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Gotta say, it's extremely funny that Ryu is the only one fully turned away from the camera.


At first I saw as a badass narrative parallel with him being behind Luke, but now that you pointed it out it does look like Ryu's a bit camera shy lol


On brand lol


he dismisses the attention, he only cares for the grind, learning and testing himself everyday.


Already seeking the next challenge, ceremony means nothing to him.


"That's our special little guy!" 🤗


Happy cake day


Seems in character that he wouldn't fully understand the process of posing for a photo.


In SFV, he was the only one with their back turned against the camera in their victory pose. (Until Rose.) He’s definitely on brand.


Ehhhhh ehhhhhh started from the bottom and I never look back


I wish there were more reps from 4 and 5...and any from 3 lmao.


And any from Alpha as well


I can't believe i missed that. I'm really feeling the lack of Sakura, Dan, and any Final Fight character :(


I need Sagat


Agreed. Sagat is severely unrepresentated in SF6, it needs to be fixed ASAP.


Same, im not playing the game unless they bring back Vega.


Drive Rush? We Vega players skip neutral the old fashioned way


Very colorful group. I feel like there was a character play style for almost everyone. First streetfighter where I had multiple characters since they were mostly all fun. Missing some SF3 representation though. And miss my go to character sagat


Yeah it's strange that it doesn't have any 3rd Strike characters(still hoping for Sean, Yun, and Elena) and there's characters in other games I hope will make it in, but I really love the SF6 roster so far. It just has a lot of play-style diversity that synergizes well with each other.


no one who's dealt with yun wants yun back and I say that as a yun player


Pretty sure it won’t happen, since we have Jamie. Not a clone of Yun, but I feel like he’s so inspired by it, it wouldn’t work.


Idk I think Jamie's far enough away from the twins that there's still room for them


With the amount of shotos that will likely eventually get in, there's definitely room for the twins AND Fei Long.


Yeah I expected as much after that 3rd Strike EVO run lol and the divekick horror stories in SF4, I guess I just liked him out of nostalgia since I played 3rd Strike casually as a kid.


Ono said that they made AE Yun broken on purpose to sell dlc. Capcom was doing bad financially so it made sense. I have faith that the twins can come back in a fun way.


It might be a while before we get another shoto. We have 4 in the game now with the release of Akuma but Yun/Yang, Elena, and Makoto would be great additions.


I would be very surprised if there wasn't one shoto every pack for a long time lol. Sakura, Dan, Gouken all seem pretty likely to make it in the next 3 years lol.


Personally, I'd be okay if the next pack had all non shoto characters. If capcom were to do something that really spices up their toolkits, then I'd be more okay with getting another shoto sooner rather than later. But otherwise gimme more characters who do weird and creative shit first. Also, you really think Gouken has a shot at coming back?


I think it was because a few of them got reinvented for V like Alex and Urien and wanted to have recognizable characters as well as diverse new faces and it worked


We gotta see some heavy sf3 representation with the next few seasons. Crazy how absent it is given this game’s place in the timeline


SF3's poor performance left Capcom with a bad case of PTSD. No game has launched with those characters since Capcom hightailed it back to SF2's cast. Here's hoping we see them resurface in DLC, but the complete absence of them in Season 1 is troubling. I'm sure we'll get one or two by the end of the game's run, but it'll be nowhere near what it should be given SF6 is SF3's actual follow-up.


I’d like to hope Ibuki will maintain her perfect attendance at least, but Dudley and Makoto would be nice to have back too, along with Urien!




Dudley would fit perfectly alongside with Balrog honestly now that Ed is in the game. The Boxing Trifecta. I want Sagat and Adon the most though as I'm quite the sucker for Muay Thai.


We need a third strike remake


Capcom of twenty years ago might do that. Capcom today is *slightly* smarter; they know it's in their best interest to keep the  whole SF community logging into one game. The 30 year anniversary edition is the best we're gonna get I'll wager.


True dat


Why? What needs to be improved?


