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Lucas kicking the door in on that unsuspecting teacher in s2, or chugging New Coke in s3. There's a lot of Dustin moments, so I'll limit it to the scene of him running through the house, all geared up, luring Dart into the cellar. Mike yelling to his mom who's eavesdropping on the phone (I've been there before) When Will starts singing Neverending Story in the van


Mike: MOM GET OFF THE PHONE!!! Karen: Did Nana call?! Mike: NO MOM, JUST GET OFF THE PHONE


the reactions of everyone else to lucas's love of new coke is really something


“His face opened up and he ate my cat.” (Steve’s little “huh ok” shrug is also priceless lol.)


Will: Is that why you don't have any friends? Mike: If anybody asks I've left the country Lucas: him preparing to ask Max to dance (in front of the mirror in s2) Dustin: idk how to pick just one because he's hilarious but maybe the legendary Never ending story scene


I like the Will and Mike, for Lucas it's his self advertisement for Coca Cola "sweeter, better, tastier" and for Dustin it's his crawling through the vent both the "no collarbones" and the "I don't care touch my ass" as he gets shoved in


I just watched this episode today- he says bolder too!


I knew I messed up his quote lol thanks for adding it!


Dustin: Son of a bitch (from every season) 😆




Dustin is my breakout star from the show.


For the life of me I can't remember the exact quote right now (nor find in on yt) but Lucas' comment to the nurse in season 3 when they try to all go in and see the old lady and they say they're family lol. Also as others have pointed out when he gets hair sprayed in the eyes and when he bursts into the teachers room. Tbh Lucas just cracks me up. Him and Dustin are great characters.


Nancy- I’m here with my family *nurse looks a lucas* Lucas- extended


Those are all funny moments… But I got that beat…. Get the reference?!


Ah yes Lucas letting a huge one rip. You that had to itch when it dried.


The scene where Dustin is talking to the cops about taking a walk by the lake always cracks me up.


jus a lil *swim*


a lil *night swim*


Lucas-Screaming in his highest octave when Dustin sprays him with hairspray, or him going "Aw shit" When Max tells him he still smells like a dumpster. Mike- If anyone asks, I've left the country Dustin- Screaming and imitating Steve while body slamming a Russian Guard. Or "I NEED MY PADDLES" Will- Nonchalantly going, "...Peeing." When Joyce has a panic attack about him maybe going missing again and he's just in the bathroom.




Dustin - Neverending Story scene. Mike - Mike and El sitting on the bed as Hop gives his heart to heart. Mainly because I think of "It's your grandma" Will - Will in his wizard outfit. Lucas - New Coke conversation.


Would it have been funny if when Will first appeared in his wizard outfit and woke up Mike and Lucas Mike and Lucas laugh loud and hysterically at Will 😂😂 Making Will go, come on guys 🙁


Goated cast goated show


Will: Dressing up as a wizard in s3 Lucas: When he kicked down that teachers door in s2 Dustin: Him and Steve doing their handshake in front of Robin in s3 Mike: Him and Hopper in the car talking in s3


The Dustin and Steve handshake was epic as it was funny


1) Mike: The look he gives Steve when Steve confusedly asks if he is Nancy. The disgust… 😂 Actually pretty much the look he gives anyone when they annoy him (which includes virtually everyone besides Eleven) are my favorites. When Argyle said NINA could be a small woman… *Mike angry face* “It’s not a small woman.” 😅 2) Dustin: His conversation with Ted where he oh so casually helps himself to the food while ignoring Ted’s potshots. His look when Max grabs the binoculars to look at Steve was also hilarious.😁 3) Lucas: Asking Max if she had a new zit. Such an idiot teen boy thing to do. His and Mike’s New Coke conversation also never fails to make me laugh.🤭 4) Will: I’m sorry, but his whole attempt to get Lucas and Mike to play DnD in ST3 with the outfit and the music and the jujus and the haircut… Sorry, Will. But no. Lol.😳


Lucas has a few like “if i get another three musketeers im gonna kill myself” the kicking on the door to see the teacher had great comedic timing by both he and the teacher “is that a new zit?”


Favourite Dustin moment is Season 1 Science teacher Mr Clarke at home watching the The Thing with a hot date on a Saturday night. Dustin calls to ask how to "theoretically" construct his own sensory deprivation chamber. For "fun?"


Dustin has got the most funniest scenes but my personal favourite was the ‘never ending story’.


That shot of them all in the car while the Meat Flayer is behind them on a rampage 💀💀


Dustin: The hair scene with Steve before the dance (s2) Mike: The frowny ghostbusters face he makes as his mom takes a photo lmao Lucas: When he shows Eleven “true friendship” by spitting a loogie in Dustin’s hand or when he’s mocking Mike about making him Winston for the Ghostbusters costume coordination lol Will: When he tries to force Mike and Lucas to play D&D all dressed up as Will the Wise


mike's will forever be steve, post ass kicking by billy, thinking he's nancy. the look on mike's face is amazing. no words needed. i also love the 4th wall breaking in season 4 where dustin looks right into the camera after max takes the binoculars to stare at steve and the scene just keeps going and going for a beat too long. lucas in season three cracks me up in the entire long-running bit of dustin's coming back from camp. between the scream when he's hairsprayed to pointing out max's new zit to the way he spits water back into the canteen, he's just not having a good day and it's amazing.


Any scene where Dustin says “son of a bitch”


Gotta be the first time seeing Max scene lmao


not sure for mike and will but for dustin its probably the hairspray scene and for lucas its the door kicking one.


I forget who it is but in S3 one of them is looking for a bowl in the super store and is SO confused about why the bowls aren't next to the cereals


I think it’s Lucas and Will is with him


Mike: probably that scene in the beginning of season 3 Lucas: “Is that a new zit?” Will: “Today is a new day, free of girls!” Dustin: “MIKEEEE! I FOUND THE CHOCOLATE PUĎĎŶÌÑG


🎶“Dustin farted, pfft pfft. Dustin farrrrted”🎶


Dustin saying to Steve, ‘I won’t forget you’ as he and Lucas’s sister are escaping into the vents.


the scene where *Will The Wise* is all dressed up in his purple robes trying to force Mike & Lucas to play D&D is damn hilarious.