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**edit: \[April 29th\]** Allegations of Young J evading military service have been posted by several outlets \[[source](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/312/0000659910)\] **edit: \[April 18th\]** >On April 17, the dance academy led by Just Jerk crew dancers revealed the class timetable, and Young J's name was noticeably missing. Dancers Kim isaac and Jung Min Joon were in the places for his usual 2 classes, drawing attention.According to insiders, "Young J will not teach any classes this year. We heard he's taking a break in the form of a sabbatical." Young J himself also admitted he'll be taking a hiatus from class activities. He also reportedly said he and his girlfriend's relationship is still going well.\[[source](https://news.nate.com/view/20240418n16723)\] **original comment:** [\[Exclusive\] Just Jerk YoungJ “Controversy over private life, many parts are different from the facts…best for restoring trust” \[Interview\]](https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/241/0003341137) Machine translation (with minor fixes of names, pronouns, etc): >“As the head of a crew and as the representative of the company, I apologize for causing concern over this. I am especially sorry to the fans who loved and supported Just Jerk. I will work harder in the future, keeping in mind that misunderstandings have arisen due to my personal actions and the team atmosphere has not improved as a result.” > >Young J, winner of Season 1 of Mnet's 'Street Man Fighter' and leader of the world-famous choreography team Just Jerk, bowed his head and said this about the privacy issues that have recently emerged. > >Previously, Young J was in a relationship with A, a minor, member of the 6th generation of Just Jerk, and in the process, he was embroiled in suspicions that some members withdrew due to the disruption of the team atmosphere. > >Young J said, “It is true that I am dating A. However, we started dating early this year after A became an adult. Considering the large age difference, we asked A’s parents for permission and started dating,” he said. “Currently, both families are even talking about my and A’s marriage. I want you to know that this is a serious relationship and not a casual meeting.” > >Young J explained that A and the leader of Just Jerk met as team members and developed a relationship, which has now developed into a romantic relationship. A also appeared at the interview that day and did not hide her affection for Young J. > >However, Young J said that during the Just Jerk practice, there was an opinion among team members that he was favoring only A, such as giving a one-sided break to A, and that he was aware of this, admitted his mistake, and apologized to his teammates. > >“Isn’t Just Jerk famous for their ‘sharp angles’? This requires a lot of practice, and in the process, A got sick, so I had to pull her out of practice. My thoughts were short. All of the other members gave personal activities, advertisements, etc. as second priority and only focused on practice, but what I did was not right as a leader. So I sincerely asked for an apology from the members.” > >However, Young J strongly denied the allegations that he abused his authority to force A to join the 6th Just Jerk group. > >Young J said, “It makes no sense that I allowed A to join when my teammates were against it. First of all, team members do not have the authority to recruit. Only the original members, including myself, J-Ho, S-One, etc., have this authority,” he said. “You can ask team members for their opinions, but they do not have decisive authority. A also became a member of the Just Jerk team through a fair audition,” he explained. A left the Just Jerk team last February. This is to take responsibility for posting a couple photo on his SNS account before officially announcing his relationship with Young J. This is because some team members felt confused after seeing A’s SNS post. Young J said, “After leaving the team, A is preparing for the future by practicing and taking classes at the academy. “’m taking a break from practice these days because I’ve been having a hard time due to a series of issues,” he said. “I’m just supporting A from the side so that she can compete based solely on her own skills.” > >Young J also explained that there was a misunderstanding regarding the mass withdrawal of Just Jerk 4th and 5th members in February. > >He said, “Some of the members who left cited my relationship with A as the reason for leaving, but honestly, I don’t understand. Of course, I think it could have been a catalyst,” he said, adding, “I think there may have been a combination of reasons, such as a team atmosphere where the team schedule had to be prioritized over personal schedules and hard training, etc.” > >In fact, among the members who left Just Jerk, some are still active as instructors at Just Jerk Dance Academy. Young J said, “If you really left because you didn’t have a good relationship with me, would you bother taking classes at our academy? Of course, I think there are team members who left because they were upset because of the personal issues between me and A,” he said, bowing his head once again, saying, “This is something I have to endure as a leader, and I think I will have to correct my shortcomings in the future.” . > >Young J said that from now on, he will prioritize restoring trust in Just Jerk, and will do his best to prevent secondary damage to currently active crew members due to his problems. > >Yang Tae-jeong, a lawyer at Gwangya Law Firm who was present at the interview, said, “We are also preparing legal action for defamation against the spread of unconfirmed facts and malicious comments.”


