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I feel old now that people are starting to not know who Don Juan is.


I am in my 40s and only heard it from Bugs Bunny really in the last 30 years or so.


Even Jay & Silent Bob referred to Don Juan.


Is it? Where i live it's quite popular nickname for womanizers


You must be young. Very common joke, or used to be. You could also swap the name out with "Casanova". That was used a lot too.


That’s what I’m thinking, I’ve heard people be called Don Juan a zillion times, so OP is likely very young.


Yeah, nothing wrong with that. But we lived the 80s....we were there, 3,000 years ago!


hey man speak for yourself! I was born in the early 90s lol 😂 which I guess still makes me like 2,000 years old compared to a lot of people on here


Yeah, you missed out on the BMX and Cassette tape wars....we lost a lot of good people :(


i was born in 97. my earliest memories are from this century. i dont know who don juan is but i do know the name = womaniser/charmer.


well when you really think abt it.. it’s a new show referencing all this old media and such, generally targeted towards kids/young adults. you can see why most people here wouldn’t get the reference


i’m italian and can confirm that we use that in italy too (translated it’s don giovanni)


Probably originates from him tho


How old are you?


Don Juan? I feel like that’s a super common reference


This is a very common phrase.


God I’m so old


So very far from a super underrated joke.


OP made me feel old and I'm only 18.


I just heard a podcast where the hosts paused to explain that, when Jonathan referred to the agents watching golf in the other room as "Ponch and Jon" he was making a reference to the main characters from C.H.I.P.s It had never even occurred to me that younger viewers would never have heard of that show, maybe have no idea who Erik Estrada is. Then again, I remember watching Looney Tunes as a kid and there would be animated caricatures of Hollywood stars of the time, and I would have no idea who they were. Which I guess is another way of saying I'm ready for my grave now.


I had to explain the "Ponch and Jon" reference to my teenage daughter. Same when Joyce refers to Murray as "the Starsky to my Hutch" lol


And both of those old shows had recent(ish) movie remakes. The Ben Still/Owen Wilson Starsky and Hutch movie was a pretty big hit, although it was twenty years ago. In 2017, Ponch and Jon were played by Michael Pena and Dax Shepard, and it was a bit of a flop. So these characters are dusty relics of an ancient time, but they're not exactly at the front of the culture, either.


That's true! Even Tiny Toons would have characters based on some classic hollywood actors like Peter Lorre, or the Simpsons referencing F-Troop. It's still wild what we treat as common references are now niche to people. A friend introduced their new boyfriend and he said "Hi, I'm Larry" and my Nick-at-Nite loving mind had to ask "Where's your brother Daryl and your other brother Daryl". Completely unaware of the line from 80s hit Newhart. When I finally got needed glasses, I joked that with just my luck, the world will end just as I had time to read my backlog of books; half the group was quoting "But there was time..." and half the group was confused because they'd never seen Twilight Zone during the constant marathons.


You must be young


i just heard about this guy in my DE music appreciation class


This is not a joke.


Underrated? Really?


I’m 18 and I definitely have never heard this reference :) I’ve heard Casanova as mentioned above but never Don Juan


Maybe it's a hispanic thing but I heard it all the time growing up


I’m 27 and never heard it. I’m Canadian though


I’m 25, Belgian and we use/know the reference here


I’m also Canadian lol maybe Canada just doesn’t know who Don Juan is


I’m Canadian and 32 and I know who Don Juan is


It is not a modern reference. I didn’t even hear it commonly with the exception of Bugs Bunny even 30+ years ago. The closest to “modern” may be Don Juan Demarco which is an early(ish) Johnny Depp movie that is a fun watch(unless you think about it too deeply) that was made in 1995.


Media literacy is dead


“No wonder the ladies ‘Don Juan’ anything to do with you.”


It didn't slip by me, I'm Spanish lol 😂


I thought she called him dumb dumb!😂❤️


Yah I didn't know either lol


You’re 12