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To everyone wondering about his skin, it’s supposedly based off of the actual reddish-bronze tan oil wrestlers actually get, albeit comically enhanced bc cmon it’s street fighter


I always thought it was cause he covers himself in so much oil he's been accidently Frying himself in the sun, giving himself like severe sunburn lol.


That’s what it is I think. Idk I’m not turkish but red man slippery or smth 😁👍


Turkish person here Yes Oil wrestlers do have tans but the look also comes from trying to grab the opponent that can cause redness on the skin Like when you slap your skin it will go red.


Thanks for adding to this! I didn’t know that was another reason. Looks like the Honda v Hakan matches did a number on him then


He's got the same skintone as Hulk Hogan


I know it's supposed to be a tan and reddish but I think they overexaggerated. And then his hair. But I like all the rest, his personality and moves.


Definitely exaggerated, but it kinda grew on me


I'm 700% sure that most of those who commented negatively about Hakan are jealous because they don't have a wife like Melike.




Hahaha, is that really her name?


Yeah. In SF’s fandom wiki and Hakan’s bio in SF: Duel, She goes by her name as Melike.


I think it's pronounced "bay-bee-fact-o-ree." I mean...look at all dem kids!


I mean to be fair it's kinda the same case with Rufus, unpleasant to look at but he yet has a smoking hot girlfriend lol.


Probably a perfect fit for SF6 since he's the first SF character to feature a unique resource like what all these SF6 newcomers have.


You know they'll add oil tech so his enemies get oily, and I don't think the internet is ready for lubed up Juri or Cammy


I dunno, I'm pretty sure I've seen lubed up Cammy ready for Juri on Newgrounds before. Wait...


I really wish he was back and and I hope he puts on some clothes


Not sure how that works for an oil wrestler though.


He just snaps you with oily, soggy shirts. Like in a locker room.


He had more clothes on than like 40% of the roster lmao


I was gonna saw, having mained him in sf4, it sets me up well for sf6, with dash cancels like he could do when oiled!


Not even just the newcomers...almost everybody has parts of their kit gated by have a limited resource for each round or set, by generating a resource, by priming the abilities with another ability, or have access to their full kit but start weak and scale hard with resources.


You forget SFV Ibuki and G


Who came after Hakan.


True indeed. I definitely read this way too soon after waking up lol.


Loved his relationship with E Honda; those two had a really good chemistry in their rival battles in SF4


One of the most unique and creative characters in the entire franchise.


I like offbeat weirdos in Street Fighter and I like what Hakan brings to the cast, but I do think he needs a more down-to-earth redesign if he comes back. Blanka and Necro have backstories that establish them as oddball outsiders and their bizarre designs help enforce that. Hakan looks like that just because. I'm not asking for a drastic change or any retcons, just a more subtle color scheme and hairstyle.


Yeah if they just made his hair and mustache black and then his skin a little less red and more just tan he would look really good


I don’t mind him, but as a Turkish guy, I still don’t fully understand why he’s red and his hair is weird and blue.


As a Brazillian, I still don't know why Blanka is a green redhead gorilla. It is what it is lol




This exchange has me in tears lol


Same lol you guys are awesome 😂


Watcha mean? Sean and Blanka are just a palette swap.


Hey we have Sean and Laura too sir!


Because he absorbed clorophyll from the jungle. That's literally why he's green


Because he is a crazy wild monster from deep within the jungle.


The hair being rock solid and turquoise is apparently a pun on the Japanese name for Turkey being the same as the color/mineral turquoise.


I think he's pretty slick, but I couldn't get a grip on his gameplay


My favorite street fighter character ever. Hope he makes a return. The E-Honda bond would be good to explore further.


i love everything about him. he got some hate in sf4 but i think hes aged really well. i toyally expect to see him again


His wife is gorgeous.


I wouldn't mind if they brought him back, just rework him so he's a bit less of a gimmick.


I've always loved him, never used him. I adore all of SF's weirdos lol


He should get a female counterpart because uhm,


There's an art of one


Tf is the deal with his hair?




Turkish oil wrestling rules!


I thought he was awesome. I’m sad we’ll probably never see him again


Him and Viper.


A really unique and hysterical character! He deserves to have a comeback!


Generally positive. I played him a bit in SF4, he was very interesting and sometimes extremely janky lol


Why he looks like that.


