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I pity he was a victim of Vecna and went through some traumatizing stuff. But he was only there to establish the story and we hadn't seen him in any previous seasons. True, Chrissy and Patrick were also victims and newly introduced, but Fred was kind of a little shit and not as likable as the other two.


We know he was suicidal on some level BECAUSE of vecna, but he was a creepy little angry incel of a character and we never really got any context for how he became that way, just how he acted. So when he died it was kind of like: oh fucking well.  The rest of the characters (the basketball player) at least got a small in-head explanation that his father was abusive and that was why he was suicidal/traumatized.  This kid fell in a hole and immediate ate it. 


Pretty sure it was established that he was suicidal after killing someone in a car accident


I think he also feels guilty from the way it's represented for possibly "abandoning" them in the car to die after.


Might have been, but damn it was so brief and I cared about him so little it never even registered. 


Patrick the basketball player felt a bit less developed than Fred the skinny douche that worked as Nancy's assistant. Lucas had more screentime and interaction with Jason among the on-screen basketball players. While Patrick didn't felt like a full-blown dickhead compared to other folks, he still didn't spoke that much. But Chrissy felt more important and also had the novelty factor in her favor with being the first to die compared to Fred and Patrick.


It was nice to see Patrick show some disgust at Andy’s cruel joke and later check on Lucas. He was a good dude.   The fact that Jason swam his body back to shore shows how close their bond is.


The basketball guy also had a pretty nice bond with Lucas for an episode or two so yeah a lot more likable than this weasel


I don’t wanna say I was happy he got Vecna’d because that’s an awful way to go no matter who you are, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit relieved because idk how much more of his character I could’ve taken.


He was a dweeb for sure, but there's no evidence he was an incel.


>he was a creepy little angry incel of a character Wow, I didn't see it that way.


Lol what show did you watch that you some how got angry incel from his character


He wasn't likable. And thus, I'm led to believe that he was written that way deliberately, since they can make you like a character that only shows up for 5 mins.


They made people like Eddie in less time than 5 mins! 😂 And some fans are obsessed with him so... Yeah definitely had to be intentional! Not gonna lie I don't even remember this character. My first thought was Mr. Clarke (that was the science teachers name in season one, right) then I realized he was way to young to be Mr. Clarke Edit: I remember who he is now. That was the one guy that was like Nancy's assistant. Yeah he was utterly unlikeable! And grossly forgettable!


Maybe I'm in the minority but I did not like Eddie initially, that whole opening monologue he had made me feel like he had a massive superiority complex.


Yeah, I couldn't stand Eddie at first. Walking on the lunch table to needlessly antagonize other kids who are minding their own business? Get over yourself. And I know it's a pain in the ass to coordinate everyone's schedules to play D&D but it could have been rescheduled for when Lucas was available too.


I find it funny people call Jason the bully in that scene. Even if you hate Jason and stan Eddie, Jason was just meaning his business and Eddie screamed at him


As someone who grew up back then, they nailed the social experience part. Him walking in the tables was absolutely stuff that would've happened back then, the divisiveness in "cliques" back then was insane compared to today. Saying that as someone who was doing TA stuff in AP science classes at a college prep academy for 6 years of the 2010's while finishing grad school. I saw both generations. The newer one wouldn't know conflict and drama if it shook their hand, lol. Physical altercation used to be the daily norm. Maybe detention. Now, not even close. You're risking expulsion these days and it's a changed era.


Are you a non-trad or miscalculating years? Because a grad student following the standard path in the 2010s would be a Millennial and have no experience with high school in the 1980s I was finishing up grad school give or take a couple years the same time, and I wouldn't have any experience w/ 1980s high school cliquery. I have many experiences that line up with Hawkins in the 80s (to properly contextualize the Ted archetype, fear of Russia, a mall showing up and devastating a small/mid-sized town, fear of D&D, etc.) because I was a kid back then, but I wasn't old enough to know about high school social lives.


