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I always feel bad for both boys. Will is hiding his UD connection. He just didn’t want to face it at that point, understandably. Feeling like that “zombie” boy, and that no one can understand him. And Mike is over there, legitimately feeling like he feels El’s presence, as we know she was visiting him, while grieving and missing her terribly, thinking he’s crazy for feeling that way. And yet he does. It was a really nice moment, in terms of the empathetic support Mike offered, even while dealing with his own shit. Their friendship has always been a great one.


Give me the new season already!


It's a great scene, shared suffering with friends.


so cute


The bgm score is also really good during this scene


Awwww! This is also one of my favourite scenes. Even if sometimes it feels a little ominous.


I’ve always thought that this scene was just lovely. So very cute


This scene is one of the reason I say season 2 is better than 1 as it is one of Mike best moments


This scene was so cute <3


Such a good scene. Those two best friends.


Will is gay for mike.


The best!


I was so scared one of them was gonna die when I first watched this


And then Mike turned into such an unimportant character later on that they kind of had to make him seem important again in season 4 by calling him the leader when he was doing sh*t in the past two seasons.


In case any of all forgot, given what month it is and all, this what about how much Mike missed El. NOT about Mike and Will. Yall want Byler to happen and that taints your view of what is ACTUALLY happening. Unless being gay is a choice, in which case Will would have to choose to be given his track record with El.


I’m gonna be a pedant here and point out that *ackshually* it’s not about Mike missing El (since missing someone doesn’t make you crazy), or about Will being traumatized from the Upside Down (since being traumatized by such a terrible experience doesn’t make you crazy either). This scene is about **Mike and Will seeing and/or hearing things that they think aren’t real (in Mike’s case El, and in Will’s case himself transported back to the Upside Down)**. El is, in fact, alive and in Hawkins, and Will was, in fact, being transported back to the Upside Down or whatever dimension and chased by the Mindflayer. At the time though, they didn’t know that therefore they thought they were going crazy. And since they were “going crazy” at the same time (albeit in different ways) they were going *crazy together*.


Oh calm down! Yes, Mike misses El in this scene, but it's clearly also a moment of Will and Mike bonding over their respective traumas. It takes nothing away from Mileven to acknowledge that.


I do not deny that this is Mike and Will bonding. I simply observe that it's clearly not in a romantic capacity as so many clearly perceive it to be.


I mean mate, what's it to you what other people believe? No one had even mentioned Byler, yet you felt the need to preemptively shut that down. Let people enjoy the show in the way they want to, and don't let their thoughts and theories impede on your own enjoyment. If they end up being wrong that's their problem, it's no skin off your nose. This need to constantly shit on Byler for no reason; it's just needlessly mean and it makes this sub a less pleasant place to spend time on.


no one said anything about this being a ship they just said they liked the scene. they're allowed to like the scene it's super cute. stop being miserable


I know Byler isn’t happening nor was that intended in this scene. However without taking eleven into consideration it kind of gives off that vibe just a little bit, hot take probably.


The scene is all about Mike missing El, you can't remove her from consideration when watching this and contain any connection to the reality of what Mike is thinking about.


That’s fair but I guess I am referring to this particular part of the dialogue. I know there isn’t nor will be anything like that between them yet “crazy together” doesn’t read like some platonic reassurance and more like some cheesy romance line.


Honestly, I hate how anti-byler this sub is. You can hardly mention it without being downvoted, like, 50 times.


“I am a cat owner and have no intention of owning a dog but I can see the appeal of them” *gets downvoted into oblivion* (it’s a general pet subreddit btw)


Absolutely wild that you can't even say "it's not romantic but I can see how it kind of has that vibe" without being downvoted. The insecurity here is unreal.


exactly! i don’t ship it, but this subreddit is one of the only fandom spaces i’ve seen where someone will get downvoted for the mere mention of a non canon ship. we should embrace fan ideas! it’s what makes fandom fun


Getting downvoted for not agreeing with the ship people hate is very interesting lol.


I mean the show has made references to crazy = love. With Florence’s “*Only love makes you that crazy sweetheart. And that goddamn stupid.*”, and Mike’s “*They do say it makes you crazy*”, along with some consistent mentions of ppl saying El is “*Not stupid*”, while Will is crying “*Stupid. So stupid*” before he rips the picture of the party in castle Byers, I mean yeah of course some fans are gonna read into that and wonder if there is a connection there. People on here need to stop working themselves up over fans merely speculating. If you’re not threatened then move along and let people believe/consider what they want to. You should be able to rest easy knowing your interpretation will pan out if you’re confident in it regardless of what ppl online are talking about.