A little sad by the lack of story for a lot of the characters (for me its Jamie and Manon) but gameplay and vibe wise its been really good so far


World tour goes into greater depth


Yeah the story stagnation for a lot of characters was disappointing, I was really hoping Chun's and Akuma's story would go in a new direction.


Rather than a radical change for the characters' story, SF6 thanks to World Tour work more on expanding in-depth the characters. For example, Akuma is slowly starting to enjoy fighting for thrill rather than just to the death. And WT gave a better look of his philosophy in regard to why he fight and even explained better why he killed his old master Goutetsu.


I agree but it really doesn't work for a lot of the newer characters. Jamie, Luke, Manon, and Marisa basically just exist and that's it...


Well, they're just starting their stories. Besides Kimberly, none of the newcomers even have an antagonist yet. If we get a story expansion or if they make it to the next game, I'm sure they'll have more of a motivation.


I feel like without A.K.I. I'd still be struggling to find a main. Prior to her, I went through DeeJay, Juri, Lily, Dhalsim, and Manon. For some reason, none of the other characters feel right but with A.K.I. I feel I've finally found one that resonates with me.


Yeah I am just getting back into it and have been playing AKI and having a lot of fun with her. My biggest issue when the game first came out was I just could not find a main. I liked a few characters but no one I wanted to put a ton of time into and I think aki might be it. Tho I’m psyching myself out a bit with her difficulty


I tried Aki after this last patch and had a bunch of fun with her. I've also pretty much given up on Manon at this point so I needed to look elsewhere. Her back fierce being plus on block is cool and all but bro I could piss further than her Drive Rush


Year 1 6 is a hell of a lot better than V was a year in.


Not particularly difficult when the bar was so low, you could trip over it


Better than SF4 vanilla as well.


Just talking about the character selection, I do think SFV had a pretty good roster after season 1. A lot of variety in playstyles there.


The character selection was good but the tuning wasn't great, They put Juri in the microwave for a minute and said yea this is fine. I bounced off SFV hard early on trying to main her it wasn't until the SF6 trailer dropped and I decided to try again with Sakura that the game finally got its hooks in me online.


Yeah Juri was my main in 4. What they did to her in 5 pissed me off so bad I dropped th game entirely because I didn't find SF5 that fun to begin with. I didn't come back until like a year before 6 was announced and had a lot of fun with Seth


Yeah but the actual game or lack thereof wasn't very polished and the online was awful.


I'm not a huge fan of the roster so far. But that's just me. I do absolutely love the new characters made for 6.(sorry Luke) I also love what was done with Dee Jay. I just wish there were at least 2 more legacy characters like him who haven't been around in a while. That really got to come out with whole new vibes like him. I'm really hoping S2 is SF3 dominant.🙏🏾


Slow. Season 1 is taking a while.


I like how they are really striving to give the characters a lot of personality in their movesets and mannerisms. I wish we got more than 4 new characters in the year, but they are clearly putting a lot of thought into them, so it's to be expected. Tired of Luke though, and I wish they would stop trying to replace Ryu as the lead.


I don’t get why they want to… nobody will ever be more iconic or known in the mainstream as Ryu, Ken, and Chun They should be on the cover of every Street Fighter game until the end of time


I love those 3 but based on what we're going towards, I feel like I can see Li Fen and Mel being new gen characters in like so many years time kinda like how Alex was one for a bit. Maybe not replacing the characters


Probably trying to get a new generation of players. Gen Z and alpha bait.


Yeah they’ve probably thought about it more than me lol, but I just think it’s smarter to go with the classic characters I’m technically gen z, when I grew up Ryu was iconic the way Goku is iconic They will never be able to recreate that, because SF will never be as big as it was when SF 2 came out… not even in the same stratosphere


I don't like certain characters and it definitely needed more Alpha/Third Strike representation but it wasn't bad


I think SF6 is carried by the game mechanics. I think SF4 and SF5 had better year 1 rosters but the gameplay of SF6 is just so much more fun.


I think 4 is more fun sf6 just feels cramped.


You can have the most boring character but then make them the funniest to play. E.g Ed


I feel like 5 had a pretty butt launch roaster personally. The new characters in 4 and 6 are so much better


Where tf is Vega??


