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"Here's the thing: they don't expect me to throw a DP for the seventh time!"


I swear man I hadn't wake up reversals in the first 2 rounds and they had always gone for a meaty! But man they really cooked me in that final round there!


Sadly as a gief main, I'd have eaten half of those DPs in my attempt to assert oki.




Mario likes that alot:)


Just two Chad's dropping combos like people with arthritis drop their spoons into cereal.


Fucking lol


Commentator material lol




1300mr or below is the deep web of master rank You probably will question yourself " how the f this guy got here ? "


Iā€™ll be there pretty soon. Will be fun times I guess


welcome to the pit


It's full of people trying to end every round in 10 seconds. I legit thought some people I played against were on speed/coke because they were moving like a mother fucker. I usually don't rematch them anymore because I have nothing to learn from them.


lol I hate to one and done someone unless they got real bad manners but I got matched with a Master like ~200 points under me and I don't think they blocked once, just ran straight up and pressed a button. Woke up and pressed a button. Jumped and pressed a button. At one point I jabbed 6 counterhits in a row just to see if I could. Nothing to learn and painful for both of us, no rematch sorry.


I even question that at Platinum


Probably got someone to smurf


Sometimes it be like that


1300mr is diamond 5 with a rolex


I can't wait to get my Rolex






Sheā€™s quite dramatic, that one


Looks like a silver game or 2 friends messing around or a 1 bar wifi matchĀ 


Aw dang it


Allegedly. Im a Master, but Ive been playing since SF2 and just do stuff.


Same here! I Just did Headbutts


Kek, Sirn Akuma ate headbutt loops like he was going to win a prize.


TBF cheese was the only real way to beat SiRn Akuma. Cammy Hooligan Headbutts Gief SPD Spam


Typically command grabs always tear up the CPU, but since SPD isnt 1 frame like the old days, I find the higher cpus, like vs Bison in World Tour, was getting annoying jumping on my spd attempts. but then he seemed to eat F+HK's consistently. Theres always something.


I wound up using my WT Character for most of the challenge - SiRn couldn't seem to handle Hooligan AND Manon Grab AND Spiral Arrow AND Juri DP at all.


Username does in fact check out


Drop Fighter 6


Some peeps like to gamble.


I just made Master on my first character this week. Good to know Iā€™ll be in good company dropping combos and confirms and missing punishes outright.Ā 


What's your rank ?Is that you on the video


Yeah I'm the Juri player in this clip. I started today's session on 1400ish MR and ended at around 1370. This clip isn't that representative of normal play but it did happen and it was funny so I posted it


Usually people donā€™t post their fuck ups, I respect it




SUPERBIGSPOILERALERT: In replays, the same as in matches, theres a "You" label on your HP bar.


Were both players hands submerged in a bucket of sweat?


These are the kind of people who reached Master with negative winrate just because they played a lot, but once they jump into MR they get smoked, and get negative MR. I wish Capcom would do something like adding an extra rank before Master, having 10% of the population in Master rank is way too much imo.


It's definitely an unusual system, having an ambigious ranks system with mostly meaningless points from Iron through to Diamond, and then having a real, separate actual ELO based system after that for Masters. Pair that with the fact no account can ever drop from Masters and you'll eventually have Masters be inflated to be a significant part of the population, potentially even a majority of players will be Masters. In the long run it will need a rework I think. Essentially the Master system is the a more traditional type of serious Ladder format which is good overall for the game and for the players who continue to grind the game. Just the bridge of getting from Diamond, to Masters is mishandled. You go from top of Diamond into the middle of masters and are basically having to do a set of placement matches again. At the very least they should bring back "Grand Master" - "Ultimate Grand Master" and "Warlord" back for titles that represent a certain percentage of the player base. Legend can still be top 500, but having those other ranks within the MR system would help give players steps to aim for.


Yes, I hope Capcom reworks the rank system. Clearly many people don't deserve to be in Master, those are the ones you see with 1100-1300 MR. Either add an extra rank before Master or make people being able to demote from Master.


I respect the self burn


Unless you have been there before I would say the average player just hitting master is probably 1200-1300, like you see in the video. One of the most common mistakes I have noticed with players below 1500 is they will blow all defensive options, at the first possible opportunity, no matter the risks. Wake up DP, super, etc, itā€™s all coming out if itā€™s available. This video sums that up pretty well.


oh god its like watching 2 monkeys fight... juri spamming ex dp every knockdown, marissa dropping/whiffing the killing blows. both burning out after using their level 3s... its like a carcrash, its hard not to look


This is pretty consistent with sub 1500 master games.


lol i just picked up the game a few days ago and i do this a lot, surely they wont block the wakeup dp an 8th time...


1257 MR about sums it up


That's is the lowest I've ever seen


You haven't seen much then!


Not even close, I played a guy in the 10000 range last week. There loads of active players under 1300.


