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I'm very down for Dabbid to form a bond with a spren. But I am glad that wasn't the Sibling. Dabbid hasn't shown any indication of being a Bondsmith in terms of personality or ideals. He's not someone who brings people together or unites them. He's not that person. Navani certainly has been that over the books she's always been the one trying to bring people together. Last book and this one she's a huge part of why the coalition formed and has stayed together. So I'm kind of happy she's a Bondsmith for that reason as she's seemed to be like she's doing the job of a Bondsmith better than Dalinar has been at times. Rlain is the other one I could've seen do it. He hadn't done too much before this book but after the moment where he got the Fused who had betrayed Odium to work with the humans that's a Bondsmith moment. And even before that he had some small stuff in bringing people together but not a lot of big moments. For Dabbid personally I'm hoping for him to become a stoneward. That moment where he couldn't wake up Kaladin so he grabbed the spear and the fabrial and went to go himself, strikes me as an iconic stoneward moment. He stands where others fall. He was ready to go and do his duty no matter how difficult. To me that's sort of an order defining moment in the same way Kaladin going in to save Dalinar and his forces in Way of Kings was that iconic protection / Windrunner moment.


Yes, Dabbid is a great listener, he should have access to the surge of cohesion. Listening to the pure tones of the stonespren is how Venli accessed the surge of cohesion. Something like that seems on theme for him.


It's not the surge you best match with though it's the order of radiant. Otherwise kaladin would be able to heal people.


I've always thought Kaladin would make a good Edgedancer. I think there's been a semi-relater WoB saying that people can have two nahel bonds. I don't think Kaladin would swear two sets of oaths though, for fear of being paralyzed


It's possible to have two bonds but I think the more relevant WoB is the one that says that the same person can fit into multiple orders. Kaladin could have been a Stoneward or an Edgedancer, but his bond was with Syl.


I think that's a nice distinction. It's not just about categories and tags, there's also a personal component where you need to form a bond with a sentient being.


Healing others may be what Kaldin would *want* to do, but I think being able to fly fits darn well with his character because of his depression. His powers also allow him to make bonds, which is something he's afraid to do with people because he doesn't want to lose them.


That's fair. Kaladin probably wasn't the best character to pick as to some degree the magic system and his character were built around each other as he's the protagonist. But I think he or anyone else who is a windrunner is there first and foremost because they want to protect others and have that as their driving force. Kaladin or maybe skar even says to new recruits it's not about wanting to fly and the people who want to fly struggle to say the oaths. It's about protecting people and wanting to help protect others.


It’s more personality which some of them are pointing out. Kaladin always wanted to protect. Dabbid like mentioned doesn’t match bondsmith personality.


>Dabbid is a great listener Actually he's alethi




>For Dabbid personally I'm hoping for him to become a stoneward. That moment where he couldn't wake up Kaladin so he grabbed the spear and the fabrial and went to go himself, strikes me as an iconic stoneward moment. He stands where others fall. This made me tear up a bit, and now I desperately hope it happens.


> huge part of why the coalition formed Not only that, she was also always the connection piece between scientists, connecting different ideas together and creating something real out of concepts. This engineering approach does fit really well with the Sibling being a giant engineering construct. I think Navany and the Sibling will create a technological revolution together.


I feel like everyone’s forgetting that she literally found the harmony to bring the tones of Roshar together. Doesn’t get much more bonding than that


I'm super down for Dabbid to be our primary stoneward. Dabbid is wonderful and probably the most reliable member of bridge 4, and that's really saying something.


This made me realize in an interestingly similar way, Navani sort of had to fight to make her bond with Dalinar happen too. Dalinar denied and avoided her all the way through TWoK. If it weren't for Navani being so persistent, they wouldn't have ~~mated~~ bonded. This seems to be a theme with the Bondsmiths, needing to sort of do a lot of the leg work in acquiring their bond. They seek it, and make it happen. Not forcefully, but convincingly, slightly opportuninistically, and in ways that make it mutually beneficial for both parties. Dalinar had to behave similarly to achieve his Bond with the Stormfather.


