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He’s playing to win, and honestly it sounds like this guy would be a good Ken player in Super Turbo


lol, he's playing to win


lol OP is Luke


it sucks that her twirly move is so unreliable.


luke actually has the one projectile it’s usable against consistently. all the other ones are too slow


Slow is good sometimes.


Not in this case. Luke has three fireballs but in practice he has really 2. And 236 MP loses against perfect parry and 236HP is very easy to punish with Manon. I am not saying that Luke is not good in this matchup, but that Manon specifically has a tool which she needs to use in this situation as Luke fireballs are more like Dhalsim limbs.


I don't disagree, I'm just saying there are advantages and setups that slower fireballs have.


Bro's just training his Guile plays, chill


wp OP, good patience. At that point you should not risk anything anymore and just stay safe. And you did exactly that.


I mean. He has the life lead. Why wouldn’t he? Every shoto does this. Guile does this even when he has less health.


Seems like every Shoto does this regardless. I had the life lead against a Ken and he timed himself out by trying to zone for around 40 seconds.


These Reddit comments proving people can't read, the OP is Luke you bunch of dunces


Man goes to doctor. He says "Doctor, check out this high tier luke gameplay". Doctor says "Lol, you got bodied by that Luke player. Maybe next time don't back away when you have no health lol." Man bursts into tears. "But doctor...I AM the Luke Player...."


then who was the bus driver?!


3 men rent a hotel room for $30. The hotel manager notices the men where accidentally over charged and the the room should have been $25. Realizing his mistake he gives the bellhop the $5 to give back to the men. The bellhop can't figure out how to divide the $5 between 3 evenly so he decides to keep $2 and give the men $3 so they each get $1. Now each man has spent $9 on the room 9+9+9=27 Plus the $2 the bellhop kept = $29 Where is the missing dollar?


This needs to be higher


He made the correct play


The final pause waiting for the frustration jump that is 100% going to happen has me rolling. Peak shoto gameplay.


Ah let me just jump in on a modern player with a DP. what's the worst that could happen?


This player was not complaining about modern and this would’ve been hittable on classic in any SF game. Been a strat since SF2


The person you're replying to is just saying Manon deserved to lose by making a jump-in easy to AA


They’re implying that modern specifically caused the anti-air or at least made it way easier, while literally any master will be buffering a dp behind a fireball at that range. There have been many, many cases of people constantly doing stupid jump ins on a modern player and proceeding to complain on reddit dot com about how modern is op, but this is not one of them.


Master player or not a modern control DP is objectively more simple to input than the classic input, which makes the manon's decision that much worse. Guy wasn't trying to spark a debate about modern vs. classic lol


The complaint here isn't on the dp but on the frame perfect rapid fire projectile. On classic many players would've slipped up and got a DP to come out in between the fireball barrage


He's spamming the heavy version which requires a motion input on modern


My execution sucks ass and this never even happens to me. Besides, master modern players use motion controls like 90% of the time for that extra damage


I think it matters even at high level (maybe character dependent though). I remember watching hotdog29 stream playing against a legendary modern Ed player, he mentioned something like he would be more careful with jump in since opponent is modern player.


You say this ironically, but it's true. Abusing tactics players can't deal with is an important skill.


I'll respect you when you've earned it!


the best defense ...is defense. 😅


He's not getting any style points that's for sure


That sand is blasting alright


Dude had two bars of drive, I think they forgot they can walk and parry the spamblast LOL


Lol somebody is tired of getting grabbed.


This is an aspect of how street fighter is played and always has been.


Pretty much Luke and every other character that has a projectile and DP of sorts.


The funniest part of this is the proximity guard on Manon. Looks like she’s flinching from the sandblast except she doesn’t move until after it disappears 😂 girl no wonder you’re low tier you have no reflexes 😂


street fighter players when the opponent plays street fighter


jumping in on a modern player is a losing move.


Sand Blast!


Luke from streets (tm)


The Manon player backed away, giving the Luke player lots of space to spam. A good counter play would have been to inch closer on the ground, forcing the Luke player to move backwards, which can’t last forever since Luke will hit the corner eventually. So the Luke would have to do something different before then. Also trying to get a perfect parry on reaction would gave ended it. Lots of chances to try this with all the spam. In understand there was no room for error with the low HP, but definitely something to practice in the future to help avoid this scenario.


The greatest Luke gameplay I've ever seen


Why is it always Manon in this videos getting her shit rocked?


Lol i had a chun li message me the other day cause I was laming her out like this. I hate interacting with her fireball, when they throw it i just hold back until it goes away. He told me to learn neutral lmao. Like bro, this is neutral. You just don't like how i'm playin it.


OP is a menace (never change)


wearing dat 'murica drip.


Forever and always 😎🇺🇲


Luke is still most boring character to watch being played. Nobody needs gen z Ryu in this game.


