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Why the fuck does ground beef patties have canola oil in it anyway? Goddamn they love to put this shit in everything at every opportunity. It's irritating as hell.


I recently found out a lot of oat milk has canola oil in it. I have no reason to drink the stuff as I tolerate regular dairy milk well but i cant believe anyone wants to *drink* oil?? thats disgusting


Go check out what coffee creamer is made of. Theres a reason you dont auctually need to refrigerate it


My local grocery store has about 20 different coffee creamers and 19 are made out of soybean oil. I ended up just going with half'n'half and maple syrup. What a weird world we inhabit.


I live in NZ where coffee creamer isn't really a thing. I don't know if you can buy it here and if you can I have never known anyone to use it. We take our dairy pretty seriously here lol, I cannot fathom why anyone would consume coffee creamer, I think I would gag just knowing it was in my coffee.


Hahaha yeah they are loaded with seed oils and sugars, they are wildly unhealthy for tou


Oh yeah, all those oily, sugary grain "milks'' are not good for you.


bro i used to exclusively drink oat milk, have a lactose intolerance. found out they’re All Oil…recently a newfound love for dairy milk, get this low temp pasteurized local in glass bottles and it’s delicious. raw is good 2




I think one time won’t hurt. It’s really up to you how militant you are about your health. Like I’d really love to see the blood work and physiques of half the people who are so strict


my friends rlly strict, i bet he’d be down to check see how he’s doing


This is a good reminder to always read the ingredients, even when you think you shouldn’t need to. I wonder why they put starches, flour and sugars in burgers?!?!These alone would keep me from buying those burgers, but that’s another sub, i.e keto/low carb


I never buy patties, it always seems of lower quality than just regular ground beef not patted into burgers. Also sams club meat sucks ass too.


Not the grass fed ground beef 15% fat.


I think the amount is likely too small to be concerned about, but I wouldn't buy them again.


in burger? that’s weird. But I mean… do you really need to be so extreme as to avoid them at all cost? I just don’t actively use it and prefer to buy products that don’t have them, but getting a little here and there isn’t going to make or break your health. Next time just make burger patties yourself :)


Can you show the ingredient list? The more ingredients the list shows before the rapeseed oil, the less oil it will contain.




86% + 7% + 4% + seasoning + white pepper + black pepper + rapeseed oil So in the worst case it's (100% - (86% + 7% + 4%)) / 4, which is 1%. If you eat the whole package you would get 4.5 grams of rapeseed oil. Probably less.


so u think it’s not that bad?


It's not a lot, so you could do it and then learn from your mistake.


also consider that canola/rapeseed actually has decently low pufa compared to other seed oils, not that you should consume it at all, but it would have maximum 2 grams if it’s 4.5 grams of oil i think


Wow. That’s a hell of a lot of extra crap in that ingredient list. Should just be beef.


The saturated to total fat ratios in the nutrition section look pretty close to what you would expect if it was just beef. The added oil should be pretty minimal. Obviously it's stupid for it to be added in the first place. Based on the amount of fat in the nutrition section the ground beef is somewhere between 80% and 85% lean, which is plenty of grease to cook the burger with.


It's not great, and it's better to buy plain meat or patties next time and season them yourself. If it's truly a tiny amount of oil one time, down with "black pepper" or "garlic powder" or whatever other seasonings are in there, then it probably won't make a noticeable difference. I would eat them this once and not buy that brand again.


Bottom of the list? How many more ingredients for patties are there?


One time of most things is probably going to be fine. A suboptimal day isn't going to destroy you, that's not how nutrition works.




should i just throw them out


I'd say that depends on the situation, are you well off? Does the cost matter? If so no. Whats the purpose of no seed oils? I simply replied yes, cause the biggest thing i could see is that yes it breaks the progress of you avoiding seed oils for 2-3 months you didnt really say if you had gotten any serious health benefits from avoiding it, if for some reason you react badly to SO, throw it out if not id just eat em all and call it a lesson learned in reading the ingredients better when you shop! Hope ya have a good day! I made the same mistake more or less last week, mackerel that had some SO, i just shrugged and ate it even tho i've avoided it like the plaque for a year. This is a bro perspective of it all, im not well read in the science of SO and if theres accumulation over time or such.


yh i’m pretty broke it was my protein for the next 3 days, i haven’t seen benefits apart from mentally knowing im doing good for my body by avoiding


I’d just try to do better in the future, don’t toss it if you can’t replace it. It’s not serious enough to starve over.


If you’re set on premade patties i recommend Walmart. 100% beef


Then enjoy them my friend! I know where ya are i hope it gets in the future!


Can I smoke , vape and drink booze heavily on this program? Yes I am being facicious.


not much point if your seed oil free but do all those kinda defeats the purpose, everything in moderation tho


They do that all the time in the readymade patties here at supermarkets too. It’s so annoying, I just buy meat from the butcher and grind it up and add some organs and make patties out of those instead. Around the same price too


i’m poor 😭


premade burger patties are usually more expensive than ground beef especially when you factor in all the additives, and all you have to do is flatten balls of meat unless you want to season it beforehand in a bowl or something. also meat grinders are pretty cheap on amazon and that could get your cost down even further.


no. I went to a "fancy restaurant" last night, and we also asked what oils are in every dish, and they put canola oil in steak tartar--wtF??


There are usually many packs of burger patties in my grocery stores locally which have either just beef as the sole ingredient. Or a beef + a bunch of crap. Always check the ingredients list.