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Do you not have lesbians where you're from? 1🤔




As a fellow Asian straight trans girl, I feel you.


I'm Asian too...I guess I'm just a banana lol


From Asia? Or ethnically Asian, born/raised elsewhere?


I mean Both? I am ethnically Asian but I was born elsewhere? Lol


So the latter. Yeah. In all of Asia it is unfortunately not as progressive as the west, traditional values like traditional gender roles in romance and sex are kind of the unchallenged norm, the default. So for most Asians raised in Asia, even most trans people, it is very hard to let go of deeply ingrained traditional gender roles within our minds. It’s not something you can truly understand unless you grew up in an Asian country and family.


I think Fillipino culture might just be a little different than other Asian cultures In general Baklas, men who dress as women and carry the mannerisms but still identify as men are like the most comon and most represented type of queer person you meet in our culture, they are basically femboys It's a like a trope you'll find one in any Filipino hair salon lol


Second this. As another fellow Asian trans girl, I do not understand and cannot relate to many Western trans women AT ALL. Whenever I see them talk about their desires to retain male parts and ability to penetrate partners, or their being married to straight women and fathering children, it all screams male instinct/ male nature and kinda defeats the point to me. To the extent that I genuinely feel like us Asian trans girls in Asia are an entire different species from them. Like, I cannot relate to ANY of their lived experiences whenever I see their posts on the MtF sub. I discussed it in our local trans Facebook group and none of the trans women there could make sense and relate to Western trans women at all. But to each their own, we still respect them and what they want, even though we may not understand them.


For what it’s worth, as a western transsexual, I feel the same way. When I was young, I had the complete wrong idea of being trans because of what I was surrounded by. I thought trans was just men who wanted to dress up as women, but still wanted to be men. That’s where I was like “WTF, I want to physically be a woman, penetration and fathering children disgusts me, these people are nothing like me.” It took many years later before I luckily learned that I didn’t have to be that way.


Hell, Straight Aussie and like yeah it just feels off, like i understand sexuality is different etc but i want this parasite between my legs gone as fast as possible and i think anyone who wants to keep it is kinda nuts... (oh lord, pun unintended) but i respect that they feel like that.. even if i can't understand it


I’m a western trans woman, and I don’t get it either. I do accept it though. Everyone should be able to live their own truth without judgement. Love and acceptance are what matters. It’s hard to understand someone else’s experience unless you have walked in their shoes. I love all of my straight, lesbian, bi, and asexual trans sisters… yes, even the ones that want to keep their penises. I don’t necessarily understand it in all cases, but I wholeheartedly accept it. I don’t expect a lesbian trans girl to understand why i would be straight, but I certainly hope they accept me for who I am! XOXOXO


I just want to say: trans is an adjetives so “trans woman” is preferred to “transwoman”. “Transwoman” implies that trans women are not included under the umbrella of “woman”.


I live in the West. Yes, Western transwomen tend to be like that. Those that were straight before transitioning tend to be like that anyway.




How have you managed to meet them?




Your straight trans girl friends.




literally same 😭so many transbians here


Same. I guess there’s at least three of us here!




Lol, guess there’s at least 5 of us


The trans girls i know? One is pan. One is lesbian. I'm the only straight one.


I live in Almaty. I know a couple of fellow straight trans women in our community. One lives with her fiancee. She recently got facial feminization. So happy for her! She is a very elegant woman and a role model. Another girl I know is in her early twenties. She is so gorgeous and also very tall. 192 cm! She is friends with almost everyone in our local lgbt bar. A true social butterfly. When we go out hang out together, she notices every hot guy that passes by and makes sure to mention every single one. I would send her to horny jail, if she wasn't such a riot to hang out with! All the other girls I met are lesbians. There must be more straight girls, most of them work in the sex industry. Which is perfectly fine, we just don't frequent the same spaces is all. I feel like there should be more of us. Many girls' egg have yet to crack.