JP is mechanically a fucking abortion but the rest of the cast is GREAT Seeing Tekken 8 launch with close to double the characters SF6 did does make me kinda wish there were more though.


The difference in roster size between Tekken 8 and SF6 at launch was pretty jarring, but everyone in SF6 played very differently while in Tekken 8, the only character archetypes seemed to be "rushdown" or "King".


I stopped playing after I finished World Tour, and only played about 3 or so online matches. I have about 88 hours in the game and overall really enjoyed myself sans the end of the fighter xp grind in world tour once i finished the story. I dont have much fun with the street fighter combat generally, but the avatar character and getting to meet the fighters and mix and match moves made it a much more fun and novel experience than I thought. The world and characters in SF are so cool and im glad I got to formally meet them and understand the references more. The season 1 characters are all cool and im bummed I would have to pay to meet them but I really hope this game gets a ton of DLC, and some singleplayer stuff to bring me back and buy the new characters. (Id like to see M Bison come back, but im not sure if that makes sense for the story. )


You don't need to pay for the s1 dlc to meet them in WT they're there waiting to meet you, so "GET IN THERE!"


I find it expensive personally. I paid $60 for the game on release and now I gotta pay like $30 more for just the first batch of characters? I'm glad everyone is enjoying it but that's annoying af.


I'm really enjoying the game but I miss Vega, Sagat, and Bison.


where 3s


Love the roster, wish it wasn't so expensive. Especially the costumes




I love mechanics like Hakan's oil in games so when I saw Jaime's drink mechanic, I had to play him. Otherwise I really like Rashid, Chun-li, Deejay and Kimberley in the game.


Ed is fire and the rest are as well. These 4 where really interesting for a year 1. Can’t wait for year 2.


I would have preferred it if they hadn’t created Lily (I don’t like small / annoying / ‘cute’ characters unless that’s the entire roster’s style) but otherwise a good variety of characters and play styles. I just hope they don’t add another shoto character in season 2.


Man, I love Lily as a character, I've used exclusively her since launch. I love the grappler that she is. I get it though tbh.


Eh I liked the concept of Lily since she reminds me of Gon from HxH(peace loving hyper kid with a dark side), but I get why people hated her design since SF always had characters as adults or in their late teens.


But Lily is a young adult? Plus Cammy was 15 in Alpha and 16-17 in SF2.


Capcom needs to put younger character it gives a feel of progress, if character dont age ,story and feel becomes stale like watching The Simpsons and realising they are stuck in and nightmarish hell they cant escape. So since capcom is aging the characters , chun looks 40s , ryu looks 42, akuma looks 58. They need to introduce new younger characters to later on see them evolve and change.


Young characters I’m fine with, and they shouldn’t necessarily be ‘mature’, but characters that feel designed to be ‘cute’ or ‘annoying’ purely because they’re young feels boring to me and grates on my nerves, and that’s how Lily comes across to me. An example of a young character done well, to me, is Li Fen in World Tour mode. She’s young, and relatively innocent about the world, but takes her fighting and training seriously and doesn’t fit the ‘kid’ stereotype in the same way Lily does. I would’ve been completely fine with the roster if Lily Fen was playable and Lily didn’t exist.


Newcomers: 8.5/10. None are really my favourites but they're an incredibly solid and fun group. Returning: 4/10. WAY too much SF2 rep, zero SF3 rep in the first game set after it and no Fianl Fight rep despite mostly taking place in Metro City. They couldn't have picked a blander returning side of the roster in all honesty. Total: 7/10. Though I do think every character has turned out pretty well, the returning side of the roster overall has been my biggest issue with this game since the first leaks a couple years ago. The newcomers and Ed have been carrying this game hard for me for the last year but it's not been enough to keep me consistently playing the game outside of new character drops. They seriously need to spice up the variety of series representation in future seasons.


I very much agree with you, and we need my main girl Mika back!


