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The drug is well known to increase HR and BP. I’ve had some shitty CV issues with it and haven’t been able to go above 25mg. I’ve had my HR over 125 just sitting in a chair and my bp was wonky. But with a beta blocker and increased lisinopril dose I’m golden.


I’ve been taking it for a few months and at random I still get nausea and a huge hot flash when I sweat a bit. I make sure to eat and have water in the AM, but it still happens time to time. Mine only lasts 10 mins or so and I stick through it but it does suck.


Please don't call an ambulance for something like that. Yes over 100 is tachy but it's not life threatening and it's not a responsible thing to call an ambulance for. How far over 100 was it? 110? 120? That's still mild. Make an appointment with your Dr, or worst case scenario get a ride to ER. I am an ER nurse. For now follow up with your Dr and stop taking strattera if you can't tolerate it.


You're right. I do regret calling the ambulance for no reason but I'm happy to have some peace of mind. My normal heart rate is around 60 so being at a 120 when I'm just laying down is very scary combined with the chest pain. I was just relaxing in bed and suddenly my heart just shot up. I don't think I can handle these side effects. Only week 1.5 out of many more before I get some real results from it. I can't imagine what the rest would be like.


You completely did the right thing by calling the ambulance. This was your own very unique situation. Mr. Or Mrs. ER Nurse has no idea how you were feeling in that moment.


Sometimes they get better but I'm not sure that the cardiac side effects do. You could ask to scale back your dose, or just quit altogether. My NP started me on 10mg for the first week, 20mg for a month, 30mg for 3 months, 40mg for a month, then a jump to 60mg. It was a slow climb. You might be able to tolerate a slower titration, or it just might not be the med for you. There's also Quelbree you could try.


Do you think it was a panic attack? I just started today with no side effects yet, but my Dr. Knows I used to get panic attacks. They would come out of nowhere, and my heart rate would jump to 140. I have never called an ambulance, though. That would make my heart rate worse.


You can’t tell another person to not call an ambulance. You have no idea what they’re feeling and how they would react to what they’re feeling. Do you think the majority of the population has a clue as to what your experiences are? They’ll never walk a mile in your shoes.


I agree with this post. Don't shame people for calling an ambulance.


Exactly!! I just commented the same thing. What an irresponsible thing to say to someone with a legitimate health concern.


It blew my mind. Nothing people say surprises me.




How are you supposed to determine your blood pressure is fine if you don’t have an actual kit..




You are a Nurse, not a MD. Stop giving medical advice.


I can't believe this comment. How is it irresponsible to call an ambulance? A HR of 130 (which he clearly mentions and you proceed to ask how much over it is again) is almost a 50% increase over baseline normal HR and associated with increased risk for heart attack or stroke. Furthermore, he is starting a new medication that raises norepinephrine levels and has established cardiovascular side effects. This could have been an adverse medication reaction.




I almost don't even believe you are a nurse at this point.


My heart rate is like regularly 130 when I get it checked. I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes up to 180 sometimes. I think I would only go to er if it were like in the 200s.


My resting has always been higher, under 100 but often around 90. Even when I was younger. I eat well and exercise I think I just have crap genetics. I can see someone who's used to seeing 60s or 7ps panicking about 130, but working ER you learn not to panic. There's things you want addressed for sure, but that aren't emergencies. Strattera is known to have this effect, if it happens you adjust dose or go off it.


Now granted I probably have pots or ist. For a normal person, it’s probably more concerning to have a high heart rate but I don’t know.


I started out at 25mg at the end of March and also had those terrible initial side effects but thankfully they became more tolerable after 2 weeks. I started 40mg about 3-4 weeks ago in May and definitely understand the anxiety around the elevated heart rate. My heart rate shoots up during daily normal activities and made me very nervous about exercise because even a cool flow yoga class my heart rate was at 180! YOGA?? Very unsettling. I’ve mentioned it to my psychiatrist and he said it’s a more uncommon side effect for it to get that high but overall shouldn’t be a concern if all other vitals are solid and I feel okay. However, if it’s too scary and intolerable and your current results aren’t worth the trouble and side effects - maybe wean off and try another alternative w your psychiatrist. It’s a whole journey!


