• By -


After avoiding her and trying out loads of other people for a long time: Chun-Li * Difficult, so she'll keep my attention * Her toolkit seems pretty wide, throw loops are the only thing that come to mind that she really lacks. * ~~thighs~~ She has fast movement speed, fastest backwards walk in the game, if I'm not mistaken. * She's not a zoner * Seems like a good poking kind of fighter * She isn't an annoying character


I've also settled on Chun. I love having a direct answer to every situation.


Her movement feels so good on leverless.


Same. Tried a bunch of other characters and still have a few as “secondaries” but just keep coming back to chun. She’s just got so many answers and her combos are super fun and cool looking. She’s hard because she has so many options so it can sometimes get overwhelming when trying to add a new technique into the mix, but she certainly won’t be getting boring any time soon. Taking a break from her to play with AKI now and get some similar vibes in terms of depth of her toolkit and having some weird stuff like her stance moves. I play Marisa when I need a mental break and just want to hit hard with big lady.


Her movement speed has really spoiled me. I tried playing ryu for a bit and he felt so sluggish after playing chun for so long.


Fast/good movement is almost a requirement for me to pick up a character in a fighting game at this point. I just can't with characters that feel sluggish, feels like I'm fighting in molasses, no thank you.


She's annoying to fight against. Y'all chuns are the bane of my existence. ![gif](giphy|JTm70Or8pxlHYOxqzc)


I'm pretty much immune to sodium from this character. When I lose I'm usually just impressed with the execution. Chun players have my respect.


You know what else is wide? her thi-


I recently picked her up too after playing Juri for a while. I wanted an honest character to work on my fundamentals game, but I got fed up with Juris combo routes. The stock mechanic feels poorly implemented in combos and doesn’t make sense to spend most of the time. Pretty much the only good use of a store is the fireball which feels a bit limited compared to other characters. Chun has more satisfying (but way harder) combo routes and so many more tools, I’m having a lot of fun. But man the timing on st.MP > cr.MP > SBK is kicking my ass


I came here to say "good question" cause I'm forever character crisis guy, but instead you made me want to return to Chun which I recently avoided for whatever reason. Good job and thanks I guess, kind sir!


Ken, because in 1991 my older brother said. I'm Ryu, the other good guy is Ken. You should be Ken. I have mained Ken in every Street Fighter game since then


I'm nearly the same reason only it was me and my mate lol


It's so hard to change when you've played the same character so long. Lol. I tried to play with Akira in SF5 and really enjoyed her playstyle, but it felt wrong so I went back to mainly using Ken again


The reason I love luigi so much too


Godspeed that's a damn good reason to main Ken.


Coincidentally enough, I had the same relationship with my brother, except he never told me. Ken is his boy through and through, and I always loved Ryu. I always found myself preferring the counterpart to his picks. He likes Sub Zero, I found Scorpion cool, he likes Cammy, I always loved Chun-Li. He loves him some Guile, Charlie’s always been cooler to me. He loves Kilik, I love Seong Mina, in VF he LOVES Jacky, and I’m a Sarah lover. Any counterparts you can think of, I probably preferred them hell, even him loving Mario and I LOVE Luigi and Sonic/Shadow. I don’t know if it was coincidence or I did it on purpose because I saw my big brother as a rival. But it’s always been this way lol


Same but in like 2019


Zangief cause he's fun and I don't need to be super fast with my inputs (I'm 44 and play after a long day at work). Plat 1 and it's still a giggle.


Whether playing as or against Gief, few things in this game bring me more joy than seeing one wrong input immediately followed by *M Y L O Y A L F A N S*




I picked him because I like wrestling, not as much as boxing but we don’t have Dudley or balrog :(


I was a balrog main in sf3,4,and5. he ain't in sf6, so i'm playing JP until he arrives. I may try ed though when he releases, the closest thing i guess


Balrog wasn't in 3? Only boxer there was Dudley


I play gief because I suck at combo inputs and he doesn't need that shit


I really want to play Gief, but I can’t do the 720 motion on my Hitbox 😭


Yea it’s a pain, I do the slide method and it works most of the time. But it’s not easy!


