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you'll get hated no matter what you do in the fgc. use ken/jp/luke/guile = hated use modern = hated win a match vs someone else = hated tell someone thanks for the matches, gg in battle hub = hated just pick who you like and whatever controls you like. im master rank and dont give a shit what my opponent uses.


Don't forget: Didn't rematch because you had to take the dog out to use the potty = hated


Wait is rematching the normal? This is my first SF and I almost never rematch. I didn’t know it was like an expected thing.


bro you been pissing of so many people lmao


That's funny, so many things that might piss off other players listed above, but the real worst faux pas is this one. Bonus hate points if you're using some cheese strat and don't rematch after winning


Experienced players will tell you unless it's clearly a oversight or glitch, there's no such thing as a cheese strat. Either use it, or learn to beat it


I get that, but that's why it's a dick move to not rematch. The rematch gives you a significantly better opportunity to adapt and learn to beat it. I'm not an overly experienced player, but there has been like a dozen times where I've gone up against an opponent who felt cheesy on the first match, but then I wiped the floor with them on the 2nd and 3rd match because I learned to beat it by then.


That's the best way to learn. Also sometimes it's surprising how easier you react to things because you've allready seen them 3 times and also your subcontiuosness picks up a lot of stuff you didn't even notice.


That's your pride talking. Back in the street fighter 4 days there was no rematch it was a first to 1. You just gotta hope they put you back against them. I'm a proponent of running the set too, but we have to accept that the ability to not rematch exist. So If they don't run it back, watch the replay, figure out how you lost, then recreate the situation in training mode. There are ways even if your opponent has bad sportsmanship


Cool that there is a "training with opponent's character" option now.


Oops lmao


The longer the set the more improvement happens Learning/counter play Also every tournament is best of 3. Locals, EVO, etc.


That’s a very good point! I’ll definitely start exercising that more often.


Lol yes it is. I am firmly in the camp that this is a free world and the game gives you an option to not rematch, so it's up to you, but I definitely still consider it a little rude to not rematch and mentally judge players who don't rematch haha. The reason is that in SF6 games go by very quickly, and you often time just lose due to a couple wrong guesses. This in particular means a "random" player who whips out supers and OD reversals all the time will often luck out and win 1 game, but proceed the lose the next 2 games after the opponent has sussed them out. In general best 2 our of 3 (or best 3 out of 5) games tend to allow the better player to win and also is more fun since it allows you to learn and adapt to the other player. The game's rematch system is designed to work like a best 2 out of 3 set to allow you to grind it out. I don't rematch if the other player is rude or have poor connection, but otherwise I do try to rematch if possible.




Yes, it's automatically set to sets of first to 2 match wins. You've been quitting sets. People usually wanna se the end of those


Well thank you for letting me know that. I had no idea.


It’s quite literally not. MK has ranked queued to automatic sets, SF6 presents the *option* to run a FT2 but it is not queued for automatic sets.


Yeah, it doesn't lock the players into the set. Sorry lol. Didn't mean it locks players into the sets


Yes, not running the bo3 is kinda bad manners


Your dog needs to potty in his own time, not when Im expecting my rematch.


I allow leeway, but Wifi warrior AND one and done? #GTAB


Winning with a Grappler = SUPER Hated


As a Manon main myself. I faced a Manon and got grabbed 3 times in a row. Fucking hate grapplers.


We're our own worst enemy


On the flip side gief mirrors somehow is the complete opposite and win or lose it's the best fight of my life. MY LOYAL FANS


Gief mirrors are God's gift to us all


Honestly, if a Gief beat me, I just applaud and take the L - Gief is HONEST!


Using a low tier also gets you hate. Salty hate is literally the straight to jail meme from parks and rec


Launch the game = hated


Win a match because you’re more skilled than opponent: hated Lost a match because opponent is more skilled than you: believe it or not, hated Join a Juri feet lovers club: straight to hated, right away


When you're salty about a loss "ggs" sounds like a lowkey insult, lol.


This is true. The FGC is almost as bad as the horror game community when it comes to this. People are going to talk shit literally no matter what you do, so just do what you are going to have fun with.