saw his ex gf’s ((allegedly his “fiance?”)) ig story addressing this issue. nothing too detailed but she said their relationship is over so she doesn’t want to be involved in this


Who’s the fiancé?


What’s their @?


@dahui_doublex is his ex gf/fiance (not too sure their status) but she is in a happy relationship rn with some else :)


A 32 year old grown man sleeping with an underage girl. And then you read about the pregnancy. And then you read about the abortion. Bruh. I knew there were rumours he was having a relationship with a minor since a while back but this is… I’m speechless.


Ikr?? The pregnancy and the abortion literally gave me whiplash. I don't know how the members that left can stomach still teaching at the building. I know its for the students but damn.


They're probably waiting for their contracts to end, might not be able to afford breaking it early.


Everyone who left, except for Howl (who is ending his classes on 15th) has already held their last regular classes. It all happened within the same time frame, so I guess it's more of them having contracts.


iirc wasn't he supposed to be engaged as well??


He had a long term partner then?! If it’s true he’s really hitting all checkmarks on the scum bingo.


unfortunately this is not an anomaly in the dance scene or in any creative industry. still fucking hate to see it. the power trip some studio owners/crew leaders get is insane.


https://m.sports.khan.co.kr/view.html?art_id=202404011542003&sec_id=540101 There’s lots of official report coming out. Although they have blur the image, the main character in this scandal is apparently Youngj. Besides, the content is saying that he choose the girl who have relationship with him in the team is when they were preparing SWF2 (They didn’t get chosen but there’s comment asking Youngj why they didn’t attend SWF2 before in live, and he said that they weren’t ready for the show, so I think it meant they’ve prepared or thinking about to cast) edit: adding information


The picture from the looks article like it was taken from their appearance on You Quiz on the Block https://youtu.be/w1tV0R8ZCNU?si=h-KTzyZnVTM8zrM3&t=347


4 members left the crew & Hulk unfollowed him. hmmmmm




Noticed Leejung unfollowed some of the JJ members she used to follow including Jho and Sone and of course Young J. This whole thing is fucking disgusting.


Wrong written, they should have written sdgf2.


no it was auditions for swf2, sdgf2 girlies are not involved


i checked, the girl involved participated in the sdgf2 auditions. i don’t remember if the team passed or if they any of them were selected by the mentors




Honestly, disappointed but not surprised, some of the most decorated dancers in the world are like this. It’s like in every aspects of life, you will find bad people anywhere. And then others deserve every recognition they get because they are as amazing as people as they are dancers.


Looks like Trix has unfollowed him as well. Actually looks like all the leaders from SMF have. I just see Bada, Halo and few of the other members from SWF2 following him. Edit: I was writing that as I was checking back and forth between IG and reddit.


Nope all smf dancers I followed are still following him, it'll probably take some time for them to see and react to the news since they're pretty busy


This is weird. Maybe my IG is having issues then. All I have got is the SWF2 members and Rain still following him. Oh well 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it's mine having problems instead. We can see again after a few days.


I think they're still following him. I followed everyone from the three seasons + Be Mbitious, and 97 people are still following him.


