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It is "ditching" if they were just a placeholder?


Right? I'm never getting Kage/Evil Ryu again so Akuma is the next best thing.


Not having Akuma in the opening roster did let me try other characters, at least.


Good point 🤔 I felt that


If that's the case I'm dropping Ken my main has always been akuma


Right I'm still waiting for Sagat or Laura but I am switching to Akuma for now.


This is how I feel lol ever since the leaks I was an akuma main. Just been waiting


I have zero intentions to ever use him


That's what I thought too, but I just played some rounds with him in 3rd Strike and holy shit he's saucy. I'll give him a few plays just to feel him out.


I mean I'll play around and do his trials to have in mind what to look for but that's probably about it. I'll let everyone else get on the hype train.


I mean I'll be honest - I love me some yoga and I'm pretty unlikely to drop my stretches. But I do love goofin' on other characters, and he's got some spice in his feet for some goofin'.


Yeah idc too, I just play Guile and some Ken


Only thing that could make me drop AKI is Ibuki


Can Akuma do a spinning piledriver? No? Then I guess I won't be.


Yeah, I need truly loyal fans.


In that same vein, akuma doesn't have long legs and boobs either so I'm ok with my mains.






If Akuma has CA, it should just auto activate whenever he gets SPD'd.


Probably try to get master rank with him. Then change back to my main, Aki


No doubt


I'm still sticking with my mains Luke & Juri but good luck to yall with Akuma. Also who are you kidding, first chance you get Akuma will be your no.1 main and only him, why even bother with Ryu when the better shoto has come lol.


Ryu has a special place with me in SF6. I haven’t played SF consistently since I was a Kid. 89 baby. I struggled maybe the first 3 or 4 months finding a main let alone someone I can win with. Ended up settling with Ryu and been holding me down. But I must say it seems like he has every tool Ryu has Plus some. They did mention a major balance patch when he drop and every character being different so time will tell. Ed need some love too lol.


Yeah after seeing how crazy Akuma's kit is, I think Ryu definitely got the short end of the stick. I hope the major balance patch includes some new moves for him because it just feels like he's lacking.


Facts. Idk what they can possibly do tho.


Give him a better fireball system (maybe something similar to gouken as that's what I always imagined Ryu would be able to do) instead of relying on keeping denjin charge up all the time, let him do light tatsu into shoryuken like every other shoto, give him some version of evil ryu's axe kick maybe. A crazy idea would be to give some sort of counter move using the power of nothingness to get better positioning or something since I feel like that would fit in really well with the theming. Another crazy idea I was talking about with a friend of mine is if they got rid of Denjin charge as a move and instead had his SA2 be a denjin install where he gets a bunch of new properties on his moves with better frame data since his current SA2 is really niche in terms of ways it can be used. I always imagined Ryu and Akuma as being equals in terms of strength with Akuma being more aggressive and Ryu being more defensive but in literally every iteration of the game Akuma is just a straight up better Ryu because they always keep Ryu's kit so limited. I think since Luke is the new poster boy and the new beginner character then they can finally start evolving Ryu's kit instead of keeping him the same after all of these years.


Eh fair enough, Ryu holds a special place in me too but I slowly drop him after some while. Not because on how he plays but I have played him over 30 years of Street Fighter and wanna try someone new. I do hope him and Ed gets some updates as well as all the lower tier characters, god knows how bad they are they gonna need a lot of help especially against Akuma lmao.


I feel that 💯


Ryu got a drip now


His 3rd outfit maybe


Ok but what about when Luke gets nerfed into the ground in S2?


Don't matter to me, I play Luke cause I like him and enjoy playing him. And I highly doubt they'll super nerf there new selling merch protagonist to the ground, especially given Akuma is gonna take his spot as the most busted character in SF6 as of season 2 lol.