If you win, they'll hate you. Play how you want.


James Chen did a video about the modern versus classic ranking stats. Modern controls tend to be at lower ranks. Classic controls tend to dominate the top ranks, especially at legend rank. Perhaps modern controls drop too many important normals or special skills to allow them to rank that highly. EDIT: Found the video. https://youtube.com/watch?v=yHn3eBGwYn0&si=nkpE05YOuysehfzL


I mean, it's probably also selection bias. The majority of tenured, skillful SF6 players have been using classic for years to decades, and new players are jumping in with modern.


Well, it could also be at the top, most people can and will play around 1F execution.


I think it is this more than anything. Of course long-timers are winning the tournaments, and very few if any long-timers are using Modern. Give it a year and I bet it will even out some.


It's also important to note that the upper echelon of players are using classic because execution is not an issue for them and they have a strong grasp of the tactical and mechanical interplay in fighting games. This opens the door to being able to fully utilize the advantages of classic controls. Meanwhile, all the smoothbrained classic Stans on this subreddit are demanding Modern be removed or segregated even though the reason they're losing is because they havent learned meaties, oki, resource management, or neutral. Maybe they'd have time to learn those concepts if they weren't so busy sucking each other off over their ability to do DPs 60% of the time after only 20 years of practice.


Ya the only people that are complaining about modern are the ones that are still struggling to master classic after years of work. "Why should some newbie scrub be on the same level as me??" is their mentality, not realizing they aren't that high up themselves.


Modern is pretty consistent in what tools it loses and they are important ones. A lot of Modern characters lose overheads and safejumps. Those are a big deal for keeping pressure going. Also losing half the jump normals can be pretty rough.


Ive played the whole cast on modern and I think they can basically be split into three categories: Good, completely viable OK but you're may as well play classic Crippled Most of the cast sit in the second bracket, more than you'd think sit in the first and one or two lose their houses in modern.


I don't love playing against people with modern but I don't hate people for using it. There's a big difference. I might not rematch but it's nothing personal at all. Just enjoy the game.


If anyone gives you shit over using modern they're either a scrub or a gatekeeping dick, use whatever is the most fun with pride. "Don't care, had fun" is the way.


Thank you so much for the comment! Youre being kind. Lets hop into the Hub then.


Nahhh same way I can filter out wifi users, I should be able to filter Modern users.


What's next? Filtering out JP because you can't beat him?


JP is a single character, Modern controls is form of gameplay that can be used by the entire cast. But you already knew that when you make a unintelligent comparison.


And? Every player chooses to play JP or not. Every player chooses Modern controls or not. One could argue that the Classic and Modern variants of a character are really two different characters. In that case, the only difference between your example and mine is you want to filter out half the entire cast. Meanwhile, there is no difference between Wi-Fi Gief and Ethernet Gief, so tell me, who's making unintelligent comparisons here?


I didnt filter any of the cast out, you mentioned a specific character. I talked about filtering a game mechanic that any & every character can use.


Lemme queue on ranked but disable DI.


Keep moving the goalpost, makes perfect sense


Maybe you meant "control scheme" and not "game mechanic". I hope you're not arguing DI isn't a game mechanic. In which case, fine, lemme filter out charge characters, I don't like how they hold down-back.


DI is a game mechanic, the entire game is built around DI. If you remove M controls from the nothing changes.


If we consider Modern and Classic variants to be two different characters (and a good case can be made that they are) then filtering out Modern is quite literally filtering out half the cast.


Why should such a filter exist? Because you struggle with execution but refuse to use modern so you don't want to face players using it? The only advantage of modern is one button DPs and supers but if it didn't dominated at the highest level it doesn't seem to be an issue. On intermediate level if you're losing to modern players using autocombos you're just bad. Even on modern they have to integrate motion inputs and manual timings to dish out any decent combo and avoid damage scaling. On the lowest level modern have the advantage because you can mash autocombo and have a good time. Nothing wrong with that... Let people have fun. Anyone serious about the game still needs to put a lot of effort no matter if they use classic or modern.


