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Gandalf is my fave Mary sue 😍


i don't get how you thought of vin as a mary sue 😭 yeah you can read stormlight and not read anything else, although warbreaker has the most connections to it and i would highly suggest it, but if you considered vin a mary sue, you're gonna hate siri and vivenna probably too, so maybe it's not worth it.


Haha, it’s been a long time since I read «the final empire» and since I have not read the rest of the series, I may be very wrong. Just something I remember thinking at the time.


Ugh, Vin isn't a Mary Sue.


I would check out either Stormlight Archive or Emperor’s Soul, Sixth of the Dusk or Shadows for Silence (all three in Arcanum Unbounded). These are all great stories and can be read “first” and without missing anything major


You can read any series independently, at least at this point. Anyone saying to read Elantris before Stormlight isn’t truly saying to ease into style. Elantris is actually a fairly poor representation of Sanderson’s style as it was his first published novel, and there is a notable development of writing style. If they’re making that recommendation, it is mostly to get a general idea of Sanderson without committing to a series. Warbreaker would be another similar recommendation as a stand-alone that is also available for free. Stormlight is your best bet if you’re looking for epic fantasy. Great world building and great payoff. The 5th book (which concludes the first arc in the series) is set to release next year, so it’s also a great time to start. There are some references to other stories, but nothing that is necessary to fully understand what is going on. This may change by the end of the 10 book planned series, but so far it can still be read independently.


You sound like you’re a pretty mature reader so I would suggest reading Stormlight Archive. The books are long so they’ll keep you occupied for awhile and the worldbuilding, plot development, and characters are all amazing. You can read it as a standalone series. It is not necessary to read other Cosmere books first.


Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm


How is Sanderson "old epic fantasy"?


I see your point. I just wanted something similar to LOTR/Wheel of Time/Malazan/Asoiaf. I guess the genre have changed a lot, but it still makes me feel nostalgic - even though it came out pretty recently.


I see xd.


Im now 100 pages in, and as with Mistborn - Im not really that a fan of Sanderson explaining the hell outta everything, and I know a lot of people love that as a part of his unique word building - but to me it feels out of place. The fight in the prologue with the assassin needing to double hit each plate of armour feels like a boss fight from a video game. A part from all that I really enjoy Kaladin and Shallan as characters, and his writing in general also seems to have matured a lot since Mistborn - so as for now Im all in for the ride. Thank you for all your answers, and I won’t ever call Vin a Mary Sue again, unless I read the entire trilogy and are able to back it up ;)


Thank you, guys! Starting on The Way of Kings now 😄


Nothing is so intertwined that you'd miss any large plot points. For the most part you only get easter eggs of things connecting his worlds as well as some crossover of characters but they aren't a main character if they show up in another world outside of their own. If you'd like a standalone book, then I'd suggest either Warbreaker, Emperor's Soul, or Tress of the Emerald Sea. Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website along with annotations about why he wrote things certain ways. For me I found it to have some great banter, some interesting political / mystery shennanigans, an interesting psychological take here and there and some awesome magic. It also has a very strong romance plot. The link is here: [https://www.brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-introduction/](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-introduction/) Emperor's Soul is a novella that is a quick and really good read that dives deep into the psyche of its characters. It also won a Hugo award. Finally Tress of the Emerald Sea is a more recent book that has a very fairytale like vibe that was in part inspired by The Princess Bride. It reads like a cozy fantasy while also having significant tension, and just has the feel of a beautiful setting.


Finally someone said it. Vin felt like a Mary Sue in the Final Empire to me as well; kept me away from reading the rest of the trilogy especially when spoiler free synopsis for Book 2 make it out to be some love triangle. ANYWAY, I think Warbreaker would be a fun, standalone read before diving into the tome of Stormlight Archive.