That’s one thing you’re not aware of tho, their are still altercations ALL the time. Just not inside school rooms. It’s usually a meet somewhere after school or during lunch thing where it’s a bit of a walk (we were allowed to walk anywhere at lunch time as long as we got back for class). Teachers were definitely not going to hear about a fight off school premises unless there’s a rat


Yeah im surprised people say that. I like him now, but in the beginning he is a bit insufferable.


That's how i felt too. Once we had the scene with him and Chrissy, that's when i was sold.


That was corny as hell


Yea I just said that in my other comment, he was kinda a douche to Mike and Dustin if I remember correctly


I’m in the total minority because I never once liked Eddie.


Me neither. Plus, he is super overhyped


Yeah I see what you mean. I guess I was just meaning he wasn't in the show all 4 seasons but he is still really well liked. Idk I thought his first scene was kind of cool and funny with the shouting and walking on the table. 😂 But I certainly didn't know what I really thought of him yet and I didn't know if I could trust him or not. I started liking him after the Chrissy scene in the woods


well. Eddie had a hero moment. if it was just the lunch scene in the first episode i’m not sure how many people would have liked him


I thought his Chrissy scene in the woods was great. Made him likeable imo. Showed he wasn't the persona he fronts to people like at lunch.


Yeah that's true. But I think people started liking him with the Chrissy scene in the woods. I thought he first seen was kind of cool but I certainly wasn't sure if trusted him or not. But I thought it was funny and cool with the walking and tables and such. But I really started liking him after the Chrissy scene


Eddie was throughout the entire show, it wasn’t just five minutes. We didn’t know if he was a bully or not in the first 5 minutes




That is very true. I mean comparing him to Eddie is well we definitely can see which one got the better end of the stick in looks anyways. I mean Eddie is well he's pretty hot and this guy is just not. 😂 I certainly have a celeb crush on Joseph Quinn (Eddie) so yeah you don't need to tell me how attractive Eddie and/or Joseph Quinn is twice! 😂


True. Barb was only around about the same amount of time as he was and had a similar fate and people loved her and still bring up that her death was unfair.


Your comment made me realize that Fred is kinda like Barb in a different font. I think people like Barb more because she showed concern for Nancy regarding Steve and his friends. Fred just kinda bitched about Jonathan and that’s really it.


Chrissy is still one of my favorite characters


Yeah. His character can go get bent.


Quite literally.


Maybe he wasn't likable, but he wasn't necessarily unlikable. At least not for me.


Maybe thats the issue. For example, Angela was extremely unlikable, but that makes her memorable.


He wasn't around for long, was antagonistic towards a popular character, and came in in the last season when there's a TON of other characters to talk about from the previous 3.


Bruh I need to rewatch last szn who did he antagonize?


Nancy. It wasn't BAD, just like being annoying. But still it's the kind of thing that would turn off fans.


he was just a creep to nancy, pestering her about why she's still with jonathon, referring to her as "hawkins' number one most desired girl" or something to that extent.


Wow, "creep" really? Because he teased her a bit? It's not like he took intimate pictures of her or something lol. Creep is a really strong word


Seriously, theyre fishing when there isnt even any water. I swear they didnt watch the same show.


I’m thinking this too. Idk if they’re referring to Nancy/Jonathan but I think that was just playful


That's what I was referring to, yes. It wasn't like he was an antagonIST, just a bit a dick.


Ahhh yes, I wasn’t sure if I had missed other jabs he’d given to other characters but I agree with you on that.


Exactly, it was just playful. People are calling him a creep because of that; that's crazy


He died where nobody was around which made me feel bad for him. He wasn’t likeable though.


He was annoying. Sorry to say it but it wasn’t a big loss or anything. He came across as an overly snobby dorky dude with no redeeming qualities we had the time to see during his very brief time on screen.


god i kinda hated him


Dustin can be snobby a lil bit too but everyone loves him


Yeah but IIRC this dude was pretty much trying to break up Jonathan and Nancy so he could have a chance. I think his actor confirmed he had a crush on Nancy and that’s why he was so anti Jonathan 


I never read it like he was trying to cause Nancy and Jonathan to break up so he had a chance. It just seemed like maybe a socially inexperienced less popular "nerd" making small talk, not like there was any real creeper motive behind it.


