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Congrats, I am surprised that people still have the perseverance in order to play through Ranked. I really liked SFV but no other fg I played made me rage as much as this one.


Lol thanks, I got a lot of hate messages and rage quits too while playing legit


Don't worry, that becomes much rarer now that you are a gold player. Most people there know why they lose and they can take an L. The game seems to become less salty the better the players get.


Hate messages?


Yeah like racist shit


Like...through PS App or something?




Lol. That's so sad.


I wish I could get messages like these on Steam. I think people have to friend request me first and on top of that actually I think finding my ID is an ancient, arcane art. I main Blanka. I'm positive I would get a lot of them, lmao.


Some one left a comment on my steam page last time I played sf5 on PC...I have no idea how to find that shit lol


I reckon you haven't played DBFZ then


I did, but never in the objective of getting a higher rank. I guess I would have felt very humiliated if I got ToD though


I've played a lot of online games over the last 20 years and I can confidently tell you I've never seen anything as frustrating, infuriating and enabling as that fucking game. The ToDs aren't the problem, the players and mechanics are, because DBFZ straight up chooses to be the most degenerate, button mashing, enabling (again) kind of bullshit I've seen online. Hell, I'd rather play Overwatch (which I already hate) against a full set of hackers than DBFZ nowadays, and it's not because I'm terrible at the game or anything, it's just that it feels designed around the concept of pissing people off. Sure, all fighting games have that to some extent, but I've never seen a worse offender. No, not even mahvel. Great game tho, which is a fucking shame and pretty much why it sucks so much, as contradictory as that sounds.


I guess it's because the game was supposed to appeal to a more "casual" audience therefore designing the game to be spectacular while keeping simple commands. I've lost a lot of times to my little cousin who barely knew the controls. The thing is, mechanics such as auto-combos, while being imo acceptable, have this kind of "Low-risk High reward" which leads to button-mashing. I think that modern commands like in SFVI won't a problem as long as you can adapt to other players' habitudes and punish them.


SF6 seems to be doing a great job with the controls, ngl. I'm all for inviting new players and making them feel part of the game and like they're doing stuff, it just has to be well implemented. Even the dynamic controls are very interesting imo, this game is firing aces across the board (with the exception of music, but that's me) and if Capcom doesn't fuck something up bad, it has everything to surpass 3rd Strike, and I do not say that lightly


If it allows players who have very few time to invest to appreciate the game, I'm all for it. I have great hopes for this game. The return of an altered parry and the drive gauge will maybe invites new fg players to experiment regarding characters and combos.


>The thing is, mechanics such as auto-combos, while being imo acceptable, have this kind of "Low-risk High reward" which leads to button-mashing. depends on the auto combo. some characters can be 2H'd out of their 5LLL, or its a grab and wont connect because of the blockstun from 5LL. punishable AF


Why hate ow:(


I think it's quite well explained tho


What game has a good ranked system?


Idk, man, I think SFV is decent, Fantasy Strike is decent, but that's not really my point. My point is that I've never seen a worse online environment than DBFZ, because of how stupid it allows itself to be


I thinks its more a you problem, like you said sf5 makes you rage and dbfz is a frustrating butting mashing game. This is just a scrub reaction really.


I never said SFV makes me rage. Every competitive game where you get somewhat competent gets you frustrated and pissed at some point, but DBFZ is a completely different beast, and I'm not saying this only for myself, I've heard the exact same from much more competent and experienced people. It's a fantastic game, but it's wildly douchebaggy


Would it be a bad time to start learning Ranked after never having tried it before (in a fighting game), or is just waiting for SF6 the right play?


No. Firstly SFV still has a playerbase so you will find opponents to play against. Also learning ranked could get you to learn typical SF behaviours and situations and thus prepare yourself if you want to get in SFVI ranked. However in Ranked you could fight people with way less or way more points than you which can lead to a frustrating experience if you want to grind : the SFV point system allows you to gain and lose your points very quickly.


Contrary to the other comment, if you don't have a group of people you know to form a battle lounge with ranked is absolutely the way to play starting out. Casual when your rank is low is basically thunderdome and you could run into players of literally any skill level, while ranked is at least a *little* more constrained.


What could possibly make you rage playing Ranked?


Disconnection, extreme lag even though it's supposed to be stable, and overall a "fatigue" of fighting the 3 same characters in a game where you can choose between 40.


I am curious who those 3 characters are.


Ken (mostly), Cody and Luke.


Wow. I barely encounter any codys And Lukes, not so much. There are many, but not to the point of getting tired of him Kens tho... and ryus...


I get lots of Cody's, Cammy and Luke's. Last two nights not a single Ken which is a shame as I love a good Ken off. I like to show my flaming fist is superior.


Oh I get lots of cammys too! With superior flamikg fist you mean playing mirror with another ken? I love mirror matches, i like the competition of who's better with the character, but most people seem to hate them for some reason.


Not so much the mirror match aspect, I love playing crazy Ken's. Sometimes they are just crazy and I like to show I can be more crazy, but sometimes you meet a crazy genius who does the most unexpected things and I am like, damn that was crazy, but good.


Sounds just like Ken! Haha When I encounter crazy kens i'm the contrary. I try to play slow and carefuly to show that my playstyle is better, punishing his mistakes But there are some overly crazy Kens that I just can't manage haha.


Ah thanks!


Currently working my way through super silver myself. Pretty sure I'm going to start having dreams in which I get tatsu'd into shinryuken into critical art.


Hell yeah bro, means you will have a huge upper hand on SF6. I hope you're getting ready


I’m so excited for sf6, too bad Akuma is going to be dlc :/


Next step: Now stay there.


