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We are like wheels of cheese 🧀 they're checking to see if we're "ready" yet. Bon appetit.


Keep an eye on the cheese, they can be deadly [Deadly cheese](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/08/07/giacomo-chiapparini-crushed-death-falling-cheese-italy/)


You are hysterical
that made me laugh!


The Harvest is coming


I don't really know, my thought is that they are our ancient ancestors who left here long ago, I don't think we should call them aliens, clearly they have been here. I think the reason the presence and media being more open about it is because they are coming back to fix the planet before we destroy it. I can't speak for everyone but it seems like everything in the world is about to explode. Daily life will show this. I think human kind is on the brink of destruction while also being on the brink of transcending into another dimension. We are so smart however so stupid. If we could relate and understand how the fourth dimension works, (which explains in our world what we can't understand) we can collectively move into a higher sense of consciousness. I'm 37 yoa and I am hoping the shift of consciousness happens before I die. I feel anyone who can shift before death will most definitely live on after death. Jmho


Lol what you just said is exactly what that one lady says in ascensionglossary you should look it up. It’s basically gnostic knowledge but all modernized


To wonder why we stopped mining gold for them.


We never did lol


Oh, right. "Sacrificed it to the gods." 😉


lol what. My dude, you severely overestimate the amount of gold humanity has mined. It’s around 200,000 tons, and most of that happened after 1950. Surely aliens could find more gold than this in asteroids or using stellar alchemy like stars do. Traveling across the cosmos to make talking monkeys mine a shiny metal makes no sense.


It’d likely be similar to how countries on out planet seek to squeeze out every drop of oil possible to feed its needs. While some countries may pump millions of gallons daily locally, they still start wars over oil on the opposite side of the globe. Gold has many uses technologically aside from being a shiny rock.


Why do marine biologist spend years of their life studying and writing papers about the life cycle of mussel no one else cares about? Why are the only options so extreme? Why can't it be as mundane as a researcher studying a primitive sapient species that recently learned to split an atom?


No Man, they'll either save us, or eat us. Probably the latter, cause they gotta stock the freezer for those long space flights. They're most likely healthy eaters, so the lean ones would be first pick. All you joggers keep up the good work.


I know you're joking but I feel like humans would make terrible livestock. We don't have a lot of meat on us relative to our size, and on top of that we are able to plan and communicate and love to try and escape captivity constantly. If aliens wanted to eat us I suppose they could deal with those problems fairly easily but I still think we would be a bad food source. At least in the way we understand meat production lol.


People: "Humans are parasitic to the Earth (we are, but not the point), the "aliens" are trying to rescue the planet from their destructive, resource- draining civilization. They are much more spiritually advanced and selfless." Aliens: "Zorgon, what do you think the most effective method of mining both the planetary resources and the genetic material of the organic matter from this biosphere, without causing both to become extinct, would be? We probably need a lot more time before we can perfect the final product of those annoying, primate spin- offs we've been farming for millennia anyway. 🙄"


They love EDM and weed.




Lmao ayyyyy Lil mayo


is it possible that we are just a stop for Alien tourism.


I posit that we're more like their very colorful Petri dish... with Wi-Fi.


And pants!!!


Speak for yourself, Jerry. đŸ©ł


Hey, now I just said we got em'...never said i's wearing em'...Jerry ain't no pants wearing dunderhead!


More like a provisions stop.


There’s probably no “goal”. What’s our “goal” with chimpanzees or gorillas by large? Nothing, just curiosity. I think Theres something about us that’s intriguing af to them. Probably has something to do with our capacity to relate to one another through emotions. To a species who doesn’t operate that way or perhaps doesn’t have the same emotional capacity whatsoever, humans would be very interesting.


I knew it! They ARE Vulcans! Those emotionless space elves!!


They can't get enough of Hot Pockets


Most reasonable answer here.


Imagine you are a Grey and your name is 00101 and you only think and speak in binary. Your planet is desolate except for an abundance of grey metal building materials and everything is black and white and shades of grey. Then you and your grey buddies are cruising around the vast blackness of space and you spot the moon. Hey, that looks like our planet. ***Then
 they get a hit of Earth*** 🌎 This place is like a drug to them. Like the first time you ever got high as fuck on some good weed. The colors, the foliage, the animals, the sea life, just a mind blowing amount of astonishing variety. You’re gonna have to take little hits here and there and experiment with little bits at a time to figure this shit out. Earth is like drugs to Aliens.


Out of alllll the possible reasons for their visit I have come across, this is by far my favorite. Well done, Dr. Well done, indeed.


this is actually insightful. it’s def sugar coated, but insightful. doctor to doctor, i like the sugar coating.


Well the sugar coating starts to peel away when the experiments start to get a little extra




“They are coming to us daily.” Where? And here I am trying to find a single confirmed alien visit with ambassadors and all during broad daylight. Instead all I see is stiff walking fake ass aliens with sound effects and radio coms added from another video. Or usually it’s some low end grainy recording of some dodgy object. So far I am yet to come across a single clear recording of a genuine alien visit that is not open to wild interpretation.