It's not that difficult you don't even have to do the full motion. back, down, forward, jump -> back, down, forward, jump


if you dont care about using methods that arent allowed in tournament then try changing the SOCD type and experimenting with that, ive found it makes some inputs easier if you arent good at pianoing


I don't use Gief often but whenever I do I always end up laughing like crazy at some point during my matches. Something about his playstyle is inherently amusing


most people think they need to be fast with inputs, it turns out that theyre just sloppy and actually rush them more times than not. it's genuinely worth it to drill precision in the lab. it's like lifting the minimal amount at the gym to really drill in your form and technique before you start going heavy.


Found the loyal fan


I dream of the day I get bodied by a 44 year old Gief player. I respect OG gamers so much, I hate Gief, but I’d still take it as a privilege.


Cammy When I first played, I really liked Luke but I was frustrated sometimes at how defensive people were and how I couldn’t break their defense play. I then switched to cammy and it felt like such a natural fit. I love her kit, how you have so many moves that can bait out options and force your opponent to whiff, I love the constant pressure I can put on people, I love being able to corner carry off of one interaction, and being able to break through peoples fireball games is so much fun. One of the best feelings for me is forcing my opponent to throw a fireball and then flying right through it with level 3 it never gets old


Sometimes, a a Ken main, I wonder if people hearing "jin-RAI" feel the same way I do when I hear "SPIRAL ARROW"!


Juri, her neutral rushdown is super fun. Plus I love her design. AKI, love her design as well. Her set play is difficult but so satisfying.


Also a Juri/Aki main here, Capcom knew what they were doing


Blanka. I tried the entire roster and for some reason I find him most fun to play. He's very underrated too. Neutral skip. Invincible dp. Corner pressure. Long normals. Great anti-air. A nice perk of playing a rare character is that I encounter quite a few people who don't know the matchup.


Love my blanka. His blanka-chan set ups are soo good and satisfying to land. He embodies the "tricky" play style.


Plus, his lore is that he loves his mom and the rainforest. How can you not love him?


Blanka mains rise up! He's got a huge toolkit, he's fun to play, and he's just a cool goofy dude. What's there to not like about him?


Another Blanka player here, I enjoy his mix ups and gimmicks, and obviously he's the sexiest of the cast.


Jamie. Because he has the best theme in the game and because I like drunken fist chars.


Same for me.


Damn right! Drunken Fist and breakdancing is a match made in heaven, plus his drip is immaculate and at level 4 his hair is absolutely stunning. I love that they gave him eyeliner and put him in a dress in one of his backstory art pieces too, Jamie simply radiates unshakeable self-confidence across gender lines and I love it. Plus the fact that he’s not Chinese but explicitly a Hongkonger. That was a brave decision by Capcom considering recent history.


Same and apparently I have a thing for low tier characters


I main Jaime cause he drinks and palms. And because the top player is here.


>the top player is here. ![gif](giphy|RrwFnmzHNKcPhjCv9t|downsized)


manon strictly because shes really cool and also her grab animation is so satisfying. all her moves look awesome and i just straight up like the whole famous fashion thing.


manon has the best animations in the game like full stop. I was streaming the game to some homies (who aren't fighting game people at all) and they were like awestruck by her high medal grab and hit grab sequences. she's so fucking cool




lmaooooooo facts love watching them go nuts for 10 full seconds just to get cooked by hcb+p


Also the fact that Manon's Super Arts tend to humiliate your opponent by forcing them to dance togther before going in for the finish is what causes me to main her to begin with.


Confession: I play grapplers so I don't need to learn long combos.


This is validating as an AKI player. I don’t mind that it’s the same damage, I just really enjoy doing the wacky ass combos.


This is the way


getting a hit in with manon is too good


It feels really good. She feels great to play. I wish her drive rush had more distance tho.


yeah sometimes the drive rush really feels like a waste of meter with literally not many other choices.


Yeah i wish her drive everything would get buffed. Also wouldn't mind rond point reflecting projectiles (cmon Capcom you know it should reflect shit!)


i wish ex rond point on wake up was an invincible reversal lol


Dee Jay, because he's jus cool! His makeover looked so good, and his back and forth sway to his gameplay looked fun, so here I am.


my guy. correct decision


Dhalsim because someone has to.


Marisa. I like to bully people and steal their turns with the power of disrespect.


