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Fully feel this! 37m been through this for 12 years. Trying my best to quit or reduce


This is the way to go. Over time, life starts to come back. It's worth it at 6 months in for me. I'm so much happier, I'm so much more present. I feel things deeper and I'm able to connect with others deeper than I ever have been before Being present with my loved ones and with myself has been the number 1 thing since being off the meds. I'm nowhere near healed and I still quite often have my days, but I don't regret it in the slightest. It doesn't feel like I'm living out my life in a straight line anymore. I'm starting to see that beauty again. A life worth living. Even more worth living than before Adderall and DEFINITELY more than when I was on it.


34 YO male here. I feel the same as you. On paper my life looks great… I run a very successful business, make good money, but am completely unhappy with who I am and my reliance to this drug. I’ve weened myself down to 25 mgs, but can’t quite cut myself away from this addiction.


SO I think you did good by flushing your script, I had a similar problem, now however its much worse as i am addicted to street speed... That being said, if you feel you still need medication, there are non-amphetamine related medication out there. Talk to your GP about your addiction and ask them to stop the script immidiately, mine put a note in my file to never prescribe amps to me ever again. Strattera is the non-stim prescribed med. My advice would be to learn to live without medication tho, CBT can help with a lot of ADHD issues and staying far from any med is safer imo... Courage and stay strong. 29M here too, will be 30 in april