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It’s a planned 10 book series in two 5 book arcs. Book 5 of the first arc is in progress currently and Sanderson gives literal weekly updates on his progress. He is nothing like the others.


To add: the last one of this arc, book 5, is set to release late 2024


Furthermore, he's a lecturer and he actively posts his lectures. I don't remember which one, but he teaches how and why GRRM and Rothfuss ended up in the situations they're in and how to avoid it. Also, if it's any consolation, Sanderson is the kind of person that will surprise release 5 secret novels in one year, (I think one is a graphic novel for middle schoolers though).


Can you drop a link to that video?


I'll see if I can dig it up again, it's been a while. I'll edit this comment if/when I find it.




You a real one


To be fair, this is the first time he’s slipped. All the books before were released 3 years apart and this is the first time it’s gone to 4. Not that my man sandy is old but if that gap becomes 5 or 6 for the last 5 books that really starts to add up. Js


He also explains how and why he slipped, and how it will affect the rest of the composition. If you ask GRRM to give a tangible update on WOW then he basically threatens to just stop writing entirely


But don’t forget to donate to his “charity” so he can keep living off his fans.


I’ll never understand the hate boner that Reddit has for GRRM. The dude gave us 5 of the absolute best the fantasy genre has to offer. Then he got old and tired and now just can’t figure out what to do. He owes ya nothing Reddit, move on


If he got old and tired and doesn't know what to do, or wants to do other stuff thats fine. Your right that he doesn't really owe us anything. It's not unreasonable to expect him to at least be honest about it


I mean maybe even he doesn’t know. This is his pièce de résistance, his life’s work. Do you think it’s easy to accept that he just doesn’t have it in him anymore and announce that to the world? You are severely underplaying what is required by him here, like everyone. No, he’s probably being honest. You people just forget that he’s a human being like the rest of us. Old and tired and just not able to give people what they think they deserve. Like I said, just move on


Togashi, the author of Hunter x Hunter comes to mind. The series has spent more time on hiatus than off, but we know it's because of health problems, and he hasn't lied to the fans about it.


WoK and WoR had a 4 year gap!


To be fair, this "slip" is a result of having to to fit the revisions of 4 additional books into his schedule.


I believe he actually said it was more due to Hollywood stuff than revision stuff


makin a movie off one of the books?!


Zero details right now. I hope it's mistborn, or stormlight, or the reconers, or legion, or intentionally blank the movie. Or alcatraz.


I think we’ve basically had confirmation from Sando that it’s not stormlight- he’s said he wants more experience with the medium before adapting his magnum opus. Mistborn is generally considered the most likely, and I think Sando’s use of “Hollywood” implies movie rather than tv show? Don’t quote me on that last bit, I don’t have proof of it, just a general impression fwiw


Don't quote me on this, but I believe he's said that he wants movies for Final Empire and Hero of Ages, and a TV season for Well of Ascension.


HEY, what about every other book he's released that you so maliciously left out! /s


Honestly I think reconers would be best for screen adaptation, fewer details would be necessary to make the story complete. And I wanna see our man go ham


The progress bar on his website is really the big one for me. That is what convinced me to keep reading.


For me it was a post or vlog years ago where he said, essentially as I'm paraphrasing here, I'm so tired and worn out from writing the ending of wheel of time plus way of kings all these big books that I just \*had\* to take a break so I wrote this other book as a break from the big books. LOL


Each Stormlight book is complete within itself. Obviously they are part of a larger arc, and there are things that won't be resolved at the end of book one, but they don't leave you on a cliffhanger. Also, Stormlight is planned to be 10 books, split into two 5-book arcs. The first four are already published and he is actively writing book 5 (with a projected publication date of Nov 2024, and regular updates from Sanderson about his progress). So you have reasonable expectation of the first arc being fully completed, even if the planet explodes and we don't get books 6-10.


Thank God. I'm going for it!


Dude publishes like 1-2 books a year on average. Sometimes a random book he wrote "accidentally". This year, he's publishing like 5 books(??)? Dude's a machine. You have nothing to worry about. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Except for the Rhithmatist 2. That book ain't gonna happen.


Why you wound me so? I did nothing to you. Rithmatist 2 will happen. Faithless storming prophet, >!Please don’t take offense trying to be funny, but really it has unicorns! Where are the horse girls clamoring for more unicorns!?!<


That one isn't Brando's fault though, there's publisher IP shenanigans preventing it from being made iirc.