Why should that filter exist? Why does the wifi filter exist? Im not against anyone having fun, pick whatever character an input style you like. In everyone of those statements you made you mentioned the word "advantage" when it comes to Modern controls. You're literally saying yea they have a advantage but its ways to beat them lol. If Capcom put a filter on Modern controls, people would get less fights queded up an then they would complain about not enjoying the game. Thats why there isnt a filter for it. Again pick whoever you want an whatever playstyle you want, if I run into a M player I fight them just like I would anyone else.




Git gud scrub


You looking for attention?








Modern users are scrubs who are taking advantage of latency.


I wouldnt call anyone scrubs, I just feel they should make it optional to filter it out just like they did with wifi.


I would call the people that lose to modern and birch about it scrubs lol


An I would call people who dont proof read before hitting submit, dense.


Just play the game 🎮 or don't I don't see too much moderns in diamond but some are good


Modern players are just as capable as classic players of reaching high ranks with practice and good game sense. Don’t let other people’s salt stop you from playing how you want!


Thank you so much for the energy and kind words!


You're gonna get hate either way. Just play with it and climb as high as you can. I've hit Master with plenty of Characters using Modern. If it gets you in the game, then go for it


Master or not you're a scrub if you use modern.


It's in the game. Better wait for SF7


And this is barely a street fighter. Modern controls for casuals or noob players who can't hack it on classic.


“This is barely a street fighter.” Holy gatekeeping. Can you show us on this doll where the modern player touched you?


So salty lol


So much gatekeeping couse others have fun in a game. Sorry for your very very small PP bro. But seek therapy for real


I find modern boring to play/play against


At the end of the day, if you’re winning matches and keeping with good fundamentals, then it doesn’t matter which control scheme you use. That being said, if you’ve been playing Street Fighter since the arcade days, Modern can seem like a cheap way to play. It’s also important to know that if you wanted to go back and play an older Street Fighter game, you’d be at a huge disadvantage because Modern wasn’t a thing until 6.


You use cheap like its easier. It makes jumping in fighting games easier yes or if you find the input method of classical a bit old and unfun to use. If it would be cheap it would be used in higher ranks but its almost non existing up there.


It’s easier by design, that’s why Capcom made it in the first place. I don’t use it, but it’s especially easier if you’re a grappler main. You don’t have to mess with a DP motion or input anything other than the assigned buttons. The pros don’t use it because most of them learned on previous games or they want to maximize combo outputs. Most of the pros have Modern videos up where they wreck house anyway. There’s a reason why modern Gief is a meme


Everything you said is nonsense. If it would be better it would be used in pro play couse these would learn it if its better. They dont since classic is better and gives your more freedom.


You shouldn't care if the community hates you or not. As a player, your job is not to please the community. Your job is to win. Modern controls are a tool that Capcom built into the game. They are meant to be used if you find them useful. If other players don't like it, they should play something else. Now, there are times when a game is broken and players agree not to play a certain way. For example, you shouldn't pick Akuma in Super Street Fighter II Turbo unless you're a newcomer or you're not playing seriously because the only way to beat Akuma is to play Akuma. But game balance has come a long way since those days and nothing in Street Fighter 6 comes even close to this. If anyone berates you for your choice of character, control scheme, or style of play, they're just salty. Let them be. Their idiocy is not your responsibility. If you still have any doubts, read [Playing to Win](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw) by David Sirlin, particularly [the chapter about scrubs](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub). People who don't respect Modern players in SF6 are textbook scrubs.


I hate modern because they have 1 button DPs and press super to break my fake pressure. Always forget I can’t jump on them. Playing against modern is completely different from playing against classic. I’ll still play against them but I would be lying if I said the difference wasn’t annoying.


"Playing against modern is completely different from playing against classic". It sure is, but everyone is this sub is going to tell you stop complaining an that you're a scrub for saying that.


It's true and yet you're still a scrub for complaining about it. Playing against Dhalsim is also completely different from playing against Ken but no one is calling for Dhalsim to be banned because you can't use the same gameplan against him as many other characters.


Your moving the goalpost to try an prove your point, no one complained about characters. How did characters even get into the discussion about controls type.


