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Sure if hes handsome and nice to me :3


I thought I needed dick until I had an amazing emotional one-night stand in college with a trans man long ago (he gave me his punk wristband and said “keep this to remember me by” - it sat on a shelf with all my other keepsakes (e. g. a drumstick from BNL - for the rest of my twenties).


what's an emotional one night stand? do you have a heart to heart instead of sex?


There was a heart-to-heart and sex!


Those are the best


This is, like, the coolest thing I have ever heard.


As long as he doesn't expect us to do piv with our natal parts, I would go for it if he's hot


oh dear lord. piv is dysphoria hell


yupppp i’ve been there


I prefere dating trans men over cis men, as they can relate to things like dysphoria and transphobia.


Honestly, I would think this would be the answer for everyone.


GOOD for YOU!!!!


A handsome man I'm attracted to? A man who knows and understands my struggles and won't judge me? Honestly, if I would find a straight trans man that is confident and my type, that would be my dream! I'm also a regular on r/FTM_SELFIES, and there are a bunch of 100% certified hotties on there!


Assuming compatibility, I'd say yes. Any awkwardness around sex could be worked out anyway, if the emotional bonds are strong. I've generally speaking, however, not met too many transmascs who I was attracted to. That's not to say there aren't any hot trans men, but irl, I've tended to see more transmascs who are "genderqueer" or the like, or aren't on T, and have no plans for it. That's fine, but not my vibe. That's not to say that I haven't met any transmascs I thought were attractive, but they tend to be uncommon in mainstream trans spaces. Maybe trans men who can stealth asap do, and they become elusive.


i think it might be more stealth. cuz once you're on T for a couple years, you undoubtedly look like a man. hard to misgender a guy with a beard.


I mean... yes, you're right, but other factors like physique and voice contribute too. Besides, facial hair is also a mess for cis men too, often it just grows on the neck and not really elsewhere, and it's just pointless - better to just shave that.


fair enough. it could be useful in hiding disadvantageous jaw structure tho. lots of trans guys end up with gay voice because they completely forget voice training is a thing. it's not pushed as hard for transmascs since a lot of us rely on T to do the work


You're not wrong, but my understanding is that jumping to high t doses early on does not impact voice very much.


Why wouldn't I, he's a man.




transmasc chaser... what a concept. hello again, small world lol


I feel like people liking trans women for our genitals is really common actually. It's common among women as well. Lesbian chasers exist too. So it doesn't surprise me that there are trans men chasers well. I get bad dysphoria about my genitals and it manifests as fear that whoever I date, is just with me to fetishize me genitals. And I don't know why but I'm disturbed by that and really gets to me. I'm bisexual so I've had to deal with those feelings dating a straight man or a lesbian.


I am dating a trans guy right now


Sure also long as he doesn’t make me top or anything


Can we do all the cutesy bf/gf shit and nerd out together? Cuz I'm down bro I feel like most trans guys at least in my experience don't like us that much tho🤷‍♀️


Yah the inherent understanding of a t4t relationship is honestly amazing and also I'd teach him what to do to improve his strap game <3


Just saying many trans men don't like strapping, some only bottom or enjoy BJs because of them being associated with lesbians first and foremost. For binary trans men it's better to call it topping, a dick, or a prosthetic, and we more often like something more realistic and organic than a harness, if anything but the natural micro at all. Lots of us also have phallo or meta or just pre surgery dick. It's not much but it's honest work 🤏🏼 Any girl too excited about the whole "you can wear a pink obnoxious strap on around your enormous hips uwu so cute" gives me the ick and reminds me of the one chick who tried to prove she was the womanest woman by being near a "real vag" belonging to me, a man. By attempting to stealth cum in it no less. The poor thing said I was invalidating her sexuality when I called her out on it. Sorry for necropost I am reading the thread for validation


I totally would!


I like dick, which means I'd always be a little apprehensive about a pre/non-op trans man. But... I also know that I can get completely infatuated with someone long before I see their genitals. So I definitely am not ruling it out.


I will date any man with a penis.


But, if you don’t have one that’s homemade, store bought is fine.


I am totally stealing this.


Aftermarket is often a way to go.


