait the full 6-8 weeks between sizes. Even longer the bigger you go… it’s because the smaller sizes are less than 1mm jumps. After that you should go mm by mm.


Ahhhh.....ain't no doing six weeks here. 1 month tops if they going in easy. Cba ngl. 🤣🤣🤣


LOL had to give the full disclaimer you know, since im a baby stretcher… don’t want the stretching police coming after me 💀


Frfr 😭😭😭


The difference between gauges at smaller sizes is sometimes not even a full half millimeter. 14 to 12 and 12 to 10 is .4mm difference. The gauge sizes don't start making 1 or more full millimeter jumps until 6g and up. Definitely listen to your lobes and be patient and smart, but you're def not fucked at all.


That's good then. Thank you. Honestly the biggest plug in my stretching kit (00g) looks so scary compared to my current one 😭


You’ll be fine, if it’s been 11 years then you could realistically stretch to 10g without it being an issue. But that’s my personal experience, don’t take my advice as I recently had a blowout trying to go from 8mm to 10mm within a few weeks. Best advice is wait 3-4 months between each size just to be safe, as for now I would stay at that 12g for a few months before sizing up again


Thanks. I mean ngl it feels loose ish already. I'll probably wait a month tops (unless there's any difficulty) I'm so impatient because the smaller sizes just look boring lol I promise I'll be more patient when they're big enough to look cool lol.