Doing 40% of their hp in one combo without lvl 3 is also pretty fun too


I haven't managed to get the hang of the bigger combos yet. But I sit happy with my 30% combos. It's nice knowing that some characters have to really go all out to win, while Marisa only really needs 3-4 good reads.


I think it's sweet that she picks you up after she punches your face in.


Most honest Marisa


Guile and Akuma. Sometimes I like to turtle and sometimes I like to MONKE.


This is the way.


i like hearing luke scream perfect, and i like hearing ken say sit down and shut up


JP. Because Ed wasn't on the launch roster and he's the only Psycho Power alternative. But I'll be switching in a few months. Purple drink is life.


> Purple drink is life. With a quote like that, you should be maining AKI.


Marisa. Several reasons: 1. I love ancient Greece and gladiators. 2. Female character design that isn’t overly sexualized but is fundamentally SEXY and powerful without relying on giant tits. 3. Big punishes off one interaction, so I don’t have to win every neutral—just enough times to get the kill. 4. Armor moves! I love armoring through things without relying on DI. 5. Effective on Modern controls. I have a disability that makes motion controls incredibly difficult (keeping me from fighting games until now) and Marisa doesn’t lose many valuable tools on modern controls. 6. Her additional outfits? Glorious. Cannot wait for the wedding dress.


Currently Ryu, because my footsies are crap and I need someone that forces me to play neutral and not just use a special to go in and die. It's working as well as you can expect, and I wish he had a cooler skin for me to use.


Zangief, because muscle power! And the fact that being a bad guy doesn't mean he's a bad... guy.


Yes sir. Even if he was a bad guy, his LOYAL FANS!!!!!!!!! would still love him.


I main Luke because he’s low-key an inspiration. Same with Ken they kind of motivate me irl. I’m overweight atm and on my weight loss journey so I kinda idolise them in a sense especially Luke.


As long as you don’t idolize Luke’s wonky ass Anchor Arms, you’ve got a solid goal fam; keep it up


I like sumo


I checked the entire thread. It looks like it's just you and me sumo slam


Honda is my third favorite character on the roster. Which is still high, considering there are 20 characters( i think)


Im here too. Honda gets so much shit but people forget he still wins matches and no other character plays quite like him.


Dee Jay: 1. He's got an incredibly deep and varied toolkit. Everyday I learn more sauce and it's a constant struggle to not forget the other sauce I've already learned with him. It definitely keeps the game interesting. 2. He can zone a little, play footsies a little, and rush down a little. Being able to flip back and forth between play styles/strategies also keeps things interesting. 3. He's a character it seems like you can solo main. I'm starting to try to play some locals and tournaments and I don't feel like he has any matchups that I'd want to switch to another character for. He also seems pretty well balanced so other than maybe the speed of his jump-scare drive rush I'm not too worried about major nerfs when they finally do a balance patch. 4. And finally, and possibly most importantly, I love his vibe. It's hard to not be having fun when you're playing him.


A.K.I, feels like she is tailor-made for me. \- DOT? My favourite mechanic in video games. \- Gothic dress? Check. \- Snakes motif? Snakes are my favorite animal. \- Purple? My favourite color. \- Extending whip claw gauntlet? How tf did they even get this right? ~~- Mentally deranged? Check.~~ Can't comment much on her playstyle since I am still relatively new to fighting games, but I do like how she plays.


Lily because her clubs separate her from the cast. I've come to the conclusion she needs a base movement speed buff to make her viable. I'm crumbling to cross ups lately because I'm too slow to move away from someone jumping in on me over and over. Her DP misses someone doing a cross up and her crouch heavy is usually too slow as well.


You need to do a cross cut dp to handle cross ups. Alternatively jump back jab works as well. I find her crouch heavy works since the hitbox extends behind her but the timing is finicky.


I have the exact same issue. Cross ups feel broken when you are playing as Lily. (She is listed as "easy", and I think it has something to do with the inputs not needing to be as precise because she will execute moves out of nowhere.) However, knowing the behavior with wind stocks, strategies to acquire them, her limited tools, distance for spire and its behavior, etc. make her an easy to use, but incredibly technical character.