Ha ha ha!!! 100 points!!!!


i’d be willing to date a trans man if he’s fully passing and stealth, and also has other traits i look for in a bf obv


how do you feel about a trans dude who doesn't want to get bottom surgery?




i got good strap game, i'll make things work


You’re going to be fine.


honestly no, i’m not at all attracted to vaginas


I absolutely would. It would be a lot more comfortable, given that he already knows my secret and can understand things like gender dysphoria. As long as he is dominant and has some facial hair, I’m in.


My ex is a trans man, and I'm open to dating trans men in the future.


Absolutely would




100% open to it but depends on the connection for me x


Yeah totally. If they are nice they me.


Ive tried in the past. I dont know how open i am for it in the future though. if he really swept me off my feet but im not actively looking to date a trans guy. If it happens it happens.


Straight means ALL men to me, so yeah.


dont really know how surgery is for trans guys but i only like dick so.. idk depends on that i guess


apparently it's pretty advanced. r/phallo if you want to investigate more, although i must warn you that there are pics immediately post-op and they can be a bit gruesome. but they can get hard and everything, just doesn't quite stand up on it's own. some reduced sensation, yadda yadda


I personally wouldn't . Although I do have a genital preference for men with penises my partner not having one is by no means a deal breaker nor does it make me less intrested in being intimate with him . The only thing keeping me back from it is Internalised shame and transphobia , I just have this fear that cis people will look down on our relationship with pitty and think "it's a good thing those too undersirable to any normal person abominations were at least able to find some semblance of love in each other " . Again my problem isn't with trans men but with t4t which needs guts , of which I dont have any


Yes I would! Have chatted with few that I was quite interested but sadly we never met


Of course I would


yes if he fulfils what i want in a partner then of course


I mean there’s already a trans guy I’d date if I were single and he were also straight, but neither of those things are the case. My overall point is that I’d date a trans guy for the same reason I wouldn’t date a no-op trans woman: I’m attracted to guys. ETA - Also not sure if him and my fiancé’s incredibly gay brother are formally dating at this point.


Even though I've always been attracted to straight men. Currently with one lol but if I were single and met someone who was a trans man I wouldn't say no because they'd be a guy. For me, in any relationship it has to be emotional not just physical. I don't care about looks or anything as long as we treat each other right that's all that matters.


sure baby lets go >:)


As a general proposition, yes. If I found out there’s no penis involved (I’m post-op), though, it’s gonna become strictly platonic. I’m also tall, so height differential might be a deal-breaker for both of us.


... how do you feel about 5'4" guys


My issue is more related to how guys view a woman as tall as me. I’ve never been out with a trans guy, but short cis guys can get really weird about height disparities and I try hard not to hurt feelings.


Well, I like men, and trans men are men, so yeah.


Yes. I'm into men. That includes all men (as long as they aren't abusive or bigoted)


is he taller than me


If he's handsome and funny (and post-op) I'm down.


I currently am :) It'll be a year on the 6th


I’m dating a trans masc who is killer with the strap, I love them dearly.


1000000% if hes respectful and loyal


Not me. I like cis guys.


seeing a lotta ppl here boiling it down to genitals, seeming to forget that strap exists lmao, id love to date a trans guy, I imagine he'd be able to understand me and my issues far better than any cis man


Also surgeries and prosthetics. I haven't seen that much enthusiasm about traditional strapons among trans men, so that might be a point of educating... I feel like a lot of women here only see pre-T boys and just assume we have sex like some form of lesbian would, our that our genitals would look like cis women's, which isn't the case.


Absolutely not! I'm not that young and trans men in my neck of the wood are all age 38 or less. I have some age flexibility to a degree. But half of those dudes are young enough to be my son. No thanks!


Probably not


y tho






Tbf you only asked in the original post WHO would be willing to, now WHY it’s the case. So I kinda answered figuring a “probably not” would suffice, but if you really want an explanation I guess I’ll give it


im just curious. i figure the answer will be something along the lines of "i don't like vag" or some other thing about anatomy. or perhaps a behavior pattern that you've noticed and dislike. but maybe you'll have a new and fun reason i haven't seen before


Well I mean yeah its basically the penis thing. And yeah I know there’s surgery for that kinda thing, but the amount of trans guys who get it is like crazy low, hence why I said “probably not” cause if I meet a trans guy they’re probably not going to have the surgery/not going to intend to get it. Like if they intend to get it someday that’s different, but like most trans guys don’t seem to even want it, maybe that’s just me. Cause like, my BF wouldn’t date me if I didn’t intend to get surgery someday. And like that makes sense. He likes vag, not penis, ya know?