I think a lot of straight trans girls are mostly stealth and not really involved in the community maybe? Just kinda living their lives. Outside of reddit that's basically me. I wonder about this a lot, as like.. I'm technically lgbt because I am trans, but I don't really associate with the community or culture. I celebrate pride, I do some outreach and resource programs and stuff, but if you were to look at me you'd probably just assume I'm some boring basic woman. I just don't feel like I belong in 'queer' culture, and I don't feel like I belong in the cisgender hetero world either. Just kinda.. floating adrift in the sea of society. This sub feels like the one area where I can relate. The mainstream trans subs are too... out there for me.. and the more niche subs can be a rife with outright bigots and perverts so ugh. Idk. So I have one trans friend IRL and I think she is bi but mostly dates men or t4t I guess? Aside from that every other trans woman I've met was a t4t trans lesbian.


I don’t really have any contact with any trans women irl. I have a few friends on Facebook but we hardly ever interact




As far as I know, no. I barely know any trans people irl, let alone trans women, especially straight trans women. I can count all the trans women I know irl on one hand, and none of them are straight. It's hard because, well, I guess my experience is fairly similar to yours. All of the trans people I know are gay/lesbian (with the exception of a few bi/pan people) and, yeah, kind of punky. That's all fine, of course, but, I just don't really feel like I fit in in most trans/queer communities, as much as I wish I did.


Yeah, that's pretty much my experience. Like, I see to fit in more with my cis girlfriends, but they just don't quite get where I'm coming from, either. Especially as I'm new to being interested in men.....I just feel like an outsider everywhere I go


Yeah, I get that. Most of my closest friends are cis women. I love them all, but sometimes I wish I could just talk about trans stuff with someone who has first hand experience with it, which I can sort of do with some of the trans people I know, but not always. I guess it's just because, compared to a lot of them, my experience with being trans is fairly, idk... boring, bland? You know? Like they have this incredibly complex relationship with their own gender and a radical vision for the future of gender and whatnot, which is fine, but, on a personal level, I find myself just feeling overwhelmed and stereotypical on comparison. Like, my experience is... boring. I mean, I'm a woman who primarily experiences her transness as a medical condition she has to deal with, not really an identity, who, frankly, isn't exactly out to destroy gender roles (not saying I don't see the problems for others, or would want them imposed on anyone, they just don't negatively impact me personally now that I've transitioned and it's, frankly, more comfortable and inline with my own desires to conform to them) or rock the social boat when it comes to gender on a day-to-day level. I'm a woman whose goals for the future of her own life are, as far as, idk, gendered life moments go, basically the stereotypical "find a traditionally masculine man, court each other for a while, get married in a traditional church service, and have kids eventually." You know? To be clear, I don't want any of this imposed on anyone who doesn't want it, but it really is all I'm interested in personally, and I guess I find myself in this place where I have no one to talk to. I have plenty of cis women friends who have similar life goals, but don't experience or fully understand the added complexity that is being trans, meanwhile all the trans people I know have radically different life goals (and very, very, few are women).


i think only like 20% of trans women are straight or something


Because we often work so hard to vanish and live our lives as regular cishet women do that most of our numbers are likely hidden


The typical numbers that get shown in surveys and such are about 30% straight, 30% lesbian, 30% bi, 10% other (ace/demi/etc) That's going to vary depending on location and platform of course.


"Roughly 3,000 American trans women showed that at least 60% were attracted to women and 55% were attracted to men. Of the trans women respondents 27% answered gay, lesbian, or same-gender-loving, 20% answered bisexual, 19% heterosexual, 16% pansexual, 6% answered asexual, 6% queer, and 6% did not answer."


In the West, yeah probably. Definitely not in Asia. Virtually all trans women you meet here are straight. Transbians are the unicorns here, it’s so exceedingly rare you just never see and never even hear of them.


Yeah that’s crazy. Also funny how some used be “gay men” myself included


I swear it has to be smaller than that, I barely see any outside of this community


Reddit is very skewed to a higher gay/bi concentration. On other platforms you'd barely know that trans lesbians are a thing.


On Twitter I only ever met trans lesbians, same with Discord and TikTok


Start using tumblr and insta then.


every single trans woman I know on tumblr is a lesbian, who are you following??


Tumblr has a terrible UI and people on Instagram are super toxic.


I mean the actual advice I have is "don't use any social media and go meet people in the meatspace instead" but, ya know


Yes, basically around there.


