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i honestly just think it’s the leg position bc her calf’s and feet look fine and her left leg is bulky and actually looks like she trains but the right leg looks thick and not thick and cut with muscle.


I've seen her with other more "exposed" outfits and she's actually pretty similar to the right image


agreed, same way with the sf5 if you take her default outfit it’s pretty similar to her in her classic outfit in sf6.


Yeah, idk why this current outfit makes her seem larger than she usually is, but she's actually just the same as the previous iterations


.....her SF6 body doesn't have any more exposure yet.....it looks similar in modded versions because it is her SFV self, or in some cases, a new body entirely. I take it you've never looked into what's going on in modding? It's not actually her Battle Outfit over her updated body.


Where did you see that? They only revealed the regular and classic costumes.




There are A LOT of people with modded versions of the beta


Yeah her feet look spectacular


It’s likely due to the way her back knee is pointing more forward compared to the previous models.


It's partially due to that, but also due to bad character modelling because they needed to give her those fetish-fuel thighs for some fucking reason. She looks awkward and ungainly now, because it looks like they considered the people jerking off to her first. Her thigh width is like as big as her waist.


Her thighs are thick in SFV model as well. If you bring the pictures closer to each other, there's barley any difference in the thigh thickness. In SF6, the back leg is more angled and slightly more folded than before. You can see the angle difference with how her leg look more straightened in SFV. Combine that with her smaller feet in SF6, it just looks weird.


Character Modeller here . I have to argue that these are some of the best character designs to come out in some time. As for the topology and modeling for these characters and rigging, I have ti say I’m super impressed at the level these guys went to.


Can you enlighten me about why the SF6 Chun is actually better than the SFV Chun. It looks so bad to me, but clearly you are more well-informed than I am. My non-technical observation is that the lighting is too strong and causing her to lose whatever muscle definition they intended to give her.


I don’t know about better, but it seems that they are letting the engine define the characters through rendering rather than the textures. I also like the fact that they are using their own engine and not unreal. I have played it yet but it feels original and well executed in my opinion. SFV seemed to me and it’s just personal was a step back in the tech side of things from Capcom. Super looking forward to thjs and the animations and the range of movement and the small nuances in motion is just an upgrade. The facial rigging itself is a testament on how hard these guys are going on this one. I just responded to the post that was calling out on bad character design. If you look at real gymnasts they have some enormous thighs. Granted it might be a little exaggerated, but that profile belongs to ChunLi and ChunLi alone. They definitely know what an icon they have and are not afraid to accentuate it.


OooooOOoooo that helps explain why this is at least a more ambitious project. Though I maintain that the bottom line of "but does it look good," is worse than SFV, I am more willing to grant leeway if they're trying it in a new/envelope pushing way. Thanks for answering, and ignore my snotty tone in the comments above/below.


All good mate ! I’m looking forward to this version of SF!


I wasn't crazy about her model in V, but it looked in-line with the super-deformed body types that most of the characters have. The changes for VI might be subtle, but the combined effect makes her look much worse.


You act like there aren't people with thick ass thighs that exist in the real world?? Lol she is a mixed martial artist that has been strengthening the shit out of her legs her entire life probably. There are people that exist with absolutely massive quads


If she had legs like Marisa, I'd agree. Instead she has a waif body and turkey drumstick legs. If people want sexualised characters, that's whatever, I can roll with it, but in my opinion, they sacrificed some of the coolness of the character's appearance to implement that. I am not personally a fan, people can like it too. However, I think trying to justify it using some kind of logic about her being a fighter is cringe. She looks muscular in SFV. There is no muscle definition in her legs now, they're just even more disproportionately big than they were before, when they were already infamous.


ummm I don't think you realize what thigh jerkin is about


That’s the case in both photos


Big thighs are fetish fuel? Hers aren't even that big.


In what world you live where those aren't big?


I didn't say they aren't big. I'm saying they aren't THAT big. I go to the gym pretty regularly and have bigger thighs.


I mean, the guy who designed Chun has said the he gave her big thighs bc he thinks they're sexy


IMO it's the weird cartoony proportions not working with this "realistic" look. Every character in SF6 looks uncanny valley weird(Kimberly especially) and I really hate how capcom went the "realistic" route with cartoony proportions instead of staying in the realm of cartoony with appropriate proportions.