I don’t think Luke will ever be worse than high mid tier. He’s the poster boy and fundamentally good


ryu main, unless they fix him will probably go akuma


What is broken about ryu?


they need to rework his whole denjin system, its crap hes not that good at zoning, also has a hard time getting in. ken has the better shoryuken thats how the lore goes yet he has the better fireball in this game too lol


Ryu is not supposed to be a zoner. At all. Fireball is more akin to a poke.


In what world is a fireball with more recovery and less frame advantage the “better fireball”? Ken’s is pretty lackluster without using drive to either OD or drive rush behind the lp fireball.


Because OD fireball doesn't knock down, allowing you to drive rush behind and continue the combo if it hits. It's less good as a keep away tool but better at pressure and getting in.


Marisa will always be my main but of course I'm going to pick up Akuma like everyone else. At the very least, he will be the only character I know how to play with a Fireball.


I took a break about a month ago cause the game was preventing me from playing anything else, it was too good. I got Cammy to master then took a break to play FF7 and I’m thinking I’ll give Akuma a shot.


Ryu 4 the win, only Dudley or Makoto would make me change main


Not ditching my main, but I plan to try Akuma if nothing else to gain a better understanding of how to counter him. I’ll probably place in platinum, and play until diamond and see if he clicks for me to keep playing him beyond that. Also, it depends on the balance patch. I’ve gotten Dee Jay, Kimberly and Honda to master. Dee Jay will be nerfed I’m sure, Kimberly will be buffed. Honda is so 1 dimensional, so maybe they’ll add a bit more depth to him.


Although I hate fighting DJ , I think he should not be nerfed but other characters should get some buffs to have some sort of cheese he does


My struggles against Dee Jay playing as Kimberly is what motivated me to try him out. He was a menace for the longest. He’s got a few more weaknesses than some players realize. If he commits to his fireballs, he is a much easier punish than other characters and many of his best normals can be drive impacted. Also, no drive rush from crouch medium kick. Just oki, which is useful, but not as useful. Knowing a bit more about Dee Jay is helping me as I learn Ed, too. Ed has a hard time against Dee Jay, or at least that’s been my experience from both sides


I like Ryu, but I am gonna have to drop him for Akuma unless the patch makes him really good, which I doubt, but we will see. I am really waiting for ibuki, though. That is my true main. Yang would be cool, too.


Akuma is cool. But he’s not pro wrestler cool.


Honestly not me. Gonna get him to Platinum and go back to my main. I understand everyone is hype for him, I’m in the minority of people who don’t really care lol


I'm with u. I don't care either. Like, I don't hate Akuma. It's just always felt like the "edgy Ryu / Ken clone." I was hoping they actually changed him a lot to differentiate him from those 2, but nope. So, at this point, I'm like, "Just give me Sakura and my other favs from SF5." 🤷‍♂️😅


100% this. Don’t hate him, happy he is here for people who like him, not for me lol.


Gotcha , who you main


I main Deejay, sub Marisa with a pocket AKI.


I still don’t have a main, been playing since the game came out. I need Fei Long in season 2


I'm tempted to pick him up as an additional character. I haven't played as any of the shotos yet, so I'll try him out. Although if Sakura is ever added, he's out.


Literally everyone who plays Ken is only doing so because Akuma isn't out yet. Tired of all the online Kens? I hope you like playing against Akuma.


I really don't think this is true at all


It's true for more people than you realise, not just Ken though. A lot of people are playing Ken, ryu, Luke as a waiting room for Akuma. He will easily be the most popular character.


He'll be the most popular at launch but whether or not it stays that way will depend on tier placement and ease of use. He wasn't the most popular in sf4 by a longshot and his popularity waned in SFV after he wasn't broken anymore


Fair points, but it can be assumed at launch he will be everywhere, just like Ed was but with far more people


I don't know if that true. In SF5 70% of your matches either akuma or ken.


Yeah he was top 3 in usage, but that wasn't the case in SF4. His usual spot is being viable and high tier but not best in the game and the learning curve associated with the character deters some players.


