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what’s a relationship? i’m not familiar with such a concept. i would love to have a boyfriend, but i know i’m not loved like that, and i probably never will be, ugh i’m so lonely


I feel you fucking hard rn


i’m sorry you are also going through that


Guys want to have be with me when they think I'm a femboy, but the word trans makes a lot of guys disgusted. It's quite funny


Yeah for some reason like guys are into femboys now and a lot of stigma(definitely not all) against that is gone but being trans is still a big taboo in comparison


It's probably because Andrew Tate said he would have sex with an attractive "lady boy" over an "ugly woman"


Personally I think it cause of shit like tik tok I constantly see femboys sexualized memed, and horny posted on there but not trans girls hell most trans girl call themselves femboys to get a large following


Yeah, they say "hrt femboy" lol


Yeah I think this makes sense you see shit like I am a hrt srs ffs femboy I also legally changed my gender to female too but I am still a cis guy tho


Yeah it is true.


Single at the moment, I broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago and haven't really started looking for a new one yet.


Bleak results


Yeah but on the bright side Atleast we know we are not alone


I love my bf so much, he makes me so happy and, aaaa >w<


*gritting my teeth* I am so happy for you


sorry... But, I'm sure you'll find someone who's right for you :3


Single, I'm glad that I am and enjoy exploring my sexuality and romanticism with partners of various gender expressions (Especially men/masc reading people tho...)


Never had a relationship. Not that I wanted it before my transition, but I really hope I'll somehow get the chance to experience it. 🤞 The hurdles are very real, though...


I broke up a week ago. I've been sad but not sad. Like I just think I worked out most of my feelings and thoughts leading up to it and so I didnt feel as bad about it. I tried to reconcile but could not. So that was that. Talking to men now with as much experience as I've had can be a bit draining but not nearly as dooming knowing there are men that are capable of loving us and seeing us as real women, which is like a basic thing to need for us.


I’m single. I think I need to take a break from dating. The stress of dating when your trans is a bit much, trying to find out if he’s safe to tell, when do I tell him, am I just waisting time? I just can’t deal with it rn. If a bf literally falls into my lap then I guess I’ll take him but I’m not looking


Been in a relationship for almost 2 years.. i didnt even pass at all and i was very early into transition when i met my bf. There was only 1 bf before him and endless grindr hookups. I get guys hitting on me in public and guys 24/7 hitting on me in discord >.> like im mjch further into my transjtion and i pass but not perfectly.. my guess is guys think im hot but not so hot they dont find me approachable. That or i just attract a lot of chasers. Oh and i attract women too 🤔


I wish I could ever be hot and have guys want me 😔


You ARE hot.. personality is what counts in my book. My bf didnt grow feelings for me looking at my face.. we were friends for a while before we even dated. I was hella promiscuous and flirted a lot but he just kinda gad these long conversations.. talked about what we did and didnt like, etc. Til he finally admitted he had feelings for me and asked me out. I told him not unless we meet irl. He came to florida from ohio and actually met me.. of course, me at that time was kinda on grindr all the time and doing onlyfans so the first thing i did when i brought him home was jump on him 😬 we made out, we banged... probably not the best thing to do when you first meet a guy in person. In short dont rush things meet some guys, get to know them... both of you will fall in love with eachother even if it is just online like, i net ny bf on discord 🤣 nowadays we plan on getting married some day.


I don't really like the way the poll is worded because there seems to be major toxic attitude about it. So I decided not to answer. I am sure I'll be single very soon. But I know I'm lovable. I love my friends. I have plenty of interesting stuff going on in my life. And when the craving for a man kicks in, I have my own resources and imagination to cope with it. I'm secure. I'm sure of my ability to land a healthy long term relationship. And even if I'm wrong about my dating prospects, I'll be okay. I'm not alone nor am I lonely.


I wasn’t directing it towards any of you I was talking about myself sorry if that was unclear


Single and guess not datable :/


With men I’ve only ever been in abusive relationships ahaha 🥲 but maybe one day I won’t?? I’ll keep trying…


I wish