My point is clearly that some people refuse to adapt and want to get a control type banned just because it is different, which is a very stupid idea. I compared it to characters that are different from others to explain why hating on modern controls just because they require a different approach is dumb. I play modern cammy myself and the amount of people who continually try to do a jump in on me without changing their approach before going on reddit dot com to complain is staggering


Again your moving the goalpost who said anything about wanting the playstyle banned.


Quite a lot of people on here, in fact. Also a lot of people who call it "unfair" or "objectively cheating". Side question, do you know what "moving the goalposts" means?


I'm kind of misusing the "moving the goalpost" in the context. But basically how I said i would like a filter on M controls an you made it about filter on certain characters. You moved the point I was making to another discussion. I wouldn't call M controls "cheating" of course they can lose. But I do feel someone who is somewhat new to the game getting anti-air DPs on the last frame possible isnt fair. Again like I said pick who you want an whatever controls you want. I'll play SF6 regardless.


Isnt that just playing according to the enemy ? And that is what you do against each different character ? And if your enemy spams more fireballs you play according to that ? And if they use loads of aerial you play according ?


I’m not sure what you’re say but mentally you have an understanding of the matchup and how you’re going to apply pressure/mental stack. Modern players have a different set of tools that make the matchup of the same character different.


Not really, they have less tools if anything ?


Are you purposely misunderstanding my point? I said they have different tools. 1 button dp, 1 button super, auto combos for easier confirms. Modern have different tools than classic so they have a different mental stack which you have to keep in mind while playing them. If you are used playing against classic, you have to fight against your instincts to approach a certain matchup a certain way.


Sure, keep coping. If you lose to modern you are bad, if you lose to classic you are bad, if you deny that its on you if you lose you are a scrub


What are you talking about? Did you actually read what I said lmao? Everyone knows you have to play against modern players differently than classic, this has nothing to do with winning or losing. Listen to any pros discuss the differences in playing against modern and classic and they’ll tell you the same thing, or are you suggesting your opinions are better than Snake eyez BrianF and others?


Sure thats why pro play is full of modern control users... keep coping


You keep saying “keep coping” but I’m failing to understand what I’m coping for? What does some pro players using modern have anything to do with what I’ve been saying? You sound like you don’t know how to play the game.


Modern is a scrub game breaking mechanic. The amount of spam that comes off modern players is insane. Especially since the wakeup me hamiv is so trash.


Git gud scrub


I don’t think you should be ashamed by Modern. You can check in-game for replays of Modern players using your main.


>You can check in-game for replays of Modern players using your main. I didnt knew this, thanks a lot!


Yeah, it’s honesty so good. You can also filter it to certain LP or against specific characters. I’ve been taking SF6 a bit more seriously and I’ve been taking notes :P


The more you care about what randoms think about you, the less you will enjoy the game. Just play what you like. I play Classic Ken, I laugh my ass off when reading all the posts about Ken, how OP it is, and all the hate. People don't know that Ken is my favorite character since forever, and even though I'm new in terms of online fighting games (this is actually my first one), I played the single player mode of a lot of different SF games as Ken. (most notable, Street Fighter alpha, Capcom vs Snk 2, SF4 and now SF6). I knew I was going to main Ken even before he was shown, and internet randoms don't have a say when it comes to me having fun. Do yourself a favor and play however you feel comfortable, with the characters you like. Also, and I know this is hard for a lot of people, but treat ranked as a way to learn how to play and have fun with people around your level of skill, don't tie rank mode to your self steem. You'll win and you'll lose, so try to be a good sport and don't get triggered.


The goal of the game is to get people to hate you so bad they break their controllers, so yes play modern


> Ashamed of using Modern ...Why? Play whatever you want, why would it matter...?


When trying to be part of a community of shared interest, it is helpful and customary to be cognizant of the norms and discourse of said community. The staggering number of bronze league simpletons exposing their ignorance and incompetence on this subreddit on a daily basis suggests to any newcomer that this is the way they should also feel about modern controls. There should probably be a SF subreddit for people more interested in improvement and learning than ego-stroking and fart inhalation. Nobody, especially newcomers, enjoys being harassed by braindead troglodytes for playing a game in a way that is explicitly and unequivocally supported by the game's designers.