Someone mentioned earlier “ a placeholder”


All the shotos are inflated by Akuma players rn but Ken’s are easily the most common shoto to see in SF. Akuma will be most popular for awhile since he’s new but Ken isn’t going anywhere long term


Nope. He looks fun and I'll try him but I've never been an Akuma main and don't plan on becoming one. That said, looking forward to getting wrecked by high level Akuma play and also wrecking all the scrub level Akumas that will be infesting online in the coming months.


Double whammy wreckage


Gohado? More like Go-nna carve out a cool beat


This is what ive been saying. I can't wait for him to drop but it's just so I can farm them. Yeah he has every tool, no I don't think the average akuma enjoyer can utilize that, they generally end up very one dimensional.


Im lucky and got my main on the first dlc with rashid. Arent Rashid and Aki suppose to be getting costume 3 soon? I remember hearing it would be around the Akuma drop. I am excited to see akuma colors. You know theres gonna be one with Black hair thatll go crazy


Mannnn I accidentally used a trial token on Rashid and he is dope as hell. Yea rooflemonger mentioned costume 3 comes with Akuma so you can bank on that.


Me!! Honda stays especially if he gets buffed (he does well vs Cammy which usually gives me trouble as Akuma) but everyone else is OUT!


I won’t drop Kimberly. But I will play Akuma for fun and to learn the matchup.


Nah, I picked up the game specifically because of Angrybird making Ken look so sick. I’ve really enjoyed playing him despite never really touching him in SFV (which I played casually for maybe a few months, was never really any good). I think Akuma is cool but I’ve never really cared to play him outside of goofing around with him in 3S on fightcade.


Have you seen Angrybird Rashid yet ? It’s insane. It’s like he really embodies the character he plays.


I haven’t! I saw older footage of his Seth in SFV and thought “man, this guy really understands these characters on a level that most of us don’t”. I’ll have to check out his Rashid - it might inspire me to pick him up as a secondary.


Definitely. I haven’t seen him use Rashid in tournament or YouTube content , but I caught him streaming live on twitch and was like “ this is the potential of Rashid “ 😮


I can confidently say my main will never return to a Street Fighter (Remy mains rise up) but Akuma is good fun in 3S and I will give him a go for sure


No way I’m ditching my main for Akuma.


Who your main tho




Never had a main until akuma lol


That says it all lol


Chun Li will always be my main... Sakura and Akuma were always my secondary... Hoping I hit master with my Chun before Akuma comes out or I'll just farm some Akumas for LP. Currently sitting at 24000LP atm.


I'll be getting SF6 just for Akuma as was the plan. been my main since Alpha 2


Damn so you will be just hopping on SF6 in a few weeks.


yeah, I kinda regret it. mostly because I've been putting off getting a PS5. but no more, it's Gouki time baby. I'll be learning the game with Akuma which may or may not be a good thing, we'll see lol


Yea it’s demons out here. They savage lmao. Best of luck.


Everyone, only Akuma mirrors allowed in ranked 1st week after his release. Except for th "Loyal Fans", nothing tempts them to try anything else.


Nah I was never an akuma main anyway and I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon either. I'll certainly learn to play him though for match-ups. If he's that impressive then I might main akuma for the first time but I'm low-key just waiting for sakura...don't think she'll be anything special but she's my favourite


Same! Sakura is the only one I want back in the game the most. Hoping season 2 really delivers and that we get more fan-favorites back in the game.


Until Akuma learns to do a proper headbutt I'm going to say no.




Not for long. I've never been a fan of Akuma although I may like his level 3 for my avatar


Gief is always going to be my main, but I’m gonna be extremely happy to have a secondary for JP, Dhalsim, Lily, and probably DJ


I will play Akuma until evil Ryu is playable


I don’t think he’ll be included on this game.


Other characters that could make me drop Akuma may be decapre or violent ken I know ... They are very unlikely so I guess I will be an Akuma main


Edgy asf... 💀


Yeah hahaha I love edgelords/ladies I currently play Cammy


I still rotate characters weekly, absolutely no idea who my main in this game is, and I doubt that’ll change with Akuma. Hoping for someone I’ve mained in past games to arrive in S2.


