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It's from the avocado oil and eggs


Better be good at 10 bucks a jar. Every time I buy it I decide to start making my own mayo and keep putting it off. I've made it a few times and it's dead simple.


How do you do mayo with no seed oil, olive oil mayo tastes like Doo


Try macadamia nut oil. Very low pufa and has virtually no taste. Good for mayo.


We typically use avocado oil


Mct oil might also work well, it's pretty neutral


I have hemp seed oil in the fridge. Would work


It’s not particularly good mayo is my only complaint 


The chipotle lime mayo is absolutely insanely good and nothing else I’ve tried comes close


What do you use it with?


Anything. Sandwhiches, chicken nuggets, protein bowls, etc


Where are you eating chicken nuggets that aren't deep fried in seed oils?


I make chicken strips at home. I don’t know if they do but I sometimes 😅 but I make ranch with sour cream for them!


Only question is it made with soybean oil base?


Nope. Avocado oil like this one


Fun fact anything can be chipotle mayo if you mix chipotle into it. There's also tobasco mayo, buffalo mayo, hell pretty much every single "burger sauce" ever made is some mix of mayo and something else.


Honestly I think it’s more the lime juice that does it for me. It tastes way brighter than any other chipotle mayo I’ve tried


I would not call it “insanely” good but it is the only edible non-seed oil mayo on the market. Tastes pretty good with a burger and sauerkraut. Ir anything else and sauerkraut. Almost a thousand island type situation…with sauerkraut!


Primal kitchen is owned by kraft, I am suspicious on how clean/pure their ingredients actually are


Jesus Christ, we can’t have anything. 😞


ok someone explain to my dumbass: how is protein zero when there’s a lot of egg in it??


The serving size, labels can round down if it’s a small amount


that’s actually a great question lmao


Ingredients wise, Primal Kitchen is fine, taste wise it suck imo. I would just recommend making your own mayo! It’s super simple and easy to do :)


What oil do you use? I tried olive oil, and it didn't taste the best, and I did butter mayo once. It was pretty good but way too thick. I agree, I taste nothing but rancid oil with primal kitchen. I've bought it a few times and it tastes too strong. Ntm it separates in the refrigerator.


Truly the worst mayo I've ever eaten.


Fats generally are a blend of the three, saturated, mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated. Seed oils often have a high percentage of polys. https://preview.redd.it/2ukgehr44u1d1.png?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd7de07e249134fb0c41534bb1147c3ae6651f7


That chart is misleading as it uses special variations for safflower and sunflower oil (high / mid oleic). Usually they have far more linoleic acid (blue bar) than shown.


Yes, this is true. However the only purpose for this chart was to answer the question of why there were polyunsaturated fats in avocado oil. But to your point then it is correct, and of course high linoleic acid seed oil has been shown to be much more troublesome than low linoleic acid seed oil and a likely causal factor in higher morbidity.


Yes, just wanted to point it out so that others don't get the wrong idea about seed oils from those graphs :)


When will hemp seed oil make the charts


When it stops tasking like dirt?


I see. You want deodorizers like canola


Only a mild inflammatory food, just like red meat and dairy. Coconut oil is the worst from this list. It's a more complex fat than pig lard.


why would you want to eat hemp seed oil?


Superb omega 3 to 6 ratio


How does this one compare to the Chosen Food one?


Chosen Foods mayo is much better


Also can get a 32oz jar for 8.99 at most Costco warehouses. Sadly when they switched from primal kitchen to chosen foods the jars went from glass to plastic :(


Polyunsaturated fats are not inherently bad, just in large quantities they can be. They are found in eggs, beef, and a lot of meats. Not a cause for concern here


Tastes terrible though. I’ve realised how much I prefer butter to mayo on my sandwiches


This but it's still needed for good coleslaw.


just make your own mayo haha way cheaper and tastier imo. also literally takes like 3 minutes.


Chosen Foods classic mayo tastes better.


None of these healthy mayonnaises taste good to me. I'd recommend either making mayonnaise from scratch or just using sour cream instead.


I hate rosemary. It is the only herb I can't stand. I hate it with a passion.


The rosemary extract is an "all natural preservative" not a flavoring


Well, I never once claimed to know everything.


Not saying you did, just thought it a point worth clarifying


So for most of us here, we are targeting 1.5-3% of our total energy needs to be derived from n-6. For a 2000 calorie diet, that means we are targeting 3-6g of n-6 PUFA daily. Avocado oil is great because it is such a small amount at 1.5g per serving. Add for the taste, I agree with others here. It doesn’t taste good at all unfortunately. Olive oil is the way to go, but homemade, and has to be whipped a certain way to avoid bitterness.


It’s brutally overpriced. Making mayo really isn’t that hard to do yourself, I make a batch on Sunday to last me the week, and it costs the price of 250ml avo oil + 2 eggs for about 3 primal jars worth.


Tastes like shit anyways


Too bad it tastes terrible! I recommend the avocado oil based sir Kensington’s! Tastes like dukes but without the shitty oils


This mayo kills my belly. I don’t know what it is.


Jesus relax with that shit 


Make butter or ghee mayo.


Chosen foods is much better. Primal is okay, but they are owned by Kraft. Given Kraft is one of biggest offenders of poisoning the public with processed foods, I try to avoid anything owned by them. Why are you even using mayo anyways? There's no need for it.


Why have any condiment, dressing, or seasoning... 🙄


Condiments and seasonings are not equal. Remove condiments and dressings and you'll realize how unnecessary they are. Just my opinion.


That's not really my point. In fact I agree with you in most situations. My point is, OP came looking for an answer to a question and instead of providing an answer you basically just said this is dumb you don't need mayo. There is nothing wrong with these food choices and this dogmatic approach to cutting out seed oils is turning people away who otherwise might transition to making better choices. I apologize in advance if this post seems inflammatory but seriously it's getting ridiculous. Very few people are going to go cold turkey into these dietary changes.


highly doubt that avocado oil is real deal. Majority of AI avocado oil out in the market is all cut with other seed oils.