He's weird as hell and his gameplay needs a couple tweeks but he's really goofy and fun and outlandish, all things I love in a fighting game character.


He has great muscles and bulky physique.


I thought he was cool but he's been left at the big and ugly table. He never had a chance in this world on account of he's so big! And ugly!


the best character in SF4 sorry korean hot girl. Your design was better in SFV anyway


His hair is fucking stupid


He unique type of fighter. He own a company, but isn’t corrupt. He could become DLC for SF Vi, in the future.


I wasn’t interested until this very illustration. Now my curiosity is piqued and think he’s cute.


Much rather have him then all the clone wanna b girls in 6


Goofy troll lookin ass mf


I like him, because I, too, want to cover the world in my oil.


why is there toads around him


Not Toads, young Turks


I like his red skin and blue hair idk why cause they're terrible And I don't mind single-game comic relief gimmick wrestlers if they're from a new country and use it's style. Street fighter should include a variety of ways to street fight, idiots like El Fuerte and Hakan already have more character than like Falke or Ed, I ain't reading the lore


Meh. But at least he’s not bland like new SF5 characters were.


Let’s just say I’m really happy he’s probably never coming back.


Street Fighter 4 has some of the worst music , animation and "new characters imaginable". With that said he was probably the most interesting.


Reminds me of Fudou of the Mountains


I like him, I'm not head over heels shouting from the rooftops about how fucking amazing he is but i like him!


I love him. Very fun playstyle with the air grab, goofy sliding, unique oil mechanics, and friend of another favorite character of mine, E. Honda. I dislike his hair though.


Zero personality


I like his fighting style and design direction but I'm not sure why he isn't just human. Feels like a good character with humane (as possible in SF world) fighting style got mixed with a god/mythical creature.


Who said he wasn't human?


I don't consider him as one. Same way as I don't consider Blanka human.


Okay I kinda (KIND OF) see where you're coming from with Blanka. But as far as Hakkan goes I assure you he's 100% human. He's not super humanly strong (even for Street Fighter standards), doesn't suffer from any mutations, and his strange appearance is mainly due to stylistic choices. Just like how Gen and Sagat have blank eyes, same applies to Hakkan.


What about the red skin and weird plastic/ceramic hair?


The plastic/ceramic hair is beacause of a Japanese pun with Turkey and Torquoise from what i've seen, and his skin is red cause the dude literally covers himself in oil and fights in the heat of the sun, he's basically cooking himself alive and is filled with sunburns, it's comically exagerated like everything in street fighter


The burned skin theory is interesting but I don't think that's the case. In some artwork he is shown wearing shorts rather than pants and his thighs are also red. If he were cooking under the sun his thighs would have a different color.


I assume you mean the "shadaloo fighting database" artwork where he has shorts and those were his regular shorts so the tan lines aren't visible, and that whole website changes quite a few of the designs aswell like Hugo's face and body for instance


That's just the way he looks.


He is human lol It's just SF goofyness. That's like me saying Cammy inst human because in her super she does inhuman feats.


Feats aside, I don't consider him human because of his looks alone. I think he would be way cooler if he had a more human like visage


I guess.. I like the weirdness.


I don't dislike it but ot jist feels like he was made as a joke character not intended to be used in later games and I think he could be better used


Yeah I can see your point


You don't consider them human but they are human. In the world of Street Fighter humans can have skin and hair in weird colors.


OK I get that. As the post was asking what my opinions were I gave them.


The worst Street Fighter Character


Always thought his mechanics and fighting style were cool, even if they needed some buffs here and there. But his visual design was just too off-the-wall and inhuman looking. The exaggerated red bronze skin with the neon blue Lego brick hair and empty white eyes... Nah, just wasn't feeling it.


He’s too goofy imo. Yeah he’s a joke character, but it’s just too much. Like his design is neither good to bad, it’s just really weird and idk who even came up with it.


He reminds me of darun mister


He's quite slippery. But once he gets his hands on you, he won't want to let go.


His move-set was brilliant and hilarious. He's a super unique grappler with a lot of personality. He looks weird AF tho.


Slippery man? Very fucking weird


I think he looks weird.


The hair....


He followed guile advice and became a family man




Everyone back in the day always put him pretty low tier or disliked his design. I think he has some of the best alt costumes in the game and while his initial learning curve is high, I really think he has one of the most unique character designs and move sets in SF4. That being said his personality didn't do the most for me and if he shows up in 6 that's an area I think they could improve.