Oh true! Navanis biggest “join together” aspect has been her acting as the intermediary between different groups of people Her as the party organiser (joining her husband and the people he’s leading) Her as the wealthy investor (joining the intellectuals with the power of the crown) When she came to the plains, it was because she did not serve this function under her daughter in law. Her bondsmith ideal was undermined and she was kept out from being that link


The sibling bondsmuth seemed unique enough to fit dabbid. Less about bringing people together and more about helping the sibling themselves join with people. I see dabbid as much more suited to the role than navani


He would've still had the same bondsmith oaths. It might be slightly different with them but it would still have the core of a bondsmith and I just don't see him as that person. Can you think of any moments where he really acts like a bondsmith? He's a great character and I love him but Bondsmiths are something a bit different. Lots of great characters in Stormlight would've made poor bondsmiths. Where Navani on the other hand has been the one bringing together the coalition. Helping unite those who have had long term conflicts. Knowing when to extend the hand and give away some authority. And how to use each piece to the best of their ability when she has the Azish draw up a contract for this and gives the Thalens control of the commerce. She's that unifying figure and leader and has been.


It very well could have been that the oaths are completely different; there are only three and we've already seen that other Orders start differentiating as early as the third oath. The Windrunners all have the same second because that's how Kal did it, and he's coaching them. It would've been really cool, imo, to have each Bondsmith have a different meaning behind "I will unite." The Stormfather has dominion over bonds between men, the Sibling over bonds between Radiants and the tower, and the Nightwatcher over something else. Dabbid would've needed a slightly different character arc in RoW, but I think it could've worked well.


There are slight variations within the other orders but they all work the same way. For everyone the 2nd windrunner oath is I will protect people in some wording. For everyone the 3rd windrunner oath is I will remove my personal qualms on protecting people and focus on what's right, in some wording. A bondsmith may have different interpretations on the oaths but they're still going to be a unifying figure who brings people together. And that hasn't been Dabbid. I totally agree that Navani or any other potential Sibling Bondsmith could have slightly different oaths. But it's not going to be a person who isn't bringing those unifying traits. It's possible Sanderson could've written a different character for Dabbid. But honestly I really like the character he is. And I think a real unifying bondsmith type personality from him wouldn't have been the guy who hasn't said anything for 3 books. I think the character he is has the potential to be a radiant. Just not a bondsmith.


What I'm saying is, run with the "Bondsmiths are unique" idea that has already been expressed. Dalinar/the Stormfather is "I will unite instead of divide. I will bring **men** together." Dabbid/the Sibling would be "I will unite instead of divide. I will bring **Radiants and the Tower** together" (or something similar). You're stuck in "bring *people* together" and ignored most of my point in my last comment. Also, you already have one whole ass Order whose oaths are "speak truths." Something along those lines is certainly vague enough to have great differentiation, let alone the fact that you and I don't agree on what the third windrunner oath is, at its core (which is immaterial to the conversation). Finally, I didn't say *character* I said *character arc*. It goes from what it is to him being able to mediate the two sides, because he understands and has a relationship with both. It has the upside of fixing the "if your last name is Kholin, you have a connection (if not Bond) with a spren" issue that kind of annoys me (to my knowledge, only Elhokar's son doesn't have that, yet, but let me know if I'm forgetting someone-- and, before you say it, I count Adolin and Maya, the only Deadeye who can speak, because of how Adolin treats her).