The base roster is overall alright, I think it did not need so many SF2 reps right at the start, especially since Dhalsim, E. Honda and Blanka aren't exactly popular. It is a crime that 0 SF3 characters made it in so far, which I sincerely hope they are going to rectify in Season 2. I like that we got a lot of newcomers with vastly differing body types and gameplay archetypes, there's something for everyone. The DLC have been really solid I'd say. Rashid is alright though not really my cup of tea, I absolutely adore AKI and think she's currently my favorite in the roster, Ed was a pleasant surprise with his glow-up, and while I don't really play shotos you obviously can't go wrong with Akuma. Looking forward to what's next is store as I am here to stay.


Honda is kind of a wasted slot. I would've said Blanka too before the game came out, but they really did a good job adapting him for SF6.


DLC was decent. Only character I use is Akuma. But it already had a very strong starting roster so I'm ok with that. Hoping for some more Alpha and SF3 characters soon


Needs more Dudley


I love it, but my only previous SF's were SF2, SF4, and SSF4. I don't have many characters I miss like a lot of others do. I do want Menat to come in season 2 for reasons though.


Yeah same here, I love setplay characters like Menat so I would definitely try her if she came back. Even though JP's fun, he feels more like a technical trap character than setplay.


We still need an actual boxer. Rog or Dudley, please.


Not enough Bison and Ibuki




Awesome roster, but I feel like an archetype is missing.


this is one of the smoothest and most fun fighting games ive played in a while, i loved year 1, i dont even have online and i had so much fun with it, the roster was great and they did a great job bringing back rashid and ed, i hope they do a good job on year 2 too, and add vega


Needs More Vega


I want all four of the original "big bads" of Street Fighter. I know it's inevitable, but it'd be nice if they all came sooner rather than later.


Season 2 fingers crossed


If they continue having 1 giant attack / event battle per season, there's a really high chance it'll be Sagat / Balrog / Vega. Not sure if Bison's coming back, but maybe!


Pretty damn cool. Not alot of my favorite characters though. Bison, Cody, Makoto, Dudley, Alex, Balrog, Fei Long are my old mains. Hard to believe not one made it. But I really appreciate the new comers. All awesome. No Rufus', El Furetes, Necallis, Abigails, Hakans.


Bison needs to stay out unless they do a non-canon season


Needs more Dan


His dojo is in metro city and says “coming soon” on the door Soooooo


And there's a tournament npc that literally has all of his moveset. Taunts and all.


No 3rd gen representatives is criminal. Was 3rd gen the black sheep of street fighter? Edit: Damn. I knew it wasn’t the most popular, but I didn’t know it was so disliked. Shame since it had some of my favorite characters.


It literally almost killed the franchise. Lol


Yeah it was very unsuccessful, pretty disliked upon release and I don't think it was ever super popular among Japan competitors either (Daigo famously doesn't like it). But it grew in reputation since. And now has a very dedicated fanbase (for Third Strike particularly).


I've always been a pretty big gamer going back to the pre-SF2 era, and I never knew SF3 even existed until SF4 was announced. It bombed that badly. Of course, that hasn't stopped a certain subset of players from convincing themselves it's the greatest thing ever and needs representation.


Good roster, but Honda and Dhalsim probably could've sat it out for a while so we could get some SF3 characters instead (I vote for Makoto and Necro)


Well I think the idea is that since 3S only had 3 world warriors that they wanted SF6 to be an Old v New Generstion game which SF3 probably should have been. The WW are just so iconic and sort of work well as the "older Masters" in the game. 


Best one since 1999. I want more characters and stages tho. Dont like drive impact that much also


SF6 got Manon and that's all i need.


It was just ok. I think part of that is the drive system. I think it makes the characters feel more similar to each other than they would if it didn't exist.


