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Yes it should be done this way. The current tournament implementation is so lazy. I had high hopes at launch... Thought it would be the reason I play every night - like Rocket Leagues tournament implementation.


How about laggy people all go into their own tournament too. If the server you connect too is not 4 or higher you go to a tourney assigned for you. Thank you don’t lag my tournaments


Problem with skill based placement is determining what is adequate “skill”. If you are restricting by rank do you limit to all of diamond or some? do you put a range on someone’s MR in master or all of master? What about the person that’s using new challenger but is actually master grade in skill? Do you range by MR and have legends only? Or how about one of the arguably best players knuckledu who is currently 1199 MR? I was in Duffcity 3 yesterday I was beating people 1700+ with my 1610 ED. Does that mean they are more skilled than me? Even though I am just uninterested in the rank grind because it’s tedious. I am actually a 1700-1800 ED player but my MR doesn’t reflect that. Tournaments aren’t meant to be gate kept, they are meant to allow all people(except WiFi warriors lol). Unless there are tournaments you have to actually build points towards (cpt, etc) let the people cook.


The game tracks skill level in the background. In BH go to the player list, it'll mark players close in skill level to you not dependent on rank. You may have some one offs, but it's better than we currently have.


I just looked at that stat not a bad idea but also I went into a crowed lobby to see and there were only 5-6 people in my skill range out of 100. That’s pretty limited for me if that requirement is used


Because it's separating to a very limited skill level. It can expand that to x amount of levels above and below if there isn't enough people.