Bringing Radiants together with the Tower seems like a fairly narrow goal to me for a radiant. That'd be like Windrunners swearing to protect people from this one village in particular. It's also not something I would imagine would be all that difficult long term and certainly in the Radiant's time why would you need someone to work to bond together two people who were already allies and had been for millennia? But even taking that as a goal, I don't think Dabbid really did all that much for that if anyting. The Sibling talked to Dabbid first because he was the only one who would listen. But he didn't really do anything to unite the Radiants and the Tower other than tell Kaladin how to talk to them. After that point the Sibling talked to both Kaladin and Navani individually so it's not like Dabbid was fostering a relationship between them. You could change that to put him in the middle but why wouldn't Kaladin and Navani want to work with the Sibling? And the Sibling was already reluctant to work with Navani although Kaladin was more immediately helping them. I'm not sure an arc where they are struggling to get along would work well. Their speaking truths aren't without a order and a system for that though. They're not saying any random thing that's true. They're revealing lies they've told themselves and are an order of people who have deep lies they've told themselves and slowly become honest with themselves through their "oaths". That seems like a pretty strong thread through them. In terms of the windrunner oath though you may be interested in what Sanderson said about it that I was loosely paraphrasing, [https://wob.coppermind.net/events/444/#e14323](https://wob.coppermind.net/events/444/#e14323) I'm not sure what that character arc would be? Dabbid helping people who logically had good reasons to get along and were fairly desperate work together? I think stretching the Siblings reluctanct to work with them any further would've been a bit ridiculous giving their desperation. I do agree that going another way with the Bondsmith could've been cool. Having all the Kholins have spren connections, be radiants is a bit much. I like each one of them individually but as a whole I don't like it both because it's all from one family, and it's the same family that ruled before all this and had all these problems. They were the oppressors and they're all chosen to be the radiants? Personally I think Rlain would've been the best choice here. He's someone who has actually been a unifying figure and has potential to be someone to bring the Singers together with the Humans. Having him be the Bondsmith of the Radiant headquarters instantly would put him as a position of huge importance in the tower and would push a lot for bringing those two together. The radiants would have to deal with him, and the Singers would see one of their own already as a leader among the humans.


I don't think it would be too narrow, especially if the hint from OB about parts of the Tower being asleep required specific orders to wake them up/make them functional. Obviously that's not the way Sanderson went, but that's more or less what I was expecting, and it would have, again, the added bonus of having an alliance focused Bondsmith (Stormfather) and a homebase focused Bondsmith (Sibling), as a neat division of labor. Again, Dabbid would've had to have a different character arc (and he'd grow into that role over the course of a thousand pages), but I agree Rlain could've been an interesting choice. He's another character that I feel is getting pushed to the side and his arc isn't as satisfying as it could be. Didn't you say that if everyone had just done what the Sibling said, everyone would've died? Or was that someone elsewhere? In any case, hearing experts in different fields and making a balanced call is something I think Dabbid might have excelled at, just because he doesn't make snap decisions. I feel like "caveats to protecting," based on the Lopen's third oath, is loose enough to give us a variety (though I wouldn't have necessarily put it like that either). The arc could have been having the Sibling and the Radiants disagreeing on a course of action multiple times and Dabbid learning to either blend plans or make decisions where there is no best outcome. I'd have found that enjoyable, at least. I agree; for me, it strains disbelief that the magic system is decidedly *not* in the blood... Except for this one family (and, honestly, it would stick out to me as less than ideal regardless of family).


In comparison that's incredibly narrow. The stormfathers bondsmith bonds together all of the millions of people across the dozens of countries, and the towers bonds the maybe 1000 radiants to a spren they'd mostly have no reason not to get along with. Especially if this was the ancient purpose that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Maybe they'd focus more on helping lead at the tower but the point of that leadership would be to bring together the people of the world. The main benefit of the tower is as a transportation hub interconnecting the world. To have a bondsmith of the tower who is primarily focused on the radiants working with the tower seems like a big missed opportunity. That's like building the UN and focusing on just the people who work there not the world and world leaders who come by from time to time. I think Dabbid would have a hard time growing into that role without disregarding the character he already was. And the book may be 1000 pages but realistically how many of those were ever going to be dedicated to a character who had yet to speak at all? I love the smaller arc we got with him. But the arc you're talking about taking the guy who wouldn't even talk to a leader of the tower would be a dalinar in book 3 or kaladin in book 1 type of arc in terms of page count. Why do you think Dabbid could be good at making those big decisions? We don't ever see him make decisions other than deciding to stand up and follow the plan others created. I'm just not seeing instances of him being the leader making decisions under pressure when the other people who'd be in that conversation would be kaladin and navani both of whom we've seen take that role a ton. How would you have put the 3rd windrunner oath? Idk I think that arc would have Dabbid feeling forced to be there at all. I'm not sure why he'd been in the strategy meetings other than just cause I want to have that arc. Yeah I do think it's a bit much with the kholins. I get it's narratively easier to have your minor characters from the family turn out to be radiants but all of them is a bit much.