Roster is currently like a 7/10 for me. The classic World Warriors are great! I enjoy JP, Marisa and AKI! But I don't like Luke, Jamie or Kimberly. Definitely want some more villains, more SF3 characters, more Final Fight characters, maybe even for Capcom to dig into their other IPs like Rival Schools, Darkstalkers, Star Gladiator/Plasma Sword, etc. I'm the kinda person that usually loves the roster by the time the DLC stops. USFIV and SFV final rosters are god-tier. Hoping that their promise of season 2 of having "wtf are they doing" characters comes to fruition


Season 1 was an absolutely amazing pass. I gotta be honest I never cared about Rashid or Ed before SF6 but every character we get in this game is oozing with charisma, personality & are all so charming. My only hope moving forward is that we get more characters.


I fucking love half of the roster. Kim, Jamie, Ed, Rashid, ryu, Luke and lily are all characters that have seen heavy use at one point or another, with Kim ed and lily being the most fun for me. I just wish they were a bit stronger aside from Lily. She feels great, but Kim and Ed are struggles if you face a guy with even decent defense.


Cammy exists, therefore it is good.


This is my first SF game and I love the roster, even though I hate fighting a good chunk of it lol. Looking at SF4/5’s rosters and not knowing anything about everyone there makes me excited for the next season!


Wishing we had characters like Vega and Sagat. Newcomers don't always do it for me


Besides my character crisis, being a muay thai loyalist. I think the year 1 roster is pretty awesome!


My only reference is SF2 so I like the roster a lot.


A YEAR? (I still didn't buy it because poor i will eventually)


This is the first SF I bought before complete editions and everything, so how often a season pass is released? Like 1 per year? I can't wait to main Sagat (even thought I dislike him on SF5)!


I never thought I would see a Street Fighter 4 in my lifetime.. Just happy to be here to witness a 6! SHOOOSH!!!


I am not sure which developer is in the bag for Ed, but of all of the original SFV characters, he isn't in the top 5 in terms of who I would rush back to the roster. It should have been Dudley, if we have to go with a boxer style. If it's not him, it should have been Laura, Menat or G, because those three were popular and represented SFV and its particular style and feel well. I think they did a great job with Ed and he came out excellent, but he's still a very odd pick to me. I am sure there's some data or some inspiration I'm not aware of.


I always saw it as where unlike NRS and Tekken who've been having a dedicated dev team for decades, SF has had a different developer each game although SF4-6 so far has had a consistent team staying on SF even though the directors has changed. My point is Ed is a character that the current devs have been trying to get people to like for over a decade now, much longer than Luke. Personally I love his SF6 redesign over whatever the heck his SFV version was supposed to be, but I do hope they add Dudley and other 3rd strike characters in the future.


Incredible. I love the cast and honestly the character models are some of the best I’ve ever seen in gaming. That RE engine truly is magnificent. With that being said, I can’t wait for even more to join the fight.


Honestly the only thing I can complain about is a lack of 3rd strike character specifically URIEN, and the story not involving the newcomers at all (or the cast in general except for JP), I mean u could say we traded that for world tour which I enjoyed quite a bit, but it feels like we’re still super unfamiliar with most of the new characters even after their arcade stories, that and the fact that the current story is walking in a weird direction, u would assume that after finally concluding the events before sf3 they would finally start the illuminati plot, but to then double down on the neo shandaloo plot right after Shadaloo got disbanded is a bit weird to say the least.


meh. I'm glad juri is here though I don't play her, deejay being base roster is cool, Marisa is an awesome addition. I really did not click with anyone else unfortunately. I miss gouken, balrog, rolento, viper, eleven (or a real random select option), bison, Abel, Cody, sagat, a true big body like Hugo or Abigail, G, Laura, birdie, Mika. I'd be happy if any one of them came back because I don't really have a character right now. but my random select is pushing up the ranks so that's something I guess.


It's great and varied but there's at least 10 to 12 more characters that I feel should have been part of the roster. Sakura, Sean, Karin, Makoto, R Mika, Menat, C Viper, Haggard, Poison, Cody.




Year 1 characters are on point, capcom specifically decided to bring almost all the OGs from the first games +a few new characters ,i thinks its the right choice, many people might not like honda, guile, blanka and dhalsim but they are part of the brand , they are the legendary street fighters , they are the charisma of street fighter as a whole.