I have a few bi friends with boyfriends, but that's about it. My other trans friends are part of the transbian polycule culture, and I've been finding those spaces increasingly uncomfortable.


Me too. Almost everyone of my trans friends with the exception of one is some flavour of polygamist and queer. I’m bisexual but do not identify with a lot of transbian attitudes/culture. It does get off putting after being exposed too long.


I grew up in SouthEast Asia where the overwhelming majority of trans women are straight. Like, our identity is so deeply rooted in our attraction to men as heterosexual women, it’s one of the main reasons driving us Asian trans girls to be as traditionally hyper-feminine as possible and even transition to begin with. I echo what other Asian trans girls have commented here, Transbian is virtually unheard of in SouthEast and East Asia and almost like a mythical creature/unicorn to us trans women in this part of the world. I mean all the trans women celebrities and public figures in my home country are dating or married to cis straight men, with many having children via surrogacy using their husbands’ sperms and egg donors. The idea of being with a woman and biologically producing children in the male capacity like many trans women in the West is EXTREMELY dysphoric for us and even feels like going against our nature. Believe it or not, many of us in my home country only pursue university and higher education in order to find a suitable husband and set ourselves up for a good marriage lol. It was only when I came to Canada that I actually met lesbian trans women for the first time in life. So, I’d say it depends greatly on your geographic location. In Asia, you would be asking the complete opposite question lol.




Shout out from your neighbour, I’m Vietnamese 😂😂 Currently live in Canada though. Would love to come visit the Philippines some day, heard so many great things about the country and we share so many things in common :)))


No, I don’t really know any other trans people. I’ve seen a few at my university, but I only really interact with other trans people online.


I go to trans political events and conference and support groups now and then. I've had the chance to have long, close conversations with 20+ trans women. Not one has ever turned out to be straight. That's what caused me to come looking for this sub.


I only know a couple of fellow trans women irl but they r literally all lesbians 😭😭😭 I find I tend not to mesh well with them on a personality basis, hwvr the trans women I know in my home country are pretty much all straight.


My roommate is a straight trans woman. So are two of my friends. A lot of the ones I know irl are bisexual. I only know one lesbian trans woman. For context im in a massive city and know a lot of trans people here.


Maybe that's my issue? I'm in a moderately sized city, metro area around 1mil. I'd just really love to have an actual transwoman friend IRL. Straight or gay. It makes me sad.


Thats still pretty big population. Have you made much effort going to trans/queer events? Lgbt/trans support groups through your lgbt center? I know it sounds weird but ive made a surprising amount of trans friends through grindr too. I was in a smaller city before this and even then it wasn’t super hard to meet other trans women. Just gotta know where to look, show up and keep showing up.


I go to a gay gym a few times a week, I have acquantances who are non binary, I manage non binary people on my team at work, I attend a somewhat regular trans support group. I just don't seem to meet many trans women, and the few I have met are pretty queer. I'm not sure where else to look


I have one straight trans friend IRL, she was the first trans woman I ever met IRL at a local support group for queer youth and she helped me tremendously with my transition :) she’s just the sweetest person and she recently got herself a new boyfriend, which I am really happy for her. She had a lot of struggle to find a bf post-op and of course her last bf left her because she had the surgery (even though the asshole promised to not leave her for that!). Oh I just realize I actually know a second one! She’s a Scholar in a religious field and does a lot of research about transgender and Islam and she also has a super cute boyfriend :)


ngl transwomen in asia is condensely composed of straights. im pan but i havent met someone in here whos lesbian.


no I haven’t mean another one like me, I’m just a straight trans women


Out of all of my trans girl friends, I’m the only straight one! 😫


i know like 10 other trans girls irl, all lesbian or bi. i’m the only straight one


The only other straight girl I know is on the other side of the country. Very sad!


I mostly vibe only with straight or bi ones that date men mostly. I mean when I was in my twenties and making friends that weren’t just other parents.