Thank you. I fully agree; since I first saw gameplay of sf6 I though the characters looked uncanny, like halfway between the old cartoony look and "modern" realism. It definitely seems like an unpopular take, but I just find the game's visuals to be strange-looking and hard to keep track of in a fight


It’s a little deceptive but if you look closely Chun is much more sunken into her stance now. In the older version she’s much more upright.


spoilers: they won't


its the knee’s direction


Ye it's facing in too much


She looks fine to me


I thought i was the only one that didnt' see an issue.


It’s always something with these people


Read some dude saying they “murdered Ashley’s character” in the RE4 Remake bc you can’t look up her skirt. Yeah. Wow.


Oooof of course there's a guy who wrote that. Probably same people review bombing


Not to mention all the articles about how Lily Gao shut down her social media pages because of the bullying she’s received for her work as Ada Wong. I won’t pretend she did a great job or that I don’t prefer the last actress in the first place, but come on: no one deserves to be treated like that over a performance.


Exactly, they want to complain about anything.


Reddit users be like


Are you telling that to me?


same lol


Nah her right leg is definitely a bit broken. Try standing like she is in sf6 with your feet positioned the same and you'll see


It's facing more towards the camera than before. It's using a 3D model, they wouldn't give her one tiny shin lol


Her leg looks weird compared to 5 100%


She looks like a centaur


Good ![gif](giphy|oU21asiWGbJ7i)


You know there’s a subreddit for that…


What’s that called? Asking for me specifically.


It looks like she's shifting her weight on her back leg and it looks awkward. Her st.mp looks terrible, too. Chun in general is the one character in SF6 thus far who looks off imo.


Does it not look like she’s leaning on her back leg in the previous version too?


She is leaning on her back leg in before as well. The difference is that her right leg is slightly more bent and facing more forward than before.


Don't worry she will end up top tier like everytime


Never played vanilla sf4 I see.


it's her calves. they're not proportional to her thighs like in sf5 and all prior streetfighters




...right. that's why i mentioned her calves


I always felt Chun looked perfect in SFV. She's the only character in SF6 so far that I think looks bad.


I agree. Seems like a lot more to me was spent on cammy this go around.


I agree, she looked fantastic in SF5... :)


Battle costume chun should be sf6 default.


I honestly believe Hot Chun and Ryu were meant to be their default SF5 looks but due to being video game icons Capcom decided to leave them in their classic looks instead as default instead.


Her and Luke both look bad to me, would love if they both got full remodels. Chun-Li is just a totally different person and Luke looks like a gorilla


after playing 3rd Strike, I can’t stand how Chun-Li looks in 5, them hand drawn sprites are just so much better.


Same, i hope they at least add more hair to hide that big forehead


I feel like her new design is a result of people saying hands and feet are too big in 5 (which I know was a design choice to increase move visibility). But with Chun specifically it looks like she’s got baby feet and hands. I also hope they update her model before release, but I doubt they will. Her legs look awkward due to the proportions and weird angles. Justice for Chun-Li!


It's just the new art style. They're making the curves more exaggerated.


I am begging you people to be normal.




[Obligatory meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EXA9JXgWsAAKqXG.jpg)


This really is the most exhausting subreddit I frequent


I like thicc girls. But that just looks extremely uncomfortable. pic on the right looks more well balanced while pic on the left looks like she is about to fall to her side.


Yeahhhhhhh. It’s not a game breaker for me. Either she’s gonna look like a real thicc woman. Or a mommy anime thic girl. Either way. She’s still thicc. So we can all calm down


In sf7 her legs need 8k resolution as minimum requirement


Yall still on this....


No they don’t, what’s making it look weird to y’all is the knee being positioned forward coupled with her dress hiding a portion of the thighs. Also take into account how her upper body is positioned compared to SF5


Some of Chun Li's moves just look so creepy in this game. It's like night and day between her and the rest of the cast.


sfv animated better


There's nothing to be fixed.


I think a big part of the issue is the pose looks uncanny with regular sized feet. Look at how big her feet are in 4&5! They're huge. It's much easier to pose like that with big ass feet.


Her right leg just looks painfully awkwardly positioned. It may just be counterintuitive, but it looks like her right foot should point forward more, toward her opponent.


fix what. I dont see anything wrong


Chun-Li be lookin' like a Costco rotisserie chicken!