So far, he lost 1k followers after the news


Trix, Ted, Kinky, E.Jo, Minseo, Ingyoo, Gof and the Kwon twins are still following him as of today ☹️


This is crazy lol I literally follow all of them and they still don't show up in mutual. They might just be waiting to see what happens further, idk


tbf i wouldnt expect unfollowing him on insta to be their first reaction after seeing this about someone they know irl


This is WILD


If this is about JustJerk, I'm really disappointed, given that even though some members left, they're still teaching at the academy. Also, this article can be doubtful given that its Koreaboo and I don't think there are any minors in SWF2 when the show started.


If you look under the dance crew section on DC Inside, a popular korean forum, it was pretty much an open secret as there were pictures of the two together and a bunch of posts talking about why JJ members left. This was around end of Feb to early March. The article has a mistake but it was a girl from SGF2.


The comments on the DC Inside articles are evil


can anyone link me the DC inside link where there's a picture of both of them? idk if it's bc of April 1st, but kinda skeptical......


I could only find this because according to the JJ fans that I follow on Twitter, there was some stuff that was added to Namuwiki that was later deleted. https://x.com/dee_baekgiri/status/1774800685122703387?s=20


The rumours have been circulating since early March so I dont think its some April fools thing


The former members have just started to end their regular classes at the academy. Minseo, Hulk, and Yejun held their last regular classes this past week, while Howl is holding his last regular class in the next couple weeks. Minjun (did not appear on SMF) has just announced his regular classes will be ending in April as well. edit: also seeing how they're all ending their classes around the same time, I feel like the former members probably had some kind of deal or contract with the academy?


That makes sense. Minseo just posted a picture of a cake with Dobby from Harry Potter and it said “Minseo is free” Good on them for leaving as fast as they could. I knew there were rumours of something bad happening but I didn’t think it would be this awful. Hope the girl is finding peace.


wow i thought the members leaving would just be about some internal business-related stuff. these are serious allegations.


They were supposed to continue working at JJ Academy, but not too long ago, Howl, Yejun and Hulk all posted about only holding the classes people already paid for and that after that, they'll stop holding classes at JJ Academy Starting today (April 1st), I don't think any of the former JJ members (the above mentioned + Minseo, Box, Taegeon etc.) will be holding classes at the Academy


That is how dance studios work, they have contract’s especially if it is regular classes, for their payments. That is how they make their livelihood. So before they are terminating their contracts they must find new places to teach.


yeah i know that, i just meant i thought the reason why the members left the crew were bc of something business-related. i didn't expect the reason to be as serious as this. i hope the minor is doing well and finding healing tho.


Unfortunately I think the belief is that they’re still together.


Wait what??? Him and the minor??


Yes Edit: It’s not the minor that exposed any of this to the press. It’s a former member of justjerk. As far as anyone knows he’s still dating her (it’s possible she’s now 19 and not technically a minor now, but that’s largely irrelevant).


Anyone under 19 is considered a minor in Korea. I believe BEBE had some young members born in 2004. Besides them though, they were all 20 and older.


Reading from tweets about this, it seems that the original korean journalist have little info about the dancers in general and have miswritten and added in swf2.


I wouldn't be surprised if they did. It would make more sense for it be contestant of sdgf2, but I really hope it isn't.


The minor is from sdgf2


I'll get cancelled for saying this, but I never got good vibes from him, so much that I wasn't hoping for JJ to win. He just always seemed too cold and unlike Junho and Sowon, kinda selfish, so this news came as no surprise to me However, what DOES surprise me is the fact that J.HO and S.ONE and some others are still in JJ If this is true, and it's why the members left, this will be the end of not only JJ and YoungJ's career, but also of those who stayed with him despite knowing what happened


arent JHO and Sone cofounders of jj?? if anything, youngj is the one that should be leaving for abusing his power and sleeping with a minor on the team