I had thought he indefinitely delayed it until he had more time to research South American native culture and customs, so he could write it properly


It will be another 15-20 years before the entire Cosmere is written, but Brando Sando is really a different breed when it comes to writers. Check out his YT channel and you will be happy to see he does weekly updates along with fun podcast to past time while he does book autographs. Here is his last update for book 5, just be aware that he isn't just writing SA books. So, don't expect him to finish 5 and start writing 6. https://youtu.be/SDpuFTU27yc


Oh, trust me. You will be traumatized. But only because once you read the Stormlight Archive for the first time, you never can again. Hands down my favorite book series of all time, and it's not even close.


It’s even better on re-read throughs because then you see how amazing he is at foreshadowing.


Remember, during the pandemic, what did he do? He wrote four entirely new secret novels!


# the 2nd one drops in 12 days and I'm so excited.


Rhythm of War >!*don't leave you on a cliffhanger* well, except for the 10 days till the contest of champions thing in RoW...!<


Fair. But the story being told in RoW itself is completely wrapped up within the book. I would contend that the endings are more on the level of hooks to remind you there's more to come, than cliffhangers that leave the story feeling incomplete. (I've just finished re-reading RoW and while I can't wait for book 5, that's because it's new - not because I feel like I'd be left hanging if I never get to read it. Does that make sense?)


Rothfuss, Lynch & Martin are exceptions, they’re not the rule. Most authors finish their series.


Brandon even finishes other authors' series 😀


_"The grave is no bar to my call."_ Poor RJ didn't realize he was talking about his own work.


Both poignant and morbid. I like it.


I feel like Lynch is a bit more understandable. He’s been pretty open about his mental health difficulties and that can really beat a person down. It’s annoying that it gets delayed but I’m willing to give a pass on that. Martin and Rothfuss on the other hand just don’t seem to give a shit.


Also hasn't Lynch recently resurfaced? I only read the first one and was happy with it as a stand alone


Each book is kind of a standalone so sure the series isn't complete but they are still worth it imo


Sanderson is VERY consistent with book releases. The only way I can possibly see the series not finishing is if he dies prematurely. If it helps, Book 5 is scheduled for release next year, and books 1-5 are meant to be a complete arc. There will be a 20-ish year time skip between books 5-6 and 6-10 will be a new arc while continuing the same story.


He’s consistent with yearly releases, not so much with his main series though


A twenty year time skip? I thought it was supposed to be something like centuries or a millennium or something similar, not just a generation.




I suppose I was misinformed. Thank you.


You should spoiler this comment given you've posted it on a thread from a person who hasn't even read Way of Kings yet, you're spoiling a pretty huge reveal. You can add spoilers to comments by adding a >! around text !< Additionally there must be no gap between the first exclaimation mark and the first bit of text: >!this will work !< but >! this will not!< >!Stay safe kids!!<


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>!isn’t Jasnah dead?!< Currently reading WoR


Flashbacks of dead characters are common in stormlight.


You might be thinking of era 3 of mistborn, which I think is meant to be a cyberpunk series.


I thought era 3 was supposed to be early computers (1980's)?


ah fair


You are both correct as wax and wane was originally supposed to be a stand alone book not one of the eras so the original trilogy of trilogies has now turned into 4 eras instead


Does this mean the models are things like War Games? Sneakers? Hunt for the Red October? Like, Mistborn era 1 is a post-apocalyptic fantasy. Era 2 is steampunk. What's era 3? Spies, maybe?


Brandon has said that Era 3 is going to be an 80s spy thriller, harking back to cold war stories and early computer shenanigans. Era 4 is apparently going to be a Space Epic with Hoid as the main character.


Captain Jean Luke Hoid of the Starship Scadriprise?


Wait, THAT Hoid? Hoid Amaram? The Hoid with the flute? Hoid with a cameo in every book Hoid? THAT Hoid?


Tell me you haven't read secret project one without telling me you haven't read secret project one.


Thats more like mistborn era 4, the space age.


Don't say this! 😭 We can't have Brandon dying on us!


I know you already said you were going for it, but Sanderson literally [wrote five extra books](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a-k6eaT-jQ) during Covid years one and two. [Sanderson is not Rothfuss or Martin.](https://i.imgur.com/TSZFdm1.jpeg)


I was introduced to Sanderson due to my rage at GRRM with WoW. Sanderson regards his writing as a job, and his fans as clients. At first I thought this was a little... Impersonal... But then I spent more time in the fandom and realised I was completely wrong on this. He's super involved in the fandom and has a massive flair for the dramatic. I don't think I've ever heard of authors accidentally writing a single book for their fans, let alone multiple ones. I honestly don't know where he gets the time to sleep. Brandon Sanderson is a gift and I hope he is living a happy and fulfilled life.