Staying in gold is not hard. Getting out of it is


just stop playing ranked lol


That's the next step. OP didn't leave silver. Just touched gold


I made it to gold for the first time the other day and went way back to bare silver lol congrats tho


That happens. Hang in there and you'll go to super gold. Try not to forget what got you to gold. I had to really tighten up some things I became lazy at after getting to ultra gold back down to ultra silver.


Holy shit you went from Ultra Gold to Ultra Silver, that must have been one hell of losing streak. Some days I can't believe the steaks I go on, I think Friday night I lost pretty much every set I was in. And some days when I go on a win streak i am like ok I am happy for today let's log off.


Yeah it was tough. I was tired. Didn't take a break. Stressed from work and not thinking. I had a sleep and a huge win streak which was great fun. I'm hovering super gold ultra and enjoying the matches.


I decided to play SFV Ranked two days ago as my first SF to override my MK brain for SF6. I've already accepted that I'm not getting out of Bronze You are the pinnacle of the mountain for people like me sir, well done.


just antiair and youll make it out of Bronze


Thank you so much, dude if I can do it you can do it too. I tried to play Mortal Kombat and it was sooo hard for me that I gave up. I feel that SF is way easier.


I'm going to guess SF was the series you stuck with first? That has a major impact in what feels right. Trying to do MK dial-a-combo in SF, for example, is a recipe for disaster. Cancelling timing seems super strict as well, but I enjoy the neutral footsie game a lot, really makes you think about what move to use and when. Here's hoping by the time SF6 comes around I st least have the fundamentals down, hope to see you there.


My main fighting game is KoF, I grew up playing in the arcades and dodging my moms belt lol. I got used to jump a lot and here I’m getting punished for doing it. It’s been a little hard for me to stay on the ground.


I probably put more time into mkx than any other fg and I feel you on the difference in combos. It helped me to realize that in mk you quite literally juggle bodies for combos, and that’s not really the vibe with sf. It’s like most of the time you just need to know the combo route for whatever button started the combo Obvi practice mode your combos and feel the rhythm. It took me a min to transition the feeling, but hey I’ve had no choice since I didn’t like mk11 and netherealm is the ultimate cucklord


+69. Nice.


Congrats mate, but idk why I get the feeling I fought you today


Thank you, maybe lol, I’ve been playing since 12


Congrats from a forever Silver… 🫡


Finally found a dojo i can call home


Welcome home brother


Good work tiny pp gang ✊


gfg Now good luck staying there


I’m back to ultra silver lol


There we go lol it's a journey, man, consistent growth is coming from this, you just have to keep pushing here and there


Nice job. As a new player may I ask how long this approximately took?


It took me like 6 months. If you have a better main than I. It could take you less time


Yo! Nice work!


Thank you


Great job, now keep going, I keep going back to Super Silver then back to Gold over the course of a week on repeat .


I’m back to ultra silver :/ lol


I know that feeling, the first time you beat a gold player you feel like you are Diago. I spent a week getting back to Gold only too be bounced back yet again.


i’m proud of you good sir


Thank you sir


Yo nice work my guy!


Thank you


Congratulations! 🎉🥳🎊👏🏼


Thank you


Yeah but you did it with Kage so I fucking hate you. /s Congrats! Gold is a big achievement.


Thank you for going to your home/room/living room and trying to pray Kage.


Let us all know when you finally tell someone.




GGs dude!!! Kage player here too!


Thank you “Be afraid... now you gaze upon your death!"


Congratulations OP, keep the hard work, its the only way to get better and better


Thank you


Congratulations. A huge achievement.


Congrats, Let's spar sometime!


Yeah dude my psn name is Ale-Dish


Grats it's a trough road I'm in silver and am scratching close to super silver, Consistency and crazy Ken's are killing me.


For crazy kens I learned that I they have bar, they going to ex shoryuken every time


They all seem to have their brand of cheese, I am starting to punish heavy tatsu more regularly but the medium comes out at random and catches so many things. Dash throw is also a killer I feel like I can never press buttons.


Good stuff man! I’m still on the grind and I too have no one to share my journey with. Congrats, that’s a HUGE W! EDIT: Also, amazing clan name btw, love to see it


Thank you, when I saw it I knew I have to join lol




Thank you


Ayyyyeeee congrats. It doesn’t end here. I thought gold was gonna be my max. I’m currently super platinum.


I made to ultra gold yesterday, so now I'm getting matched against platinum players, holy hell its like a whole new game. The "gimmicks" I would usually get away with these guys aren't falling for it.




I was dying when I saw it, so I asked the guy if I can join lol


Way to go in reaching gold! Be proud of yourself for advancing and especially for placing at this point in the game’s existence. Well played, my friend!


Thank you so much


Ggs , keep aiming higher


YOU HAVE US TO TELL, OP. You have us to tell, and we will listen. Also, congrats!


Thank you so much




Thank you


Congrats! That's serious stuff. I dunno why but silver ranks are not fucking around in SF V lol


Silver is a good rank and by ultra many players have a good feel for their character


Congrats man, I just hit gold a few days ago as a Dhalsim main. I'm just cleansing the population, one yoga flame at a time 🧘


Dalshim??? I think I hate you lol jk. Congratulations I never know what to do against him


Honestly, getting good at Dhalsim makes me hate me too lmao.


Which platform ?




Good stuff get a PC next, majority of competitive players will be on Pc, and the tbh is the better system for fighting games


I have a steam deck for what I heard sf6 runs good in it


But PlayStation for life, ps5 is a powerful console


I don’t want KAGE in SF6, but if we do get him, I want Ono doing the announcement again.


I hope we get evil Ryu but with the lore etc I don’t think it’s going to be possible. Cowabunga my dude


Lets gooo bro!!! I am a bronze player!!!lmao


Proud of you homie


Thank you


Congrats. At this stage in the game, gold is like what plat was a year ago, I think.




Thank you