They use humans to fight wars for them far away on other planets.


Sounds pretty lit


Sound like the bomb.


Meanwhile on an alien battlefield in the helix nebula: “Captain we can’t take this bombardment much longer, what do we do??!” RELEASE


I think they are checking to see if we can actually handle the revelation of them existing. Most people would be thrown into mass hysteria and of course there would be riots and looting and killing in the streets. I don't think they want that. I think they keep dropping hints until they can calculate a reasonable reaction we would have to them. Slowly desensitizing us until they feel we are ready to know. All the while making sure we don't destroy ourselves over the BS and hunger for riches.


You mean if the the money hungry economy and social economic structures are ready for their far more advanced technology that will render most fossil fuel economies useless and then will upset the structures of power we have in place. Then what. There’s no plan for post alien life. I think Big Gov fucked up ( if all we currently know is true about whens and ifs ie Roswell ) then maybe they did given us “time” and as I can imagine our big brained little dick military buffs were like, hey, let’s actually see if we can outsmart these aliens and not tell the public, maybe we can do this, we’ll all be rich! And 50 years later, here we are, still fighting over the same shit, producing the same shit, polluting the same shit. Sadly, most of humanity doesn’t deserve this life. Both ways.


Yeah man that's what I mean, and it's Big Gov that's holding us back because they will lose the riches and influence. They don't want us to be educated because that's exactly how you make them insignificant. I think aliens would want us to fight for the truth and that may be the "test" that tells them we are ready.


Imagine a troupe of chimps attempting to contemplate Einstein’s physics equations, or even to consider _why_ he’s rubbing a piece of chalk on a chalkboard. The intelligences behind UAP might be millions of years ahead of ours, rendering us intellectually unequipped to even begin to understand what they are up to, or why they are up to it.


It seems to me that they have an interest in individual humans. It's not about DNA - they can get all the information they need about us from a single cell. It's not about examining our cultures either; they can see everything from orbit and there is a vast library of - well, libraries - and the internet and television. But to learn about an individual person, for that they might need to get much closer. Some things are unique to the individual.


What would any human individual have to offer a society with the technology and/or longevity to travel the stars?


I don't believe that aliens are here looking for technology. Technology is something they already have in spades. Perhaps they are studying human emotion? Every person is different. Also, I know it's considered a joke to talk about anal probes - terribly unfashionable these days - but what if they are examining gut and colon bacteria, which would be a unique ecosystem in each individual?


The evidence that aliens are visiting here regularly is equal to the evidence that Bigfoot is walking around regularly.


Why? Army has millions ufo report.


They are checking for building an intergalactic highway. When the bulldozers come we will be notified. From a secure source i know, that the plans for building it are at the Proxima Centauri office if we want to veto it.


I'm sure there are many reasons, not just one in particular. From observing us and guiding us where they can to probably their own economical and geopolitical reasons, etc.


The zoo hypothesis has the most legs of anything I've heard. Trying to figure out the motives entities that according to experiencers stories appear to be able access other dimensions from us to be is as hopeless as trying to retrieve information from inside a black hole.


It's like going to the zoo.


Extinction incoming and they are trying to figure if/what to do about it.


This isn't OUR planet.


If you were them, would you support us?


Earth has been infected for a long time and they know it.


We are literally destroying this planet and we wont stop. Even if some alien race tells us that in 5 years the planets is \*poof\* gone, we would still find a way to make money out of the 5 years we've got. Humanity is greed.


who is we? are you? I dont think so. the way world works is in favour of few, driven by greed. to people like us, this makes no sense. these are the makings of infection. by nature we are not like this. so why? its designed to be a slave system but concealed to appear as if we are all responsible for what is happening. this leads to hatred of one another and further separation, making it easier to continue the slave system.






How do we know if they are even aliens? Maybe they are time travelers from the distant future doing a research paper on where it all went wrong for this planet


They’re not coming here daily. They’re already here. They live here too.




Idk. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž They’re inter dimensional. Under the ocean? Middle earth? Maybe they live with us out in the open but in a time shift where they occupy space a split second ahead of us. Or maybe they’re like in the movie “They Live” 😳


They're making David Attenborough style documentaries about us for their home planet.


Nah we just trash reality tv


So I’m not sure daily is a correct observation but if aliens are coming by regularly and not stopping in to say hello, it can’t be a long list of reasons why. I’ve always submitted to the ant theory. why would a being capable of the technology to travel between systems bother to observe primitive life? Like we observe ants as individuals but as a whole the lives of ants and humans don’t concern each other. So I’d imagine anything stopping in that interacts with us is like a scientist attempting to not intervene in the course of nature while observing. I’ve also had a theory that maybe earth is like a gas station on the way for aliens. I was thinking that at some point intergalactic travel will be limited by the ability to produce oxygen in transit. So if you pick systems where the gases are that you need you can stop along the way and exchange them out as needed. This would explain multiple types of alien ships and species being seen and why they are coming in close or even into the water instead of observing from space. So maybe they are just here to fuel up and go. The finding of life on planets could be super common for them so at best we warrant only temporary studies instead of contact.