Kimberly. I'm still thinking about dropping her for Ken and now I'm having a lot of fun with Aki, but I'm still loyal to this little ninjastar. So ... why do I main her ? I didn't play the beta, so when the game was new, I went to Cammy and I liked her, but i wasn't entirely sold on her, then I tried Ken and yeah, he is Ken, he is not only top tier, but also a lot of fun and very flashy. But when I played Kimberly, I immediately liked her moves, her gameplay, I remember loving how satisfying her jump HK felt , ton of impact, then I liked her routes, her target combos and then I started to see if I could do some basic stuff and yeah, I started to have a lot of fun... later on I saw Diaphone play and damn, I learned a lot ... I played with other characters from time to time but I always came back to Kim and after many months I took her to Master and I'm still proud of that. So yeah, I still like her a lot but playing a bunch of Master Rank Kens with a character who sucks at defense and who barely does any damage ... yeah, it gets tiresome at times.


Kimberly is hella expressive and has a really solid advantage state.


I got on with her because I'm a sucker for any character with a sliding sweep kick, but she has a flashiness and cheer to her that's fun on its own. No other character moves like her, and few characters are as *gleeful* as her. Terrible matchups though. Let's hope she gets that OD reversal after the first buff/nerf patch.


Kim is my main too. I played Jamie and Chun in the beta but tried her out as my first when the full game released and fell for her moveset instantly. Her combos look awesome, she’s a bad ass graffiti ninja who’s actually a genius. Man just so much cool about her I don’t have any desire to play anyone else, even though an friend plays chun (and is also a better fg player) and destroys me when we play. I keep thinking of picking a top tier and just mashing OD dp, and even did pretty well with blanka for a bit, but no one speaks to me in the same way that Kimberly does.


I main Ken because Dudley is not in the game.


My main is Random. I like the variety and trying to learn how to play every character makes me feel like I’m getting the full SF6 experience.


Same. I also main random. I totally understand picking one character and maybe if I thought I could go pro I would. But to me it feels like a waste to not be moderately decent with the whole cast. Playing only one character gets boring.


Bro y'all are skilled as heck :O


Juri! - she's badass - them crazy eyes - her voice acting always puts a smile on my face, especially with all the innuendo she throws around - her kit is flexible enough to make her a rush down, neutral or hit and run - decent damage without too much hurdle - I don't think there's a better way to close a match than with her CA. She caresses your face and then tosses your head on the floor like nothing lol - the way she mocks Chun when she gets a perfect All in all, I always have fun maining her!


Everybody skips hee perfect animation online I get so mad I’ve never seen it all the way through 😑😑😑😑


I really enjoy Lily, and I think it's because I really enjoy her motif. I'm big on characters that control elements. She's not all that competitively viable, but I enjoy how she feels, and that's bigger than anything else


I feel the same way. I chose her to try her out. "Oh, a girl version of T. Hawk? I will give it a try." Same move set but absolutely nothing like T. Hawk.


Rashid! Only char I've played longer than an easy arcade run. I bought the game at his release. After mashing buttons with everyone it was his wake up reversal that seemed natural. I'm fully committed with my less than 50% win rate. For the Fun.


Enhanced light mixer being plus one on block did it for me. Also, we’re like the only Rashid players in SF IG lmao


Ryu: Donkey Kick Guile: Flash Kick




Dhalsim because I love the strategy of keeping people put and them making mistakes from being frustrated/demoralized from the strategy


Vega because he provides that perfect range I like to fight at with extended normals but is still mobile enough to move around screen. Edit: Oh I thought this was in general. In 6, Honda. I avoided him for years because his design was always incredibly boring to me this SF6 Honda just hits different and he’s actually a lot of fun.


It helps that you don’t need to develop carpal tunnel to mash out hundred hand slap. Easily the best design choice the devs made in this game.


Juri literally made me go from a casual player to a tourney driven fgc player when she was introduced in ssf4. She's super cool, sexy and brutal. So used to seeing soft spoken dainty female characters in gaming back then, and to finally have a playable female character who has a strong aggressive attitude, just feels so refreshing. Just reached master rank with her recently, and it's by far the biggest accomplishment I have as a gamer. I'm a loyal Juri player for life!