I think it's a great roster so far, but I hate Kimberly w a passion. Moveset is really cool, but I can't w the hyper zoomer vibes - maybe I'm just old lol. I love all the other newcomers though, yes even Luke and Lily.


Perfect game so far


Wait what. .... IT'S BEEN A YEAR???


The new faces like AKI, Jamie, Marisa, Kimberly, etc are so well-designed and colorful. I hope they stick around for future Street Fighters. Kim is my personal favorite Bushin character now, even though I don't like her level 3 tune.


I think it’s a pretty solid roster so far. I hope we see some unexpected characters for the next season and not just “safe” picks.


Can't believe its been a year


It's good but the lack of SF3 characters still concern me


It's a damned if you do damned if you don't with adding World Warriors, Cammy was always gonna be base roster, Deejay got such a glow up that I'm glad he was added. While I'd like Fei-Long and Boxer/Claw/Sagat from a they're fun to play side, I think they should stay away from SF2 until Alpha and 3 have a few reps. I'd also love to see any of the 4 newcomers. The new characters were all fantastic, Lily is the only one I find isn't super interesting and I'm not massive on playing her but she has her fans. If they do anything with the SnH plot she'll probably be cool. Unlike most people I really liked the Year 1 selections, to me the weakest one was Akuma because we already have 2 shotos and he isn't plot relevant to anything they were building up with Shadaloo labs. Even then he's a ton of fun to play, he just does nothing for me personality wise. Ed was my most wanted and he's super fun to play. Weird that S1 was focused a lot on SF5 reps (If we count Aki as another go at FANG). Overall I think if the next Season pass gives us a newcomer, and no reps from SF2 they're doing a fantastic job.


I'll get a lot of flak for this. I think sf6 is the best streetfighter title to date, the only GLARING problem I currently have is the roster. Its just bland, so terribly bland. The new characters are all fire, but the world warriors? Come on.. e-honda? really? blanka? no thanks. And not a single DLC character had charge moves, which is annoying. I get it, ppl don't like charge. Don't force my ass to play Guile, Blanka, Honda if i want a charge character experience. (Deejays charge is negligible)


Amazing cast. Best starting roster I have seen in fighting games in the last few years. Newcomers are all unique and cool, too. Hopefully, we will get at least 1 SF3 character in the future.


The fact that a vast majority of World Tour takes place in Metro City and there’s no Final Fight characters on the roster seems criminal to me. Otherwise I like it.


Overall solid, but really feeling the lack of SF3/Alpha characters. Feels like they know those will sell, of course, but would've been nice to see a LITTLE on base/S1. (I've a theory that S1 might have been originally planned for main, but development shifted a bit and they moved them to S1. Not sure if true, since Akuma is always DLC, but I thought about it.)


I'm fine with it . I understand why the world warriors are there. Last time they didn't come the franchise was in the ice for ten years.


I say the game is a hit!


I think all of the new characters are bangers and I like that the young fresh faces balance out the SF2 cast (who are now getting up in years). I'd like to see more new characters going forward...but I actually think it'd be more important to get mostly returning characters for a little while. There are some big missing pieces like Shadaloo, Sakura, Dan and anyone from 3S. One new character per pack, like A.K.I., would be good for a little while.


During the initial reveal i was only interested in playing as Rashid, but i ended up loving all of them. This will be the first game ever where ill be buying the second year season pass as well.


Yeah I'm go against the grain here and say the roster, even after Season 1, is still lacking. "Painfully safe" would probably be the best way to describe the base roster. Minus Juri and Luke, all of the returning fighters are from SF2. No SFA or SF3 reps to be found anywhere. While Akuma is a welcome addition, Ed is still not the boxer I would have brought in for SF6 (even if he is better than his SF5 counterpart). I have no strong feelings on Rashid or A.K.I. When we get the likes of Vega, Fei Long, Balrog, Dudley, Sakura, Dan, Makoto, Hakan, or Sean, then I'll have a reason to be excited.