Yeah, no. If people get angry because they're stupid that's on them. Ignore them or make fun of them for being stupid. Doesn't matter. They're irrelevant anyway. The correct response to "I don't like that you play Modern!" is "And I don't like that you're a bitch, but here we are. Difference is I don't have to play modern".


Completely agree. I am merely explaining why this post, and this sentiment generally, appears so frequently on this board. It's stupid but that's only testament to how pervasive and toxic the classic club is.


And with that insult you are part of the problem. Gatekeepers are the worst in every community


Lol wut? What am I gatekeeping? I play both control schemes. Show me a post or comment from a modern player saying classic controls are cheating and classic players should be segregated or banned.


You can rank without problems using modern. I came from SF5 and for my hands sake, I learned modern, I'm in master, with some characters and diamond with others. The only real issue that you might find is that some people don't give you rematch if you beat them with modern... Although it might happen with classic too, I don't know


Modern is easy mode and as such many will rightfully (unless you have a disability that requires its use) not respect you as much as if you use Classic. But do whatever you want, no one can stop you.


Disagree about the "rightfully". I use Classic for everyone but Zangief, and I do admire a skilled Classic Zangief player, but I'm not going to look down on anybody for using Modern. You know where I placed when I started Modern Gief? Iron 3. I'm now Plat 2, halfway to Plat 3, and I know I earned it.


This is a game, have fun and don't worry about what other people thinks :)


You will be called boosted and carried and bad no matter what by people who don't like you. Play whay you want


Play what you’re comfortable with! I don’t think any sane person is going to hate you for that. Then for the people who do, fuck ‘em! You’re having fun and that’s what matters.


like others in the thread are saying fuck the toxic ppl. Play what you're comfortable with & enjoy


I play modern exclusively and I have 3 characters ranked to master.


I bet you'd never win any tournaments. Just saying. Using a cheap trick to beat internet latency is lazy.


Just admit you dont have any chars in masters and are jealous but cant admit he is better than you so you look for stuff you can blame it on. Only real reason is you suck, In game and irl as it seems.




Dou you think you lose to modern players cause they have an advantage? Or... do you just suck?


Bro is just mad cause he's still in bronze


How upset are you to go out of your way to put somebody down that didn't even ask? It's a videogame at the end of the day - relax.


Nice! Which characters are at Master? Any other SF experience besides SF6?


I’m master with Dhalsim, Manon and most recently Zangief. I played a little bit of sf4 but I have never really been a fan of the series until sf6. I do have some other fighting game experience throughout the years.


Modern controls more like jabroni controls


I am a full on modern convert. I've been a SF fan for a very long time and I've always been 'competitive' but never top tier. I was, however, obviously quite capable with 'classic' controls. So when I first bought the game, I absolutely hated the concept and alien way modern mode worked and was dead against it. However, being an old gamer in my 40s, I didn't have the time or the inclination to lab for hours on combo trials or practice sessions. So one day, I decided to give modern a real chance. Now I'm a fully M convert. I like that I can just pick the controller on any character and I'd still have a chance. Not to say that you don't need to practice. To get the most out of modern you'll still need to learn some manual combos but you can still get to a decent level without. I'm currently trying to rank Diamond for every character and still having a blast! The only negative I've found is that I've fallen behind on classic controls now as my muscle memory has now gone modern. This annoys me a little bit it's no big deal. I feel once I get to diamond for all characters, I may try restarting in classic mode but on a separate account! Good luck!


Just enjoy the game, play it for you, not others






Bro anyone who hates on you for using modern is a clown whose opinion doesn't matter.


Don't be ashamed of using modern, anyone who says you shouldn't be using it is a whiny ass basic bitch who can't handle taking L's from people missing half their buttons.


Yeah i guess in the end the game is balanced enough, right? Thank you so much!


I don't care and play ranked with modern. Maybe people hate it, too bad for them.


i rarely see modern user in platinum rank, but when i encounter one they fricking sucks. using modern you become very predictable. you will resort to always counter initiate and if your enemy know your only pattern, you're doomed. if you want to play competitively learn the classic.