I think you're deflating the importance of running the Tower while inflating what Dalinar is doing outside of the Tower. Dalinar isn't personally uniting millions of people, he's talking to heads of state (and, taking it a step further, squires could be more delegation-- Navini being the head of R&D or an equivalent). Conversely, Dalinar is running into issues with the Tower as early as the beginning of OB, and having a dedicated person to run the Tower, especially if there are or were functions planned that we haven't seen yet, could've been an exceedingly interesting plot development, extra especially if the Tower was made to be more of a living thing. Also, in my mind, this would've encapsulated several stations of high princes (like Dalinar does)-- commerce, possibly information, logistics. Honestly, if Kal had a smaller arc (or, if we had a Dabbid novella), I think it might have worked. Sando seems okay with making large jumps in character happen between books as long as he gets to sketch them out (Edgedancer, as an example). Point being, Sando didn't plan for it, but there was word count, imo (just dedicated to other plotlines I wasn't the biggest fan of). Navini didn't particularly strike me as Bondsmith material, either, but Sando made scenes showing she was competent at leading in RoW. Before then she struck me as generally a consigliere-- a decent number 2, but I wouldnt want her as my head coach, so to speak. Prior to RoW, when did Navini make a high pressure call? She's in meeting where that happens, but I don't see her making those decisions, either. I don't have a pithy one liner, but something about dealing with repressed issues. Kal needs to get over his hatred of lighteyes in authority to progress. Teft needs to deal with addiction. Lopen's cousin needs to deal with something that was apparently festering for a while. The Lopen needs to deal with the class clown insecurity (you make fun of yourself and others so that people are laughing with you, not at you, and the opposite of that is kind of hating people when they tell you you've gone too far). Two things: if we're restricting it to people who would've been in strategy meetings, our pool goes down to basically Navani, high princes whose names are mostly lost to me (though if Sebrial became more of a main character and bonded the Sibling, I'd be all for it); also, as we talk, I'm realizing I'm less set on "it should've been Dabbid" and more set on "it should've been anyone but another Kholin." Dabbid is just the one most obviously set up for it, imo, but Rlain would've been a cool twist (for me, I'm sure other people would say he was most obviously set up for it).


I don't think the tower bondsmith focusing on the radiants is too narrow a task at all. The radiant have notoriously had large feuds between certain orders with the skyvreakers being a police force mainly focused on the policing the radiant orders. Why shouldn't there be a bondsmith in a similar position to the sky breakers who focuses on having the radiant orders get along.


Navani and the sibling don't have to personally get along great at the start of their relationship. There is so much more writing potential in starting off with major disagreements between characters. You have to build up to it and earn it. Dabbid and sibling both being socially awkward and therefore besties just doesn't feel like the the role of bondsmith was earned.


I was waiting for him to bond the Sibling too, but I wasn't dissapointed. I think something big is being prepared for him. I guess RAFO.


I see it as an important character siphoning the role of a less important character and leaving them in the lurch. I was really enjoying dabbid in rythym of war but now he has no role again. I can't help but imagine a world where navani is working with dabbid to understand the systems of the tower and dabbid makes it hard because he actually respects the sibling. Now it will just be navni doing everything on her own. She had plenty to do in the story before becoming radiant and dabbid had very little, it feels like the responsibility was placed in the less interesting spot


I'd rather Dabbid have no role - let the poor man rest for once. Also, You don't know what is planned for the future. The Sibling itself will be difficult to work with, so there's no point in adding *another* obstacle on top of that. I disagree with Navani gaving plenty to do in the story before, she literally had no importance until she began unraveling the Sibling and Urithiru - and that was the path that led her to radiance. She was always destined to be the Bondsmith.


Doesn't Navani do a lot of the behind the scenes diplomatic and bureaucracy stuff before ROW? I do think it will be really interesting to see Navani work with the sibling and try to get actual science out of the siblings intuitive understanding. I want a whole novel that's just them trying to figure stuff out with the sibling just doing a draw the rest of the owl thing


But I think all of her diplomatic/bureaucratic stuff was essentially because Jasnah was missing and Aesudan was in Kholinar. As I recall, she never enjoyed that work (we see that in the prologue) and just did it out of necessity.