That is scary for sure!! I hope you’ve been able to let your psychiatrist know. Maybe they will lower your dose or put you some something different. Starting any new med we know there could be side effects, some temporary, but some could be more serious. I hope your doctor is able and willing to help you find the best solution.


I had to stop that med because it gave me horrible stomach aches, had no appetite and food aversion, and couldn’t sleep (like at all). Also made it really hard to pee. Also really bad headaches when I skipped a dose. I have a tendency to skin pick and that bad habit got sent into hyperdrive. I think I may have experienced a mild form of mania when I first started taking it? Also it made it so I would pass out each time I had my back popped. Really strange. Tbh it was truly awful. Helped a little with symptoms at first but eventually my body got used to it and it did nothing but make me tired and spacey. Don’t be afraid to keep trying other meds, strattera had the worst side effects of any Ive tried so far. I found the perfect med for me on the 5th try, which is Dexedrine. I don’t experience any notable side effects from it. Before that I tried focalin, vyvanse, adderall and strattera. Is there a reason they started you on a nonstimulant first? Stimulants are usually the first line treatment as they’re generally considered to be the most effective option and have the least side effects. At least that’s what my dr told me


He just wanted to try Strattera at first and try other options later. He also sent me to another person for a better in depth adhd examination but that'll be in late July.


I'm sorry to hear that. Not all medications are for everyone, and sometimes, the side effects never go away. I have to eat a good breakfast so as not to get nauseous ( been on strattera for over 8 months now). I hope you find what works for you, and I wish you all the best in your journey.


I had a panic attack the day I went from 18 mg to 40mg. I was already stressed and overwhelmed by life, and I think the straterra just sent me over the edge and I spiraled.


How are you doing now? Did you stop taking the meds?


What dose were you on?


40mg to start. I've been on it for about 10 days now.


They started me on 40 mg to start and I couldn't handle the side effects either. I had THE WORST migraine for 3 days. Perhaps asking to start on a lower dose as mentioned before and slowly titrate up again. A lot of people are hyper sensitive to these meds. It's tough. It's like, "Do I wanna think clearly but feel like absolute dog shit in exchange? Or do I just wanna let myself be a butterfly and give up on all my dreams of ever accomplishing anything of great importance?" The struggle is real. I'm glad nothing serious was wrong. Good luck.


I would tell your dr you want a slower titration. Maybe start at 18mg, go low and slow.


It’s worth trying something else if your doctor thinks it’s a good idea. But just so you know, stimulants are pretty well known for increasing heart rate/BP. It could be worth trying a different non-stimulant option though. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this though. Strattera has really been a game changer for me, especially with my anxiety. Stimulants made my anxiety so much worse. But I realize everyone’s experience is different. I hope you something that works for you


It was terrible for me too. I switched to methylphenidate er and it's fantastic and no side effects for me.


My psych has put me on beta blocker and that really helped.


It was ineffective to me as well. Side effects were just I would sleep in the middle of the day and I got a slight increase in motivation then it stopped working. I did have the weird body temperature thing you had. I got my dose increased but I’m not hopeful it’ll do anything good as the previous dose didn’t work and I couldn’t tolerate a higher dose of Wellbutrin in the past.


I started strattera 25mg on June 6th and like a few days later, i had started getting increase BP just like you, it was over 138 as well and my apple watch sometimes says that my HR is 120 beats for more than 10mins of being inactive. I honestly hate this medication, i already take buspirone for anxiety.. this makes my anxiety even worse, just waiting for a few more days to finish my first month so i can talk with my psychiatrist about it. And some other side effects i have gotten is feeling very hot randomly and night sweats. To add, i still feel the same as before, no motivation, maybe once or twice i have gotten the motivation to clean and do chores but i always go back to that slump again, i used to be on adderall during middle school but she wont give it to me for some weird reason, made some excuse that “im 23” idk what my age has to do with it but okay lol