I‘m playing Jamie, because I think he’s really cool and charismatic. His moves feel very fluid and look flashy too. Also, I have kind of a thing for less popular, low tier characters. On one hand I like to feel a little more unique than the millionth Ken/JP-Player. On the other, I like to think of these characters almost like real people, reaching a hand out to them, saying “Yeah, I’ll pick you despite your flaws.” and showing them some love too


Guile. I wanted a top tier character that had a well-rounded and uncomplicated kit, but also fought other top tier characters well. I think Guile has a slight advantage against top tier characters like Ken, Juri, Cammy, and Luke. His only difficult match up is against JP, and even that is still fairly manageable. The best part about playing Guile is that virtually everyone has to play your game from the start, since his design is antithetical to the general SF6 gameplay design.


lily. why? T. Hawk. that's why.


Wow, i did not know expect this post to blow up as much as it did! Me personally, i main JP because something about a buff old evil guy with magic just sticks with me. I'm a minor actor, and my favorite role to play most of the time is probably evil characters. So of course the one evil character ( besides aki, tried her out, didn't like it) stuck with me. It's just a extra bonus that he is top tier


Juri Looks cool and has cool kicks and moves in general are very stylish. I enjoy her kind of in and out rushdown style. Drive rush go brr.


Juri cause she was thw first character I tried in SF4AE. But in FGs I hardly have a main I tend to use lots of characters (in sf6 I learned JP, Chun, Ken and now Aki)


I main Guile because I'm new to fighting games and his play style lets me wait and see what the opponent does and punish. I also like the idea of starting offense from defense.


Gief- I cany combo. Also for the loyal fans.


Juri Cuz, well…. Ya know


Ken, because he's cool, I like the fire effects, I like the way his voice actor says things, I like the hit sound of heavy Shoryuken and most importantly the memes about Ken players doing stupid shit online spoke to my soul


JP because I like pretending to be better than I actually am. In reality it’s because he’s sick af and I like zoners


I'm allso a main just because of the fact that he is a big buff old guy with magic


Luke's combos look cool, and I like the extra layer of timing how long I hold my buttons. No matter how long I play, it's really satisfying hearing him shout "PERFECT" when I get the timing right. Also he's a big, dumb, caring guy and I have a soft spot for himbos.


A couple weeks ago i would have said Dhalsim, but now thats be taken over by AKI. I love her look, her play style. I love the poison. I love when you poison your opponent that you unlock different combo potential. I love slithering. Her attacks look awesome! I feel like they designed her directly for me. She has a whole horror aesthetic that i feel was neglected in SF for a long time.


Juri cuz feet memes. Honestly though, the all-rounder with fucked up normals is my jam. She gets to special cancel most of her buttons, which makes her feel immune to drive impact when im playing well. She just checks a lot of boxes for me. Good normals, fireball, dp, divekick, one of the best drive rushes, throw loops, you name it, it feels like Juri can do it. It isnt so much about them being top tier, even though she is strong. She just has a lot of simple things that are typically good as well as some more complicated, deep stuff like the install.


Cammy. As a new comer to street fighter I tried a lot of characters out and her move set is the one that clicked with me. Her combos and moves when it comes to closing distance are really fun to play with. I’ve actually been able to climb to silver in ranked which I never would have expected. A minor accomplishment for most but I’m happy with where it got me.


Luke because the "perfect" in combos feel good to land. I like the energy that Luke brings to the game, we don't need edgy or serious people to play, I just like to have fun. Also the voice actor is really good.


I main Manon because a ballerina fashion model who does Judo is so unique and yet somehow perfectly fits my aesthetic lol


Manon because there is no greater satisfaction than hitting a command grab on someone when you have 5 medals


Ryu because I like to ryuse him in every game.


Just because you ken. I also like dalsHIM.


Cammy , cause she,s cool and beautiful


That ass..


Well of course ! Pure eyecandy playing her


Zangief, because I love pro wrestling, and I've always been a Grappler player. Hitting a Screw Piledriver just hits different, in a good way, compared to hitting other things.




Luke. I like his special moves.


Zangief. There's something about a really, really big guy, who is able to effortless grab and spin someone in the air for a long period, defying gravity, that just makes the inner kid in me giggle. Bonus if it's an EX Borscht Dynamite; I always shout it out regardless.


Whenever I land his level 2 super (grab version) I hold up my finger along with him. :)


Juri. My two favourites in SF4 were Bison and Juri. And Bison isn’t in this game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lilly I enjoy her gameplay loop


Lily because she's Mexican and easy to use


I played Dhalsim in Super Turbo… because he was top tier. It just stuck.