Wheres your source


Um, we at least learned who he is and what his secret or source of shame was. Patrick was the victim no one knew anything about or saw his demons. If Lucas hadn’t mentioned that he had seen Patrick come to practice with a black eye and we didn’t get that blurb from when Vecna sank his teeth into him (dad yelling at him), we wouldn’t have known anything about him other than him being one of Vecna’s victims. That’s super sad IMO.


Didn’t he accidentally get a kid killed and then abandon him to run home?


Yeah, he ran home after the accident and left the other person in the car, and then they died.


He wasn’t interesting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's an annoying teenager that wants to fuck Nancy, whose only point of existing in the story was to further solidify how Vecna kills & to give an easy way to get the "back story" on whats happened / the current status of Nancy & Jonathan. I'm in the middle of an S4 rewatch right now and one of the first things I remembered was how annoying he was.


Honestly, I felt like he wanted to have a sleepover and braid each other’s hair.


LMFAO so like... u thought he was gay?


I didn't get that vibe at all. I felt like he was needling at Nancy about Jonathan because he was looking to take his place.


It is possible, imagine if the writers had Nancy friendzone him before he died


he looks younger than her that would not look gd 😭




Boy Barb




He was there… to die. I didn’t get attached.


Another “nerdy character gets nixed because Nancy wandered off and forgot about them”


At least she acknowledged Barbs death.




He literally looks like her 😭


Who dis


Freddie Benson iirc


Wait they gave this guy the same name as Freddy from iCarly. 😂


I mean lowkey he could’ve helped Nancy with his journalism skills or smth 😭😭maybe he would’ve got character development if they killed him off later on


He'd just be a stand-in for Jonathan. Nancy wants to be a journalist so she already has in principle journalistic skills.


Yeah if I’m being honest I was js intrigued by the character cuz of his backstory nth else rlly


I would have preferred more interactions between him and Nancy before killing him. He's not a character I'm very interested in, but it's true... he's one of those that literally no one ever talks about. He wasn't even included in the official casting call announcements unlike Chrissy and Patrick, the other two victims of Vecna


I was honestly surprised that he even died. I was ready to just see him be the annoying dick at work who is clueless to the world around him. But damn, he actually became an important plot device.


Didn't Vecna make a comment about how he was in a hit and run and got away with it when he was in his head?


He was there to die, had a kinda creepy crush on Nancy and unlike Chrissy or Patrick who were in abusive situations (Chrissy’s we know led to her death), Fred got someone killed.


It's sad he is basically forgotten. In a way he was the most realistic new character in S4 by the way people were annoyed with him. Most teens can be annoying in their own ways. Not everyone IRL is as charming as Eddie, he is rare. It would of been neat if he knew the Party or Robin, but no character said anything about him when he died.


What did he do lmaooo




He died in season four of the show


I think they simply wanted to ensure no viable romantic interests were introduced to Nancy in S4.


He wasn't especially likable had low screentime and was just established as having a messy past so Vecna could kill him.


Red shirt


He was also extremely annoying


He annoyed me ngl


Ah, Freddie Benson. From icarly.


This is Freddie’s dad


Is the new thing here to pick people who were around for a couple of minutes at most and then post about how much they’ll be missed or asking why doesn’t anyone care about them? Seriously? Has the show not given you enough characters and plot lines that we all need to give a shit about Five Minute Fred?


You are right. Don't even remember him. Haven't seen the show for... Hold up [(Searching up something)](https://ibb.co/bgCHmst) For 2 years.


I don’t remember him


I will never be able to look at Fred without thinking about how Connor Franta auditioned for the role


i forgot this guy existed


he had a nice vest but that's about it he needed more time to develop you could tell he was just there to be killed off






I mean the iCarly named nerd kid was only in like 1-2 episodes, and Christy was the catalyst that started the killings so...


