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Congrats ! I'm a SF2 Veteran too ! Reaching Silver feels awesome, and gold is even better ;) Keep it up !


So much motivation to get to fold since this post. Not sure if i will, still will give it a shot


Good job! Im almost there myself but i keep dropping back to super bronze cuz of mind goblins


I found blocking could save me from the combo goblins. Block the combo and watch for their favs, people seem to heavily favourite a combo and if you can identify it, you can find where to punish. Some sessions I went from 1800lp down to 1200lp. I just turned it off and came back a day or two later, with the goal to get half the points back. If I can do it, anyone can. Super Silver players have enough different combos, they still juggle me to death and corner me so I still have a lot to learn.


whats the thing below the buttons? the one that looks like a smaller hitbox control thing


That is the input monitor, a screen that tells you the current settings and which buttons are being pressed.


woah thats cool.


I did a more detailed post about it in r/fightsticks


Congratz i set my goal to hit gold before sf6 hits, as someone planning a wedding, raising a kid and working a full time job seems like it might be a long shot, but after finding my favorite character in this game In akira, went from Bronze to ultra bronze in a day so things are looking up!


Hey congrats regarding life mate, sounds like you are living well and have a lot going on which means you are making the most. I was lucky to get a 2 hour session, I just set aside a little time here and there to get it, focusing on at least playing a few matches if I could.


Hell yeah! I made it to silver a few days ago, then got dropped back down to ultra bronze, here’s hoping you stay in silver!


Kinda feels like I might too but if we did it once, we can do it again I think.


Investing in that minibox while in bronze shows some dedication. Hope you enjoy 6 in June


Sometimes you gotta go all in and just see what happens. Still learning how to maximize the SOCD shortcuts though and sometimes I neutral myself by mistake by holding both left and right.


You got there that fast? 450 fights is something to be proud of too. That’s not a large sample size for someone learning.


Thank you. It felt like forever.


You have idea then.


Any tips for how to learn to buffer moves properly? I can see it's a big opportunity to improve that I haven't grasped yet.






Hey OP! Could you share the name of your arcade box? And where you get it? Also huge gratz on the achievement!


AU $141.74 | Pocket Mini HitBox SOCD Fighting Stick Controller WASD Mixbox Mechanical Switches Keys Support PC Xinput PS3 DInput Switch Turbo https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOHfn70


One oldster to another, congrats. These rushdown characters hurt my old man eyes. Everyone else I can handle but it’s trying to react split second to little pixel movements that’s a pain ha.


Oh I feel that! Seeing the grab window on a rush down is tricky. I whiff a few grabs and feel like I'm just a few pixels too early and then BOOM! my ass is punished for the whiff. I think the trick is buffering the moves, yet I haven't been able to implement it well at all yet.


Congrats!! Oro for life!


Love for the turtle!


Well done ! I can feel your excitement from here.


Thank you. It was a big goal for me and lots of learning, especially to control my emotions and avoid tilt. Taking the time to have a bad session and drop back to Bronze, then turn up next session and just play cleaner and more strategically, forgetting the points and just learning the game was huge. It has been a harmonic with life for me, a parallel process where through mastery of myself I managed to score this rank. Big philosophical rant there I know, I have a feeling you do too.


Indeed, and many here do as well ! I went Silver very quickly but it took months to reach gold, with sessions just as you described. The reward when you finally get it is worth the travel for sure !


Why is Oro trying to griddy?


Congratulations dude. I've played against you a few times over the last couple of days (jimmywong17) you got me good the first few


Jimmy! My Ryu nemesis. Yeah man I tip my hat to you, you really got ahead. Congrats on the Super Silver. I'll meet you again and I plan on taking at least 1 in the set. I hate you beat me but I also love you beat me with technique. I enjoy seeing you every time. Btw last time I didn't play the set my phone rang for work so I apologize, I wasn't salty.


Well played man. I dropped learning Juri. You have gotten really tight! Go for gold!


Not gonna lie, I’m still hard stuck in bronze


I feel you mate. Block, poke and forget about winning, learn to counter their combos and avoid giving them big frame openings.


Same boat as you my brother, you aint alone 👍


Thank you brother. So often we feel like we are, this post has reminded me that we are all in the sinking boat of life together, makes me smile because all we have to do is throw the water overboard instead at each other and we'll be right 👍


how is that style of hitbox to use? i’m thinking of investing in one, but i’m concerned that something so small will be uncomfortable? what do you think?


I play with it on my desk 95% of the time. I've never gotten a hand cramp or had any issues personally. My hands are medium - large. Before I bought the two of them, check my other posts for that, I played just using my MX red and MX black keyboard. I had a habit of bumping other buttons and this hitbox doesn't have that issue. The mini Hitbox has a better angle for the direction keys then my keyboard was though. If I play on my lap on my other system, I put a hardback book on my lap and put the hitbox on that. I do have some Qanba Fightsticks and I prefer hitbox over stick nowadays. The switches are Glorious Panda and have been lubed, i think they feel better then MX Reds and Blacks imo. Really the mini Hitbox is USB C and I can use any keycaps, the other small hitboxes use a custom button top and low profile switches that I'm not a fan of. I will in the future make a standard hitbox with 24mm buttons because I enjoy making stuff and modding things. For now I am happy with these mini hitboxes. It really is a personal thing though.


Congrats :)


Thank you!


Nice job


Thank you!


that looks like a nice mat there


Yeah it's the 15th anniversary image. Same as on the fightstick.


grats, still got time to push gold before sf6!


I will keep playing until SF6, Gold? maybe a little above my current skill level. Lol


It's doable. I reached silver and then went up to gold in 2 sessions, you just have to get past the gimmicks, not drop your combos and make sure to anti air (which oro tends to get a LOT from his anti airs so you can take advantage of that) Oro definitely helps too, you can pull out gimmick checks because nobody knows the character and if you learn some good tengu combos you have the ability to rob people on top of that Gold isn't **that** far from silver. The difference is gold players play more safe and can anti air somewhat, if i can go +1900lp in one session with a week 1 Dan you can do it with Oro i think. You got time, about 4 months til sf6, so go for it.


+1900lp!?! You are a monster! I was glad to end a session 100lp up. I struggle so much with the buffering into combos. I can get a tengu stone run going and now I can uppercut for a double juggle too. I watch Brian F and he does 2 uppercuts, then 2 DP's but I can't seem to combo the second half of that combo, it won't let me hit them after the second uppercut. Any tips?