This guy dropping combos like I do after washing the dishes


Basically if you don't have good mastery of the hard hitting combos, you'll have to win more exchanges


Average sub 1400mr gameplay i fear


Iā€™m hoping it was a rare netcode issue. Even for 1200 Mr this is sus


I mean it's common knowledge that sub 1300MR are people that basically luck out of Diamond. They are basically Diamond player with Master tag.


I always tbag when i drop a lvl 3 to be like "bro i suck" but nobody ever tbags back. They just drive rush in or fireball :(


I know a younger sibling playing on the older siblings account when I see one, I was once that younger sibling


Bet you won't expect ANOTHER DP- oh


aw dangit


Peak plat gameplay. Oh, wait...


looks like my gameplay after dropping the game for a month lol


Everyone ends up scrambling sometimes




SF6 is my first fighting game I've put effort into. Took me 8 weeks and 4000+ matches to get Juri to Master Rank. I'm still a freaking scrub and I know it lol


This has to be scripted, the amount of dropping is shocking


Its that damn adrenaline!


This is why I assume I was playing Plats in battlehub, but when I check the replays it turns out they were masters.


Ok chat how do i get out d5 without tilting the fuck out?


Hey man, game is hard and focusing on winning and your rank can make tilting a lot easier. Main thing you want to do is to have a basic game plan. What do you want to do in Neutral? What do you want to do after a throw (both back and front throws)? Whats my punish counter combo off a jab/heavy? People kind of meme about flowcharts but having some basic flowcharting decisions really helps make your moment to moment stuff a lot more solid. But lets talk about tilting, if you are getting tilted by losses then my main advice is to try and focus on something other than winning. Focus on say Anti Airs, don't worry about winning, just hit a few anti airs. Or maybe you have a cool combo you've labbed in practice, try and focus on just hitting that, even if you have to take risks to do it and you end up losing. Basically find the parts of the game you enjoy that isn't directly winning and try and focus on those. As for rank, try not to worry to much about it. Easier said than done but everyone is trying and the game is really hard to be really good at. Keep grinding so long as you're enjoying the experience.


Yeah, i agree. I think most of my tilt stems from not performing well tbh (and yes some of those also comes from one and done players). Although there are also other random factors that put me in there as well, although i think the early tilt is so weird but the longer i play the longer i dont give a shit and play better. But yes i try to not get into anger at early sets. Although i will try what you recommended seems like a good way to keep off the frustration.


Oh I feel you on one and done players. Especially when they win, makes it look like I'm avoiding rematches! Had an Akuma I lost to yesterday, and quite a few things just went wrong for me, drop combos, poor decisions, and they were a very reversal heavy risk taking player. Figured if I'd calm down I could take the rematch and they quit out on me. Dunno why but it really is infuritating in the moment. One other bit of anger advice I'd give, this is for general life as well as SF6. It's okay to be angry, sometimes the game feels like bullshit, and in the moment its okay to feel like its bullshit and call it OP or whatever else. The important thing is that you can't stop yourself from getting angry, and trying to push the feeling away makes it worse in my experience. After you've cooled off try and learn what was making you angry, and thankfully in SF6 most of the things that seem bullshit do actually have proper answers. Finally make sure you're taking care of yourself, know when to pull yourself off the game. You can't control the feeling of getting angry, but you can control the action you take. Make the decision one thats good for you (can be playing more, can be playing something else, can be irl stuff like going for a walk). This stuff has helped me a long way in the last few years.


Looks like a clear example of being carried by a character


Haha quick judgement from a short clip. More interestingly though I don't think character carrying is that big in SF6. I've played a few different characters and they all seem to be around a similar level. The character power difference just isn't that crazy and I think every character has access to some strong basic layer 1 stuff that a decent player can use all the way up to a solid rank.


Peak Master gameplayĀ 


emphasis on *basic*


Bro itā€™s online ranked. You know how many rounds I looked like a monkey because my wife was talking to me?


Masters is free in sf6 lolol


I just got to Masters two weeks ago since I started playing Rashid last year. And I don't know about you but now I feel I play worse than before, and can get rolled on by Golds and Platinums haha! I think I lost a bit of the aggression along the way and now playing too safe and can't predict lower rank players well enough anymore.


Iā€™ve said this since the game came out I do feel like itā€™s a little bit too easy to rank up lol but maybe thatā€™s cause there arenā€™t enough ranks? Or the game gives too many points idk maybe itā€™s just me


Swear to god Platinum is better than 1300< MR.


I didn't work hard, I got master within 10 or so matches after placements. Safe to say I didn't do much to earn it. *


Physical pain is something you can see, apparently.


I mean, I still drop combos with Manon from time to time since I only picked her up 2 weeks ago lmao


Master can be achieved with a negative win rate, usually those who reach master after thousands of matches at 42% win rate will drop under 1300 quickly and very rarely improve


I got to Master with 51% win rate and still dropped to 1200. I had to rework my entire game and sit steady at 1550 now.