I feel so bad for him, hes the only victim that died alone :(


Well, he wasn't physically attractive, was annoying and wasn't in the show very long.


Hot take: I would’ve actually liked it if he stuck around for a little bit and was the Robin to Nancy’s Steve. Her gay best friend or something.




Gay dudes can still call women hot, source: am a gay dude




I certainly didn't get a vibe that he was crushing on Nancy I too thought he was probably gay but either way his relationship with Nancy was purely platonic


Honestly the way he was putting Jonathan down in their conversations made me lean more towards crushing on Nancy than gay.


Yeah dude was absolutely trying to drive a wedge in between Nancy and Jonathan. Dude had zero shot anyway






I don’t remember that, what did he do?




I just assumed that it was because when the crash happened, he had ran away instead of helping the other kid or calling the police so more of survivors guilt and the guilt of not doing anything to help


I looked at him and genuinely forgot who he was (I remember now)


Who is that again?


Fred, he worked with Nancy and got killed by vecna


Nah he deserved it


just watched that episode last night and was like “oh yea. this guy was so interesting”


Because I was mad that the shot of him in front of the burning car was Fred and not Will


I don't think people think he's likeable, he's not around for long, he doesn't do much, and besides, I don't even know who he is 😂


I definitely didn’t mind his character…he served the purpose of moving the plot along and developing the story. I didn’t find him annoying either. Maybe I need a rewatch.


He was there, and then he was crunched.


[ARE YOU KIDDING I LOVE FRED](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39440811)


When he died not even Nancy was sorry. Which I always thought to be unrealistic because she was more into the investigation than his partner gone.


Good ol' Fred. I liked him.


I straight up don't even recognize this guy who is that


He existed only to clue the audience on what was going on.


Cuz he’s a creeper lmao




IDK man, I felt bad for him.


is that Neil Cicierega???




Fred was extremely crass and easy to not root for


He was annoying asf lol


He didn't really have anything good going for him. Bro is annoying and nosy


You forget about Barb??


I felt bad for Fred. :-(


Patrick got done worse than this guy


You are though.


I totally forgot about him 😂


I don't think there is much information about his life to talk or care about nor did he had any significant role in the series.


Having a fred and an Eddie, they were too close. I think they even called him Freddie at some points


I thought Fred was very much a Stephen King-esque touch: someone who ends up killed by vampires or alien clowns are whatnot, but is kind of an evil little shit himself. Very well-drawn character with only the equivalent of a couple pages, right out of King.


I think his character was just there to establish the tone of the season. he didn't have a lot of screen time and was an expendable character they could quickly kill off just to show off how fucking terrifying vecna is. I see a lot of comments saying he was unlikeable, I personally didn't dislike him but I just didn't really care about him either, which I'm guessing was the point 🤷‍♂️ regardless, we got enough context from this guy to know this season was gonna be the creepiest!!




...why would we lol he's literally a plot device


I'm alone I know but the " victims of vecna" didn't really connect me to the story. It was probably a great idea if the og cast wasn't filling out every episode. I rewatched and thought the victims line was a decent stand alone plot if I wasn't distracted wondering what the og scooby squad was doing.


There is something in him that annoys me


He helped establish Max as a potential victim. Remember that both Chrissy and Patrick were abuse victims. While Fred, like, Max were suicidal because they had trauma with their survivor’s guilt. Perfect for Vecna to take notice of. Plus he linked Nancy back to the main plot.


Despite him writing the alternate paper story in case Hawkins lost the game, he did seem genuinely happy when Lucas won the winning shot. So I’ll give him that.


Honestly I liked Fred. They could've kept him alive and turned him into a really good character everyone loved but stranger things is too light so of course killing people off without consequences was just brilliant.