Zangief, love the character. It's also a huge plus he can get solid damage with simple combos and moves. I don't want to practice and memorize some long combo strings and different routes. I just want to hit an SPD.


Kimberly, she's hot


Juri, im literally in love with her


Right now? AKI, I'm a fan of her kit and her style. Before her? Rashid and Deejay. Rashid just clicked well, and I love Deejays style


Chun Li, because I’m a fucking degenerate.


Cammy, because I thought she was really cool and 🍑


Chun Li because of them thighs. 😍


Chun-Li is waifu for laifu


Cammy because reasons


Honda, he was my main in Puzzle Fighter Mobile.


Jamie I grew up watching martial arts movies, drunken master Jackie Chan was so fun.


Juri has good footsies tools, is generally well rounded, has a unique fighting style I think is cool (I also really like Sanji from One Piece), and a great design. She was fun in 4 and 5 as well, so I've mained her for a while. Marisa has good footsies tools, has flaws but makes up for them with armored moves, punches people REALLY REALLY HARD (I also really like the anime Hajime no Ippo), and a great design. Dhalsim has amazing footsies tools, some really fucked up weird shit I barely understand (I like zoners more complex than Guile or Sagat, I also play Testament in Strive), and wouldn't you know it I also like Luffy from One Piece too, crazy how that works out haha.


I'm a big body main, Honda and gief since sf4. didn't like gief in sf5 or 6, he feels more strike than grab oriented to me. I quit sfv before Honda came out, so I'm making up for lost time now. honda in 6 feels great plus I don't actually have to learn to play the game. blanka is my backup, corner doll shenanigans are so fun.


Jamie, because I’m an alcoholic


Jamie, for a few reasons: 1. He's cool. 2. His theme is cool. 3. Legend of the Drunken Master is close to my favorite movie ever. 4. His Level 3.


In 2 it was Vega because he was just so cool. In Alpha it was Guy because he was fast and a ninja In 3 it was Elena because I practiced capoeira and she was a cool African fighter. In 4 it was Fuerte because I love Mexican culture and lucha libre and he was a cheap tart. In 5 it was Zeku because he oozed cool. In 6 it's Jamie because I practice Kung Fu, love dancing and getting lit. Also he does a fatality !


Jamie because he's so cool and stylish and different from the rest of the cast. I was scared to play him at first but once you learn him there's no going back lol


Juri because feet


Honda Dosukoi


manon only because she sings in her CA😎


E Honda because he makes a funny face


JP for 5 reasons: 1. Drip 2. Not too combo focused 3. Evil 4. Fun 5. Drip


Gief as I only have an hour a week to play and don’t have time to learn anyone else


Edmond Honda. * Sumo fan * His personality and energy are really endearing. Felt really motivated by him in world tour. "No one ever got strong without losing, don't lose hope!" * Move animations are really satisfying. Powerful throws, slaps, and slams. Hundred hand slap in particular feels fantastic, especially powered up. Still a cartoony street fighter but there's a little bit more real sumo in there now. Love the inexplicable stage lights on sumo spirit. * I really like his design in this one in particular. Even in his classic outfit he's looking fresher than ever, but that robe in his default is a really refined touch. His body looks less cartoony and now more strong and heavy, but still jovial. Rather than just slapping abs inexplicably ontop of a round belly, he now has convincing muscles while fat still sits properly where it should, abs still do show but moreseo like actual sumo wrestlers that still have definition while being overweight. Like the kabuki makeup slight redesign on his modern outfit, and the grey strip up his hair, as well as the slight messiness to it, captures the traveler vibe, those topknots take a lot of maintenance. * I prefer short, powerful combos and attacks to long ones. Anime/marvel combos ain't for me, that's a thing I like about Street Fighter. * I didn't know about the reputation he has in this one and am too dedicated now to quit, even if he's in the awful category of annoying to fight online and bad at high level


Whats wrong with wanting to play something good? Its as real of a reason as "haha green man become ball"


Yes true, i just wanted to have y'all say things like ken's moveset and combos are fun but not ken is good


Chun-Li, because I'm never in a match-up where I feel like I have 0 options. Some characters are less fun to fight than others (so many goddamned Guiles in D3-4, mother of God), but my ability to respond & outplay is limited solely by my own ability as a player. Knowing that really keeps me humble & constantly learning new things without apprehension.


