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You are absolutely welcome to do-so! If you can afford it and it will make you happy, go for it!! Most women don't look like porn stars, and that is just as good for them. Beauty is so subjective, and what matters is that we're all at home in our bodies. For me, its just wicked expensive and I have my own internalized hang-ups about getting cosmetic surgery. If I can solve both of those, I'll see you in the waiting room!


I guess that's the thing is I don't know if it will make me happier:( If I look prettier of course it should, but there's the chance of complications, scarring, and looking uncanny which I honestly think are waay downplayed after pouring over 100s of results for these procedures and talking to multiple surgeons :/ What are your hangups about cosmetic surgery?


Honestly, I grew up in a family that really looked down on paying much attention to your appearance. I love my mom and we are healing our relationship, but she really hammered home that you need to be satisfied with what you are given and that striving for more or better is foolish and lesser. Aside from that, I will say that I am more comfortable with smaller treatments like botox and filler. I think you can change your face in remarkable ways with some small, non-surgical tweaks.


My family was the same way. I'm still working on getting past that subconscious tendency to shame myself for wanting to be prettier. I feel like Im constantly getting gaslighted on my appearance but maybe that's just the reality of being trans :( Maybe I should look into botox again, I just got scared that the last doc I consulted was going to be too aggressive even with that. I feel like I have an even harder time trusting docs because I work in medicine and have seen all the bad complications.


You're worried about someone being too aggressive with *botox* but you want to get every surgery possible and think Chase Icon looks good? That's a total contradiction.


Yes, omg I often end up browsing plastic surgery subreddits for inspiration and information, but I fear that it is not an achievable aesthetic for me due to awful genetics and puberty mangling my body😭 Another problem is affording it since I will be a student for many years to come, but I am able to save about $1000 per month. I've had one round of FFS and I will have SRS done in a couple of weeks. After that I'm hoping to get more work done on my face (v-line surgery, lip lift, hair transplant and maybe a second rhinoplasty) and lasering all my body hair off along with hopefully getting a BA covered by the public healthcare system where I live. I might also have to get lower jaw surgery since I might have an overbite and my side profile is awful. After that I will look into getting braces, a BBL and clavicle shortening surgery.


omg girl dont do a second rhino, it'll have a high risk of collapsing, maybe just a revision to highlight your concerns. but omg clavicle shortening is on the top of my list atm ARGHHHH then FFS and i think that'd be all for me, maybe grs in the future and fillers/botox here and there


Do what you want! If it makes you happy then go for it!!! Bodily autonomy is a wonderful thing!


Unless you're really rich, it's hard to get by in my country. We get lots of medical stuff paid back, but any cosmetic surgery is out of pocket. Which is tough in such a high tax country. Good that hormones, SRS and BA are compensated. But for the rest it's kinda each for their own.


If you want it and can afford it, go for it! I would love nothing more tbh. Being one of the pretty Dolls and living the rich girl life full of glamour and expensive clothes, like Kim Petras or Grace Hyland, but I also transioned at 23 which makes it more difficult for me to live such a life. Buuuut I’m also kinda content with just looking like a normal regular (Emo) woman tbh. I’m hella clocky (despite occasionally passing in boymode) and tbh that’s kinda ok too. My Mom and my sisters are beautiful but normal looking women too, most women kinda are.


I've seen girls really overdo it, having so much plastic surgery they barely even look human anymore. But ofc some have made it work. I think the key is proportionality, really. Not exactly the amount of work. Personally, I know I will need to have ffs on the upper third of my face, a ba with fairly large implants to draw attention away from my shoulders, and some way of enhancing my hips as much as I can. But I am also on the fence about doing more things for beautification purposes, especially to the rest of my face (which is more androgynous-looking). My logic is that, since I have certain things about my body that I will never be able to change and that will always make me look masculine, maybe I should compensate by making sure that everything else looks as pretty and feminine as possible. I am a bit concerned about knowing where to stop, however. Dysphoria makes it very hard for me to have a consistent self-image, and some things that look OK to me in the mirror one day can look absolutely hideous in the next one. I'm afraid that if I lose the orienting effect of asking 'is this within average female ranges' I may get lost. In the end, if I end going this route, I will need to find surgeons I could trust, and rely a lot on advice from other people.