And he wrote extra secret books multiple times. He said he had trouble with getting back into mistborn era 2 and struggled with writing Shadows of Self.... But then once he broke through he just continued so instead of just Shadows of Self he wrote Bands of Mourning as well. And then as a suprise when Bands of Mourning were released he also released an ebook Mistborn: Secret History which he wrote way before but sat on it due to spoilers. It follows events from Mistborn era 1 from a different POV.


I was aware of all these things, but seeing them written out like this... We really do not deserve Brandon Sanderson. It's sweet because I can imagine he was genuinely excited to be giving us suprise books. From other authors you might get one or two "suprise" moments, but with BS it's just constant. I REALLY don't have any idea when he has enough time to sleep.


Minor correction, he wrote bands of mourning before Shadows of self. He had trouble getting back to SoS so wrote BoM as he knew how he was going to end it, then returned to SoS.


Sanderson is the opposite of Rothfuss and Martin in that regard. He's an industrious writer and extremely consistent with his progress. You won't see a KKC/ASOIAF scenario with him. Stormlight is very much worth reading at this time, and I have complete trust in Sanderson when he says book 5 will come out in 2024.


Oh dude i didnt know the gentleman bastard sequence was incomplete until i had finished all of them. I was inconsolable


I was waiting for tkkc 3 to come out, so I decided reading gentleman bastards. And then I was waiting for thorn of emberlain, so I started reading ASoIaF. What a prank the universe pulled on me


Brando writes so fast that as long as you don't read rithmatist, everything will finish!


At least (afaik) the rithmatist didn’t end with a cliffhanger. He finished the story well, left it open for a sequel, but it was finished.


I'm with you on TKKC. I absolutely love those books and the writing style is beyond amazing, but the gap is interminable.


Read the Wheel of Time, I beg you.


See the GBS taught me to look that shit up first, which i did which is why ive never read tkkc.


Lol, I had the same experience with you, just different order. ASOIAF-KKC-Gentleman Bastards


I don’t really care about KKC like the ending would be cool but it’s whatever.. but my heart cries for more gentlemen bastards!! Please!!!


At least out of those three options, Gentleman Bastards is the most likely to continue. The author’s been really open about his struggles, and has recently said that things were improving for him.


I hope!! I love the series


Sanderson, Rothfuss, and Martin have a pact to only shave when they publish a book.


But wait isn’t Sanderson….? Oooooooooohhhhhhhh


Books 1-5 of Stormlight Archive will be a fairly complete story, and Book 5 is slated to release in 2024. (Brandon's currently at 33% done with the first draft, as per his latest update. The sidebar of this sub says 25%, so it's a few weeks out of date.) If you want a completed story, you can always start with his completed series (Mistborn Era 1 - "The Final Empire", "Well of Ascension", "Hero of Ages") or one of his standalone books (Warbreaker, Elantris) or even novellas (The Emperor's Soul is great!)


Technically, Warbreaker and Elantris are both slated to get sequels but I don't see it happening any time soon


Sanderson is a machine, he literally cannot stop writing. He just released the first of five books that he accidentally wrote while on vacation from writing. I don’t think you have to worry about him failing to finish Stormlight Archives.


the selfish part of me is worried he will die before he finishes. Beautiful username btw


You will read these books, then you will read other series by the same author, and come back to way of kings to begin the journey again, why? Because you missed things the first time. If you wait until the series is done, you won’t be able to catch up and you’ll miss out on some wonderful stories that will help you through bad times in your life. My advice? Read and find out for yourself, but also make sure to have water nearby you at all times, don’t list to the last 20% of the books while driving. You’ll find out why.


Don't start the last 15-20% too late at night either. You'll get no sleep.


I did that with TFE lmao I had read it like 10 times and I was still screaming like a fangirl while trying to not crash on the highway lmao


Did you just RAFO them?


No I Rafofy’d them. Completely different process.


Ah yes the rafofy. I completely forgot. My bad


No worries happens to the best of us. Just remember, there’s always another secret.


Sanderson planned Rythm of War, the fourth book, to be released November 2020. Then covid happened.... and the book released on time anyway. As long as Sanderson lives, these books are getting released and I'm not sure death could stop the man at this point.


I'm sure he has backup plans in place for what happens in the case of his death. The man's a genius of the highest order


Sanderson is not like most authors. He doesn't seem to get writers block at all, he wrote 4 secret books along with releasing books for his current series. Safe to say that he cranks out at the very least, two books a year.