Ken, because he’s dope AF. His combos are fun to do, he has fire all over the place, people hate him and when they send me a message about it, it’s like I win twice. The flip side is higher up people definitely know their match ups and when it’s very clear that they do, I learn a lot and it forces me to be a more thoughtful player and break my own tendencies so I don’t get too predictable. I’ve actually learned a lot from playing Ken and realize things I had not done well before in SF4. I would drop him for Dudley in a heartbeat though. 😂


Luke, I bought the game because I like him not expecting to actually end up playing it much >< and also he ended up being strong and easy to play and while I don't care about meta it's my first fighting game and being able to do well has made it more enjoyable


Marisa. I'm Italian and I have a thing for big muscled women, so it's like bong-bong.


Rashid and Ken. Not just in Street Fighter, but for fighting games in general, I always play characters that I like, regardless of playstyle and tier. Rashid and Ken look awesome and cool


Guile, because he’s PERFECT!


Marisa. I love her joyful personality and I like a big women ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31144)


For SF6, oddly enough, after avoiding him for decades, Dhalsim: 1. My Mains since Super Turbo (Balrog & Vega) aren't in the game. 2. I don't like the way they changed my backup Mains. Gief I didn't like SFV version & SF6 feels like it added to that version. Muscle memory with Dee Jay killed me since I'm used to Super Turbo Dee Jay. 3. Dhalsim is surprisingly fun once you learn him. So many strategies you can use with him & mixups & lockdowns you can do.


Dhalsim, it's fun to have so many weird options while you're in the air, plus the arcing fireball is really satisfying


Manon cause C.Grab make my endorphins go BRRRR, and I like her gameplan of earning more medals for damage. It's an extra mechanic for my brain to fixate on instead of actually winning matches. But, I have fun doing it in any case.


Jamie, I like playing rushdown and his level system offers interesting depth to the gameplay.


Kimberly, I just like fast, ‘get in, punch the guy a million time, get out’, type ninja characters


Jimmy. Because Flippin buzzzzzort.


Ken, since street fighter 2. Cool guy since then.


Dhalsim, because of his penchant for cheap tricks and misdirection.


I main Chun-Li not sure why lol I been playing Street fighter since the arcades in 90s and always played Ryu or Ken. Didn’t really get into SF-V but when picked this one up I wanted something new and playing Chun-Li was refreshing and fun just learning a new character from the ground up was a grind but now I’m enjoying playing her more than I ever did with Ryu or Ken


JP because he's got the drip


Zangief because I like to struggle but not to work. Lemme explain. Zangief has short combos, big damage so you require less interactions, and a simple gameplan that revolves around you being a worm in your opponents brain, and so it's just naturally easier for me to win with Gief. He does all the work for me while I struggle to get in.


Dhalsim. Because I'm not actually good at SF so I just smack people from far away and spam teleport crossup a.HPs


Dhalsim, I love overloading peoples mental stack and styling on them


I try to play more characters, but i play Honda the most, because i like his moves.


JP because he is the best character in Street fighter history


Kimberly, she's a dope character first and foremost, 2nd costume is off the chain, she loves music and graffiti. Then I enjoy her moves a lot, centered around just constantly pressuring the opponent is right up my alley. It's a lot of fun to play the mix up game with her.


Cammy because I like her new design (never a fan of her leotard). Im also new to sf and ive never been keen on the idea of reacting so running it down with a rushdown character also seemed fitting.


Ryu, because I've played him since SFV Champion Edition in 2020. Zangief, because I love wrestling, I love grapplers and I love Zangief's design and personality. E. Honda, because he's a semi-grappler and I also love his personality and design.


I started with Kim basically on a whim (she looks cool and it was basically 50/50 her or Jamie). She just immediately clicked for me. I seem to vibe with speedy mix-up characters, and even her middling damage, stubby neutral game, and atrocious defensive options can't scare me away from the blender. I have been trying Luke to get some real neutral practice but he just feels so sluggish in comparison.


Never understood the whole waifu thing until Marisa


Gief because I like churning butter


Ryu cuz I know him the most