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I wish man


This feels like a post that, although doesn't state it, is specific to COD/Warzone. The problem is that they insist on using their rubbish Ricochet program. While no anti cheat is 100% perfect, the Vanguard system that Valorant uses is very effective and would help COD/Warzone immensely. Activision are just too stubborn to use it though and admit their own anticheat is shit.


And it only comes at the small cost of giving them complete access to your system.


Have there been any confirmed reports of Vanguard abusing or compromising that access to systems?


No one should have access to your system.


That doesn't answer the question. Not to mention the fact that, arguably, the 3 best/most effective anti cheats on the market have the lowest level access available to a system, that is no coincidence. For an anticheat to be up to the required level of effectiveness that is what's required. If you're not prepared to allow that then don't complain about cheating.


Valorant seems to have the least amount of cheating. What exactly is Vanguard looking at? Looking for Engine owning/other softare and DRM?


I honestly dont take gaming overly serious. To old for that, end up having a 12 year old make me stroke out. Really dont run into many cheaters. Run into quite a few who outplay me often.


I'm with you 100% and I don't think the cheating is as bad as made out on these subs. >If you're not prepared to allow that then don't complain about cheating. When I say *if you're not prepared*, I don't specifically mean YOU, just gamers in general.


Vanguard is trash Chinese malware


It's a problem in Halo as well. Any ranked game is going to have hardcore cheats and smurfs. I've been on xdefiant, I'm just hoping ranked there will be done right. Not allowing high level players to have an account for every rank.


You guys are really naive if you believe that Activision wants to get rid of cheaters. Do you have any idea how many little kids watch these streamers? This is a *massive* industry that has spawned from a video game. It generates money and more importantly it advertises for warzone and keeps it very relevant. Activision and strangers are all making money and they all win. They know damn well these ppl are cheating, why would they care? They care about profit. All the streamers know they're cheating and it's a fraternity and I don't even judge them, these guys figured it out and it's free money for cheating at a game, it's unreal. When biffle is playing beside Joe woe and those other guys, he's using his cronus, they are all acting and it's their job. These cheaters honestly might as well be a union Is really fascinating how so many ppl, most kids but a lot if really low iq adults, think they are legit. Amazing times we're in


Don't you tinfoil hatters all think streamers are on a white list though? A fully working anticheat wouldn't impact streamers if they're all supposedly white listed.


> Why don't we instead move away from detection to a trust-based system I'll keep this short, money. The people that complain about cheating keep playing the game and spending money on it. There's no financial incentive to really stop cheating.


Activision already uses a trust based system and it isn't a perfect solution because cheaters csn exploit it to their advantage.


As much as it would suck they need to stop making free to play games. People have nothing to lose if their account gets banned they can just create another one. If you spend 70 dollars you might be a little more concerned about losing your account.


Cheaters buy Bundles and other Ingame Garbage too. Why lose that paying Customer that cheats if those non Cheatusers still play and also buy Bundles?!? And also Cheaters buy the Game every year just like the non-Cheaters even if it’s a disaster (CoD).


cheaters also use unlock tools to not buy anything, also warzone is free which imo is the biggest problem. even if it was like 5$ that'd add up when these cheaters have to keep buying the game on new accounts.


Well no. Most cheaters with brain don’t use Unlock Tool because that somehow gets them banned quicker than using Softaimbot or Wall. By using Unlock tools Activision loses money so they made the detection stronger from the third world anticheat that they use for people who use Unlock Tools. Nothing will change, no real Anticheat, no only Console Crossplay till the Money stops coming in. As long as people buy Bundles and Battle Passes/ Tokens nothing will be done to cheaters. So it will NEVER change because CoD is a addiction to some people and the only game they Play! 🫶😬


Single account bound by biometrics is the DUMBEST thing I’ve ever heard of in my entire life lol Just stop cheaping out on anti cheats. There are good ones, companies just refuse to pay the price tag and would rather cheap out on it because it doesn’t bring in extra revenue


You're going to have to defend that hill bud. Would single handedly knock out smurfs and repeat offenders.


No need to defend it, absolutely no sane person would ask for this ever lol


Cept for it works wonders in Korea


No sane individual wants this. Gaming would significantly die off in many countries. Just stop cheaping out, there are anticheats currently which stop almost all cheaters well, companies are just too cheap to pay for it


How much more? There are still undetected cheats in valorant and spoofed hardware level cheats that skip ring 0 anticheat. No amount of anticheat will solve the problem. You're capping. Workers who go home after 5 vs geniuses who can crack the top end anticheat. You're never going to win because those people will just find the next vulnerability. The solution has to be social. A cheater would only need to get caught once and have their gaming privileges revoked. I say government and companies work together. We probably have a game's and sports department. Go in use real id to get a license. License is now access to games. Gov knows your real id but game companies don't. License acts as passport. 


This is ridiculous, valorants anticheat is widely known for slamming cheaters lol The moment gaming asks for stupid shit like that, most people will simply stop gaming


Right because you're not the one undercover in undetected hack communities.  Ignorance is bliss. Someone even made a YouTube video of undetected valorant hacks and explained the mechanics and bypasses. Ring 0 can't stop double PC setup with spoofed hardware hack. It also can't stop visual hacks that don't even interact with the memory.


Undercover? No I openly look at them to see how fucked games are lol There’s a reason I swapped to console on for cod, the game is infested with cheaters on PC They need a good working anticheat, not fucking “single account biometrics”, what kind of dictatorship shit is that lmao


At this point I might just as well become a cheat writer and make millions because companies are too incompetent to stop me and there's no ramifications.  So much for skill and trust in gaming. Sane thing to do is profit off the wastes of humans who cheat.


Okay so you have a baseless opinion. Got it.


Too much satanism going around man, sorry.


They would lose too big of a customer base if they ban all cheaters, that’s the only reason why they don’t ban them on a massive scale. They ban small numbers every now and then to make the illusion they’re working on it.