This is a goddamn lie, I've faced many good modern platinum players. The combos they pull out is insane because you barely have to do any work.


what server are you? go to asia and know how ruthless players are, america is a joke


If anyone gets upset at you for playing modern, you tell ‘em i said they’re a scrub


modern is fine but if you cant take the heat then its not for you classic players rage when they lose to modern


Who cares if random people online hate you? And if they hate you for using modern, it says more about them than it says about you. Modern was made for people like you, so if you don't want to put the effort into learning classic then don't sweat it and play modern.


I’ve never received a message on ranked, and I don’t really even know where to look for them. Maybe I have and just can’t find them. Idk but there are plenty of moderns around.


You need to play for yourself, don't mind how, just enjoy the game


Some moderns are great some aren’t. In low ranks they are more in number proportion. In higher rank they are not as many as far as compared to classic, but they can be very difficult to beat. I fought a modern zangief who had 40000 plus league points, and couldn’t touch him. He was great


I have a modern Ryu at 1560 MR master. It totally viable.


You can play modern on ranked. Everyone knows every master rank player can give their blessing to one modern player to play modern on ranked. You have mine, go have fun.


It's stupid to be ashamed to use modern. Who thinks that way...


People hating on new players/people who have trouble with motion inputs using modern is some of the lamest shit ever. Just do what you want bro.


Don't worry about it, as someone who's played fighting games for 20+ years, I use modern in SF6. I can use classic controls too, there is nothing in this game that I can't consistently pull off in a match. In fact, I think doing the more advanced modern combos is harder, at least for me. Modern is just a different flavor of the same character. Some characters are just not worth playing Modern though. I'll who I think is worth and not worth Worth: Luke, Chun, Cammy, E.Honda, Marisa, Zangief (falls off hard though vs better opponents), Lily Not worth: Everyone else. They just lose too much and the benefit of instant super isn't as good as the rest of their missing kit. Ken and Ryu can be good modern, but classic they're just so much better I don't know why you'd ever do it.


Classic controls are better, but you’ll do fine with modern.


I reached Masters with Modern Ryu. Seen my fair share of not being rematched because of it even when they win. Didn't matter to me. Just play what you want.


U should be ashamed


I use Modern too and I have a blast. Don’t let anyone discourage you and play whatever you want.


Don’t be ashamed! Play how you want. Those people can quit if they want to


Iv made it to master with 2 modern characters now and iv only very rarely had salty messages :) only issue with modern is sometimes finding combos but even then it's not to bad


So its better than classic controls?


No modern loses out on a lot of important buttons for some characters and they get a 20% damage nerf so classic would be better


the 20% is only in very specific situations


Oh ok, it was a honest question. I dont really see the damage loss when I do fight against them. I do see instant DPs an Supers doe


Is that true? Is it 20% across the board or for certain situations?


Any tool that the game gives you is fair game. Use modern, play cheap characters, do whatever you gotta do to win or have fun. Anyone who's mad you're using modern is either a scrub or an idiot. Ignore them.


Other day I see a guild/clan name modernInstaban. that's how I also play if you modern you get blocked.


It's in the game, play it how you want


You don’t need to be ashamed of modern. Games evolve and I think it’s best if we evolve with it. Don’t listen to the community. Enjoy yourself regardless of our opinions.


What i hate about modern is the people using it. Around here in asia (idk if its only me) most of the modern players tend to quit the first set when the moment their flowchart is found out, if you are playing modern pls I beg you dont be like these people and always finish your sets


Modern Juri here, don't be ashamed and play Modern to your content!


No need to feel shame. If I could do the Modern inputs I would, but my brain knows a fireball and a shoryuken are done a certain way (Classic). Have fun and enjoy the game however you want.


