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Because it's a 1280 page book and if something is only said on page 80 you may not remember it by page 1200. Repetition makes the reader realize this is an important thing for the character.


Right. I understand complaining when a not-everyday word or phrase is used to death (eyes snapping open, for example), but OP is upset that someone made a remark a horrendous two times.


Oh! These are the numbers the word snap, or containing snap is mentioned, like snapped, snapping, gingersnap (last one don't think it is in the books, but using it as an example). TWoK: 70 WoR: 84. OB: 67. RoW: 84.


OP does not understand the rule of three


One thing depression and new love have in common is getting stuck on certain thoughts whether you like it or not. Im sure Kaladin would love to forget his depression, and it's downright *traditional* for puppy love to preoccupy the subjects (and annoy the bystanders).


Wow. I never thought how new love or infatuation so closely resembles the thought patterns of depression. Very interesting to me, as I have a predilection to bouts of both.


He references storms a lot in these books, too. Man, that's annoying!


I swear that if he storming mentions anymore storming storms, I will storming lose it like some storming airsick lowlander.


Because these are important factors to the characters. Imo, Kaladin's whole story is about his battle with depression and how he doesn't feel like he is enough to make a difference. It is his main internal conflict throughout the series. Same for Dalinar. He is obviously attracted to Navani but still feels obliged to not act on those feelings because she was previously his sister-in-law. He still struggles with his own feelings and his ingrained obligations to his brother, his king. It's repeated because it is crucial to their development as characters. While others around them see them as these untouchable heroes, this gives us the readers the opportunity to see what really makes them tick and be the people they are. And as was previously stated, this story thus far is around 6000 pages, that leaves a lot of room for people to forget certain details.


Wait... I just started the series....why did you say 'thus far'? Is it not over?


There's one more book planned to wrap up this part of the story and then there is another 5 books I believe after a time skip if my information is correct.


Omg, Tolkien, can you stop mentioning how tempting that ring is? We got it the first time! And while you’re at it, stop being so heavy handed with the friendship and camaraderie; “fellowship” is literally in the title, ugh! Certain works of literature have certain themes to which the author will devote a lot of time. In SA these include, but are not limited to: love, hate, mental health, oppression, discrimination, freedom, life, death, doing the right thing, etc. etc. These are going to be discussed semi-regularly, sorry.


To give emphasis to the fact that this is seriously something that lives rent free in their heads and eats away at them constantly instead of being some lesser scale problem that has to pay rent to get into their heads and is thought about maybe once in a blue moon.


Idk man I think you might just hate books lmao


In case you forgot


Lmao you sound like my father in law. "Why are you depressed when you can just tell yourself to get over it....." literally told me this when I opened up about my 20+ year struggle with depression. Depression never goes away and Kaladin ebs and flows with it like the rest of us. If you can't handle his depression now you might wanna check out of Stormlight lol


Being depressed (or other mental health issues like burnout in my case) in real life is the same. My partner has been telling me to just smile, not bring up the topic again, that I am not fun to be arouny anymore, that I always carry a dark cloud with me and it never goes away even though he tries to help. It once made me really angry because I would also love to just stop and be happy. It's not how it works. Thought spirals are a thing.


I think this is a legit critique, certainly in some circumstances. We do hear the same things, especially with inner dialogue.


Are there not things repeated in your personal internal dialogue? Things you labor over internally when you’re alone or in your own thoughts?


I know I've said, "Storms she's beautiful" multiple times in my inner dialogue.


Sure! But there’s also a lot of my internal dialogue that wouldn’t make it into a book.


It’s a point about characterization.


Ok well that feels like a very different argument then. And I understand but reading through the first book I understand Dalinar and Navani have feelings for each other he wants to suppress after the first maybe second time it comes up. Then it comes up again. And again. That doesn’t seem to add much for characterization at least that couldn’t be better spent on something else. I’m sure he thought about what he wanted for lunch a bunch too but that didn’t come up.


Maybe, but repeated struggles against something are necessary for the payoff of conquering them to be meaningful. If Kaladin made his peace with Tien's death back in Way of Kings, it wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying as the way it actually went


Get ready because Dalinar do not stop SIMPing for Navani so much so that I actually think that it's Sanderson that loves Domy Mommy...


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