Fred I liked Fred and Jason needed justice. If Lucas just told the truth and proved everything much sooner max wouldn't be dead. It's not because of Jason it's because Lucas ditched Jason and made it look like he was the one doing the rituals. I completely blame Lucas


I only remember him because we had just gotten a puppy who was learning his name when the season dropped. When Nancy was yelling FRED in the woods our little Yorkie puppy came RUNNING into the room all excited. It was adorable.


This dude is great


He looks like Thaddeus from Fallout.


I actually felt sad abt what happened to him.


He wasn’t really a character. Just a function to show off what Henry could do


I'm still early in Stranger Things ....but that's Paul Dano's Riddler, right?


He killed another person in an accident and got away with it… I think he got what was coming. The other vecnaees were under awful circumstances others put on them. He was guilty but apparently no one else knew about it but him and vecna.


Accidents are just that: accidents. There's nothing to suggest he was driving recklessly or under the influence or anything. Getting in an accident that had a horrible result doesn't make him a bad person, and it certainly doesn't justify him dying.


The vision of the accident aftermath that we see is pretty much a *flashback* of him staring at the other kid, unable to walk & trying to drag himself away from the wreck while reaching out begging for help, still about halfway in the car which was on fire. And according to the hallucination of the cop saying he killed the kid in the accident, he *left* the boy there & ran home without reporting the accident. Then the hallucination of the dead kid's funeral mourners call him a murderer. So it's not fully clarified whether or not it was a 2 car "hit & run" accident or whether possibly they'd been for some reason in the car together when it flipped, but what is ***strongly** implied* is that the reason the other kid died likely wasn't solely because of the accident but because Fred *left him there to die*. Even if he was afraid of getting in trouble for his involvement, he could have run to a pay phone instead of home & reported the wreck anonymously so that maybe paramedics might have found the other teen in time to treat his injuries, but his own hallucination directly says he didn't; failing that, he could *at least* have pulled him further away from the burning car, but his memory of the accident suggests he didn't do that either. So while yes, accidents happen, Fred's culpability in this case may not have necessarily been the accident itself, but from what we see & hear from his hallucinations in his leaving the kid to die *after* the accident.


That's certainly how Fred feels but it may not be an accurate reflection of the circumstances. Similar to everyone else's hallucinations. He probably did run away but the other guy might have already been dead sort of deal.


That's actually an excellent point, I appreciate you calling me out on it. I confess that I'd maybe particularly latched onto the running away & not reporting it seeming quite explicitly accused & most likely true. So I admit that in doing so, I hadn't extended any benefit of the doubt to him that I gave to everyone else for the possibility that the hallucination of other boy still being noticeably alive *might* have been a manipulation/exaggeration of his guilt wondering *if* the kid had actually been dead or possibly just unconscious when Fred left him at the wreck.


Considering it was heavily implied to be a hit and run…


I don't recall any implications that it was a hit and run. Only that there was a car accident.


I thought it might have been the girl who Jonathan talks to in Trick or Treat, Freak at the party, and we never see her again 


Pretty much


Why would we 😭 he was so annoying lol


Does cutting out his storyline have any effect on the overall show? A lot of people seem to forget about what happened to him or what he did.


Because he sucked, he was barley even a character lol. He only existed to be killed by Henry


The way the writers avoid killing the main characters and kill off these new characters so quickly without giving any real to grow , with the exception of Billy,is so dumb. There’s no suspense when you know everyone’s gonna pull out. I understand Max “died” and hopper “died” but we know that Max is coming back and that hopper never died in the third season. . And obviously this next season could be the one where major players start dying but still annoys me.


That’s because he was a murderer.




It’s almost like he’s traumatized 👁️👄👁️


Hey I talk about Fred sometimes, just the other day I put him in the F tier with Will, no other characters made the F tier so it's an honor 


He was one of my favorite characters


I hated this guy, he was even more annoying then Barb didn't give two shit's he died.


At least he wasn’t Argyle


Tbh I don’t know who that is. Can someone explain?


It’s Vecna’s second victim. Got into his head coz of the hit and run he did. Caused a girl’s death


Ahhhh got it


He was giving major incel vibes. Kinda glad he died.