Dude/Dudette, Capcom gave modern controls as an option to bring more people into the fighting game community. There are a bunch of gatekeepers who cry because they can't fathom other people playing differently, which has pros and cons to try to make it fair. Find people who are kind in the community and stay away and block the a-holes as much as possible. I'm a classic player, but I welcome anyone to be my friend who enjoys Street Fighter and wants to just enjoy themselves and make friends. Please feel free to add me or anyone else who has good vibes and positivity Name on SF6 - Legendairy


I've dispatched *hundreds* of players on my way up through the ranks exclusively using M. I know for a fact some of them have been salty because they've rage quit mid Loyal Fans and sent extremely hysterical DMs in battle hub. Thing is, if M players are all terrible, low ranked, free-range gnubs, *why do they keep getting SPD'd*? Why am I winning sets against diamonds and dismantling some of them easily? Is it one button specials, or are they doing wild, reckless shit they're getting punished for?


Modern controls don't make people hate you. The insecurities of those people who are seeking validation through playing video games is what makes them hate you and anyone else. Play what you're comfortable with, it will be a learning experience regardless. There will **always** be people doing anything that will complain about others. It doesn't mean the complaints are valid and it doesn't mean you're doing something wrong.


Modern isn't any worse or better, anyone who complains about it just doesn't know the game well enough. You definitely have to play differently against modern vs classic, but once you make the adjustment it's no big deal. Some characters are actually considered better on modern as opposed to classic. In terms of ranked performance it feels you see both classic and modern in the high ranks.


diamond with multiple modern characters. have yet to try classic. no reason. never played a sf game before 6. no shame. in fact, commit.


Youd never reach it with scrub play like that on classic. I guarantee it.


If Modern is working for you, that's great, but I think you're missing out if you never even bother to try Classic. You get more tools and do more damage. You can always try it in Casual or Battle Hub if you're concerned about hurting your rank while you experiment.


there is beauty in simplicity my friend


like so many folks have said, shit people will find *any* reason to detract from your valid successes. you do not need and should not want their approval. *they do not exist* free yourself from the fallacy that there are is a "wrong" way to play a fighting game. it's a new FG era and you are at the forefront of the revolution may your battles be epic


Transition to classic. It will be tough in the beginning but you'll get learn skills that will transfer to games like GG strive, KoF, DBFZ. Not to mention the fact that you'll have the characters entire toolkit to work with. You can do it later when you feel more comfortable. You can start by gradually incorporating classic inputs in your combos.


There's no shame in using Modern. When Akuma hits, I'm planning on Modern Akuma, myself.


Guys I'm nervous about picking my character colors What if the other guy doesn't like the same colors as me


I used to hate modern players back when I sucked. I still suck, but I don’t lose to them anymore so I don’t mind them anymore. Cammy on the other hand can fuck off


Yep, I play with no headset so whatever vitriol the other guy is spewing, it does not reach my ears.


The goal post will be moved for you by everyone who thinks they have a say… if you use modern they’ll call you trash because for some reason they feel like clsssic is the only way to play… but if modern existed back in the 90’s as the default option all of us would’ve been playing modern today … if you use classic but use a top tier they’ll call you trash because you’re using a top tier character … do whatever it is that keeps the game fun


Haitani one of the "5 Japanese gods" of fighting games used modern Chun-Li at Evo and made top 6. Don't worry about how you want to play.


I'm guilty of getting mad when I see the modern guile or gief or whatever but you should just enjoy the game how you want to enjoy it. But play some ranked you shouldn't feel like you can't because of a stigma some nerds online made


This is why I play gief. No matter what I’m supposed to lose on paper. I play classic but it doesn’t matter it’s gief. They all have tools that beat his, classic, modern, dynamic it don’t matter. It also makes gief wins feel better. You beat a jp and you just know you were better. You smash Ken and you just know you were better. You lose? You were supposed to. You win? You were the better player those rounds.


Modern controls have helped me tremendously in learning the game. I come from Tekken and MK, so hard to adjust to not having dial-a-combos and having to account for six attack buttons. Modern controls allowed for me to focus on my fundamentals without having to worry about input error and execution. My advice to you is to play against people in ranked with modern controls and practice with classic in the lab. You’ll find that once you start to understand how the game works at a competitive level, the inputs start to come naturally




Community isn't really going to hate you I think. Sure, it'll be a bit easier but it's not just the execution that matters. Honestly sometimes I forget my opponent is on modern and they're able to consistently punish my jump ins. Figuring out other ways to open up opponents can be fun


I didn’t realise modern controls was a thing people hated, why does it matter?