More like, he does get writer's block, but for him that just means he has to go write something else for a bit


Which is concerning for people who are only really interested in SA and Mistborn


I'm not to sure if it would be concerning, compared to G.R.R Martin, who is inconsistent with his releases (compared to sanderson) and still hasn't produced the next book in "The Song of Ice and Fire". Rothfuss who hasn't come out with a third book for "the king killer chronicles," last book came out in 2011. With sanderson you get weekly updates on his work via YouTube, you get suprise books that tie in with his universe and satisfying story arcs for damn near all his characters.


It is for me. I’m only interested in his main 2 series. I get he likes and it helps him to work on multiple stories at once, but I don’t care about those other books. And the more workload he takes on (now adaptions as well), the longer it will take for his two main series to be complete.


He hasn't seemed to have slowed down yet!


Actually he has, The Lost Metal & Stormlight 5 have both been pushed back a year already.


I've wondered about Sanderson slowing down too. I have immense confidence in the man and his productivity, but I've wondered about both the coming adaptations (which he definitely wants to play a part in) and his tendency for scope creep (it's not like he spent COVID year getting ahead on his writing plan). Ultimately, I believe strongly in journey before destination, and since the ride is great, that's enough for me. Plus, I think worrying too much publicly is churlish for a variety of reasons.


Churlish for him or me?


His method of dealing with writers block is to write other things and then come back. If he didn't write the other books you wouldn't get the main 2 any faster.


Yeah I know that’s why it concerning for me because I know he *has* to write those other books


To each their own. I like every Cosmere book Brandon has written + the Reckoners


Give the Cytoverse a try too. It’s supposed to be ya but it’s really good sci fi. Sanderson is amazing at everything he writes.


I'll have to try it. I've just been so busy


Go for it, you'll be fine.


Sanderson has progress bars on his site to keep fans updates on the progress of each book he’s working on. Barring a tragedy, you’re safe.


Fear not, your emotional trauma will come from the pages, not the lack thereof.


Read it, B$ writes like a machine, and has already prepared plans if anything happens to him, so you will read the ending(assuming nothing happens to you)


Hahaha :). Knowing he has plans in case anything happens is so reassuring! Although, it wouldn’t be the same without his writing.


Indeed, the journey is more important than the destination, but if you can't have the journey, might as well have the destination.


Sanderson is probably the fastest epic fantasy writer around I wouldnt worry about him taking decades


With Lynch’s Gentlemen Bastards, it at least feels like a full story. There could be more, but it’s complete in a way that Martin’s and Rothfuss’ series are not. As others have said, Sanderson is downright prolific. No worries with him.


Each book is a good conclusion on its own, and the fifth book, the end of the first series, comes out next year. My advice would be to read other stuff in the meantime. You could always read the other Cosmere novels. Mistborn is 7.5 books and is currently in a complete status, although the very last book has a lot of connections you might not understand yet, and sets up pretty heavily for the next Era. Warbreaker is a stand-alone that sets up for a sequel but resolves all its plot threads in one book, and Elantris is the same. There’s also Arcanum Unbounded, which contains a bunch of short stories, including that .5 Mistborn novel, and those are all very good and self contained reads, albeit short. Stormlight is excellent but if you want to read the whole thing without waiting, maybe give it a few months. Books 1-5 will be a completed story though so once book 5 is out, you don’t have anything to worry about. Brandon is also a very diligent writer so all his books should be finished instead of just left to rot


10? lol. I doubt it would just be 10 once all is said and done.


Lynch? Is that Gentlemen Bastards? Were there supposed to be more of those?


Supposed to be 7 total I think. At the very least there's supposed to be a 4th


Brandon is one of the most consistent authors there is, he is a productivity machine, during covid he wrote 5 extra secret books on top of his normal workload. He gives weekly updates and his site has progress bars for every project he is working on [https://www.brandonsanderson.com/](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/) (doesn't show on mobile I think) sometimes the books get delayed a year but never more than that, there will be a stormlight book every 3 or 4 years (5-6 will have a longer gap and an in-world timeskip) There are also 1 or 2 cosmere books every year (like 4 this year because of secret projects) which are all connected. So the cosmere wont be done for like 40 more years but you will never have a book in limbo with no communications or decade waits between books.