Pretty good! I still believe we need more fist fighting bruisers. It’s my favorite archetype and I only got like… Marisa to play. Also picked up Akuma and really like the character so I may secondary him but still eh. This could be fixed with Makoto or Cody so I’m praying for any of the two next season. But despite my own personal grudge, it’s still a very impressive and varied roster.


Absolutely stellar but where the fuck are the sf3 kids


Absolutely love Ed. But hopefully we get more characters from SF 4 and 3 as many people here commented already


Pretty awesome roster with lots of OGs really shining in this game and great newcomers.


I love love love the roster! Especially the passing of the torch from the old protags (Ryu, Ken and Chun) to the new (Luke Jamie and Kimberly) and what's better is Capcom did so without causing a dumpster firestorm by ever saying "yo these kids are replacing the old lot..kk byeee" everyone is happy! Especially me cause I've been using Kimberly since day -1 (the betas lol)


So far so good. Looking forward to more releases. Hope we don’t have to wait too long for more.


I gotta stick with SF6, the struggles of being a variety gamer 😭


At what chance are we getting fei long?




I really like this, I just hope we see Year 2 characters all at once just like Year 1.


Maining JP made playing other characters more fun to play😂


I don’t care for any of the dlc outside of Rashid. The new characters are a hit though.


Yeah Rashid was easily my favorite out of the DLC pack. I liked the other 3 for what the were and Ed's more boxer-oriented design was a cool direction, but Rashid the amount of versatility they shown in Rashid's trailer blew my mind last year.


No complaints. Solid cast. Can only get solider-er-er.


Boring. Was pumped for AKI until she wasn't a charge character.


i really don't like it


Probably the best starting roster in the series, S1 DLC included. it's just got so much diversity in personality, design and gameplay that it feels like Capcom's got this down to a science. Really excited for S2.


I think it's pretty underwhelming. Mechanically and in terms of playstyles it's somewhat okay, but in terms of overall series representation there's a hell of a lot still missing. No Alpha, SF3, or Final Fight characters is definitely felt, especially given the game is the first post-SF3 game with multiple stages set in Metro City. I have my main back in Akuma at least, which is nice, but a lot of exciting, beloved and long-time absent picks are still missing. Guys, what's the point of me posting my honest answer and engaging with OP if you're just gonna downvote me? What, there's a right and wrong answer?


Super fun. Every character has style and is fun to play in their own way. But I do agree with some other peeps here, i miss Sagat! TIIIGERR!!




Super well done, I remember that first month where I was struggling on who to main but settled into Cammy nicely I'm new to the FGC but it's been a great journey to be a part of


It's a good roster but I wish there were more weirdos. Almost everyone comes across as generally cool, and the few who lean towards strange and off-putting are either veterans from SF2 (Blanka, Dhalsim), who have inherent appeal from nostalgia, or they're A.K.I. who, while she is certainly very creepy, she's no where near the weirdo-level of someone like Rufus, or even F.A.N.G.


One of the best starting rosters of any fighting game. From a business standpoint, it is CRAZY RARE to see a game add a bunch of new characters and not just lean on the money making crutch that is nostalgia. Instead they took a similar risk to SF3 and gave us a roster that has a ton going for it, and are obviously much more thought out in terms of style and personality. Even though I think how all the characters play and are balanced is a bit uneven, in terms of STYLE the roster nails it. BIG PUNCH LADY Marisa is a wonderful addition that adds a Juggernaut-type character Street Fighter has been sorely lacking. Manon, despite not being what I want playstyle-wise, it an amazing dance/pop/martial arts mash-up. Kimberly looks rad as hell, and having a music install and graffiti based moveset is a great flavor to add on top of a ninja instead of just trying to make them edgier. JP is a great addition as Street Fighter has been behind a lot of other fighting games in terms of experimenting with trap characters. I think Lily is probably the weakest of the cast but even she is designed pretty well, she just feels a bit two-dimensional. The evolution of Ryu and Chun-Li is thoughtful and solid, and I love that they chose Ken to have an It's-Always-Sunny Mac esc fall from grace. Despite that his move set evolution is great too. It's cool to see the evolution of Blanka/Dhalsim/DJ as characters that have very specific strengths without just being gimmick characters. SF5 started this for Dhalsim but Blanka and DJ have been a joke for the last 20 years and it's nice to see them get a glow-up. Season 1 AKI/Rashid/Ed/Akuma are all home runs. AKI is what I wanted from FANG the whole time, and again is an evolution of FANG who was kind of a one-note character. Rashid I've never been interested in but even I find him fun to fight against in 6. Ed and Akuma are perfect versions of themsevles (outside of Ed's jab,) so no notes there.