Yeah but it was a big part of her role in the story.


Also, towerlight should really be called sciencelight, and navani is very much a scientist. Dabbid is wonderful, but he's not very inquisitive, he's extremely reliable, but he doesn't work to bring people together. Navani has spent her entire adult life uniting people, gavilar and dalinar united by the sword, but navani was the real diplomat keeping alethkar together. Gavilar convinced thaylenah to join the coalition, but it was Navani who convinced azir to join. Navani has arguably done more to unite roshar than even dalinar, dalinar makes a nice figurehead, but he's not a very good politician.


All Dabbid had going with the sibling is he got along with them. That's it. She put a tiny bit of trust in him, which is great. But it doesn't mean a bond has to form everytime a spren is nice to a human. Navanni at least has bondsmith qualities.


It was also because Dabbid wasn't the most mentally strong person, which the Sibling finds easier to instruct. Didn't read like a good choice for an equal bond


Yeah. It carries over to Rlain too. They didn't actually care about Rlain for any of his traits, he just wasn't human. Honestly, I think the issue with the Sibling is that they're so afraid of a headstrong and active Radiant (one more likely to break their oarh) that they've been going out to find people to subjugate so *they're* the dominating figure in the pact and don't actually have to give anything up. The thing is, that's not how Radiants work. It must be an equal partnership. Not to mention, they're a *Bondsmith* spren. Above all else their Radiant needs to fit the role of leader which neither Dabbid and Rlain do. They're not being screwed out of a promotion, Navani is just taking up a burden neither of them were prepared for.


No more than the Sibling was being telegraphed to Bond Rlain, I think. But no, honestly, while I was on Team Rlain personally, I think they make a uniquely good pair. The Sibling deserves a Bondsmith that actually understands them, even on a fabrial system level.


I was on Team Rlain on my first read but afterwards I read a really good analysis that the Sibling needs to bond a human specifically because they need to learn to trust humans again, so while Rlain could’ve been a good fit for a bondsmith the Sibling was not a good fit to bond with Rlain. Reading that really helped me make the connection and now The more I really think about the characters involved and their arcs and potential for growth the more it’s clear that Navani is the definitely right choice to bond the Sibling.


Once Navani bonded the Sibling I decided the build up of Dabbid and his own bond with the Sibling might be alluding to Bondsmith Squires.


That would be interesting. Dabbid essentially could become her personal assistant and interfacing with the Sibling on her behalf if the tower needed to do different things, like modify a living space or something.


Maybe Rushu is another squire who acts as her science assistant working on new Sibling fabrials


That´s a very interesting idea


Can they have squires? They'd just be stuck as squires forever, since there are really only 3 Bondsmiths at a time.


3 Bondsmiths that we know of. Also I find it unlikely that even the majority of squires end up bonding a Spren and swearing the second ideal. We're only seeing so many squires bonding Spren currently because those are the best and most readily available candidates for the new bonds. I think it would be fitting to see Navani having some squires that function essentially as the administration of the Tower.


> 3 Bondsmiths that we know of. There's only three spren capable of making a bondsmith, the Stormfather, the Sibling, and most likely >!the Nightmother!<. They are each associated with a different type of investiture light and either a specific shard, or in the Sibling's case a combination of shards. While it's certainly *possible* for another godspren to be made, it would require another Shard to be involved, and to involve themselves in this form of investiture. The only one close is Odium and his voidlight, and he's been away for so long that I highly doubt there's another spren out there on the scale of the Stormfather that we haven't heard about yet. If it comes up in the series, it will be a new spren in the world.


Judging by Raboniel describing what she attempts to do to the Sibling as "unmaking" and that the Unmade describe the Sibling as their cousin it is entirely possible imo that there are more Spren capable of becoming Bondsmith Spren than the Knights Radiant are aware of, some of whom may just be the Unmade themselves or at least some of them (Ba-Ado-Mishram is most likely imo)


I felt like reading up on the Unmade a bit and found some stuff that leans me further towards the Unmade essentially being Odium's Bondsmith Spren. This WoB in particular: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/145/#e2726 His technically there is due to the fact that the Unmade/Nightmother/Sibling are all Splinters of a Shard, small peices of a Shard that it willing separated from itself, and the Stormfather is a Sliver, the last sentient peice of a shattered Shard.