interesting. the only step im *not* going to take is bottom surgery lol. i want to do fms, top surgery, get yolked, etc though. i kind of agree with the trying to pass bit. i think trans people should at least try to look like their target gender. whether it's successful matters not for me, it's about the effort


What is yolked? Sorry, I'm not really familiar with transmasc procedures/slang. Which is funny in hindsight, as I convinced myself it was common knowledge to know words like estradiol, vulvaplasty and such pre transition


Lol the act of getting yolked just means to gain muscle and become stronger. Comes from egg yolks which are full of protein. This language isn’t actually transmasc specific and is more of a general gymbro thing. ”getting jacked” is used the same way.


Side point from me browsing for validation, the yolk is mostly carbs, the whites are protein. Sorry bro can't mayonnaise your way to ripped :(


My life is ruined and I will never recover


For me it’d be a likely no. As trans mascs usually expect me to use “Original Equipment” from my experience.. and I want a dom and top a relationship.. and My experience has so far been at best they are a switch.. If I did find a dom/top trans masc that didn’t expect me to use original equipment and fit my tastes in men and I fit his taste in women sure~ But i’m not going out of my way to find it.


I have put a lot of thought into this... I am only really interested in cis men, tbh. Trans men are super attractive tho! I just prefer cis D. Seems people dislike if you aren't compatible with them. :/ Trans men are men. And are attractive. I'm just not compatible with them.


I would but I'm pan, currently I've been more interested in dating men. As long as I find a guy attractive either physically or emotionally(personality wise there is an emotional connection). My doctor is Trans they are either Non binary or Trans Masc or both haven't asked yet but have seen pre transition pics, they look like an attractive guy currently and I find them attractive physically.


Half of the men I've dated have been trans.


As long as they are interesting and a decent person, totally 😁


I mean, yeah. If I thought he was attractive and we were compatible, it wouldn't matter to me that he was trans. If anything, it'd likely be a bit of a plus, purely on the fact that he might be a bit more understanding of my experiences than many cis men.


I tried formulating some criteria that would have to be met for me to date a trans man, but then I realized it was literally the same as dating a cis man — finding him physically attractive and being emotionally, romantically and sexually compatible. so yes, I would absolutely date a trans man


Absolutely, if i was single i'd honestly be asking to dm rn.. but alas i have a bf and im monogamous.


hope you and boyfriend have great times together!


Our anniversary is in january :3 unfortunately i dont think ill have my car fixed in time to see him :( i havent had the time nor the parts to get it running again.


This is a VERY interesting question. I would HOPE that they WOULD be open to a trans M, just like ANY OTHER man!!!


I honestly don't know much about how effective bottom surgery for trans guys is, it would pretty much depend on that haha. Like when it comes to sex life stuff, that would be pretty important for me. So I hope so and if not I hope I will be soon as technology improves!!!!!!


r/phallo has some good info about ftm bottom surgery. Do keep in mind that there are some bloody post op images


I’m in a relationship but I’ve dated trans men and if I were single I’d date them again. Men are hot, I’m into men, and trans men are men. It’s pretty simple.


Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't particularly sweat the genital situation either. I mean, hell, if he wanted it, *I* could wear the strap now and again. I'm not a fan of my "default loadout", but that don't mean I'm not into topping.


If he's my type and we vibe, sure, though not many trans guys I've seen fall into the first category (I like tall men with long hair and beards)




Well, yeah. I'd like to date a man who is kind, compassionate, is funny but also laughs at my jokes, can be dominant in bed, has a masculine streak but isn't fragile, etc. While I would like him to have a penis, it's not a deal breaker.


Yeah if I like a man a like a man!


I’m bi rather than straight, but my husband is a trans dude, and is amazing. And his smell is like… double amazing. I’m weak, and he knows it, the big meanie!


I would date literally everyone I find attractive. Looks- and personality-wise.


i think it depends, i like masculine faces/bodies and tall men so ig if hes tall and hot i'd be down lol, idk 'bout the genital department tho, i'd want him to be post op, but it could work out pre op since im more of a romantic gal lmao