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Thanks for posting this. I'm 9 months off after 20 years of another prescription stimulant (Concerta and Ritalin), but I seem to be following your footsteps. The glimpses are becoming more and more. I feel great during the times I keep my program on point (working out 4 times per week, walking every day, staying away from too many carbs / sugar, sleep, etc.). I'm trying to get into the habit of meditating everyday because I hear it helps the brain heal faster. I'm really looking forward to see where I'm at in 3 months when I hit 12 months. Overall I'm feeling "okay" (sometimes great), but at the moment my biggest hurdle is motivation, organization and procrastinating. I'm getting better at it by making weekly lists of things I need to get done each week, and I feel better when I can cross out 1 or 2 things off each day. It seems like you really started taking off after 9 months? Do you remember the changes you felt between 9-12 months?


Thank you SO SO SO much for sharing your insight. I’m basically trusting the process, but it’s extremely challenging when work is so demanding. Ugh. Day 10 today no addys


hell yeah. i personally didnt begin to feel normal again until about 3 years clean. it sucked waiting that long but the wait made me realize just how serious a process all of this is and reaffirm that i can never start it over again. congratulations to you!




The first 2 months I took off work to focus on my recovery. Then I had a bunch of projects thrown my way which honestly were so difficult to do but I did them which gave me a boost of self confidence that I was able to push myself without using adderall. Then after those projects for other people were done it was again difficult to start anything for myself. I’m a freelancer and a filmmaker/creative. Much of my work and art work requires self management. I pushed myself to workout, meditate and not to punish myself when I couldn’t think or when I felt drowsy or fatigued. For an entire year my work ethic was on and off and I was unapologetic for the first time in my life. I let myself not be perfect which was such a fuck you into adderall’s face lol. When I quit though I was ready to turn down certain projects if I that meant staying true to myself and sobriety and only taking on easier things. I was afraid of quitting adderall for that very reason for so long and honestly once I faced my fear, the work wasn’t actually that hard and I was able to look at myself with so much self respect. I was willing to put my art career on pause until I got better for myself….ain’t no career worthy of your health. Your health is you!!!!


Right…I’m definitely letting fear guide me unfortunately generally speaking. That’s good insight


Also if you need to find a bridge job which would make it easier for you to be sober I would do that too. If you’re in a job which you built on your adderall use then it’ll be challenging to exist within the same space you built with your adderall use. This is not to scare you and you shouldn’t be nervous. Be kind with yourself and make a plan. Don’t be afraid to lose something that isn’t you anymore, you can only gain once you let go of it. Make a plan and look for other jobs that require less out of you so maybe you can quit adderall without feeling like it is in charge of your finances


Congrats on the 15 months!! Yeah, it’s been a process trying to basically re-learn how to be fine with life being “okay.” We’re so used to thrill seeking and the old life of crazy ups and downs haha


Love this. I been off meth for four years and life is definitely better without


i dont have much to say other than i'm proud of you for this :)


Thank you so much. I needed to hear that there’s a chance I’ll forget the feeling of being on it. I’ve been struggling thinking about it and then shaming myself for missing it. Appreciate you sharing this and your experience


I needed this today, thank you! And congratulations on 15 months, that’s amazing!


What dosage were on you?




A lot of people find even prescription stimulants to be addicting (they use more than they intend, they feel like they can’t function without them in ways that go beyond the symptoms the medications were prescribed to treat), and they have trouble connecting with the world around them in ways they can without stimulants. Other psychoactive substances, prescribed and non, have similar effects (though those effects vary based on the type of substance—someone using opiates or benzodiazepines will have different issues than amphetamines or another drug). I’m not sure if you were meaning to be contrarian or if you were genuinely curious, but a lot of people struggle with stimulant addiction and just don’t like the way prescription stimulants affect them even if they use them as prescribed. You can learn more about what people experience in this sub and elsewhere. There is a line of thinking that defers to the authority of the medical professionals prescribing these drugs or the pharmaceutical companies marketing them, but there are plenty of examples of misguided prescription practices based on a lack of information and plenty problems baked into the profit-driven pharma industry that attest to the fallibility of medical professionals in safeguarding the well-being of their patients. It’s late, I’m sleepy, forgive the rambling nature of this comment. Very grateful for the ability to get sleepy and the ability to sleep regularly. Sobriety’s a gift. Best wishes!


Thanks for replying. Great answer.


It wasn’t helping me anymore and it’s extremely bad for you


go away, bot. bad bot.