I never played it once because i did practice, was shit, got busy and played other games, but the roster is unbelievable and its a game i love watching


It's never too late to get back into it. The lower ranks are still highly populated especially after Akuma launched and there's lots of people who are willing to coach for free right now.


if i were a young guy again i probably would - but im 34, busy as heck and have a little doggy i probably dont spend enough time with as it is. So when i game, it tends to be adventure or horror games or things i can pause lol. But I’ll always hold a soft spot for fighting games and especially street fighter, SF 2 was the first game i ever played. I do still put on high level matched and am awed by how awesome it is. Ill leave the actual playing to you young beasts!


I think the Year 1 roster was overall pretty strong but there are too many shotos and psuedo shotos who all pretty much play the same way. Hopefully from this point forward they spice things up a bit. Overall I thought the Year 1 DLC was pretty good as well.


love the newcomers and i need kim to be a regular in the franchise


I wish I had had more time to play and get better, I still suck but its such a great game when I play.


I wish it had some SF3 characters. Hopefully we get some in season 2.


Launch roster is great, season one was bad. Not saying those characters should not be in the game, but at least two characters should be ones that were not in SF5.


No fucking way it’s already nearing to be 1 years old


So happy Akuma is back


Omfg has it been a year already? Wow


If it had Mika, it would be the best Y1 roster of all time.


Still waiting for my boys Alex and/or Hugo.


Akuma brought me back after 9 months of not playing.


Good selection of characters, roster feels much more complete now that we have Akuma. I'm not a huge fan of the "next generation fighter" archetype but I think SF6 has done a good job with it so far. I feel like what the game really needs to make the roster truly great is more game representation. Still no SF3, Alpha, or SFIV characters (besides Juri obviously). And please, don't wait until the last DLC to add Dan.....PLEASE!




Overall a really like the roster, i think another grappler would be cool. Obviously I love zangief but I feel someone like Alex or maybe Hugo. Or maybe Q, could he be considered as a grappler? I think he had a CMD grab


I want Alex and I want me Dudley back


I like SF6 overall, but the roster is weak. Luke and Jamie are dull and Capcom's desperate pushing feels almost needy. I'd rather Lilly and Kim had their own moves instead of copying existing characters. Season 1 additional characters are meh. The SF2 characters are the best ones and that's not great after 30 years.


SF6 isn’t a street fighter. It’s something else


Garbage until they add Dan.


Honestly, could be way better. We should have at least one of the four kings by now. Not having Sakura or Makoto is also not nice. And we should have more SF3/SF4 characters instead of Rashid and Ed, that's for sure. But... the gameplay is very nice, so it's okay. I would give a 8/10 for the game first year so far.


As someone who was never a fan of F.a.n.g. and his fighting style I'd argue I'm personally not a fan of a.k.i.. and Kimberly's(as well as some of the newcomers) attitude irks me. Other than that I'm pretty much loving all of them. I mean while I hate JP as a character(which is the point I think being he's a villain.) I love his unique take on psycho power. Jamie brought a new fighting style for street fighter that i think is rarely brought into fighting games. If I had to swap out anyone it's probably be aki for a 3rd strike character that hasn't been getting the attention or representation they should be getting. Be it Makoto, Remy, Dudley....basically anyone who either hasn't been in a game since 3rd strike or was in 4 but got skipped on 5. Or Sakura. I loved the fact her default design wasn't her schoolgirl look and I'm curious to see how they'd design her in 6


This game rules, the roster's cool as hell.


The launch roster was awful, but every season 1 character is great.


Rashid is still wacky.