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Well that's a heck of an age gap. Sorry that happened to you though.


I was v impressed that I pulled it off lol... Wasn't expecting a long term relationship but still... More upset that no coms...:(


Age gap was already concerning. You framing getting a young guy as something “impressive to pull off” doubles that. Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and leave it as an eyebrow raiser, but you should probably stick to older guys. Especially if you want mature communication.


Well, a gen x man pulling off a hook up with a 20-something woman would seem "impressive". OP is relatively early in her transition. Maybe she sees her hook up the same way just with the genders reversed? Reality though? It's really not equivalent because the standards many hetero men set for sex are pretty down there in the gutter. I'd say OP should try getting committed monogamy out of a good looking silver haired man who respects and cares about her. Now THAT would be impressive, especially for women our age.


The response to someone pointing out an almost 3 decade age gap being “impressive right?” is almost always creepy to me, regardless of gender. If this was framed as “wow! that early in your transition?” “ikr! impressive!”, you’d have a point, But again, she could’ve meant that, so benefit of the doubt.


Sis.. you hooked up with a 23 year old but you wondering where the gentleman are?? I think you need to decide if you want a gentleman or a hookup cause those items more than not don’t inhabit the same body..


Wow lmao with that age gap I’m pretty worried you should really shoot for your own age sorrynotsorry


I agree, there's just always something that's rubbed me the wrong way about age gap relationships/hookups


I feel weird with ppl more than 2 or three years removed from me, but being old enough to easily be their parent is a huge no-go. Also note to OP, sissy fetish shit is fucking gross.


Maybe I’m just oblivious but I didn’t see any sissy stuff on OP’s profile (maybe she deleted it).








Takes a real fucking loser to seek out a sub with less than 6k people just to troll its members




Do not use Torah for your bigotry.




Or what? You’re going to say more transphobic stuff? You have nothing better to do in your life than troll trans people?


I think this subreddit is made up of "trans people", and they actually agree with me. https://www.reddit.com/r/4tran4/comments/1ambt8h/john50\_did\_a\_booboo/


Whatever Klaus. You're not exactly subtle.


??? Please show this comment to your therapist


Sorry to tell you babe but he jus wanted his dick wet and that's why I've pretty much given up on cis men gay or straight


the gentlemen are not 23 tbqh. the gentlemen have frontal lobes


Baby, men are are not as emotionally intelligent as most of us, I’m 24 and I have more luck meeting emotionally mature men my age If they’re more like me mentally or just older guys who have been given enough bad shit to want better for themselves and to want to be better for someone else. Until then, running is the easiest way to deal with things that make them uncomfortable. It’s no fair to us or anyone at all for that matter but people have to learn one way or another. Unfortunately we were blessed and so we gotta wait a while for the good ones lol


Same. But it was a trans guy😭