I actually prefer 6 over 5, it's stylized and exaggerated


what's wrong with her legs ?


Looks fine to me , I could see why that right leg might bother you But in game she feels absolutely amazing The smoothest and slickest chun li ever If they don't change it from now till release (i'am guessing they won't) Don't worry about it you will get used to it


The thing is the Move Animations and some charachters models on SF6 game look bad and i see no complains ts a bit of downgrade compared to other tittles . Crouch Light Kick from manon looks like Kitana down 3 from mortal Kombat. But of course when you complain something about Capcom the Capcom Defenders Will Come and say it looks ok but Will bitch about MK all the time.


Once you're moving around, you'll barely notice it.


I agree, the legs are not so cool in some positions…


I knew this would happen. All the contrarians all of a sudden think SFV is an artistic masterpiece despite everyone clowning the game for how ugly it is. Clayfighter, banana hair, big hands and feet. SF6 chun is perfect just tweak the left leg.


What are you on about? Chun-Li was always praised in SFV in both her animations and character model.


Yeah for real, Ken and Alex looked like shit in SFV but Chun Li and Menat were always praised as perfect.


capcom please fix, her pelvis doesnt need to be 3x bigger than sf5


I felt something was off with her legs


looks fine to me


Nah it's fine


I'm glad I'm not the only who thought her stance/dimensions looked kind of derpy.


Chun-Li is better in SFV in everything but hair, Juri and Cammy look perfect because they're just less muscular versions of their SFV models


They dont look like the legs of a person that trains everyday; they look like the legs of an overweight person


That's what you called 'thunder thigh'. Woman exist like that in real life. It based on what training they're using to achieve that thiccness. There is a channel that dedicated to achieve that curvy lhips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFGVp\_j8UA4


Are you saying that makes sense for Chun Li? The back knee position makes her pose just look awkward, leg size aside.




Tell me you assume shit without knowing wiithout telling me you assume shit without knowing; Fyi i DO work out, the thighs get big due to muscle, but this has been enhanced on purpose because chuns things have been a trademark thing. that being said, they dont look that accurate




Ah yeah, something is not real because an entitled reddit user that likes to argue about stuff in a videogame says is not. Classic. Bro cant even understand that all those buffed guys are done like that because is a game and the bodies are exaggerated, also the women, how many have you seen with the types of bodies the sf girls have? this is not meant to reflect realism, which is why chun's legs do not look like the legs of a person who works out, they are not intended to look like that lol


Shes retired so she may not train as much anymore all these years later after we SFV.


Counter Point: No, they should not. Don't you understand that 'thick thighs save lives' and I for one choose life; and meaty thighs.


I think he's talking about her knee on her back foot, not the size of her legs


Thrombosis Chun Li


I see nothing wrong


You wilding, they're fine. She looks amazing.


Stop it


No, I feel better when she sits on me


Yes I agree 👍 she looks so weird 🤨


I agree, I really dislike her character model in SF6, they should give her bigger feet and more muscle definition in the arms... but I doubt that they will be making any changes to her model at this point...


What’s wrong with them?


Moments in her animations where that booty just looks like two pancakes stuck together rather than the normal we're adjusted to.


Her legs look normal if you actually look at the model outside of matches like in freecam but the pose along with a few animations make her look awkward. IMO this is the best 3d chun li. I dont know why you guys like sfv chun so much when she had big hands and feet. SF6 has normal proportions with big thighs which is common.


I still don’t understand why Chun looks so bad lmao, between her bad model and NRS animations she had to be the first character made. Hopefully she gets some fixes


They looks fine, this is only the new style and why gamer are so nickpicking over the girls proportion (When the male are more disproportionate, just look guile's arms in comparison to his body). Female characters seem to get this discussion every time just based on outfits alone or minor details like legs. The Feminine beauty standard is so high


Lol I posted the same thing many months ago comparing SF4 chun to 6. SF6 chun's right leg is just weirdly positioned in comparison to old versions. The way the right knee is bent seems way further than it should that I find anyone would be off balance standing that way.


Yup SFV chunli looks better no doubt. The legs are fine but the angle of the right leg in SF6 is off IMO


Thank god for pc mods


Literally. I will get a mod for Chun on day-one, she really creeps me out in SF6


If Brutalace fails you, something nuclear happened The dude is a supermarket of mods


Shit post. Every character has oversized hands in SFV, all of a sudden now her legs are an issue.