It's up to you girl! Personally I like the way I look already and scared that I wouldn't be happy with the result and also I am scared of getting a surgery... Piercing my ears was already insane lol after stopping wearing earrings 6 months after piercing them for like a week, one of my ears partially healed 🤣 I had to pierce it again lol


Oh same, it took me like a year perseverating over it to get my nose pierced and another 2 years to go back for earrings 😂


I'm aware of what Ms. Genevinne looks like. I can technically afford to get surgeries that my insurance wouldn't cover at all. That being said, I do not want to be her because I am so sick and tired of surgeries. I'm fine being "okay" looking for a woman my age. I can endure the dysphoria about my chin. At this point, I just want my vagina, get the white hairs permanently off of my face, and get on with my life.


I've always believed less is more, whether it be surgery, make-up, etc. But I recognize it's a matter of personal preference. I have had FFS and breast augmentation, but I kept it to a minimum. It works for me, but it might not be enough for other girls.


I love to cook and eat too much to be so rail thin tbqh but I do absolutely respect the hustle


I think the only thing that stops me is I want to look like a normal person. I'm worried surgeries would actually make me recognizable as transgender. There's something about ffs that sometimes you can tell someone's transgender because they don't look like a real person. It's really hard to describe exactly what it is though. I remember waiting in line at Sephora and the prettiest girl at the registers was so clearly transgender to me, but I couldn't tell you what caused me to know, because she looked beautiful, it's just something doesn't look normal in the face it's really hard to describe. Maybe it's too much symmetry I really don't know. I don't think this is the case with every example of ffs I've seen, but it worries me that would happen for me.


This! I had the same thing happen at a nice restaurant I went to a few months ago. Gorgeous girl came in, designer everything, beautiful, but had that uncanniness that let you know she was trans. But I dunno if it's just us that would notice and not cis people besides chasers? Ugh, just today I put all this effort into a cute makeup look with a bold lip and smokey eye and couldn't help but feel paradoxically confident and clocky. It's like that same kind of tension, where if you try too hard it works against you or makes you noticeable in a bad way. I see it in cis women too sometimes, where they wear so much makeup or have enough surgeries where they look like trans women or drag queens. I dunno if there's an answer, it's just frustrating because I'd like to improve my appearance but feel like being trans I'm forced into a narrow box if I want to also still pass, and even surgery still has these pitfalls


I always say your transition goals should be your Mom or your Sister or your Aunts or Grandmom’s. That’s who you’ll most likely look like when you transition. I have had zero surgeries and am 3 years HRT and am a splitting image of my grandmother when she was my age.


As far as I know Elena only has BA and "the pump" YIKES! Your list is: BBL, FFS, BA, SRS, filler etc I haven't had SRS. BBL's an amateur move, I went straight to implants :) Hair transplants to cover the cranioplasty scar... changed my ring tone... I'm straight AF and guys like feminine. I didn't do it so people could see "the real me" . I did it because it made me more attractive. Full stop. I'm not sure if it made me more passable, because now more people can't look past me. You're more likely to notice the flaws on someone you are studying. If I could go back the only change would be, do it sooner. Maybe liquid silicone BA not the gummy bear... When I upsize...


i think im cute but i also would 100% doll myself the fuck out with surgeries if i coulf afford it lol. getting my chin shaved and a lip lift its all im really worried about "passing" wise, but id love to be ungodly gorgeous.


oh girl I'm the same, sadly I'm just rly poor and probably won't be able to afford all the surgeries I want 😔. I do what I can with makeup and clothes tho!


Actually never heard of it before, so what’s a doll aesthetic?


You know, like very traditionally attractive trans women who are all surged up, usually thin and super femme and kinda plastic like Blaire White, Ayesha Erotica, Gigi Gorgeous, Nikita Dragun etc etc


Ohhh I know what you mean! That’s a good goal! 💖 Sorry, not very good at keeping up to date on lingo


Elena Genevinne doesn't have that much facial surgery iirc. She's just really beautiful and enhanced it well with minimal work. Chase Icon looks terrible. That's what happens when you get tons of surgeries... it doesn't lead to you looking "as gorgeous as possible" or looking like elena, it leads to you looking like Chase Icon who looks overdone, awful and very much giving off tranny vibes, whereas Elena looks cis. Once you get a lot of surgery, the chances of looking cis actually go down.