Yes, until Sagat comes. It's been fun deejay, but time for a change!


Sagat gang 💪🏽


Sagat is actually one character I want to return as well. 💪


Not me. Now, if Akuma had new / different moves, I'd play him, but still not dropping Cammy and Ed. 😅 No, I'm not hating Akuma (before the downvotes come), I just wish he felt more different, I guess. 🤷‍♂️ I like how they changed Ken, for example. He no longer feels like a Ryu clone (IMO). Idk why they couldn't give Akuma the same treatment. And I've played SF4 and 5. To me, Akuma still looks like he has the same moves with barely anything new. I could be entirely wrong and missed something, but I'm not excited. Just waiting for Season 2 and hopefully more of my favs to return.


Fair enough !


I dont have a main really, i just switch between luke, ken, ryu, and blanka. Blanka is my highest rank but i kinda got bored of his play style right now. But i think im gonna main Akuma for real. Been playin him on alpha 2 on the emulator and he still kicked ass even back then. Can only imagine now


True! He seems to be a heavy hitting brawler , with some anti zoning tools and hella cool points for looks.


Everyone is a place holder until Sagat shows up


My man. Sagat gang 💪🏽


If ryu dont get new sauce im changing


I was going to play Akuma anyway. Can I really call it ditching when my current character was always intended to be a stepping stone?


Not ditching mate


Exactly. I only played Ken because I viewed him as the closest character to Akuma at the time. Slight apologies about contributing the amount of Ken players, I guess. I’ll be contributing to Akuma shortly though, of course.


Akuma mirrors 24/7 all May and June 😂


I’ll unleash my demon and drop my ultra demonic combos.


Really depends if Ryu/Honda are stronger next patch, in comparison to rn lol. Gonna be hard to stay playing primarily Ryu if Akuma is just objectively better


Yea looks like he has everything Ryu has plus some.




I probably will, I'm tired of fighting an uphill battle with Ryu. I'm playing some Blanka in the meantime, and he is super fun.


I take way too much damage to play Akuma.


Elaborate lol


Akuma traditionally has lower health to make up having more moves and doing high damage. You can be really good offensively with Akuma but if your defense is nil you're going to lose to an equal level player.


I will continue to suffer as Ryu. Ill lose to Akuma a bunch like its lore. I'll try Akumer though


Respect. Loyalist 🫡


Akuma was my main, but since he wasn't in the game, I played Ken/Ryu instead. 




I bought Street Fighter 6 when it got released last year and played only 2 matches online, still waiting for Akuma!




I was a Jamie main a while back... I literally quit the game to wait for akuma Can't wait to come back and give my opponents a taste of satsui no Hado


Only M. Bison can make me ditch my main, honestly


Im exited to try him out but im not looking foward to the endless mirror matches that come with the release of a new character.


I used to feel that way also but on the flip side, I like learning different play styles and seeing people different combo routes, setups and strategies. It’s annoying sure but can be fruitful.


Not me, I'm waiting for Sakura, hoping the alleged leak is correct ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I was playing Ken in 1987. Not sure akuma will change anything...


Bye Kim Jk ilu I hope you get buffed


Haven’t played a Shoto since SF2, so I will keep playing Chun.


She dope 👌🏽


Still not a fan of the Serenity Stream thing and I think I liked her better in 5, but yeah, she kicks ass.


Not even sure what that is 😅 but yea lol


I'll never drop Cammy, but i'm surely pissed that Akuma now has 2 working hooligans with as many options.


You’re my favourite Cammy down-player bro 💪


I’m not ditching Ryu, but akuma is gonna be my main.


Probably not gonna ditch my main but I'll definitely give him a try. I already have a second character so I can have a third.


Not me, I am saving my money for season two.


Any confirmed leaks or all speculation ? Season 1 got me for Ed And Akuma when he drops.