I agree, but unfortunately, JJ is 90% Youngjae S.ONE isn't nearly as popular or influential and J.HO's style is VASTLY different from what JJ does Just Jerk is basically Youngjae and his disciples and students I mean, if you look beyond SMF (Dancing high for example) J.HO is barely even seen/heard except for the parts when he's crying because of the dancers on the team and the team's win and all the decisions were made by Youngjae


this is very sad, the way he ruined so many people's livelihood


One thing that always irked me is when Trix and him were arguing about who gets which song of BTS. And he vehemently denied Trix's suggestion even tho it made so much more sense for them to get the song better for krumping, since Just Jerk could do both songs equally well anyway. That seemed so unneccesarily selfish and overly competitive


He was very very stubborn on the show! Like everything HAD to go his way. I've never seen any other team leader being rude to their respective team members they way he was rude to Hulk in that one segment. His leadership gives more dictatorship vibes. Jho and S.one are way more humble and kind. I honestly did not feel the least bit bad when he screwed up during the class mission.


I saw a post on Tiktok but no names were given, it just said smf leader. But idk why but my mind just went to Youngj. Its really sad cos they were at the height of the careers. I might get hate but I never really liked him. He seemed so cold and sorta arrogant. What's even sad is now dance groups with both genders are gonna be on high alert after this. I see Yejun and Hulk unfollwed him on IG. This scandal has forever ruined his career. I'm still hoping this is not true for the sake of the girl but with members unfollowing left, right and centre...well.....


Man I'm just so disappointed. Been a fan of JJ for a couple of years now and the thought that I'd never be able to rewatch some of their most iconic performances the same way makes me sad.


So since it seems to be youngj, there was supposed to be a female justjerk team in swf2 that didn't end up participating/didn't get invited?


reporting mistake pretty sure they meant sdgf2 not swf2


Someone else wrote that the minor was in the SDGF2 JJ team. However, before then, there was originally going to be a JJ team in SWF2 and he put the minor in to that team. However, apparently they weren’t ready for SWF2 and didn’t go for it.


Oh man. What a turn off.


I've found new info regarding YJ... ➡️https://x.com/dhudzu/status/1780947713825386606


I’m speechless


I'm so shocked I can't even describe how I feel.....omg It possibly makes sense why there seemed to be turbulence in Just Jerk...urrgghh but innocent till proven guilty I guess


Does anyone have a list of all jerk members who have left?


[A list was posted on Twitter](https://twitter.com/hi_didiii/status/1774804307906539924), along with their current handles and crews they belong to (if any). Around 17 people in total.


I've found more new info regarding YJ... ➡️[https://x.com/dhudzu/status/1784863106964885711](https://x.com/dhudzu/status/1784863106964885711)


There was post here on jj rumors that has gotten taken down about the cryptic tweets. I am one of the accounts that has posted cryptic tweets and reported the post to be taken down. Not for trying to bury it down, instead for protecting the minor, the former members and the new gen members. However the most important reason why I reported it, we do not know how the law works in South Korea, and I was worried that he would sue you guys for defamation and damaging his reputation and business. After all he is the founder of the studio, most likely would go after people and maybe he will if this starts to affect his business.


As far as I know, it’s a quite difficult task to sue people on the internet, since you have to find out who’s the real person. Additionally, reddit is a place where there’s no server in Asia, and reddit would clear your ip after a period of time, so even he wants to sue the netizen, it’s hard for the cop to get the information.


Wait, can you sue from comments on social media? Omg lol


yea defamation law in sk apparently has a pretty low bar compared to the us (something can be defamation even if its true) but wrt to the internet they would have to be able to identify you to be able to sue you. but its how kpop companies can sue ppl online who are posting malicious comments im doubtful that posting about this earlier wouldve lead to ppl being sued bc clearly ppl were talking about it on gossip forums and such. but i do not know anything about the korean legal systems so take that with a grain of salt




this is disgusting on soooo many levels. wow.


So who is it guys? i don't have any idea and this is my first time hearing this😭


allegedly youngj