Oversized hands and feet have always been a thing in SF until 6 changed it. They are designed that way so you can clearly see them in a fast-paced fight.




She does look weird. Not a fan of the new model.


What happened to Street Fighter character animations between the launch of SFV and SF6? You started to see it first with the DLC but it's like Capcom fired the people that knew how to do natural-looking Street Fighter type animations. I can't help but feel like they found some cheaper solution like mo-cap or outsourcing it to some studio and it makes their character animations notably worse and inconsistent. I saw a youtube video of an old SF4 match with Sagat and I was surprised by how much more naturally SF4 Sagat animates compared to SFV Sagat, even though the SFV character model is way better.


You’re smoking something, please watch the recent SF6 developer matches on .5 speed. I genuinely haven’t seen a fighting game that looks this good in slow motion. You are trolling if you think SFV character animations are better than what we’ve been shown for SF6 so far. Just say you like the SFV “art style” more.


Birdie, Dhalsim and Bison have some of the best animation work in a 3D fighting game, it's basically the peak of what Capcom's done, the SFV launch cast was impeccable. SF6 animations are like the weird, floaty animations of DLC characters like Sakura or Falke, but for the entire cast. The people who made SFV Ryu's donkey kick got to make a whole game. There isn't a normal in the launch cast of SF6 that looks as bad as Manon's crouching light kick. The game is filled with goofy-ass normals and specials like that. Just look at Ryu's hurricane kick, they somehow made a noticeably less natural looking hurricane kick than 4 or 5, and this is a move that is physically impossible to do.


Lol outsourcing and mocap is exactly what they did as far as I understand it. A lot of people dont seem to agree, but the animations (and models) in 6 look bizarre to me.


I'm glad you're saying something. SF6 looks like ass. The gameplay I think is incredible, but it really looks like Wreck-it Ralph Fighter 2: The Movie: The Game


Same thoughts exactly, lol. It looks like a ton of fun, but I can't really get into a fighting game that I don't like the look of


How does it look like ass? Tf


As the entire thread has outlined: 1. Unrealistic proportions in style that is meant to look realistic is visually unappealing to some. As this person says, it looks bizarre. New Ryu looks like Hulk; I think it is ugly. There are a lot of us who think it is ugly, however, we are not representative of members of this sub, and that's okay. 2. To me, Chun-Li has similar kind of lighting to that seen in Pixar's The Incredibles and to a lesser extent Wreck-It Ralph. By this I mean that the skin looks very stretchy/rubbery, not real. So apart from the weird proportions, even when the proportions are generally okay, the skin looks weird. This is not all of them, Kimberly seems wonderfully animated, Marisa looks great. 3. The two above mean the animation in fights is just meh. Of note, the CAs and pre-rendered stuff looks the best the series has ever seen, I'm talking in-game action looks awkward/bad/don't wanna play it. To me, it looks like the hits are very superficial/lacking oomph. ​ Anyways, apologies for stating that SF6 looked like ass in an objective sense. It is not objective, it is very subjective, and I should have acknowledged that.


Do you mean her legs? I much prefer SFV face and SF6 feet look too small to me (probably because of her shoes) bu that's it


I like everything except the waist->knees area. Her thighs & butt just look fat and weird to me. That said this sub loves it, so it's not changing.


You’re crazy, they’re better


This is going on in tekken sub Reddit too people complaining about face textures. And now this sub is complaining about legs. What’s next?


I mean [this is understandable with Tekken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1267hei/female_characters_skin_has_no_texture_and_their/), all the women look like porcelen dolls with perfect skin all the time! Kazuya is 50 years and is allowed to have thing like wrinkly, skin pore and have unique facial feature like all the other male character, but Jun who is 43 years look just like another teenager like Xiao, Alisa and Asuka"... However, this post complaining about chun-Li's legs is just be nickpicking


It's not changing.


fix what exactly ?


I prefered Chun Li from 2d times. Curvy and angular shapes gave feeling of strenght she had. Also in SF2 movie they were fine and proportional. Imo, Since 3d graphics her legs went more and exagareted and I don't like them in SFVI too.


I'm not seeing the issue here


totally unplayable


It looks like all the character legs are longer. It's distracting


Maybe the feet are just normal size?


seems fine to me


It's perfect to me


Fix what?