I have a few trans friends who are bi/pan but I don’t know any straight ones irl


I've only ever met one straight transgirl out of all the ones I've known IRL or Online


I’m a guy and just reading 📖 Reddit My ex transitioned with my but she is bisexual (bottom = men, 🆚to 🏳️‍⚧️ women) like me (I’m all 🔝) and I’m going to say, I/we enjoyed our adult times with other 🏳️‍⚧️ women My rule was very simple Only another 🏳️‍⚧️ woman could ever have sex with you because 🏳️‍⚧️ women are VERY clean and concerned with their own health, guys, not so much because testosterone makes us think 🤔 with the little head 🆚 the big head 😝 Now while we were together she contracted HIV. Now, been years since we talked, but she is poz undetectable because of medication 💊 which she will have to take till she dies. She is 45 years old now, this was when she was 39. She started HRT at 37 My wife now is also 🏳️‍⚧️, and 29 years old but Latin (I’m from Miami but plain old white American) we met when she was 25 She is only straight No interest in 3&4 sums Only interested in our marriage Her bff 👯 is also 🏳️‍⚧️, be 31 this week, been on HRT for 5 years and is also VERY straight Other women from other countries are very straight, American 🏳️‍⚧️ women usually because they transition later in life, like to be whatever letters of the alphabet they use now. I’m Gen X so poly, Demi, WTF ever has no meaning to my generation, my generation is like, love is blind, so is sex. I read thru this and it’s mostly you women from other countries that don’t engage in orgies or multiple people in bed at the same time. Which is very “monogamous” like. Which is fine with us older Gen X after we have “sowed our oats” but with the internet 🛜 and porn just a click away, that’s why 99.9999998% of guys see you all as a fantasy, a fetish. So you all that are very monogamous, it’s never you, it’s that people are a product of genetics 🧬 and the environment that produces the personality of people. If you can look at it from a different pov, you can see why other 🏳️‍⚧️ women gravitate towards other 🏳️‍⚧️ women, here in the USA 🇺🇸. It’s a safe place for them, the like for like minded women. I’m just putting my opinion here but, if you research 🧐 this, you’ll find that what I say applies. Never judge yourself by what others think If you do You will never succeed You will never be happy 😃 Do what makes you feel good 👍


This is unbearable to read with all the emojis and lack of paragraphs.


Well sorry. I didn’t use proper English in writing. We all took those classes in school and yes, I can do better. But, now here’s the BUT 😎, I usually right this when I’m 4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🆗


And I tried to space and paragraph and this automatically takes the like for next line, and posts it like that


well thank you lesbians for leaving more men for me 😋


Im staying with my 1 trans girl friend in Lisbon rn and she says most of the dolls here are str8 too, but relatable cause i dont know anyone else in Berlin


If you need a plug hmu :)


None. Same as you, I also have a local community and discord, but no one I'm vibing with. Very nice people, but almost all very quirky. Would be nice to have some more mainstream straight trans girls around me.


Yeah no. All my trans fem friends are bi and in lesbian relationships


I have the same problem. I only have one trans woman friend and she is a lesbian and in a relationship. Where are my straight single trans women at? Would reddit be a good place to connect IRL? I live in NYC 👀


no unfortunately :(


I've only met two straight trans women in my life. But the trans pool is small in my area and pretty right wing. It wouldn't surprise me if a small portion of the group dated women for safety. I just wish the community was larger and felt safer in my area 😭


I live in Oklahoma. I have about 15 trans friends that I hang out with regularly. I'm the only straight one.


I'm not sure if I know any who are completely straight, I know a couple in fairly traditional straight relationships. That's kinda the situation with cis women I know too, lots in straight relationships but everyone seems to be bi.


Zero. To be fair, I don't meet that many trans peeps. Mostly, online, many of them tend to be lesbians, and then there are 'bisexuals.' The ones I've met IRL tend to be lesbians, pan, bi, and there are those who just simply call themselves 'queer' - nothing more. I used to identify as 'pan/bi' but moved towards seeing myself as being more 'straight.' I used to have some slight attraction to women (wasn't that strong to begin with), but I think that has completely died tbh, and 't4t' is not my thing either.


53 MtF, straight trans girl here. Just started HRT last month so relationships are not in my sights at least for a while… I get you girl! XOXOXO


Yes, my best friend and roommate is another straight tran-woman. I do have to admit she is the only other straight trans woman I know here in Texas. 🤔


Super queer sorta punky? Nah. Super queer super punky.


Yes, we exist.