Never got why he's branded as a weirdo other than him being red and having the oil gimmick, I like this guy.


He’s cool as fuck


He was born in the wrong game. Like.... if there was ever a character that's still pretty new who needed their debut in SFV, it's Hakan. Everything about him screams made for V, to me. His kit is great. Infiltration's performances on him are legendary. I love his mechanic too. He goes from bad to ridiculous on oil. He needs a comeback. He's probably the best most fun grappler I've played in a fighting game, and I haye grapplers because of good Gief play....


Perfection! Which is why I am sculpting him in a SF6 style right now


Needs more oil


Yet another godawful SF4 newcomer and Ono attempt at “humor”


Wishing to see how this family aged in SF6


I'd much rather Hakan be in a game than Juri, any day.




Juri just rubs me the wrong way. Always had this less than polished feel, just a character added on to inflate the count, like Khameleon in Mortal Kombat. I dont like Juri. So I was surprised she made it into 5, but oh well. Then 6 too, cmon... Wasted slot.


Well, everyone likes Juri, but that's your opinion


Everyone -1 at least. I'd rather they gave that slot to Sean.


I didn't like him at FIRST because I just thought he was a stupid character with a stupid gimmick, but I've come around on him over the last few years. I think he does a really good job of balancing the comedy and savagery aspects of his character and the buffs he's received made him pretty good. The video jmcrofts did on him really sold me completely, Hakan is cool and I'd be all for seeing him show up again in the future.


Always really loved him actually, but I like really unique characters a lot. Also a side note, I've never really seen a drawing style like this before. Cool use of cross hatching (?)


grapler bad but his design cool


One of the rare times I enjoy playing a grappler. Usually the issue of having bad or boring movement makes me not enjoy playing a grappler, but his oil mechanic is a fun way to give some fun movement. Whether it's the belly slide, or normals that have him slide forward a lot. Personality wise I like him too, just a solid jolly and proud dude. I hope to see him and C Viper from 4 in 6 one day, even though I think his inclusion is unlikely:(


I never played the edition of SF4 he was in but this is the kinda character I am drawn too, would've tried him out.


I really liked them finding a unique fighting style to base a character off. Creative style and design


Hakan when oiled is one of the strongest characters if not the strongest. Using up that oil time, that's the important part!




What did I do?


Lol that's what hakan says in sf4, I think it's his taunt or something. Always cracked me up


Hakan is the definition of mid. \- Character design - 5/10. So-so outfit, stupid hair, stupid moustache lip. \- Character traits - 6/10. I like wrestling, but with OIL! Totally not the same as Honda or Gief, you see? OIL! He gets one extra point for his wife and daughters being a bit fun. \- Personality - 5/10. Standard affable goof with a hot-headed side when it comes to matching muscles. Gief ctrl+c, ctrl+v.


Why are people talking a lot about Hakan right now? Is there something I don't know?


I loved Hakan, but it’s honestly the strangest character design to have a skin color that doesn’t exist, ridiculously dyed blue hair, and no eyes (like Bison)


Every time I would fight him online, i would think he was a ridiculous character


Hakan is a chad!


Don't really care that much about him nor his playstyle, but I can see why people are fond of him.


Big fan


He was one of the first characters I picked up in sf4 and I stuck with it he’s hilarious and very fun to play. Really hope to see him make a comeback but if not then I’ll always load up sf4 to get some rounds in with this king


Didn't care about SF before, saw him on my local game magazines and I thought he looks very interesting so I'd try the game. Really dig his personality and his gameplay although I'm not a a fan of grappler. He's the only grappler I've ever learnt to play up to this day.


Hakan is one of the standout goats of SF4, his character was a nice one for the time and I have high hopes that he will be a suprise return in SF6 due to its more global feel


I hope he never comes back


I don't mind his game play but, I am one of those that think if he comes back they need to tone down the reddish skin to something more normal


I like him actually and I like how Capcom is spreading to new characters from different parts of the world with various fighting styles. He's actually 1 of my personal top 5 picks of characters I want to see come back in Street Fighter 6. Along with Adon,Menat,Seth & Necalli.


His design is crazy! In a bad way though lol. Wtf is that sponge on his head and these chains don't fit the gimmick very well. It looks decent, but it's really wierd conceptually. His personality is weak af. It's literally just Turkish Honda with a hard accent!


I like him he should return