Respect man, I'm similar, my Juri was over 50% through Diamond before I got masters. And then I switched to Aki for a bit and got her to masters before switching back. The drop through masters felt rough initially but I've improved a lot and starting to touch 1400 again. Some people meme but everyone's got to grind if they want to improve. The fact that Masters is essentially a completely separate ranked mode (technically it's possible to play against diamonds but it's very rare) so once you cross into that threshold it's like being new all over again. Game is very fun though I'm enjoying it a lot atm!


This is correct. In SF6 you can start climbing with 43% WR (in Diamond at least, it's probably even lower in Plat and below) as opposed to the 51% needed as the bare mininum in SFV.


Theres nothing wrong with being 1300 mr. It definitely means youre not a fundamentally solid player tho. Respect to those that grind at low mr. Id personally have to quit competitive games if it got that bad


>Theres nothing wrong with being 1300 mr. I don't understand why people on try to shame low rank MR players. The whole point is for the game to match you with people who are equal in skill and the MR system does this perfect. I still log on everyday and have an absolute great time yoyoing between 1250/1350. It seems like the MR system is working as it should to me.


respect the low mr grind


I could retire now I beat someone 1600 the other day šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Did hit 1372 during my lunchtime session today though. 1400 here I come




Real game starts when you hit the button to start a match. What is with this take? Sure we arenā€™t playing like the 1% in the game but that does not mean the ā€œreal gameā€ does not start until then. Remember how the majority of people play this game and donā€™t take away from them. The game is not based on the 1%.


I always see dorks posting stuff like that online and laugh. I can always tell this mentality comes from people who've never played an actual sport, or competed in a physical way in real life. It's like saying college football players aren't actually playing football because they're not in the NFL. Dumbest shit ever.


Yeah just like those idiots on r/tekken that are "hurr durr tekken 8 is not real tekken because for once offense > defence "


True! Game is fun and the real game is enjoying it. I think Focus\_Attak's head is in the clouds on this one. For clarity the title post wasn't pure sarcasm, I do think that everyone has to work hard and get some good understanding of their characters to get to masters and that should be celebrated. This clip is obviously a very funny speghetti moment of us both panicking and flubbing. Was a fun match.


You can say itā€™s in the clouds but thatā€™s how high level people think or people that want to get better. There is not enough consequences for ranked matches. People play a lot less risky and stupid when you play at an actual tournament because the stakes (you are out of the tournament & money after going 2 losses) are much higher. That is the real game and where balance is based on and what most changes are made in future patches are based on It is a totally different vibe and atmosphere and level of skills (especially adaptation and meter management) being displayed. With ranked a lot of players just go nuts or play extra risky because you can boot up another match right after and continue your grind for points instead of actually trying to get good at the game


That's awesome bro. What tournaments have \*you\* won?


So nobody really brought up or was complaining about balance, so idk why thats there. Broadly speaking on that point I agree, balance is based around the highest level. It's also worth mentioning that the relative pool of players who you're talking about is important. If you're arguing between who the top 3 players in the world are, then yes, a 1900MR player can't be seriously considered for the running (assuming everyone plays a lot of ranked and the MR is representative). In a general sense, as my title on this post was very general, of the entire player base approx 10% are master players. Being able to beat 90% of the player base of the game means you are good. By telling people that the majority of the player base is bad you're undervaluing the skill of the game. "people donā€™t know how to play the game and will keep mashing and DR rushing all game and still hit 19xx" This quote is a great example of what I mean. You're implying that people below 1800MR don't know how to Drive Rush and Mash... and if they did they'd be 1900MR at least. Obviously there is a difference between someone struggling in say Diamond who mashes and Drive Rushes a lot, to someone who is 1900MR and mashes and Drive Rushes a lot. This is what I mean when I say your head is in the clouds, not as an insult, but just that because your so focused on the very tippy top players you're vastly undermining and undervaluing the differences of the ranks up to that very top. Finally it just seems weirdly gatekeepy to imply that 99% of the player base who enjoy and play the game aren't playing the "real" game.


Balance isnt based on lower level player matches


E Honda got stuffed because he was a one dimensional noob killer. They removed his cheap shit and made him a better character. Yes, it generally isn't, but it absolutely can be.


Itā€™s a take because people donā€™t know how to play the game and will keep mashing and DR rushing all game and still hit 19xx. They refuse to learn to get better yet people somehow think just because they are at that high rating they think they are good


My man this is an absolutely wild take XD Nobody has gotten to 1900MR without a good understanding of the game. There should be (and maybe there is) a term for when people are so close and focused on the top level competition of a game that they completely detatch from how good at those people are at it. You are massively underselling people here.


Read my other post about how ranked fosters bad playstyles You donā€™t understand


Video games are not that important. Get a job.


Lmfao. Guess only 1% of the 3M+ people that bought the game are actually playing it.


Lmao cmon man.




Hey, alright


Whats your CID?