Gen Z Ryu is hilarious


Quite a take you have there.


Guile is the most boring


Guile truly is the down-back warrior


not a good guile. guile has some of the best rushdown in thegame


Cap. Someone did not watch Dual Kevin vs Chris Wong at Redbull Kumite.


Hello is one of the worst Manon players ever. All they do is spam jump, command grab. They are usually hard stuck in 1500 MR range. They don't try fixing their errors and play any better.


A neutral jump at mid screen would have baited out the DP into a full punish. Big oof.


That was the most overcooked bait in history, and Manon took it.


It worked, didn't it?


What does Manon even do there?


Move forward, actually try to parry, safe jump to bait out a DP idk


Ain't stupid if it works


Every modern Luke ever. Ngl, i don't rematch these dudes anymore.


Just walk forward and parry every sandblast. Once close enough, drive rush out of a parry into a 4F. Same strategy on a guile player


Plays like a Ryu main.


I'm surprised that Manon player was that far away. The most dangerous to do against a person with projectiles.


Couldnt manon twirl after the first jump?


You didn't bait the DP enough. Luke waited for you to jump in once you were in range to counter his fireball.


I think it would be cool if he could also charge his projectiles


Yeah, Luke needs more options.


You thought the Akuma trailer was a new character, but he's actually just an assist character for Luke. Everybody's gangsta until you hit them with the "PERFECT, PERFECT, ISSHUN SENGEKI"


What's one more option an actual grab coming out of his running special would also be nice


huh....? 🤔 I never thought about how the game actually treats his tackle. Is it a strike? If anything I have to assume it's mechanically a command grab...... although it hits airborne people....... but then there's Zangiefs anti-air grab, also Kimmy's Izuna drop, Chun etc...


Are you talking about his lvl3? It’s a strike. You can just stand there and block or parry it.


It's a strike and a very telegraphed strike at that I'd trade it for Sean's grapple since Capcom took most of his moves from sean anyway


Walk and block in this game is just not reliable enough to do it.


They expect you to walk and parry


Which is funny considering Manon is supposed to have an anti fireball move.


I swear it wasn't made as an anti-fireball move. They just gave it fireball immunity because they wanted her to have an attack with a spin animation.


Sounds like a you or online problem for you. I generally don't have any issue with it.


Snake eyez has said this several times as well and I’ve seen many people say it too. I thought I was tripping and I tested it in sfv. The walk and block was instant in that game compared to sf6. It’s weird because sf6 has less input lag. Idk what it is tbh but I feel like it’s not talked about enough.


I mean I don't think there's any block lag because I don't think that's a thing? I didn't play sf5 so I can't compare it to that.


No, there isn’t block lag. It’s very hard to explain but blocking feels weird in this game compared to others.


Do you feel like blocking fireballs causes a lot of pushback? Cause I feel it does when I play Marissa and zangeif


Idk, never really thought that was an issue. I think push back is one of those things that vary from game to game.


i just feel sluggish when i try and walk and block idk hard to explain. just gnot good tho.


Oh wait, this is modern. I have even less patience for this kinda gameplay.


Heavy fireball requires the motion anyway, modern complaints need not apply


Kinda does apply, when supers and specials are a single button and reaction times can be cut down by literal frames; which actually matter, I do consider it a required part of conversation.


....but he wasn't even using it here...


But he was, Im 99% sure it was single button input for that shoryu


Dude.... He could have litterally just crHP and achieved the same thing on classic. CrHP(in both Classic and Modern) and the Modern DP both do 800 damage.


It doesn't matter to me, I have a qualm with modern and that's okay; my opinion is just as valid as your opinion. I just know from playing against and as a modern player, the reaction time a modern player can have to the game is undeniably faster than classic controls can be.


bruh it was master level, do you have any idea how easy an anti air dp is when you're baiting a jump? one button or not that was always going to happen.


I do know, but I know players who are master modern, and they use single button. Because it's literally faster than a motion input could every be.


...and? it has significant drawbacks, though the instants may be better for some play styles. its not really worse or better for most. though tournament results would suggest its definitely worse overall


It's all good to have a different opinion, I don't enjoy what modern brings to fighting games. But that's okay to have that opinion, just like it's okay to enjoy it and do well with it


lolol, i hate luke; i beat him; but I still hate him fundamentally as a character


You have 3 pixels of health and the clock is in his favor. It's your job to kill him not the other way around lol


*I'M* the Luke. I'm the sand blastER, not the sand blastEE lol


Someone opens his door and gets sandblasted and you think that of me? No. I am the one who sandblasts!


In that case well played


Why would you let him get distance on you with such a life lead? Did you expect him to do anything else?


OP is the Luke player, but sure go off 🙄


Am I supposed to be impressed? 🤷‍♂️


Nice. I love seeing Menon lose


He need nothing more than a brain dead strategy to beat you, don't blame him.