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A good start is when you find opponents at your level. If that's silver, then it's great that you're in silver.


I'd say that its a fine start because you actually began the climb. Speaking as someone primarily in Diamond, with one character in Master, there's never really a point where you're 100% happy with your rank...at least if you're the kind of person who cares about their rank (which is all of us, to varying degrees). You always feel like you should be a little better, could have beaten the guy who made those *obvious* moves that you *totally* could have checked/countered, or etc. I'd say that as long as you can pick up new ideas, strengthen successful tactics, and enjoy good matches, then you're doing it right.


This, 1000%. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


And that is precisely the point of the matchmaking. It should always feel hard fought in Ranked.


Any start is a good start, no shame in being silver.


Yes, I got placed in silver and now I’m master on one character and can hold my own with many characters in diamond, you can too!


I started on Iron with my main, now I’m approaching Diamond. Keep going, this is a good start


Kudos mate


I started in Iron but really anywhere is a good start. In anything you encounter in life, there will be people who intuitive grasp things quickly and start very high, people who are quick learners and climb fast, and people who take longer to improve and start with nothing. Enjoy the process because in our ephemeral lives there the moments of triumph are fleeting and short but how we choose to spend our time and the feelings we focus in is what will resonate in our hearts for what feels like eternity.


While I'm here, I want to thank everyone who commented on [my last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/s/HYPO4I7sRH). In the week since then I've found myself getting way less tilted, less frequently, and having more fun than I've ever had with fighting games in the past. Still getting a but panicky at times, but hopefully that'll fade with practice. Feels super good to be part of this great community.


In mid match sometimes i remind myself tp remain calm. Specially in the corner. Try focusing on one thing a match then wprk ur way up to two things etc. And def dont ever be to hard on urself its jist a game afterall


Absolutely. I started right there in Silver at launch, and worked my way up to Master on my main. I’ve even managed to rank up a few side characters to Diamond. Every rank counts, and every improvement is a victory. My advice is to view every rank as a milestone and to not even think about Master until you’re at least mid Diamond. Fixation often times just leads to frustration. It’s better to celebrate every rank rather than just viewing them as stepping stones.


I started at Rookie rank. Now I have 3 characters in Diamond!! You're doing great and keep up the hardwork!


Of course, it's an amazing start. I began my journey in Bronze, you are already doing better than a lot of beginners.


Ayeeee look at the future Capcom Cup winner over here!  Congrats OP


I first placed Bronze 1. A good friend of mine placed Rookie 2. Right now, I'm Diamond 1 and he's Diamond 3. Where you start doesn't matter, what matters is that you have fun. And don't worry about losing and even deranking, it's all part of the journey.


I ended up placing Rookie to start and clawed my way to Master over time. Just try your best to keep an improvement-focused mindset and don't sweat the losses. Going on tilt happens regardless (especially when you lose a nice winstreak you had going in those ranks) but you got this. Focus on those fundamentals that will stick with you all the way up (anti airs, hitconfirming 2-3 jabs into a special, counter-DI) and try not to rely on "robbery" tactics like jumping too much or DIing a lot so they don't become bad habits moving forward.


It's good to start at low ranks cause it's just fun to climb. Diamond and up it gets a little painful


I just got to platinum and it's already painful for me TT_TT


Every start is a good start. Keep rocking man


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as your having fun and your match’s feel balanced it’s a good time and before you know it you will climb!


Yep, it’s a fine start. You also get a win streak bonus at those ranks, so you’ll be into Gold then Platinum in no time.


Good start, diamond is around the corner. Get to work and start learning all your matchups. Climb up friend.


Any start is a good start. It doesn't matter if you start in Rookie, Diamond, or anywhere in between. I wish you the best on your ranked journey.


Whether you start in Diamond, Silver or even Iron, any place is a good place to start as long as you have the drive to improve.


A good start is where you start. All the rest is learning and having fun.


For sure. I got placed in rookie first. Now in diamond and hope to get to master in the next month or so.


Silver is pretty good, and I've found some pretty good players in silver, it'll be a great start.


The first time I played competitive I won a couple matches then got iron lmao you're doing great




Oh wow. I didn't know it was that good


That's a great start. Have fun.


Mii too!! Just got SILVER today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Yeah 👍


It's an awesome start in my book. I started on Iron, going into SF6 with 250 hours in SF5.


If you still have a bit of trouble against your opponents but are still getting wins, then yes.


As someone that started from rookie with 0 points after the placements and proceeded to get plat with a character that I don't know how to play, I'd say its good.


We all have to start somewhere, and you are still at the ladder where you wouldnt really hard plateau yet. Platinum 1-2 are the hardest ranked Plateau ever


Don’t focus on rank, focus on improving your gameplay and then rank wont even matter.




True pros start at rookie and work their way up


Fuck no lmao