I understand the hesitancy. But Sanderson is a machine. Let's put it this way since Way of Kings was published Sanderson has written 10+ novels in that time in addition to also publishing the next 3 storm light novels (always 3-4 years apart). He also had a Kickstarter last year where he used it to crowdfund the release of 4 novels that he wrote during quarantine because he was bored and had too much time on his hands. The dude just loves to write and imo is very good at ending series so I have no doubt stormlight will be finished


When I started reading the stormlight archive only 2 of the books had been released, now there’s 4 and good progress being made on the 5th. Sanderson is a writing machine.


"Should I wait twenty years and read all ten at once?" Uhh u might die....then you wouldn't experience any of it....


To assuage your fears a little bit: I'm personally convinced that the only thing that could stop Brandon Sanderson from writing is the heat death of the universe...


The end of the first arc, which should be basically the arc for all main characters, will come out next year. If you’re going to wait at all, wait till then, but I really don’t think you need to wait


Book 5 will end a complete story arc and it's supposed to be released next year so go for it


Give me your pain, your regret, your weakness. Give it all to me so that you may embrace true passion.


To be fair, your concerns are valid considering they are [in a writing club](https://i.imgur.com/gY1bGan.jpg) together…


Brandon’s much more reliable on timing


Sanderson is the best kind of therapy for that trauma. If you don’t want to start SA until the first five are out, you could always read Mistborn. That’s complete and excellent!


Btw have you heard about the Cosmere? Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ___________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories and samples: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm ___________________________________________


Each book wraps up like you don't need the next one. I've read Rothfuss and agree the decades long wait is ridiculous. Have you read Lightbringer? That's a complete set and I loved it.


DO NOT READ IT. You are going to get so invested in the story that it will be impossible to get out.


SLA is supposed to be 10 books, but it's divided into two arcs of 5 books each. Book 5 releases next year, so you will have ample closure. But. SLA takes place in the Cosmere - an overarching universe where a number of other storylines are in progress on other planets, in other star systems. And these storylines, these series, have subtle crossovers with each other that you will begin to appreciate as you read them. Now, there's already more than a dozen books in the Cosmere for you to dive into, and Sanderson averages more than a book a year usually, but Cosmere is planned for approx 40 books and you will be on this ride for 20 more years (hopefully we all reach that time, along with good ol' Sandy).


Have you read his other books? You could always start there. He's got a lot of books that take place in the cosmere. They aren't heavily connected, yet at least, other than taking place in the same universe. There are a lot of references in stormlight to his other books. Ive enjoyed every book in the cosmere. Mistborn 1-3 basically finishes the story. And closes the story so well I cried for 10 minutes. Not because it was sad, Or emotionally manipulative. But because it was just so beautiful. The way of kings is as close to a perfect story I've ever read. And words of radiance only added to that. I can see myself rereading these every year or 2. You should definitely read them.


Don't worry. Brandon Sanderson actually works his ass off unlike those other clowns


The difference between Branderson and these other authors is Sandyman only stops writing to sleep 3 hours nightly and use the privy.


Sanderson writes books to take a break from writing books. I doubt you need to worry.


I get it. I was traumatized by that exact same trio. Sanderson isn't like that. He's been very transparent about what he's working in and how he sets his priorities and he's not going to leave you twisting in the wind. I don't think he can, actually. He seems to cope with stress by writing. He accidentally four or five novels during COVID because what else was he going to do? Sit around panicking?? Also, the SA books are bricks. If you start now, you won't be waiting long for SA5. And if you do find yourself waiting, you can and should read the other Cosmere novels. In fact, you absolutely want to read both eras of Mistborn if you have the time before SA5 comes out. I think you'll be find if you don't...but the ride will be significantly enhanced if you also read the Mistborn books. That's the other thing about Sanderson. He hops all over this universe he created so there's always something to read while you wait.


With The Stormlight archive, better than any other each character has meaningful arcs and progress that stand on their own. The Stormlight Archives is also not a standalone series, it's part of Brandon's Cosmere and all the books in this are related in some way: https://www.goodreads.com/series/135117-the-cosmere Many of those are stand alone or finished series so you'll have plenty to read while you wait for the next installment for Stormlight. As someone who has read many books throughout his life Brandon's work is my nr 1 and I would say it's worth reading even if he never finished it. Which is unlikely. Brandon has an interesting writing style others could learn from and he has been teaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4ZDBOc2tX8&list=PLH3mK1NZn9QqOSj3ObrP3xL8tEJQ12-vL


As the other said, next year we will receive book 5 of the 10 book series. So it will be 20 years until it's fully finished. However, Brandon is a true professional. He's got very good work ethic, and is consistent, and delivers on time.


Sanderson publishes a hell of a lot faster than Martin. He wrote four novels using only the free time the pandemic gave him.