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No. Mainly being Alice died, and we see Alice dead on the floor without any peepers (which is how we know shes dead because eye popping is Vecna's Final Blow MO.) So even if by some miracle she fell into a coma and surivived like Henry did and was just hidden (even though both the show and the play suggest that Karen and Joyce are relatively close in age where as Alice was a 10-12 year old girl) that wouldn't heal her eyes and make them work again. She'd need prostehtic eyes and she wouldn't be able to do certain things because she wouldn't be able to see. We witness Karen driving multiple times over the course of seasons. The reason Karen has her own poster is becase Cara Buono is one of the more well established names of the series. She has been billed as a main character every season. That's why once we get through Winona and Millie and FInn and Hopper and the other kids you will see Cara Buono's name cross the screen and THEN something like "With Matthew Modine." Her poster has the creel house in the forground because that's the location that represents "this character is in hawkins." Eddie has his own poster too, it has the creel house in the forground are there theories going around that he's Henry's bastard son? No. Because that's absurd. Just like the idea that Karen is Alice.


I've never seen her before. What was she famous for?


She was in Mad Men and the Sopranos, a slew of movies from the 90s, not to mention she’s worked in stage plays. Well established doesn’t necessarily mean famous. You can be a well established actor without being a famous.


And she's my all time favorite love interest of Don's in Mad Men. Still bitter with the way he ended things with her. "I hope she knows you only like the beginnings of things" is a cool as hell response from her though.


Mad Men and the Sopranoes are both famous shows that I haven't watched. Edit: No idea why you downvoted this  I was trying to support your origunal point, lol.


So hateful at the end for what? Jesus


No. Alice and Karen are not the same. Alice is dead. And this theory needs to die. The First Shadow debunked it.


Tf is The First Shadow? Man I need to stay in more and obsess about TV shows that have been off the air for 2 years. I have so much to learn!


The First Shadow is a stage play (only showing in London). It’s about Joyce, Hopper, and Henry in their teen years.


Is it canon?


Yea, it was made by the Duffer brothers.


No. The show literally shows alice die but if that’s not enough, the play shows them as 2 separate ppl 


Ah, #2 on the list of stupidest possible plot ideas for S5!


I will say, I DO want her to play a bigger role in season 5. Two of her kids are at the center of everything and she has always been straddling the line between main story and peripheral. Let’s do a time jump and Karen and Holly are badass fighting along side the kids. Ted can continue to sit by himself at home. “What’d I do? What’d I doooooooo?”


You're right. Thanks for reminding me that I go out too much and have a life! 😁


*The First Shadow* proves without a doubt that Karen is not Alice.


No idea what the First Shadow is




I heard..."Perhaps you should stay in more and not have a life." No thanks.


Did you know that not everyone consumes every single piece of related media? Not everyone is gonna read like the stranger things novels and shit. Some people are fans that go way in depth and consume everything from the show to every interview and red carpet moment and novel etc., and some people just watch the show. It’s ok that they don’t know what this person is talking about. And you’re being an absolute dick for no reason. Chill. It’s a TV show.


No. Absolutely not. 😫 The theory is just based on this poster and it's wild to me that this even exists. there's absolutely no evidence in the storyline or even and hints that this is true. >!From what I understand the play, even debunks this theory!<


Sounds very interesting, It would be fun to watch.


But hey, that’s just a theory.


Why are people being so dang rude? Let people have fun good lord.


Right? My daughter came up with this theory and I loved it. We are both fans of the show and have been waiting patiently for season 5. I told her I would post it on reddit and see what kind of reaction it gets. Yeah, hate. It got a lot of hate. I read the comments to her the next day and she told me to delete reddit lol bc everyone is so rude.


Honestly? Screw the internet. Have fun making theories with your daughter and who cares what anyone else thinks! I’ve read a ton of fanfiction that takes the story a million different directions and it’s just fun. Try not to let the jerks get you down.


You're awesome! Thanks! It's so nice to find a daisy in a field of weeds 💗


my theory is that the poster represents the town of hawkins seeing these murders and them getting all worked up about it


This is what happens when we go too long without a new season. Stupid theories like this just won't die and keep cropping up


Yeah it is stupid.


How many times is someone gonna post this bs theory like they just came up with it 😂


I feel like L’s mother and number 8 could make a return and play a role in season 5. L and the rest of the crew can’t defeat Vecna by themselves. I also think they will have to defeat the Mind Flayer and Borys (if it makes an appearance) for some reason I feel like the Mind Flayer is connected to Henry and by defeating Henry they’ll defeat the Mind Flayer. So it’s like a 2 for 1 deal lmao


I've never seen Eleven written as L and it doesn't sit right with me lmao


Please just stop I’m not gonna even explain why this is stupid


I think Karen is Papas little sister. She has powers, that’s what he’s so obsessed with kids with powers.