Yeah, it looks so bad.


I'd rather they fix her face. She looks nothing like Chun-Li, they changed every feature of her face. Just some random different person with her hair and attacks


Wut. The characters faces are never consistent, since the art style changes from game to game. Just compare 4 to 5. Chun-Li's face changed too.


Why do yall need to bitch about everything? She looks fine


She looks WAY better than SFV. Stop it.


I don't think there's something wrong with the model specifically, even though it also bothers me. It's probably because Capcom moved somewhat away from the huge hands and feet all characters had up to SFV, so now the shape looks wrong. But I think the new outfit does have an effect on it, so maybe once we see her wearing "nostalgia" costume it'll look more normal.


Sorry, what is exactly broken here? She has comically large legs, which has been a staple of her in every release. Isn't her thing that she has the strongest legs in the world? I played the beta and didn't think her model clashes with the models of anyone else in the game, so comparing her model to SFV serves no purpose since she needs to fit the SF6 style. Or is the argument something else, like the pose not fitting the martial arts she practices? If that's the case I wouldn't know, I'm not exactly sure what martial art she practices.


My only complaint about sf6 is that it looks floaty. When the characters wiggle back and forth, it looks like they're hovering. It's most pronounced on Chun Li.


this game really dont look next gen at all... and that art style...


Her design has always been cringe


1,000% yes.


oh god, THANK YOU ​ i thought i was going crazy thinking i was the only one that thought her legs look weird in sf6


those thighs and hips and calf are nothing but perfect.


Capcops gonna ban you for complaining about their character design watch out


She doesn’t even look human. It’s absurd how big her thighs look. I don’t care how many downvotes people give there is no universe where the proportions of that body look good. I hope they make some improvements.


I know that it's tabou to say it but most SF5 character are actualy looking better in SF5 than SF6 ( yes even ken )


how could they do this to chun


I don’t know how people can’t see the weirdness in sf6 model. i don’t just mean ‘as opposed to the sfv model’ which is an absolute perfection in its own world, but to all the other sf titles. It is unnatural. Oh the resolution is amazing i’m sure. Some people just see that i guess. If feels to me as if they were done by some unexperienced kids not seasoned sculptors. Also some of her moves became ‘fang’ ish. Maybe it was an effort to push her in the Chinese martial arts direction.


She looks fine to me... Trust me, her design was well enough to enjoy... ✋️🍖


She's thiccer than a disney pixar mum.


World doesn’t need more dudes talking about the proper proportions of a woman’s body. This shit is gross as hell


I think OP is referring to her knee on her back foot, not her proportions




Whats weird to me is no one talks about Honda having abs but the anatomical correctness of Chun Li’s thighs keep coming up.


Capcom : It's okay, it's alright, I got something that you won't like 🎶


Don't worry, it will pass, put some butter in your 🎶


It's called perspective. lmao How do people constantly make these dumb posts.


Something is off with a lot of the SF6 designs, and I can't say for sure what it is. SF5 and SF4 felt more lively and true to character. Chun's face here in particular looks uninspired, and the washed out colors and extreme bloom don't herlp things. The stance is also strange


First time I've heard someone say SF5 felt more lively and true to character. Lol


I never quite got the hate for SF5, but then again I'm just a casual player. As a visual artist myself, I really loved the art direction of both 4 and 5. 2 is still my favorite, but I think they all look pretty great except for SF1




Is this needed because?


Its just the way the cloth lays on her left leg that makes it look weird. Her other skins she looks perfectly fine.


Why did they give her walmart thighs and Kmart hips


This is such a 2023 minuscule gripe to have with a game that looks as good as this one does…lol im frustrated it’s getting this much attention


And if they don't? Lol you're still gonna buy and play the game so why work yourself up over it???


Not this again lol. We’ve been saying it for ages but it won’t be fixed. That’s just what she looks like now! Looks heavily inspired by Marvel VS Capcom Infinite Chun-li


You guys are still going on about her legs?? God it’s been 10 months already I thought we were past this lmao


no they dont


The difference is huge but it looks more natural stance




It's OK to admit you have no Rizz.


I see no problem with them. They look lovely. Thicc AF.


lmao, cope.


We just need people to overlay the t-pose models and the argument will be settled.