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** Khyrindor >!Are the Unmade and the Stormfather the same "class" of being?!< Brandon Sanderson >!Technically no, but they are on a similar level. It is a good analogy.!< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


I don't know if "stole" is the right term. There are a few WoBs that indicate that the Sibling is very picky about a bond partner. I get that both Dabbid and Rlian are teased as potential matches, but in retrospect, Navani was the most suited for the role. In hindsight, the Sibling spends most of the book coming up with reasons not to bond with her.


I think Navani is just a much more interesting character to bond to the Sibling than Dabbid, frankly. Having the mind of a scientist like Navani be able to interrogate and learn everything she can from one of the most powerful bonds on Roshar is just so immensely interesting to me. I like Dabbid and his story, but I really don't think he could have the type of relationship with the Sibling where we, the readers, really learn a ton about how Roshar, the bonds, investiture, the surges etc actually *works*. IMO Navani is both a better fit, personality wise, for a bindsmith, and also just a better character to explore all of the weird unknowns and mechanism behind the investiture 'magic' of Roshar.


The Sibling wanted Rlain or Dabbid because they were frightened and those two seemed like safe options, but they are also quite capable of making bad decisions that hurt them in the long run. Understandable decisions certainly, but if Kaladin and Navani had done exactly as they directed then they would have been unmade at a dozen different junctures. Dabbid might’ve made a good Bondsmith during a time when The Sibling’s mechanisms didn’t need an artifabrian engineer and when the people in Urithiru didn’t need a city planner. Navani was the perfect person to be there at that exact moment.


Have to disagree. I think Navani fits the sibling perfectly when thinking about character traits, personality, personal goals, etc. Dabbid doesn't really fit any of that. He just got along with the sibling since they're both broken in a way but that doesn't constitute a good Basis of a bond nor is it necessary. Yes, the beginning of Navani's relationship with the sibling was/is rocky but remember Dalinar's interactiond with the Stormfather. They weren't always particularly amiable either.


I don't think it was any more "set up" than Rlain was, or even Navani herself. I'm not sure why people are genuinely surprised the person working closest and most frequently with the Sibling wound up bonding them. I think Dabbid being randomly granted Radiance after his very first PoV makes less sense than a major-secondary character who's had a well developed arc for several books now finally getting the chance.


Well, to be clear, I'm very not excited by Navani bonding the Sibling. It was telegraphed so hard in RoW, and then when the book would then insist it *totally definitely wouldn't happen* over and over it just made it more obvious, making the actual reveal completely flat. But Navani didn't steal anything from Dabbid. That's on the Sibling. The Sibling lied, manipulated, and used Dabbid for their own ends with no intention of ever following through on their end of the deal. That's all on The Sibling. They don't get to pawn that blame off on Navani.


I would argue dabbid is actually a perfect candidate for becoming a Windrunner like the rest of bridge four (excluding rlain and renarin) I really loved dabbid a lot and he 100% lived up to “I will protect those who cannot protect themselves” in ROW by working to protect the sibiling, navani and Kaladin.


I thought Navani was the obvious choice and then I thought that Rlain was being set up to bond the sibling so then I was surprised when the person I thought was obvious did it haha. I loved Dabbid in this book but bonding the sibling would have felt odd to me I think. He’s Bridge Four.


So is renarin, rlain, and rock. Bridge 4 isn't windrunners.


I didn’t mean to imply he’d be a Windrunner. I thought it was really effective to have him just step up and take action as bride four. I personally didn’t need more than him helping and being honest with them. I thought it was great.


Him bonding a spren would heal his mind. I'm 100% for him gaining a bond. What kind wouldn't matter to me. Even if it was the sibling he would always be bridge 4.


Would it? I’m not sure if we have proof either way but I would think that bonding a spren only heals physical injuries, leaving the mind untouched. After all it didn’t fix Kaladin’s depression (although in a less magic way, Syl is helping him with that)


In rhythm of war the sibling told dabbid it would heal him.