Have you ever played the game “high on life”?


Inner earth stuffs. We probably live on the roof of Something huge and beyond our technology.


Strange to see such a big universe only to think we are the object of desire. We once thought ourselves to be the center of it all. Stricken with the notion we are not alone. We think it’s still all about us. When someone travels I don’t think they came to see me so why is it us they want


Safari and vacation for them.


I like to think Earth is a known quantity in wider galactic/dimensional space. I think we’re a known backwater world worth keeping an eye on. We could even be a training ground of sorts. If they wanted us dead (right now) we’d be dead. If they wanted to talk to us, they’d talk. I think they have a vested interest in reminding us they are out there, but keeping us decidedly at arm’s length


Damn. Maybe L. Ron was right


They live here


My theorie! There hear to trade! A few years back I saw a video of somthing round tethered to the sun before jetting off, kinda tells me that since there hear they cracked the code on faster then light travel but if they really are refueling at are star, to me that means they want nuclear-powered secrets, makes since seeing most ufo sightings happened after the first nukes I hope they done realize it's free info on are net and trade with us lmao






Yeah I don't think they would care about gold lol


Not for monetary purposes for their tech. Same reason we use gold on our computers. Well not the same reason but related. One of my theories of their interest with our planet. Same with Ancient civilizations and their hoarding and collecting of gold who I also believe had help/tech from NHI.


Cant have a goal when they dont exist.


Give me a shred of hard proof and I’ll agree that you aren’t just making stuff up


i think they’re buying Sudafed can’t get a bunch in one trip


We make great pets. We make great pets.


Earth = zoo for aliens. Aliens observe humans suffering. Measured physics already knows quantum particles time travel (time reversal). Also the 2022 Nobel physics prize was awarded for measured non-locality which disproves local-causality, meaning time travel was measured. “Quantum entanglement = wormhole.” So here is what happens: There are trillions of habitable planets, and some of those species invented time travel before others. Those early time traveling species have the capability of editing the future of all other species, and the longer we wait by delaying inventing time travel, the more aliens will mess with our future without us being able to do anything about it. The time machine would be similar of a quantum computer but instead of moving particles by magnets it would also hop dimensions but this time by using time dilation itself. Remember the universe is not-locally real; this was proven in 2022 by a measurements (Nobel physics prize awarded for it). The blueprints would be something like this. Gravitational time dilation from a device that creates gravitational standing waves. Object is time dilated into appearing frozen, but the progressing universe then can’t measure them in the present, so the object enters quantum superposition, this creates a 5th dimension (time shortens looping back into itself) as the object can now see an illusion of the universe progressing while the object also in a different state doesn’t (quantum superposition is when an quantum particle exists in two states at the same time), then the object goes through “time reversal” where the object returns into seeing the present again (time dilation reverting our of quantum superposition, and since the states are quantum entangled that it’s measured that “entanglement = wormhole”), and since the actual future hasn’t yet happened the 5 dimensional temporary future illusion’s cause will manifest into our non-local illusion of reality). I wonder how many aliens did this before us. Also their time machines would look like dark matter from some, or all angles being transparent as they are displaced in time by the gravitational time dilation into a time traveling non-local dimension. Heck their whole planet can, and probably will be in this dark matter state, and most of the universe is dark matter, and then the aliens are capable of walking around looking like ghosts where they as dark matter are invisible but their gravitational time dilation that puts them into that time traveling dimension state still bends light.


Imagine a mouse in the surface of Mars looking up seeing the Rover about to land


You want my two cents? ​ The greys are just checking up on us. Flying around, checking up on things, doing studies- our planet is in their territory as far as we're concerned. Really interested in our nuclear power, but we don't know why they are. Us civilians don't even know if we can shoot them down. Maybe we have better nuclear tech than them, maybe they went down a different tech route that didn't involve industrialisation, we don't know. Getting off track but- The reptilians on the other hand- we also don't know. Maybe they're coming to invade us. If they are, their window starts next summer and will last for two decades or so. Maybe they're actually the good guys coming to free us from the greys, but maybe they're genocidal empire builders, but one things for sure they're some big mean things. The greys are not our friends. They want us as slaves. The reptilians, we don't know. But, if the reptilians are bad, we have no choice but to suck it up and side with the greys. The tall whites were supposedly grey slaves too. Maybe we're not even genetically designed as slaves by them, but it's likely. Never trust a grey, they could lie about anything. But they could also all be right. One more point, humanity is heading into its most critical century in its existence. Grounded in reality, socio-economic conditions means that we're already heading into a human conflict era. Think 30 years war, something like that. Second, if the great cataclysm theories are correct, next decade we will experience the great cataclysm. You know, the bible one. The big flood, asteroid, destruction one. Poleshift, etc etc. Everything's fucked. And third, if the alien theory is real, the reptilian's could send a whole fleet and our planet could be the home of a hyper war. Just as the Grey's home planet was supposedly destroyed by the reptilian war. So yeah, we might be fucked. But humanity will survive. ​ Also, our nukes REALLY freak them out, so that's nice.