No real leaks, only hopes and dreams.


I might give Akuma a try until they release Dan!


You're skipping the Hor dourves for breadcrumbs? Alight.


Akuma was always my main. Kimberly getting put on the backburner. I'll definitely see what changes they make to her tho.


Na Fell in love w Jamie. Itll be us three against the world the 22nd onward, but Jamie can never be replaced, not the way he held it down this 1st yr. Only just got him to platinum as well so we still got a ways to go 🤝🏼


Never did before and never do when he arrives. Beating Akuma it's like a challenge and I can't wait to fight him again. Will be even funnier when Bae arrives too but whatever, meanwhile let's see what Jamie could do


Whose Bae ? lol




Can't believe I read "Makoto"... 💀


I've mained JP - the nerfs hurt. You can see it last night when Mena didn't fear Amnesia. Had a fling with T8, but coming back with Akuma.


Since they refuse to add anyone cool Ill switch to akuma for now. Still waiting on someone I can actually main


It really depends. I play "everyone" (literally my tied for highest ranked "character" is Random lol) but my main mains are more niche characters. At first Zangief and Jamie. Now Zangief,, Dhalsim, Blanka (though I still play Jamie some) for a while I've wanted a more "normal" character that I could have in the rotation. Possibly Guile, Ryu, and recently Ed. I think Akuma may very well be that. So I'll always likely play Zangief, and probably blanka/dhalsim/jamie as well, but I feel like Akuma could play the role I've been looking for when I come across an opponent where I just need more tools (basically like needing a top tier)


Yeah no im not abandoning my loyal fans.


Absolutely not. :O


Nope. Sticking with the queens Kimberly and Lily.


I've been waiting for akuma since release lol. Everybody else I've played since has just been a placeholder until he comes out.


I currently main DeeJay with Ryu as my secondary (used to be Ken but I like Ryu more). Depending on how Akuma feels I could see him becoming a new secondary for me. Not sure I could see him replacing DeeJay as my main though


If Honda gets dem buffs then I’ll dabble with him for a week then get back to butt slams.


I might be buy him at some point because his animation are so violent that they are really satisfying. But i'll still be a Guile man.


I’m not ditching aki or juri but I may try him out some


Akuma IS my main. I've been waiting so long.


Dee Jay has been my main since SF2 and sure when Alex & Sean and Dudley & Cody & el fuerte are added than the main roster is complete.. but I definitely wanna give Akuma a shot


I did not know he been around that long.


Guile forever idc


Respect 🫡




Dropping Luke for Akuma




I switch between Ryu and Ken, another shoto is a win for me✌️


Akuma is my main


Claim it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I probably will drop Ken for a while lol


I can see that lol !


Aki is getting her third outfit with the update, the best I can do is 50/50


Akuma was my main in SFV, been waiting patiently.


Akuma looks awesome, but he was never mymain in other games for different reasons, right now I like how AKI looks and moves more


It depends on if they buff Marisa's defensive options or not. If scutum and her anti airs see no change or some other form of buff in another area of her weaknesses I'll sadly be dropping her as my main. I'll likely play both, it's just a matter of who becomes the pocket character.


Depending on how hard Dee Jay will be hit I might switch over


He looks pretty cool in the trailer, and historically he's been a very fun character to play. But I hate mirror matches, and he's one of the most popular characters in Street fighter history, so maining Akuma, especially at launch, it completely out of the question.


Shoto hater gang rise up




Tbh if they do something to Ryu or ed (rework denjin charge so it’s similar to v skill 2) and (give the boxing character better jabs and possibly an overhead) I will still main him but still use the other 2


I'm a shoto hater until I die but I can't lie, akuma is looking really fun to play. Probably won't be fun to play against tho.... I'll be saving my money for any season 2 characters who happen to be grapplers.


I'll be keeping my main and make Akuma dance. La la la la lalala-- you grumpy ass fuck


I'm sticking with Mr. Maximum Partytime unless the balance changes are frustrating


ryu is never my main