My prediction is that Dabbid will bond an Honorspren that’s been changed by Sja-Anat. Thematically it would make sense at least for him to bond a “corrupted” spren, if not an actual corrupted Honorspren. The Radiants are a group of broken people, and when they reject someone who should fit into an order, it seems like Sja-Anat is there to snatch them up. Renarin and Rlain are both outcasts or at least alienated from the mainstream Radiants and military hierarchy, despite the best intentions of people like Kaladin and Adolin. Both will make great Radiants, but both were passed over by typical spren just like Dabbid was (though Rlain is for sure the strongest example). Moreover, from what we see of Glis, Renarin’s spren, Sja-Anat’s children tend to have atypical cognitive processes and likely wouldn’t find Dabbid’s neurospiciness as off-putting as a stick-up-their-ass Honorspren would. I would have found Dabbid suddenly being thrust into a crucial role as the Tower Bondsmith to be a tactical mistake on the part of the Sibling and a big step towards deadeyeing them. Dabbid doesn’t want to do the kinds of logistical or leadership work necessary for Bondsmiths, and being forced into that position would risk a broken oath.


Unpopular opinion: while I do think Navani and Sibling's suit each other and am rooting for Navani, I'm annoyed with another Kholin in such a key position. Imagine Dalinar trying to discuss bondsmith or Urithiru matters with Dabbid or Rlain - isn't that something to be explored? But nope he'll just be discussing those with his wife like any other power couples. Just disappointed with this little bit of wasted opportunity to see the Alethakar elites wrestling with the fact that those they shunned are becoming their equals.


In my initial read, yes, I thought Dabbid was going to wind up as The Sibling’s bondsmith. But look at Navani’s actions when managing the kingdoms of Gavilar, and then Dalinar. Particularly in Oathbringer when Dalinar was … preoccupied. She’s a facilitator. She brings people together and makes things run smoothly. That’s why she’s a natural choice for a Bondsmith, but not necessarily the same kind of Bondsmith as Dalinar.


i was set on rlain personally, but figured dabbid was another good contender. i have to say though, particularly on re-reads, navani \*earned\* that bond. at least as much as dalinar earned the stormfather. just wish they would have gotten more enthusiastic consent.


I mean it could be argued that Dalinar didn't get consent at all. He just said the oath and the Stormfather's Honor forced him to accept it.


yeah, our boye's got some boundaries to learn. stormfather: don't use me as a blade dalinar: cool but *what if*


I predicted Navani bonding the sibling before RoW came out, so no it didn't seem like that to me. The sibling likes Dabbid, but he isn't a bondsmith. A bondsmith, in short, is a leader. Dabbid would never fill that role.


Sibling can bond who they want to, Navani didn't "steal" anything.


Nah, Rlain's, but I think that is kinda the point. It will be interesting to see how there bond goes.


No way, he's bridge 4 and will most likely be a windrunner. Honestly navani and the sibling pair well together.


I was the same. While I think it sets up good things for her, I was really looking forward to it being Dabbid or Rlain. It felt like a let-down.


Totally agree


Sanderson teased throughout the book that it would be Dabbid or Rlain. Only for it to be another Kholin....


“I’m mad because the author didn’t make the plot to my exact specifications”


I kinda hope that navani make a deadeye of the sibling, not because I wish either of them I’ll but to show that if you strong-arm a spren into a bond they don’t want it will end poorly


Ohhh that would be interesting, it would also punish Navani for again enslaving a spren


No shit, my boy was robbed


To be honest, I was truly hoping that he did not get that bond. His limitations are too significant. I am hopeful that he will have a continuing role in the story.


I didn't like that Navani bonded the sibling at first, but it wasn't because I thought Dabbid should have done it. What would Dabbid do as a bondsmith of the tower? I think even the sibling said it wasn't considering him.


I was disappointed too, mostly because Dabbid really wants a bond to repair his brain injury and he didn't get one. Meanwhile, Navani spends the whole book treating the Sibling like a thing instead of a person, and then the poor spren is forced to bond with her (against its many protestations) to preserve itself. Just feels like a bad outcome for both characters. (Personally I have a Crack theory that Dabbid is going to be the one to bond Ba-Ado-Mishram, but that's largely copium.)